InflaRx Showcases Vilobelimab’s Role in Immuno-Dermatology at the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting
InflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX) presented multiple data sets for vilobelimab at the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting, showcasing its potential in treating inflammatory conditions. The presentations included results from studies in pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).
Key findings for PG showed vilobelimab was well-tolerated with mostly mild to moderate adverse events. The PK/PD data demonstrated approximately 90% reduction in C5a levels by Day 15, sustained through Day 99 in higher dose groups.
In HS, the Phase 2b SHINE trial revealed significant improvements:
- 63.2% reduction in draining tunnels versus 18.0% for placebo
- 40.9% complete resolution of draining tunnels versus 13.0% for placebo (3.1x improvement)
- 800mg vilobelimab significantly reduced C5a concentrations from Day 1
- Safety analysis showed the drug was well-tolerated across all doses
InflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX) ha presentato diversi set di dati per il vilobelimab durante il Congresso Annuale AAD 2025, evidenziando il suo potenziale nel trattamento delle condizioni infiammatorie. Le presentazioni includevano risultati di studi su pyoderma gangrenoso (PG) e idradenite suppurativa (HS).
I risultati chiave per il PG hanno mostrato che il vilobelimab è stato ben tollerato, con eventi avversi per lo più lievi o moderati. I dati PK/PD hanno dimostrato una riduzione di circa il 90% dei livelli di C5a entro il giorno 15, mantenuta fino al giorno 99 nei gruppi a dose più alta.
Nell'HS, il trial di Fase 2b SHINE ha rivelato miglioramenti significativi:
- riduzione del 63,2% dei tunnel drenanti rispetto al 18,0% per il placebo
- risoluzione completa del 40,9% dei tunnel drenanti rispetto al 13,0% per il placebo (miglioramento di 3,1x)
- 800mg di vilobelimab ha ridotto significativamente le concentrazioni di C5a dal giorno 1
- l'analisi di sicurezza ha mostrato che il farmaco è stato ben tollerato in tutte le dosi
InflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX) presentó múltiples conjuntos de datos sobre vilobelimab en la Reunión Anual AAD 2025, mostrando su potencial en el tratamiento de condiciones inflamatorias. Las presentaciones incluyeron resultados de estudios en pioderma gangrenoso (PG) y hidradenitis supurativa (HS).
Los hallazgos clave para el PG mostraron que vilobelimab fue bien tolerado, con eventos adversos principalmente leves a moderados. Los datos de PK/PD demostraron una reducción aproximada del 90% en los niveles de C5a para el día 15, mantenida hasta el día 99 en los grupos de dosis más alta.
En HS, el ensayo de Fase 2b SHINE reveló mejoras significativas:
- reducción del 63,2% en los túneles drenantes frente al 18,0% para el placebo
- resolución completa del 40,9% de los túneles drenantes frente al 13,0% para el placebo (mejora de 3,1x)
- 800mg de vilobelimab redujo significativamente las concentraciones de C5a desde el día 1
- el análisis de seguridad mostró que el fármaco fue bien tolerado en todas las dosis
InflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX)는 2025 AAD 연례 회의에서 vilobelimab에 대한 여러 데이터 세트를 발표하며 염증성 질환 치료의 잠재력을 보여주었습니다. 발표에는 괴사성 피부염 (PG) 및 고름샘염 (HS) 연구 결과가 포함되었습니다.
PG에 대한 주요 발견은 vilobelimab이 주로 경미하거나 중등도의 부작용을 동반하며 잘 견딜 수 있었다는 것입니다. PK/PD 데이터는 15일째에 C5a 수치가 약 90% 감소했으며, 높은 용량 그룹에서 99일째까지 지속되었습니다.
HS에서는 2b 단계 SHINE 시험에서 중요한 개선 사항이 밝혀졌습니다:
- 배출 터널에서 63.2% 감소, 위약은 18.0%
- 배출 터널의 40.9%가 완전히 해결되었으며, 위약은 13.0% (3.1배 개선)
- 800mg의 vilobelimab이 1일째부터 C5a 농도를 유의미하게 감소시켰습니다
- 안전성 분석 결과 모든 용량에서 약물이 잘 견딜 수 있음을 보여주었습니다
InflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX) a présenté plusieurs ensembles de données sur le vilobelimab lors de la Réunion Annuelle AAD 2025, mettant en avant son potentiel dans le traitement des conditions inflammatoires. Les présentations comprenaient des résultats d'études sur pyodermite gangréneuse (PG) et hidradenite suppurative (HS).
Les résultats clés pour le PG ont montré que le vilobelimab a été bien toléré, avec principalement des événements indésirables légers à modérés. Les données PK/PD ont démontré une réduction d'environ 90% des niveaux de C5a d'ici le jour 15, maintenue jusqu'au jour 99 dans les groupes à dose plus élevée.
Dans le cas de l'HS, l'essai de Phase 2b SHINE a révélé des améliorations significatives :
- réduction de 63,2% des tunnels drainants contre 18,0% pour le placebo
- résolution complète de 40,9% des tunnels drainants contre 13,0% pour le placebo (amélioration de 3,1x)
- 800mg de vilobelimab a significativement réduit les concentrations de C5a dès le jour 1
- l'analyse de sécurité a montré que le médicament était bien toléré à toutes les doses
InflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX) hat auf dem 2025 AAD Jahresmeeting mehrere Datensätze zu Vilobelimab präsentiert und dessen Potenzial zur Behandlung entzündlicher Erkrankungen aufgezeigt. Die Präsentationen beinhalteten Ergebnisse aus Studien zu pyoderm gangrenosum (PG) und hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).
Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse für PG zeigten, dass Vilobelimab gut vertragen wurde, mit überwiegend milden bis moderaten Nebenwirkungen. Die PK/PD-Daten zeigten eine Reduktion der C5a-Spiegel um etwa 90% bis Tag 15, die in höheren Dosisgruppen bis Tag 99 aufrechterhalten wurde.
In HS zeigte die Phase 2b SHINE-Studie signifikante Verbesserungen:
- 63,2% Reduktion der abfließenden Tunnel im Vergleich zu 18,0% für das Placebo
- 40,9% vollständige Auflösung der abfließenden Tunnel im Vergleich zu 13,0% für das Placebo (3,1-fache Verbesserung)
- 800mg Vilobelimab reduzierte signifikant die C5a-Konzentrationen ab Tag 1
- Die Sicherheitsanalyse zeigte, dass das Medikament in allen Dosen gut vertragen wurde
- Significant 63.2% reduction in draining tunnels vs 18.0% placebo in HS
- 3.1x higher complete resolution rate of draining tunnels vs placebo (40.9% vs 13.0%)
- 90% reduction in inflammatory C5a levels by Day 15 in PG patients
- Favorable safety profile across all doses in both conditions
- C5a concentrations gradually increased after treatment period in HS patients
- Doses greater than 1600mg bi-weekly needed for PG patients
InflaRx's presentations at the AAD 2025 meeting provide substantial clinical evidence supporting vilobelimab's potential in treating inflammatory skin conditions. The data highlights three key positive developments that strengthen the drug's clinical profile:
First, the safety profile appears robust across both pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) indications. Adverse events were predominantly mild to moderate with no dose-relationship concerns observed, addressing a critical regulatory hurdle for eventual approval consideration.
Second, the efficacy data in HS shows significant therapeutic activity, particularly the 3.1x improvement in draining tunnel resolution (40.9% complete resolution versus 13.0% for placebo). This endpoint is especially meaningful as draining tunnels represent one of the most debilitating aspects of HS requiring surgical intervention.
Third, the pharmacodynamic data demonstrates consistent 90% reduction in C5a levels by Day 15 across dose groups, with sustained suppression at higher doses. This validates vilobelimab's mechanism of action in neutralizing C5a, a key inflammatory mediator in neutrophilic-driven diseases.
The ongoing Phase 3 trial in PG utilizing the 2400mg bi-weekly dose reflects appropriate dose selection based on the PK/PD findings indicating doses above 1600mg are needed for optimal C5a suppression in ulcerative PG patients. For biotechnology investors, these accumulated data points strengthen the drug's positioning in two difficult-to-treat inflammatory conditions with significant unmet need.
JENA, Germany, March 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- InflaRx N.V. (Nasdaq: IFRX), a biopharmaceutical company pioneering anti-inflammatory therapeutics targeting the complement system, today announced the presentation of multiple posters describing the utility of vilobelimab in pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), including clinical efficacy data, safety assessments, and pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) analyses. These data are being presented at the 2025 American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting being held March 7 - 11, in Orlando, FL.
Camilla Chong, MD, Chief Medical Officer of InflaRx, commented: “At AAD 2025, we presented multiple data sets we believe collectively paint a broad and positive picture of vilobelimab’s potential in addressing inflammatory conditions such as hidradenitis suppurativa and pyoderma gangrenosum. Multiple safety analyses showed vilobelimab to be well-tolerated in HS, and in the rare and devastating disease of PG, in which patients are often very ill and have co-morbidities. We also presented data showing vilobelimab can reduce and resolve draining tunnels, including a 3.1x relative improvement in dT100 response. Multiple analyses also showed vilobelimab can promote significant and sustained reductions in C5a, which is a key mediator of the inflammatory cascade. We believe that the C5a/C5aR pathway remains critical in these neutrophilic-driven diseases.”
Vilobelimab in PG at AAD 2025
In PG, InflaRx presented two analyses from the previously completed Phase 2a dose-finding study. In an oral poster session (#63560), the Company presented safety data, showing that adverse events (AEs) were mostly mild to moderate. The data also showed vilobelimab to be well tolerated across all doses, with no specific safety concerns associated with vilobelimab and no dose relationship observed. In addition, no clinically relevant findings for vital signs, ECGs, hematology, clinical chemistries or urinalysis were seen.
In an ePoster (#63550), InflaRx presented PK/PD data in PG measuring relative changes in C5a concentrations from baseline in three vilobelimab dose groups. C5a decreased from baseline throughout the study, with an approximate
Vilobelimab in HS at AAD 2025
InflaRx also presented multiple posters related to the Phase 2b SHINE trial studying vilobelimab in HS. A post-hoc analysis (#63490) assessed the impact of vilobelimab on reducing dT, which are a tremendous burden on patients and sometimes require invasive surgery. Vilobelimab showed a significantly greater reduction in mean dT count versus placebo of -
Additional data presented from SHINE included a safety analysis (#63527), which showed that vilobelimab was well tolerated with a similar frequency, severity and pattern of AEs observed at all doses compared to placebo. In addition, the extension trial period had similar rates and severity of AEs to the main trial period.
Featured in an ePoster (#63454), a PK/PD analysis showed that the administration of 800mg vilobelimab resulted in trough levels which significantly reduced C5a concentrations from Day 1. While C5a concentrations gradually increased after the treatment period, they remained lower than baseline during the follow-up to Day 134, indicating a residual treatment effect.
Oral poster presentation: Vilobelimab Safety in Pyoderma Gangrenosum Patients: A Phase 2a Explorative Dose-Finding Study
Authors: Afsaneh Alavi, Benjamin H. Kaffenberger, Hoda Tawfik, Camilla Chong, Bruce P. Burnett
Date/time: Mar 8, 2025, 10:15 AM - 10:20 AM
ePoster: Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Vilobelimab and Complement C3 and C5a in a Randomized, Controlled Multidose Phase 2a Study in Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Authors: Afsaneh Alavi, Hoda Tawfik, Camilla Chong, Joseph F. Grippo, Bruce P. Burnett
ePoster: Reduction in Draining Tunnels in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Patients Treated with Vilobelimab in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Multicenter Phase 2b Study
Authors: Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Christopher Sayed, Jamie Weisman, Jacek C Szepietowski, Falk Bechara, Hoda Tawfik, Camilla Chong, Bruce P. Burnett
ePoster: Vilobelimab Post-hoc Efficacy in Hidradenitis Suppurativa using the Modified-HiSCR with Data from the Phase 2b SHINE Study
Authors: Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Christopher Sayed, Camilla Chong, Hoda Tawfik, Bruce P. Burnett
ePoster: Vilobelimab Safety in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Patients in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Multicenter Phase 2b study
Authors: Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Christopher Sayed, Jamie Weisman, Jacek C Szepietowski, Falk Bechara, Hoda Tawfik, Camilla Chong, Bruce P. Burnett
ePoster: Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Vilobelimab Demonstrates a Significant Reduction of C5a Levels in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Patients
Authors: Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Theodora Kanni, Hoda Tawfik, Camilla Chong, Joseph F. Grippo, Bruce P. Burnett
About GOHIBIC (vilobelimab)
In the U.S., GOHIBIC (vilobelimab) has been granted an Emergency Use Authorization by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalized adults when initiated within 48 hours of receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The emergency use of GOHIBIC is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of the emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic under Section 564(b)(1) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b)(1), unless the declaration is terminated, or authorization revoked sooner.
GOHIBIC (vilobelimab) is an investigational drug that has not been approved by the FDA for any indication, including for the treatment of COVID-19. There is limited information known about the safety and effectiveness of using GOHIBIC to treat people in the hospital with COVID-19. Please see additional information in the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers, Fact Sheet for Patients and Parents/Caregivers and FDA Letter of Authorization on the GOHIBIC website
In the EU, GOHIBIC (vilobelimab) has been granted marketing authorization under exceptional circumstances for the treatment of adult patients with SARS-CoV-2-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) who are receiving systemic corticosteroids as part of standard of care and receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) (with or without extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)). The EU approval of GOHIBIC is supported by the previously announced results of the multicenter Phase 3 PANAMO trial, one of the largest 1:1 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in invasively mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients in intensive care units. The results showed that vilobelimab treatment improved survival with a relative reduction in 28-day all-cause mortality of
A marketing authorization under exceptional circumstances is recommended when the benefit/risk assessment is determined to be positive but, due to the rarity of the disease, it’s unlikely that comprehensive data can be obtained under normal conditions of use. Under the terms of GOHIBIC’s approval in the EC, InflaRx will provide annual updates to EMA on the previously announced clinical platform study planned by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). Vilobelimab is included in this study as one of three new potential therapies for treating ARDS.
The COVID-19 related work described herein was partly funded by the German Federal Government through grant number 16LW0113 (VILO-COVID). All responsibility for the content of this work lies with InflaRx.
About InflaRx N.V.
InflaRx (Nasdaq: IFRX) is a biopharmaceutical company pioneering anti-inflammatory therapeutics by applying its proprietary anti-C5a and anti-C5aR technologies to discover, develop and commercialize highly potent and specific inhibitors of the complement activation factor C5a and its receptor C5aR. C5a is a powerful inflammatory mediator involved in the progression of a wide variety of inflammatory diseases. InflaRx’s lead product candidate, vilobelimab, is a novel, intravenously delivered, first-in-class, anti-C5a monoclonal antibody that selectively binds to free C5a and has demonstrated disease-modifying clinical activity and tolerability in multiple clinical studies in different indications. InflaRx is also developing INF904, an orally administered, small molecule inhibitor of the C5a receptor. InflaRx was founded in 2007, and the group has offices and subsidiaries in Jena and Munich, Germany, as well as Ann Arbor, MI, USA. For further information, please visit
InflaRx GmbH (Germany) and InflaRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. (USA) are wholly owned subsidiaries of InflaRx N.V. (together, InflaRx).
InflaRx N.V. | MC Services AG |
Jan Medina, CFA Vice President, Head of Investor Relations Email: | Katja Arnold, Laurie Doyle, Dr. Regina Lutz Email: Europe: +49 89-210 2280 U.S.: +1-339-832-0752 |
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