Asia Pacific IT, Business Services Market Continues to Grow, But Slows From Q2 Levels, Q3 ISG Index™ Shows

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The Asia Pacific IT and business services market continued to grow in Q3 2023, albeit at a slower pace compared to Q2, according to the ISG Index™. The combined market ACV rose 10% year-over-year to US $4.6 billion, but decreased 5% from Q2. Managed services ACV increased 17% year-over-year to US $794 million, while cloud-based services grew 8% to US $3.8 billion.

Key highlights include:

  • 57 managed services contracts awarded, up 36% year-over-year
  • IT outsourcing ACV rose 18% to US $622 million
  • Business process outsourcing up 12% to US $173 million
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service ACV increased 8% to US $3.3 billion
  • Software-as-a-Service ACV grew 14% to US $444 million

ISG maintains its 2024 forecast of 2% growth for managed services and 14% for XaaS, with stronger growth expected in 2025.

Il mercato dei servizi IT e aziendali della regione Asia-Pacifico ha continuato a crescere nel terzo trimestre del 2023, sebbene a un ritmo più lento rispetto al secondo trimestre, secondo l'ISG Index™. Il valore contrattuale combinato (ACV) del mercato è salito del 10% su base annua, raggiungendo 4,6 miliardi di dollari USA, ma è diminuito del 5% rispetto al secondo trimestre. L'ACV dei servizi gestiti è aumentato del 17% su base annua, raggiungendo 794 milioni di dollari USA, mentre i servizi basati sul cloud sono cresciuti dell'8%, arrivando a 3,8 miliardi di dollari USA.

I punti salienti includono:

  • 57 contratti per servizi gestiti assegnati, con un incremento del 36% su base annua
  • L'ACV dell'outsourcing IT è cresciuto del 18%, raggiungendo 622 milioni di dollari USA
  • L'outsourcing dei processi aziendali è aumentato del 12%, toccando 173 milioni di dollari USA
  • L'ACV dell'Infrastructure-as-a-Service è aumentato dell'8%, raggiungendo 3,3 miliardi di dollari USA
  • L'ACV del Software-as-a-Service è cresciuto del 14%, arrivando a 444 milioni di dollari USA

ISG mantiene la sua previsione di crescita del 2% per i servizi gestiti e del 14% per XaaS nel 2024, con una crescita più forte attesa nel 2025.

El mercado de servicios de TI y empresariales de Asia-Pacífico continuó creciendo en el tercer trimestre de 2023, aunque a un ritmo más lento en comparación con el segundo trimestre, según el ISG Index™. El valor contractual combinado (ACV) del mercado aumentó un 10% interanual, alcanzando los 4,6 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses, pero disminuyó un 5% con respecto al segundo trimestre. El ACV de los servicios gestionados aumentó un 17% interanual, alcanzando 794 millones de dólares estadounidenses, mientras que los servicios basados en la nube crecieron un 8%, totalizando 3,8 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses.

Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

  • 57 contratos de servicios gestionados adjudicados, lo que representa un aumento del 36% interanual
  • El ACV de la externalización de TI aumentó un 18%, alcanzando los 622 millones de dólares estadounidenses
  • La externalización de procesos empresariales creció un 12%, alcanzando los 173 millones de dólares estadounidenses
  • El ACV de Infrastructure-as-a-Service aumentó un 8%, totalizando 3,3 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses
  • El ACV de Software-as-a-Service creció un 14%, alcanzando los 444 millones de dólares estadounidenses

ISG mantiene su pronóstico de crecimiento del 2% para los servicios gestionados y del 14% para XaaS en 2024, con un crecimiento más fuerte previsto para 2025.

아시아 태평양 IT 및 비즈니스 서비스 시장은 2023년 3분기에 계속 성장했지만, 2분기보다 느린 속도로 성장했습니다. 결합된 시장 계약 총액(ACV)은 지난해에 비해 10% 증가하여 46억 달러에 달했습니다, 그러나 2분기 대비 5% 감소했습니다. 관리 서비스의 ACV는 지난해에 비해 17% 증가하여 7억 9,400만 달러에 달했으며, 클라우드 기반 서비스는 8% 증가하여 38억 달러에 달했습니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 57개의 관리 서비스 계약이 체결되어 지난해에 비해 36% 증가
  • IT 아웃소싱의 ACV가 18% 증가하여 6억 2,200만 달러에 도달
  • 비즈니스 프로세스 아웃소싱은 12% 증가하여 1억 7,300만 달러에 도달
  • 서비스로서의 인프라(IAAS) ACV는 8% 증가하여 33억 달러에 도달
  • 서비스로서의 소프트웨어(SAAS) ACV는 14% 증가하여 4억 4,400만 달러에 도달

ISG는 2024년 관리 서비스에 대해 2%, XaaS에 대해 14% 성장 예측을 유지하고 있으며, 2025년에 더 강한 성장이 기대됩니다.

Le marché des services informatiques et commerciaux de la région Asie-Pacifique a continué de croître au troisième trimestre 2023, bien que à un rythme plus lent par rapport au deuxième trimestre, selon l'ISG Index™. La valeur contractuelle combinée (ACV) du marché a augmenté de 10% par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 4,6 milliards de dollars américains, mais a diminué de 5% par rapport au deuxième trimestre. L'ACV des services gérés a augmenté de 17% par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 794 millions de dollars américains, tandis que les services basés sur le cloud ont crû de 8%, atteignant 3,8 milliards de dollars américains.

Les faits marquants incluent :

  • 57 contrats de services gérés attribués, soit une augmentation de 36% par rapport à l'année précédente
  • L'ACV de l'externalisation IT a augmenté de 18%, atteignant 622 millions de dollars américains
  • L'externalisation des processus commerciaux a crû de 12%, atteignant 173 millions de dollars américains
  • L'ACV de l'Infrastructure-as-a-Service a augmenté de 8%, atteignant 3,3 milliards de dollars américains
  • L'ACV du Software-as-a-Service a augmenté de 14%, atteignant 444 millions de dollars américains

ISG maintient ses prévisions de croissance de 2% pour les services gérés et de 14% pour XaaS en 2024, avec une croissance plus forte attendue en 2025.

Der Markt für IT- und Geschäftsservices im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum wuchs im dritten Quartal 2023 weiter, wenn auch langsamer als im zweiten Quartal, laut dem ISG Index™. Der kombinierte Vertragswert (ACV) des Marktes stieg im Jahresvergleich um 10% auf 4,6 Milliarden US-Dollar, fiel jedoch im Vergleich zum zweiten Quartal um 5%. Der ACV für verwaltete Dienste erhöhte sich im Jahresvergleich um 17% auf 794 Millionen US-Dollar, während die cloudbasierten Dienste um 8% auf 3,8 Milliarden US-Dollar zunahmen.

Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

  • 57 verwaltete Dienstleistungsverträge wurden vergeben, was einem Anstieg von 36% im Jahresvergleich entspricht
  • Die ACV für IT-Outsourcing stieg um 18% auf 622 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Das Outsourcing von Geschäftsprozessen stieg um 12% auf 173 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Die ACV für Infrastructure-as-a-Service stieg um 8% auf 3,3 Milliarden US-Dollar
  • Die ACV für Software-as-a-Service wuchs um 14% auf 444 Millionen US-Dollar

ISG hält an seiner Prognose von 2% Wachstum für verwaltete Dienste und 14% für XaaS im Jahr 2024 fest, mit einer stärkeren Wachstumsprognose für 2025.

  • Combined market ACV rose 10% year-over-year to US $4.6 billion
  • Managed services ACV increased 17% year-over-year to US $794 million
  • Cloud-based services grew 8% to US $3.8 billion
  • IT outsourcing ACV rose 18% to US $622 million
  • Business process outsourcing up 12% to US $173 million
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service ACV increased 8% to US $3.3 billion
  • Software-as-a-Service ACV grew 14% to US $444 million
  • Asia Pacific's combined market ACV rose 13% year-to-date, to US $14.2 billion
  • Managed services produced its best first nine months ever, with ACV of nearly US $3.2 billion, up 24% year-on-year
  • Combined market ACV decreased 5% from Q2 2023
  • Managed services ACV down 43% from Q2 2023
  • Managed services contracts down 30% quarter-over-quarter
  • India's managed services market down 61%, its weakest quarter since Q1 2022
  • Manufacturing sector pulled back 19% for the quarter
  • Year-to-date market still off 6% from record first nine months of 2022


The Asia Pacific IT and business services market shows resilience with 10% YoY growth in Q3, reaching $4.6 billion in ACV. However, the 5% QoQ decline signals a potential slowdown. Managed services, while up 17% YoY to $794 million, experienced a significant 43% drop from Q2. This suggests a normalization after two strong quarters, settling into a more typical $800 million range.

Cloud-based services continue to drive growth, up 8% YoY to $3.8 billion. The market's cloud-first mindset is evident, with XaaS rebounding after a two-year slump. Notably, IaaS grew 8% to $3.3 billion, while SaaS rose 14% to $444 million.

Regional variations are significant, with China, Japan and South Korea showing strong growth, while India experienced its weakest quarter since Q1 2022. The BFSI sector's softness is a concern, potentially impacting future growth. Despite these mixed signals, ISG maintains its forecast of 2% growth for managed services and 14% for XaaS in 2024, with stronger growth expected in 2025.

Information Services Group's (ISG) Q3 report on the Asia Pacific IT and business services market reveals mixed financial implications. The 10% YoY growth in combined market ACV to $4.6 billion is positive, but the 5% QoQ decline warrants caution. Managed services' 43% QoQ drop to $794 million is concerning, despite the 17% YoY increase.

The cloud segment shows promise, growing 8% YoY to $3.8 billion, with IaaS and SaaS both posting gains. This trend aligns with the region's cloud-first approach and could drive future revenue growth for cloud service providers.

Year-to-date figures are encouraging, with combined market ACV up 13% to $14.2 billion. Managed services hit a record $3.2 billion for the first nine months, up 24% YoY. However, the overall market is still 6% below the record set in 2022, indicating room for recovery.

ISG's maintained forecast of 2% growth for managed services and 14% for XaaS in 2024 suggests cautious optimism. Investors should monitor the BFSI sector's performance and the impact of recent interest rate cuts on IT spending in the coming year.

Managed services still growing versus prior year, but down 43% from second quarter

SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The market for IT and business services in Asia Pacific continued to grow in the third quarter on solid demand for both managed and cloud-based services, although it decelerated from a strong Q2, according to the latest state-of-the-industry report from Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.

The Asia Pacific ISG Index™, which measures commercial outsourcing contracts with annual contract value (ACV) of US $5 million or more, shows third-quarter ACV for the combined market (both cloud-based XaaS and managed services) rose 10 percent versus the prior year, to US $4.6 billion, but was down 5 percent versus the second quarter.

Demand for managed services remained solid, with ACV up 17 percent over the prior year, to US $794 million, but down 43 percent from the second quarter. A total of 57 managed services contracts were awarded, up 36 percent year on year but down 30 percent quarter over quarter. New scope awards propelled the market, with volume up 47 percent and ACV up 18 percent versus the prior year.

Demand for cloud-based services grew 8 percent, to US $3.8 billion, and was up 10 percent sequentially from the second quarter. Although quarterly demand for XaaS has not exceeded the US $4 billion level since the second quarter of 2022, it was the third time in the last four quarters that ACV exceeded US $3.5 billion.

“After two consecutive quarters with managed services ACV of more than US $1 billion, Asia Pacific has settled back into a more typical US $800 million range,” said Michael Gale, partner and regional leader, ISG Asia Pacific. “Growth in the region has always been driven more by cloud services, given the market’s maturity and cloud-first mindset, and that segment is rebounding after a significant slump the last two years.”

Within managed services, IT outsourcing (ITO) ACV rose 18 percent, to US $622 million, driven by surging demand for application development and maintenance (ADM) services, up 238 percent in the quarter. Business process outsourcing (BPO), meanwhile, was up 12 percent, to US $173 million, led by strong growth in engineering, research and development (ER&D) services.

From a geographic perspective, demand for managed services was up by triple digits in China and Japan, and by double digits in South Korea. The region’s two largest markets, Australia/New Zealand (ANZ) and India, meanwhile, moved in opposite directions, with ANZ up 79 percent in the quarter and India down 61 percent, its weakest quarter since the first quarter of 2022.

By industry, banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), energy and travel and transportation all moved to the upside, while manufacturing pulled back 19 percent for the quarter.

Within the XaaS segment, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) ACV was up 8 percent, at US $3.3 billion, while software-as-a-service (SaaS) ACV rose 14 percent, to US $444 million.

Nine-Month Results

Asia Pacific’s combined market ACV rose 13 percent versus the prior year, to US $14.2 billion, a significant turnaround from the same period last year, when the market was down 17 percent. However, the market year-to-date is still off 6 percent from a record first nine months of 2022.

Managed services produced its best first nine months ever, with ACV of nearly US $3.2 billion, up 24 percent year on year. ITO ACV was up 8 percent, to US $2.3 billion, while BPO ACV surged 91 percent, to US $946 million.

On the cloud side, XaaS ACV rose 11 percent, to nearly US $11.0 billion. IaaS climbed 10 percent, to US $9.6 billion, and SaaS advanced 13 percent, to US $1.3 billion.

2024 Global Forecast

For the full year, ISG is maintaining its forecast of 2 percent revenue growth for managed services, and 14 percent revenue growth for XaaS. The firm sees stronger growth in 2025.

“Despite a strong third quarter, we are maintaining our full-year forecast due to continued mixed signals in the market, especially softness in the BFSI sector,” said Gale. “Recent rate cuts by the Fed and European Central Bank are expected to boost IT spending in the coming year, and other factors, such as the growing interest in GenAI, increased server shipments and the reacceleration of hyperscaler revenues, all point to a more positive outlook in 2025.”

About the ISG Index™

The ISG Index™ is recognized as the authoritative source for marketplace intelligence on the global technology and business services industry. For 88 consecutive quarters, it has detailed the latest industry data and trends for financial analysts, enterprise buyers, software and service providers, law firms, universities and the media. For more information about the ISG Index, or to view a replay of the 2Q24 webcast and download presentation slides, visit this webpage.

About ISG

ISG (Information Services Group) (Nasdaq: III) is a leading global technology research and advisory firm. A trusted business partner to more than 900 clients, including more than 75 of the world’s top 100 enterprises, ISG is committed to helping corporations, public sector organizations, and service and technology providers achieve operational excellence and faster growth. The firm specializes in digital transformation services, including AI, cloud and data analytics; sourcing advisory; managed governance and risk services; network carrier services; strategy and operations design; change management; market intelligence and technology research and analysis. Founded in 2006, and based in Stamford, Conn., ISG employs more than 1,600 digital-ready professionals operating in more than 20 countries—a global team known for its innovative thinking, market influence, deep industry and technology expertise, and world-class research and analytical capabilities based on the industry’s most comprehensive marketplace data. For more information, visit

Will Thoretz, ISG

+1 203 517 3119

Julianna Sheridan, Matter Communications for ISG

+1 978-518-4520

Source: Information Services Group, Inc.


What was the Asia Pacific IT and business services market ACV in Q3 2023?

The combined market ACV for Asia Pacific IT and business services in Q3 2023 was US $4.6 billion, up 10% year-over-year but down 5% from Q2.

How did managed services perform in Asia Pacific for Q3 2023?

Managed services ACV in Asia Pacific grew 17% year-over-year to US $794 million in Q3 2023, but was down 43% from Q2.

What was the growth rate of cloud-based services in Asia Pacific for Q3 2023?

Cloud-based services in Asia Pacific grew 8% year-over-year to US $3.8 billion in Q3 2023, and was up 10% sequentially from Q2.

How many managed services contracts were awarded in Asia Pacific during Q3 2023?

A total of 57 managed services contracts were awarded in Asia Pacific during Q3 2023, up 36% year-on-year but down 30% quarter-over-quarter.

What is ISG's (III) forecast for managed services and XaaS growth in 2024?

ISG (III) maintains its 2024 forecast of 2% revenue growth for managed services and 14% revenue growth for XaaS, with stronger growth expected in 2025.

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