Europe’s IT, Business Services Market Shows Signs of Momentum in Q3: ISG Index™

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The EMEA ISG Index™ reports that Europe's IT and business services market showed strong momentum in Q3 2023, with combined market ACV reaching a record US $8.9 billion, up 32% year-over-year. Managed services ACV climbed 35% to US $4.9 billion, while XaaS ACV rose 27% to US $4.04 billion. The market has grown sequentially for four straight quarters since Q3 2022.

Key highlights include:

  • Record 305 managed services contracts signed in Q3
  • Six mega deals worth US $1.1 billion in total ACV
  • Strong growth in ITO (32%) and BPO (46%) sectors
  • XaaS segment exceeded US $4 billion for the first time
  • DACH region saw exceptional growth due to three high-value mega deals

ISG maintains its 2024 forecast of 2% growth for managed services and 14% for XaaS, with stronger growth expected in 2025.

Il report dell'EMEA ISG Index™ segnala che il mercato dei servizi IT e aziendali in Europa ha mostrato un forte slancio nel terzo trimestre del 2023, con un ACV di mercato combinato che ha raggiunto un record di 8,9 miliardi di dollari USA, in aumento del 32% rispetto all'anno precedente. L'ACV dei servizi gestiti è aumentato del 35% a 4,9 miliardi di dollari USA, mentre l'ACV di XaaS è salito del 27% a 4,04 miliardi di dollari USA. Il mercato è cresciuto in modo sequenziale per quattro trimestri consecutivi dal terzo trimestre del 2022.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Record di 305 contratti di servizi gestiti firmati nel terzo trimestre
  • Sei mega-accordi per un totale di 1,1 miliardi di dollari USA in ACV
  • Forte crescita nei settori ITO (32%) e BPO (46%)
  • Il segmento XaaS ha superato per la prima volta 4 miliardi di dollari USA
  • La regione DACH ha visto una crescita eccezionale grazie a tre mega-accordi di alto valore

ISG mantiene la sua previsione per il 2024 di una crescita del 2% per i servizi gestiti e del 14% per XaaS, con aspettative di crescita più forti nel 2025.

El informe del EMEA ISG Index™ indica que el mercado de servicios de TI y negocios en Europa mostró un fuerte impulso en el tercer trimestre de 2023, alcanzando un ACV de mercado combinado récord de 8.9 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses, un aumento del 32% en comparación con el año anterior. El ACV de servicios gestionados subió un 35% a 4.9 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses, mientras que el ACV de XaaS aumentó un 27% a 4.04 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses. El mercado ha crecido de manera secuencial durante cuatro trimestres consecutivos desde el tercer trimestre de 2022.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Un récord de 305 contratos de servicios gestionados firmados en el tercer trimestre
  • Seis mega-acuerdos por un total de 1.1 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses en ACV
  • Fuerte crecimiento en los sectores ITO (32%) y BPO (46%)
  • El segmento de XaaS superó por primera vez los 4 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses
  • La región DACH experimentó un crecimiento excepcional gracias a tres mega-acuerdos de alto valor

ISG mantiene su previsión para 2024 de un crecimiento del 2% para los servicios gestionados y del 14% para XaaS, con un crecimiento más fuerte esperado para 2025.

EMEA ISG 지수™ 보고서에 따르면 유럽의 IT 및 비즈니스 서비스 시장은 2023년 3분기에 강력한 모멘텀을 보였으며, 결합된 시장 ACV가 89억 달러로 기록을 경신하며 전년 대비 32% 증가했습니다. 관리 서비스 ACV는 35% 상승하여 49억 달러에 달했으며, XaaS ACV는 27% 증가하여 40억 4천만 달러에 이르렀습니다. 이 시장은 2022년 3분기 이후 4분기 연속으로 증가하였습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 3분기에 체결된 관리 서비스 계약 305건의 기록
  • 총 ACV 11억 달러의 6개 메가 거래
  • ITO(32%) 및 BPO(46%) 분야에서 강력한 성장
  • XaaS 부문이 처음으로 40억 달러를 초과
  • DACH 지역은 3건의 고가치 메가 거래 덕분에 뛰어난 성장세

ISG는 관리 서비스에 대해 2024년 2% 성장, XaaS에 대해 14% 성장을 예상하며, 2025년에는 더 강한 성장이 기대된다고 밝혔습니다.

Le rapport de l'EMEA ISG Index™ indique que le marché des services informatiques et commerciaux en Europe a montré un fort élan au troisième trimestre 2023, avec un ACV de marché combiné atteignant un record de 8,9 milliards de dollars US, en hausse de 32% par rapport à l'année précédente. L'ACV des services gérés a grimpé de 35% pour atteindre 4,9 milliards de dollars US, tandis que l'ACV de XaaS a augmenté de 27% pour atteindre 4,04 milliards de dollars US. Le marché a connu une croissance séquentielle pendant quatre trimestres consécutifs depuis le troisième trimestre 2022.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Un record de 305 contrats de services gérés signés au troisième trimestre
  • Six méga-accords d'une valeur totale de 1,1 milliard de dollars US en ACV
  • Une forte croissance dans les secteurs ITO (32%) et BPO (46%)
  • Le segment XaaS a dépassé pour la première fois 4 milliards de dollars US
  • La région DACH a connu une croissance exceptionnelle grâce à trois méga-accords de haute valeur

ISG maintient sa prévision de croissance de 2% pour les services gérés et de 14% pour XaaS en 2024, avec une croissance plus forte attendue en 2025.

Der EMEA ISG Index™ berichtet, dass der Markt für IT- und Geschäftsdienstleistungen in Europa im dritten Quartal 2023 ein starkes Momentum zeigte, wobei der kombinierte Markt-ACV einen Rekord von 8,9 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichte, was einem Anstieg von 32% im Jahresvergleich entspricht. Der ACV für Managed Services stieg um 35% auf 4,9 Milliarden US-Dollar, während der ACV für XaaS um 27% auf 4,04 Milliarden US-Dollar anstieg. Der Markt hat seit dem dritten Quartal 2022 vier Quartale in Folge sequenziell zugelegt.

Wichtige Highlights umfassen:

  • Rekordzahl von 305 unterzeichneten Managed Services Verträgen im dritten Quartal
  • Sechs Mega-Deals im Gesamt-ACV von 1,1 Milliarden US-Dollar
  • Starkes Wachstum in den Sektoren ITO (32%) und BPO (46%)
  • Segment XaaS überstieg zum ersten Mal 4 Milliarden US-Dollar
  • Die DACH-Region verzeichnete außergewöhnliches Wachstum dank dreier hochkarätiger Mega-Deals

ISG hält an seiner Prognose für 2024 fest, die ein Wachstum von 2% für Managed Services und 14% für XaaS vorsieht, wobei für 2025 ein stärkeres Wachstum erwartet wird.

  • Combined market ACV reached a record US $8.9 billion in Q3, up 32% year-over-year
  • Managed services ACV climbed 35% to US $4.9 billion
  • XaaS ACV rose 27% to a record US $4.04 billion
  • Record 305 managed services contracts signed in Q3, up 30% from prior year
  • Six mega deals signed, worth US $1.1 billion in total ACV
  • IT outsourcing (ITO) rose 32% to US $3.6 billion
  • Business process outsourcing (BPO) soared 46% to US $1.3 billion
  • Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) rose 36% to nearly US $3.0 billion
  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) advanced 8% to US $1.1 billion
  • DACH market generated US $2 billion of ACV, up 308% versus prior year
  • Continued weak spending in the BFSI (banking, financial services and insurance) sector
  • UK market, the region's largest, down 38% year-on-year
  • Bundled infrastructure and ADM services slightly down for the quarter
  • Financial services, manufacturing, and media/telecommunications sectors saw declines in managed services ACV


The European IT and business services market is showing strong momentum, with the combined market ACV reaching a record US $8.9 billion in Q3, up 32% year-over-year. This growth is primarily driven by managed services and cloud-based as-a-service segments. Key highlights include:

  • Managed services ACV climbed 35% to US $4.9 billion
  • Record 305 managed services contracts signed, up 30%
  • XaaS segment grew 27% to US $4.04 billion
  • DACH region saw exceptional growth of 308%, reaching US $2 billion ACV

Despite this strong performance, ISG maintains its conservative full-year forecast due to mixed signals, particularly weakness in the BFSI sector. However, the outlook for 2025 appears more positive, with expected IT spending increases driven by recent interest rate cuts and growing interest in GenAI.

The Q3 results for Information Services Group (ISG) reflect a significant upturn in the European IT services market, which could positively impact the company's financial performance. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for increased revenue from advisory services as companies invest more in IT and business services
  • Higher demand for ISG's research and insights, particularly in high-growth areas like XaaS and GenAI
  • Possible improvement in profit margins if the market momentum continues

However, investors should note the cautious full-year forecast and the reliance on mega-deals in the DACH region, which may not be sustainable. The weakness in the BFSI sector, a key vertical for IT services, also warrants attention. The company's stock performance may benefit from the positive market trends, but it's important to monitor whether this growth translates into improved financial results for ISG itself in the coming quarters.

Combined market ACV up 32%, on strong demand for managed services and XaaS

ISG maintains full-year growth forecast and expects to see stronger results in 2025

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Europe’s IT and business services market showed signs of momentum in the third quarter, reaching new highs for annual contract value and deal volume, even as demand in the bellwether financial services sector remains weak, according to the latest state-of-the-industry report from Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.

The EMEA ISG Index™, which measures commercial outsourcing contracts with annual contract value (ACV) of US $5 million or more, shows ACV for the combined market (both managed services and cloud-based as-a-service) rose 32 percent, to a record US $8.9 billion in the third quarter. Since bottoming out in the third quarter of last year, the combined market has grown sequentially for four straight quarters – including 14 percent quarter over quarter in Q3 – to reach its highest ACV ever.

“The European market had a record third quarter, after several quarters of slow growth as the region climbed back from a prolonged downturn,” said Steve Hall, president, ISG EMEA. “We see this as the start of a period of accelerated growth, although there are notes of caution, most notably continued weak spending in the BFSI (banking, financial services and insurance) sector. With interest rate cuts, we see the industry picture getting brighter in the coming year.”

Third-Quarter Results by Segment

Managed services ACV climbed 35 percent year on year, to a record US $4.9 billion, and was up 22 percent compared with the second quarter, boosted by the unusually high ACV of three mega-deals (ACV of US $100 million or more) in the DACH region.

“Without those deals, which should be treated as a one-time outlier, managed services ACV in the third quarter would have been US $4.2 billion, up 15 percent,” Hall said.

A record 305 managed services contracts were signed in Q3, up 30 percent from the prior year, including six mega deals, double the amount from the prior-year quarter and the most the region has produced in 11 years. The annual value of those deals, US $1.1 billion, was up 39 percent year on year, to reach its highest level in nearly four years.

Other deal segments also fared well: the volume of small deals, those in the US $5 million to $10 million range, was up 40 percent, while new-scope contract volume was up 26 percent, and the number of contract restructurings rose 39 percent.

Within managed services, IT outsourcing (ITO) rose 32 percent, to US $3.6 billion, driven by double-digit growth in nearly all service lines, including application development and maintenance (ADM), infrastructure and data center services. The only exception was bundled infrastructure and ADM services, which was down slightly for the quarter.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) soared 46 percent, to US $1.3 billion, fueled by strong growth in engineering, research and development, HR outsourcing, and customer engagement services.

By industry, managed services ACV was higher in the energy, retail and travel, transport and leisure sectors. Among notable industries that saw declines were financial services (BFSI), manufacturing and media and telecommunications.

ACV in the as-a-service (XaaS) segment climbed 27 percent year on year, to a record US $4.04 billion, the first time ever the region’s cloud services spending exceeded US $4 billion in a quarter. It was the third straight quarter of year-on-year growth, and the second quarter in a row the segment grew by double-digits, as rising interest in GenAI fuels stronger cloud demand.

Within this segment, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) rose 36 percent, to nearly US $3.0 billion, while software-as-a-service (SaaS) advanced 8 percent, to US $1.1 billion.

Geographic Performance

Although down 38 percent year on year, the region’s largest managed services market, the U.K., posted its seventh straight US $1 billion-plus quarter, with ACV in Q3 of US $1.02 billion. The DACH market (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), meanwhile, generated US $2 billion of ACV, its second-best quarter ever and up 308 percent versus the prior, fueled by the three mega-deals of unusually high value. France (up 60 percent) and Benelux (up 161 percent) also delivered strong quarters.

Nine-Month Results

At the nine-month mark, combined market ACV reached a record US $24.2 billion, up 12 percent.

Managed services, at US $12.8 billion, was up 8 percent, on the strength of 12 mega-deals, among the record 876 managed services contracts awarded year to date. Excluding the three high-value mega-deals awarded in the DACH market in Q3, managed services ACV would have been up 2 percent year to date. Within managed services, ITO was up 10 percent, at US $9.7 billion, while BPO was up 4 percent, to US $3.1 billion.

XaaS, meanwhile, was up 17 percent, to US $11.4 billion. In this segment, the IaaS market rose 23 percent, to US $8.2 billion, while the SaaS market advanced 3.5 percent, to US $3.2 billion.

2024 Forecast

For the full year, ISG is maintaining its forecast for 2 percent revenue growth for managed services, and 14 percent revenue growth for XaaS. The firm sees stronger growth in 2025.

“Despite a strong third quarter, we are maintaining our full-year forecast due to continued mixed signals in the market, especially softness in the BFSI sector,” said Hall. “Recent rate cuts by the Fed and European Central Bank are expected to boost IT spending in the coming year, and other factors, such as the growing interest in GenAI, increased server shipments and the reacceleration of hyperscaler revenues, all point to a more positive outlook in 2025.”

About the ISG Index™

The ISG Index™ is recognized as the authoritative source for marketplace intelligence on the global technology and business services industry. For 88 consecutive quarters, it has detailed the latest industry data and trends for financial analysts, enterprise buyers, software and service providers, law firms, universities and the media.

The 3Q24 Global ISG Index results were presented during a webcast today. To view a replay of the webcast and download presentation slides, visit this webpage.

About ISG

ISG (Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) is a leading global technology research and advisory firm. A trusted business partner to more than 900 clients, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 enterprises, ISG is committed to helping corporations, public sector organizations, and service and technology providers achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The firm specializes in digital transformation services, including AI, cloud and data analytics; sourcing advisory; managed governance and risk services; network carrier services; strategy and operations design; change management; market intelligence and technology research and analysis. Founded in 2006, and based in Stamford, Conn., ISG employs more than 1,600 digital-ready professionals operating in more than 20 countries—a global team known for its innovative thinking, market influence, deep industry and technology expertise, and world-class research and analytical capabilities based on the industry’s most comprehensive marketplace data. For more information, visit


Philipp Jaensch, ISG

+49 151 730 365 76

Will Thoretz, ISG

+1 203 517 3119

Source: Information Services Group, Inc.


What was the combined market ACV for Europe's IT and business services in Q3 2023?

The combined market ACV for Europe's IT and business services reached a record US $8.9 billion in Q3 2023, up 32% year-over-year.

How many managed services contracts were signed in Q3 2023 according to the ISG Index™?

A record 305 managed services contracts were signed in Q3 2023, up 30% from the prior year.

What is ISG's (III) forecast for managed services and XaaS growth in 2024?

ISG (III) maintains its 2024 forecast of 2% revenue growth for managed services and 14% revenue growth for XaaS.

Which region saw exceptional growth in managed services ACV in Q3 2023?

The DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) saw exceptional growth, generating US $2 billion of ACV, up 308% versus the prior year, fueled by three high-value mega-deals.

What was the performance of the XaaS segment in Europe for Q3 2023?

The XaaS segment in Europe climbed 27% year-on-year to a record US $4.04 billion in Q3 2023, exceeding US $4 billion for the first time in a quarter.

Information Services Group, Inc.


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