Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY) Dba US Standard Capital Announces Its Intention to Acquire Cornerstone Rock Development TX LLC
Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY), operating as US Standard Capital, has announced its intention to acquire Cornerstone Rock Development , a Houston-based residential construction company. This acquisition aligns with US Standard Capital's focus on high-quality real estate investments. Cornerstone Rock Development specializes in home remodeling, renovations, and new construction projects.
The acquisition will provide US Standard Capital with a dedicated team of contractors, architects, and designers known for delivering high-quality craftsmanship and innovative solutions. This move is expected to enhance the value of US Standard Capital's real estate offerings. The company's COO, Jose "JT" Torres, expressed excitement about the acquisition and hinted at additional future acquisitions to build core capabilities and achieve long-term growth plans.
The deal is anticipated to close in the coming weeks and should be included in IFXY's current fiscal quarter disclosure statement. This marks the second of several planned acquisitions in real estate-related industries for Infrax Systems.
Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY), operante come US Standard Capital, ha annunciato la sua intenzione di acquisire Cornerstone Rock Development, un'azienda di costruzione residenziale con sede a Houston. Questa acquisizione è in linea con il focus di US Standard Capital su investimenti immobiliari di alta qualità. Cornerstone Rock Development si specializza in ristrutturazioni, rinnovamenti e nuovi progetti di costruzione.
L'acquisizione fornirà a US Standard Capital un team dedicato di appaltatori, architetti e designer noti per la loro capacità di offrire artigianato di alta qualità e soluzioni innovative. Questa mossa dovrebbe aumentare il valore delle offerte immobiliari di US Standard Capital. Il COO dell'azienda, Jose "JT" Torres, ha espresso entusiasmo per l'acquisizione e ha accennato a ulteriori acquisizioni future per costruire capacità core e realizzare piani di crescita a lungo termine.
Si prevede che l'affare si chiuda nelle prossime settimane e dovrebbe essere incluso nella dichiarazione di divulgazione dell'attuale trimestre fiscale di IFXY. Questo segna la seconda di diverse acquisizioni pianificate nei settori legati agli immobili per Infrax Systems.
Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY), operando como US Standard Capital, ha anunciado su intención de adquirir Cornerstone Rock Development, una empresa de construcción residencial con sede en Houston. Esta adquisición está alineada con el enfoque de US Standard Capital en inversiones inmobiliarias de alta calidad. Cornerstone Rock Development se especializa en remodelación de hogares, renovaciones y nuevos proyectos de construcción.
La adquisición proporcionará a US Standard Capital un equipo dedicado de contratistas, arquitectos y diseñadores reconocidos por ofrecer mano de obra de alta calidad y soluciones innovadoras. Se espera que este movimiento mejore el valor de las ofertas inmobiliarias de US Standard Capital. El COO de la empresa, Jose "JT" Torres, expresó su entusiasmo por la adquisición y sugirió adquisiciones futuras adicionales para construir capacidades centrales y alcanzar planes de crecimiento a largo plazo.
Se anticipa que el acuerdo se cierre en las próximas semanas y debería incluirse en la declaración de divulgación del trimestre fiscal actual de IFXY. Esto marca la segunda de varias adquisiciones planificadas en industrias relacionadas con bienes raíces para Infrax Systems.
Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY)는 US Standard Capital로 운영되며, 휴스턴에 본사를 둔 주거 건설 회사인 Cornerstone Rock Development를 인수할 의사를 밝혔습니다. 이번 인수는 US Standard Capital의 고품질 부동산 투자에 대한 집중과 일치합니다. Cornerstone Rock Development는 주택 리모델링, 개조 및 신규 건설 프로젝트를 전문으로 합니다.
이번 인수는 US Standard Capital에 고품질의 장인 정신과 혁신적인 솔루션을 제공하는 계약자, 건축가 및 디자이너의 전담 팀을 제공합니다. 이 조치는 US Standard Capital의 부동산 제공 가치를 향상시키는 것으로 기대됩니다. 회사의 COO인 Jose "JT" Torres는 인수에 대한 기대감을 표명하며 추가적인 미래 인수에 대한 힌트를 주었습니다. 이는 핵심 역량을 구축하고 장기 성장 계획을 달성하기 위함입니다.
이번 거래는 몇 주 내에 완료될 것으로 예상되며, IFXY의 현재 회계 분기 공시서에 포함될 예정입니다. 이는 Infrax Systems에 대한 부동산 관련 산업에서 계획된 여러 인수 중 두 번째를 의미합니다.
Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY), opérant sous le nom de US Standard Capital, a annoncé son intention d'acquérir Cornerstone Rock Development, une entreprise de construction résidentielle basée à Houston. Cette acquisition s'inscrit dans l'objectif de US Standard Capital de se concentrer sur des investissements immobiliers de haute qualité. Cornerstone Rock Development se spécialise dans la rénovation de maisons, les rénovations et les nouveaux projets de construction.
L'acquisition fournira à US Standard Capital une équipe dédiée de entrepreneurs, architectes et designers, connue pour son artisanat de haute qualité et ses solutions innovantes. Ce mouvement devrait améliorer la valeur des offres immobilières de US Standard Capital. Le COO de l'entreprise, Jose "JT" Torres, a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant l'acquisition et a suggéré d'autres acquisitions futures pour renforcer les capacités fondamentales et réaliser des plans de croissance à long terme.
La conclusion de l'accord est prévue dans les semaines à venir et devrait être incluse dans l'état de divulgation du trimestre fiscal actuel d'IFXY. Cela marque la deuxième des plusieurs acquisitions prévues dans les secteurs connexes à l'immobilier pour Infrax Systems.
Infrax Systems, Inc (OTC: IFXY), das als US Standard Capital tätig ist, hat seine Absicht bekannt gegeben, Cornerstone Rock Development, ein in Houston ansässiges Unternehmen für Wohnbau, zu übernehmen. Diese Akquisition steht im Einklang mit dem Fokus von US Standard Capital auf hochwertige Immobilieninvestitionen. Cornerstone Rock Development ist auf Wohnungsrenovierungen, Sanierungen und Neubauprojekte spezialisiert.
Die Übernahme wird US Standard Capital ein engagiertes Team von Bauunternehmern, Architekten und Designern zur Verfügung stellen, die für ihre hochwertige Handwerkskunst und innovativen Lösungen bekannt sind. Es wird erwartet, dass dieser Schritt den Wert der Immobilienangebote von US Standard Capital steigert. Der COO des Unternehmens, Jose "JT" Torres, äußerte seine Begeisterung über die Übernahme und deutete auf weitere zukünftige Übernahmen hin, um Kernkompetenzen aufzubauen und langfristige Wachstumspläne zu verwirklichen.
Der Abschluss des Deals wird in den kommenden Wochen erwartet und sollte in der aktuellen Offenlegungserklärung des Rechnungsjahres von IFXY enthalten sein. Dies markiert die zweite von mehreren geplanten Übernahmen im Bereich Immobilien für Infrax Systems.
- Acquisition of Cornerstone Rock Development , a reputable residential construction company
- Alignment with US Standard Capital's focus on high-quality real estate investments
- Addition of a dedicated team of contractors, architects, and designers
- Potential enhancement of real estate offerings' value
- Plans for additional acquisitions to build core capabilities
- None.
HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / Infrax Systems, Inc. (OTC PINK:IFXY) (the "Company") dba US Standard Capital today announced its intention to acquire Cornerstone Rock Development LLC ( Cornerstone Rock Development is a Houston-based residential construction company specializing in home remodeling renovations and new construction projects that has built a reputation for excellence.
Cornerstone Rock Development will provide US Standard Capital with a dedicated team of contractors, architects, and designers that deliver high-quality craftsmanship and innovative solutions to their clients. Cornerstone Rock Development's expertise in home renovations and property flipping aligns with US Standard Capital's focus on high-quality real estate investments. Their reputation for delivering top-notch results will enhance the value of our real estate offerings.
Mr. Jose "JT" Torres, Chief Operating Officer of Infrax Systems, stated, "We are excited at the prospect of bringing Cornerstone Rock into the family, but we are just getting started. We will continue to move forward as quickly as possible with additional acquisitions to build out our core capabilities and develop a strong and secure foundation to achieve our long-term growth plans."
The acquisition will be the second of several planned acquisitions in real estate- related industries. The acquisition is expected to close in the coming weeks and should be completed in time to be included on the disclosure statement for IFXY's current fiscal quarter.
About Infrax Systems, Inc. / US Standard Capital
Infrax Systems, Inc. is focused on acquiring assets and companies in the real estate sector, including housing development, construction, remodeling, and financing. The Company is currently doing business as US Standard Capital and plans to change its name to US Standard Capital, Inc. in the near future. The Company also provides products and services that address the various challenges faced by Latin American immigrants.
Contact Information:
Shareholder/Investor inquiries for Infrax Systems, Inc.:
Infrax Systems, Inc. / US Standard Capital
1- 786-583-6642
Safe Harbor Statement: In addition to historical information, this press release may contain statements that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include the intent, belief, or expectations of the Company and members of its management team with respect to the Company's future business operations and the assumptions upon which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause these differences include, but are not limited to, failure to complete anticipated sales under negotiations, lack of revenue growth, client discontinuances, failure to realize improvements in performance, efficiency and profitability, and adverse developments with respect to litigation or increased litigation costs, the operation or performance of the Company's business units or the market price of its common stock. Additional factors that would cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated within this press release can also be found on the Company's website. The Company disclaims any responsibility to update any forward-looking statements.
Contact Information
Jose Pineda
SOURCE: Infrax Systems, Inc.
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