NRSInsights’ September 2024 Retail Same-Store Sales Report

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NRSInsights released its September 2024 Retail Same-Store Sales Report, revealing a 2.2% year-over-year increase in same-store sales. Key highlights include:

- Units sold increased 2.9% year-over-year
- Average transactions per store rose 0.8% year-over-year
- Average prices for top 500 items increased 2.1% year-over-year

The NRS retail network comprised approximately 32,700 active terminals nationwide as of September 30, 2024. Notable trends include sales declines in categories like Chocolate and Confection, Vape, and Energy Drinks, while Smokeless Tobacco, Tequila, and Prepared Cocktails showed robust growth. Geographically, stores in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania experienced significant year-over-year gains, while Florida and Georgia saw sales declines due to Hurricane Helene.

NRSInsights ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulle Vendite Stabili al Dettaglio di Settembre 2024, rivelando un aumento del 2,2% rispetto all'anno precedente nelle vendite degli stessi negozi. I punti salienti includono:

- Le unità vendute sono aumentate del 2,9% rispetto all'anno precedente
- Le transazioni medie per negozio sono aumentate dello 0,8% rispetto all'anno precedente
- I prezzi medi per i 500 articoli principali sono aumentati del 2,1% rispetto all'anno precedente

La rete retail di NRS comprendeva circa 32.700 terminal attivi a livello nazionale al 30 settembre 2024. Tendenze significative includono cali di vendita in categorie come Cioccolato e Confetteria, Vape e Bevande Energetiche, mentre il Tabacco senza Fumo, Tequila e Cocktails Pronti hanno mostrato una crescita robusta. Geograficamente, i negozi a New York, New Jersey e Pennsylvania hanno registrato significativi guadagni anno su anno, mentre Florida e Georgia hanno visto cali di vendita a causa dell'Uragano Helene.

NRSInsights publicó su Informe de Ventas en Tiendas Comparables de Septiembre 2024, revelando un incremento del 2.2% en comparación con el año anterior en las ventas de las mismas tiendas. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- Las unidades vendidas aumentaron un 2.9% en comparación con el año anterior
- Las transacciones promedio por tienda subieron un 0.8% en comparación con el año anterior
- Los precios promedio de los 500 artículos principales aumentaron un 2.1% en comparación con el año anterior

La red minorista de NRS contaba con aproximadamente 32,700 terminales activos en todo el país al 30 de septiembre de 2024. Las tendencias notables incluyen descensos en categorías como Chocolate y Confitería, Vape y Bebidas Energéticas, mientras que el Tabaco sin Humo, Tequila y Cócteles Preparados mostraron un crecimiento sólido. Geográficamente, las tiendas en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Pennsylvania experimentaron ganancias significativas año tras año, mientras que Florida y Georgia vieron descensos en las ventas debido al Huracán Helene.

NRSInsights는 2024년 9월 소매 동종 매출 보고서를 발표하며 전년 대비 2.2% 증가한 동종 매출을 밝혔습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 판매된 단위 수가 전년 대비 2.9% 증가함
- 매장당 평균 거래가 전년 대비 0.8% 증가함
- 상위 500개 품목의 평균 가격이 전년 대비 2.1% 증가함

NRS 소매 네트워크는 2024년 9월 30일 기준으로 전국적으로 약 32,700개의 활동 터미널을 보유하고 있었습니다. 주요 트렌드로는 초콜릿 및 과자, 전자담배 및 에너지 음료와 같은 카테고리에서 판매가 감소한 반면, 무연 담배, 테킬라 및 준비된 칵테일은 강력한 성장을 보였습니다. 지리적으로 뉴욕, 뉴저지 및 펜실베니아의 매장은 전년 대비 상당한 증가를 경험했으며, 플로리다와 조지는 허리케인 헬렌으로 인해 판매가 감소했습니다.

NRSInsights a publié son Rapport sur les Ventes Comparables au Détail de Septembre 2024, révélant une augmentation de 2,2% par rapport à l'année précédente des ventes dans les mêmes magasins. Les points clés incluent :

- Les unités vendues ont augmenté de 2,9% par rapport à l'année précédente
- Les transactions moyennes par magasin ont progressé de 0,8% par rapport à l'année précédente
- Les prix moyens des 500 articles les plus vendus ont augmenté de 2,1% par rapport à l'année précédente

Le réseau de vente au détail de NRS comptait environ 32 700 terminaux actifs à l'échelle nationale au 30 septembre 2024. Des tendances notables incluent des baisses de ventes dans des catégories telles que le Chocolat et les Confiseries, les Vapes et les Boissons Énergétiques, tandis que le Tabac sans Fumée, la Tequila et les Cocktails Préparés ont connu une forte croissance. Géographiquement, les magasins de New York, du New Jersey et de la Pennsylvanie ont enregistré des gains significatifs d'une année sur l'autre, tandis que la Floride et la Géorgie ont vu leurs ventes diminuer en raison de l'ouragan Helene.

NRSInsights hat seinen Einzelhandelsbericht über die vergleichbaren Verkaufszahlen im September 2024 veröffentlicht und einen Jahreszuwachs von 2,2% bei den Verkäufen in denselben Geschäften festgestellt. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

- Die verkauften Einheiten stiegen im Jahresvergleich um 2,9%
- Die durchschnittlichen Transaktionen pro Geschäft nahmen im Jahresvergleich um 0,8% zu
- Die Durchschnittspreise für die Top-500-Artikel stiegen im Jahresvergleich um 2,1%

Das Einzelhandelsnetzwerk von NRS umfasste zum 30. September 2024 etwa 32.700 aktive Terminals landesweit. Nennenswerte Trends sind Rückgänge bei Verkaufszahlen in Kategorien wie Schokolade und Süßwaren, E-Zigaretten und Energydrinks, während rauchfreier Tabak, Tequila und Fertigcocktails stark wuchsen. Geografisch gesehen verzeichneten Geschäfte in New York, New Jersey und Pennsylvania erhebliche jährliche Zugewinne, während Florida und Georgia aufgrund des Hurrikans Helene Verkaufsrückgänge hinnehmen mussten.

  • Same-store sales increased 2.2% year-over-year
  • Units sold increased 2.9% year-over-year
  • Average number of transactions per store increased 0.8% year-over-year
  • NRS network's three-month moving average same-store sales outpaced US Commerce Department's data by 1.7 percentage points on average
  • Strong growth in categories like Smokeless Tobacco, Tequila, and Prepared Cocktails
  • Significant year-over-year gains in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania stores
  • Same-store sales decreased 1.3% compared to the previous month
  • Transactions decreased 0.7% compared to the previous month
  • Sales declines in categories like Chocolate and Confection, Vape, and Energy Drinks
  • Sales declines in Florida and Georgia due to Hurricane Helene


The NRSInsights report provides valuable data on same-store sales trends in the independent retail sector, offering insights into consumer behavior and economic conditions. Key takeaways include:

  • Same-store sales increased 2.2% year-over-year in September, down from 5.1% in August, indicating a slowdown in growth.
  • Units sold grew 2.9% year-over-year, outpacing sales growth, suggesting potential pressure on margins.
  • Average prices for top 500 items rose 2.1% year-over-year, down from 3.5% in August, hinting at easing inflationary pressures.
  • Category trends show declines in discretionary items like confectionery and energy drinks, while essentials and tobacco products saw growth.
  • Geographic variations were noted, with Northeast states showing stronger performance.

This data suggests a cautious consumer environment with a focus on essential purchases. For IDT , parent of NRS, this report demonstrates the value of their retail analytics platform, potentially driving growth in this business segment.

While the NRSInsights report doesn't directly provide financial data for IDT , it offers valuable insights into the performance of IDT's National Retail Solutions subsidiary. Key financial implications include:

  • NRS processed $20.0 billion in sales through ~1.4 billion transactions in the past 12 months, indicating significant scale.
  • The network grew to 32,700 active terminals, up from 19,400 last year, suggesting strong adoption and potential revenue growth for NRS.
  • The platform's ability to provide granular sales data across various categories and geographies enhances its value proposition to CPG suppliers and advertisers.
  • NRS' outperformance compared to U.S. Commerce Department data (+1.7 percentage points on average) may attract more retailers and increase market share.

For IDT investors, the growth and data capabilities of NRS represent a promising segment that could drive future revenue and profitability, diversifying IDT's business beyond its traditional telecom services.

September same-store sales increased 2.2% year-over-year

NEWARK, N.J., Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NRSInsights, a provider of sales data and analytics drawn from retail transactions processed through the National Retail Solutions (NRS) point-of-sale (POS) platform, today announced comparative same-store sales results for September 2024.

As of September 30, 2024, the NRS retail network comprised approximately 32,700 active terminals nationwide, scanning purchases at approximately 28,400 independent retailers including bodegas, convenience stores, liquor stores, grocers, tobacco, and sundries sellers nationwide, predominantly serving urban consumers.

September Retail Same-Store Sales Highlights

(Same-store sales, unit sales, transactions, and average price data throughout this release refer to September 2024 and are compared to September 2023 unless otherwise noted. All comparisons are provided on a “per calendar day” basis to remove from consideration variability in the number of days per month.)

  • SALES  
    • Same-store sales increased 2.2% year-over-year. In the previous month (August 2024), same-store sales had increased 5.1% year-over-year.
    • Same-store sales decreased (1.3)% compared to the previous month (August 2024). Same-store sales in August 2024 had increased 1.7% compared to the previous month (July 2024).
    • For the three months ended September 30, 2024, same-store sales increased 2.3% compared to the corresponding three months a year ago.

    • The number of units sold increased 2.9% year-over-year. In the previous month (August 2024), the number of items sold had increased 4.7% year-over-year.
    • Units sold increased 0.2% compared to the previous month (August 2024). Units sold in August 2024 had increased 1.3% compared to the previous month (July 2024).

    • The average number of transactions per store increased 0.8% year-over-year. In the previous month (August 2024), transactions had increased 1.8% year-over-year.
    • Transactions decreased (0.7)% compared to the previous month (August 2024). Transactions in August 2024 had increased 1.5% compared to the previous month (July 2024).


    • A dollar-weighted average of prices for the top 500 items purchased during September 2024 increased 2.1% year-over-year, a decrease from the 3.5% year-over-year increase recorded in August 2024.

Retail Trade Comparative Data

The table below provides historical comparative data with the U.S. Commerce Department’s Advance Monthly Retail Trade same-store sales data excluding food service:

Over the past twelve months, the NRS network’s three-month moving average same-store sales have outpaced the US Commerce Department’s Advance Monthly Retail Trade data, excluding food services, by 1.7% percentage points, on average.

The NRSInsights data in the chart above have not been adjusted to reflect inflation, demographic distributions, seasonal buying patterns, item substitution, days per month, or other factors that may facilitate comparisons to other periods, to other same-store retail sales data, or to the U.S. Commerce Department’s retail data.

Commentary from Suzy Silliman (SVP, Data Strategy and Sales at NRS)

“NRS’ year over year rate of same-store sales growth increased a modest 2.2% in September while decreasing 1.3% compared to August.

“During the past several months, we noted several categories that had been experiencing year-over-year sales declines. In September, Chocolate and Confection, Vape, Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Sweet Snacks all decreased once again compared to the year ago. Chocolate and Confection’s rate of decrease accelerated compared to the prior months’ rate while the other categories’ rates of decline remained stable.

“On the flip side, categories sustaining robust year-over-year growth trends included Smokeless Tobacco, Tequila, Prepared Cocktails, and Wine Based Cocktails. Other categories with strong increases in September compared to the year ago included Laundry Detergent & Fabric Softeners, Supplements, Pork Rinds, Sparkling Water, and Rolling Papers.

“Several categories within the “School Lunch” classification also showed year over year growth in September including Lunchmeats & Cheeses, Yogurts, Nut Butters & Jellies/Jams, Snack & Variety Packs, and Food & Beverage Containers.

“Geographically, we saw sales declines in Florida and Georgia during the last week of September as evacuations and shutdowns from Hurricane Helene began. There were no noticeable impacts to sales in the Carolinas or Tennessee by month’s end. Nationwide, stores in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania enjoyed the most significant year-over-year gains across dollars, quantities, and baskets.”

NRSInsights Reports

The NRSInsights monthly Same-Store Retail Sales Reports are intended to provide timely topline data reflective of sales at NRS’ network of independent, predominantly urban, retail stores.

Same-store data comparisons of September 2024 with September 2023 are derived from approximately 191 million transactions processed through the approximately 19,400 stores on the NRS network that scanned transactions in both months. Same-store data comparisons of September 2024 with August 2024 are derived from approximately 251 million transactions processed through approximately 27,400 stores.

Same-store data comparisons for the three months ended September 30, 2024 with the year-ago three months are derived from approximately 562 million scanned transactions processed through those stores that were in the NRS network in both quarters.

NRS POS Platform

The NRS platform predominantly serves small-format, independent, retail stores nationwide including convenience stores, bodegas, liquor stores, grocers, tobacco, and sundries sellers. These independent retailers operate in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia, and in 201 of the 210 designated market areas (DMAs) in the United States. NRS’ POS terminals processed $20.0 billion in sales through approximately 1.4 billion transactions during the twelve months ended September 30, 2024.

About National Retail Solutions (NRS):

National Retail Solutions operates the largest point-of-sale (POS) terminal-based platform and digital payment processing service for independent retailers nationwide. Retailers utilize NRS offerings to process transactions and effectively manage their businesses. Consumer packaged goods (CPG) suppliers, brokers, analytics firms, and advertisers access the terminal’s digital display network to reach these retailers’ predominantly urban, multi-cultural shopper base, and to harness transaction data-based learnings to identify growth opportunities and measure execution and returns on marketing investment. NRS is a subsidiary of IDT Corporation (NYSE: IDT).

All statements above that are not purely about historical facts, including, but not limited to, those in which we use the words “believe,” “anticipate,” “expect,” “plan,” “intend,” “estimate,” “target” and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. While these forward-looking statements represent our current judgment of what may happen in the future, actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by these statements due to numerous important factors. Our filings with the SEC provide detailed information on such statements and risks, and should be consulted along with this release. To the extent permitted under applicable law, IDT assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

NRSInsights Contact:
Suzy Silliman
SVP, Data Strategy and Sales at NRS
National Retail Solutions

IDT Corporation Contact:
Bill Ulrey

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What was the year-over-year same-store sales increase for NRSInsights in September 2024?

NRSInsights reported a 2.2% year-over-year increase in same-store sales for September 2024.

How many active terminals did the NRS retail network have as of September 30, 2024?

As of September 30, 2024, the NRS retail network comprised approximately 32,700 active terminals nationwide.

Which categories showed strong growth in September 2024 for NRSInsights?

Categories showing robust growth included Smokeless Tobacco, Tequila, Prepared Cocktails, and Wine Based Cocktails.

How did Hurricane Helene affect NRSInsights' sales in September 2024?

Hurricane Helene caused sales declines in Florida and Georgia during the last week of September 2024 due to evacuations and shutdowns.

What was the increase in units sold for NRSInsights in September 2024 compared to the previous year?

The number of units sold increased 2.9% year-over-year in September 2024.

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