IFF Extends Enviva® PRO Probiotic Range to Improve Swine Welfare
IFF (NYSE:IFF) has announced the expansion of its Enviva® PRO three-strain Bacillus probiotic product line to include swine applications. The product, previously successful in broiler production, aims to address health challenges in weaned piglets.
Studies conducted by IFF demonstrated significant benefits, including a 2.5% improvement in average daily weight gain and a 6.3% reduction in diarrhea frequency compared to control groups. The probiotic helps establish optimal gut health and improves nutrient digestion during the critical post-weaning period when piglets face nutritional stress and digestive health challenges.
The product is currently available to swine producers in Japan and the US, with plans for expansion to other markets pending regulatory approvals.
IFF (NYSE:IFF) ha annunciato l'espansione della sua linea di prodotti probiotici a tre ceppi Enviva® PRO per includere applicazioni nel settore suinicolo. Il prodotto, precedentemente utilizzato con successo nella produzione di polli da carne, mira a affrontare le sfide sanitarie nei suinetti svezzati.
Studi condotti da IFF hanno dimostrato benefici significativi, tra cui un miglioramento del 2,5% nel guadagno medio giornaliero di peso e una riduzione del 6,3% nella frequenza della diarrea rispetto ai gruppi di controllo. Il probiotico aiuta a stabilire una salute intestinale ottimale e migliora la digestione dei nutrienti durante il critico periodo post-svezzamento, quando i suinetti affrontano stress nutrizionale e sfide per la salute digestiva.
Il prodotto è attualmente disponibile per i produttori suinicoli in Giappone e negli Stati Uniti, con piani di espansione in altri mercati in attesa di approvazioni normative.
IFF (NYSE:IFF) ha anunciado la expansión de su línea de productos probióticos de tres cepas Enviva® PRO para incluir aplicaciones en la producción porcina. El producto, que ha tenido éxito previamente en la producción de pollos de engorde, tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos de salud en lechones destetados.
Los estudios realizados por IFF demostraron beneficios significativos, incluyendo una mejora del 2.5% en el aumento de peso diario promedio y una reducción del 6.3% en la frecuencia de diarrea en comparación con los grupos de control. El probiótico ayuda a establecer una salud intestinal óptima y mejora la digestión de nutrientes durante el crítico período post-destete, cuando los lechones enfrentan estrés nutricional y desafíos de salud digestiva.
El producto está actualmente disponible para los productores porcinos en Japón y EE. UU., con planes de expansión a otros mercados pendientes de aprobaciones regulatorias.
IFF (NYSE:IFF)는 Enviva® PRO의 세 가지 균주 프로바이오틱 제품 라인을 확장하여 돼지 응용 분야를 포함한다고 발표했습니다. 이 제품은 이전에 육계 생산에서 성공을 거두었으며, 새끼 돼지의 건강 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
IFF가 수행한 연구는 평균 일일 체중 증가가 2.5% 개선되고 설사 발생 빈도가 6.3% 감소하는 등 중요한 이점을 보여주었습니다. 이 프로바이오틱은 최적의 장 건강을 설정하고 새끼 돼지가 영양 스트레스와 소화 건강 문제에 직면하는 중요한 포스트 위닝 기간 동안 영양소 소화를 개선하는 데 도움을 줍니다.
현재 이 제품은 일본과 미국의 돼지 생산자에게 제공되며, 규제 승인이 대기 중인 다른 시장으로의 확장 계획이 있습니다.
IFF (NYSE:IFF) a annoncé l'expansion de sa gamme de produits probiotiques à trois souches Enviva® PRO pour inclure des applications dans le secteur porcin. Le produit, qui a précédemment connu un succès dans la production de poules de chair, vise à répondre aux défis de santé chez les porcelets sevrés.
Des études menées par IFF ont démontré des avantages significatifs, notamment une amélioration de 2,5 % du gain de poids quotidien moyen et une réduction de 6,3 % de la fréquence de la diarrhée par rapport aux groupes de contrôle. Le probiotique aide à établir une santé intestinale optimale et améliore la digestion des nutriments pendant la période critique post-sevrage, lorsque les porcelets font face à un stress nutritionnel et à des défis de santé digestive.
Le produit est actuellement disponible pour les producteurs porcins au Japon et aux États-Unis, avec des plans d'expansion vers d'autres marchés en attente d'approbations réglementaires.
IFF (NYSE:IFF) hat die Erweiterung seiner Enviva® PRO Produktlinie mit drei Stämmen von Probiotika angekündigt, um Anwendungen in der Schweineproduktion einzuschließen. Das Produkt, das zuvor in der Broilerproduktion erfolgreich war, zielt darauf ab, Gesundheitsprobleme bei abgesetzten Ferkeln anzugehen.
Studien von IFF haben bedeutende Vorteile gezeigt, darunter eine 2,5%ige Verbesserung der durchschnittlichen täglichen Gewichtszunahme und eine 6,3%ige Reduzierung der Durchfallhäufigkeit im Vergleich zu Kontrollgruppen. Das Probiotikum hilft, eine optimale Darmgesundheit zu etablieren und verbessert die Nährstoffverdauung während der kritischen Phase nach dem Absetzen, in der Ferkel mit ernährungsbedingtem Stress und Herausforderungen der Verdauungsgesundheit konfrontiert sind.
Das Produkt ist derzeit für Schweineproduzenten in Japan und den USA verfügbar, mit Plänen zur Expansion in andere Märkte, die auf regulatorische Genehmigungen warten.
- Product line expansion into new market segment (swine)
- Demonstrated 2.5% improvement in daily weight gain
- Proven 6.3% reduction in diarrhea frequency
- Currently available in two major markets (US and Japan)
- market availability pending regulatory approvals in other territories
New studies reveal that the three-strain Bacillus probiotic can better protect weaned piglets against diverse health challenges.
"The weaning and post-weaning period can be extremely difficult to navigate for swine producers, so implementing a nutritional management strategy is crucial for improving their welfare and avoiding growth setbacks," said Dr. Ester Vinyeta, swine innovation lead at IFF. "In addition to the proven benefits of Enviva® PRO already experienced by broiler producers, swine producers now can have peace of mind that their litters have optimal gut health – helping them meet growing production demands."
Post-weaning, piglets may face challenges like nutritional stress, reduced feed intake, and digestive health issues, which can impact performance. Enviva® PRO is proven to establish and maintain a favorable nutribiotic state that supports optimal gut function, leading to improved nutrient digestion and performance. Extensive studies performed by IFF found that compared to the control group, Enviva® PRO improved average daily weight gain by
Enviva® PRO is currently available to swine producers across
Learn more about the benefits of Enviva® PRO and nutribiosis in animal production at animalnutrition.iff.com/enviva-pro.
About Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health
Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health, part of IFF, is an industry leader in nutritional health solutions with a comprehensive portfolio of feed enzymes, betaine, essential oils and probiotics. Through the lens of nutribiosis, IFF invests in science and innovation to help producers improve performance, increase liveability and support welfare in the face of increasing pressure to reduce or remove antibiotics from production systems. Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health capabilities are underpinned by the quality and quantity of our trials, including over 100,000 guts sampled from over 600 farms, investments in omics technologies and microbiome research, and collaboration with leading commercial, governmental and academic partners. For more information, visit iff.com/animal-nutrition.
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