AU10TIX Q2 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report Uncovers Widespread Automated Bot Attacks Targeting Social Media and Financial Sectors

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AU10TIX's Q2 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report reveals a surge in automated bot attacks targeting social media platforms, rising from 3% in Q1 to 16% in Q2. The APAC region faced a significant bot mega-attack in the payments sector, with over 5,000 fraudulent onboarding attempts. Key findings include:

- Impersonation bots now account for 32% of Internet traffic
- APAC region experienced a 1,530% increase in deepfake incidents
- APAC's fraud rate rose by 24% between 2022 and 2023, reaching 3.27%
- 17% decline in attacks on the payments sector, possibly due to INTERPOL operations

AU10TIX recommends social media self-regulation, advanced fraud detection technologies, and multi-layered authentication measures to combat these threats.

Il Rapporto Globale sulla Frode Identitaria Q2 2024 di AU10TIX rivela un aumento degli attacchi automatizzati mirati alle piattaforme di social media, che sono passati dal 3% nel Q1 al 16% nel Q2. La regione APAC ha affrontato un notevole mega-attacco di bot nel settore dei pagamenti, con oltre 5.000 tentativi di onboarding fraudolento. I principali risultati includono:

- I bot di impersonificazione ora rappresentano il 32% del traffico Internet
- La regione APAC ha registrato un aumento del 1.530% negli incidenti di deepfake
- Il tasso di frode dell'APAC è aumentato del 24% tra il 2022 e il 2023, raggiungendo il 3,27%
- Riduzione del 17% degli attacchi nel settore dei pagamenti, probabilmente a causa delle operazioni dell'INTERPOL

AU10TIX raccomanda l'auto-regolamentazione dei social media, tecnologie avanzate di rilevamento delle frodi e misure di autenticazione multilivello per combattere queste minacce.

El Informe Global sobre Fraude de Identidad Q2 2024 de AU10TIX revela un aumento en los ataques automatizados dirigidos a plataformas de redes sociales, que subieron del 3% en el Q1 al 16% en el Q2. La región APAC enfrentó un significativo mega-ataque de bots en el sector de pagos, con más de 5,000 intentos de incorporación fraudulentos. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- Los bots de suplantación ahora representan el 32% del tráfico de Internet
- La región APAC experimentó un aumento del 1,530% en incidentes de deepfake
- La tasa de fraude en APAC aumentó un 24% entre 2022 y 2023, alcanzando el 3.27%
- Disminución del 17% en los ataques en el sector de pagos, posiblemente debido a operaciones de INTERPOL

AU10TIX recomienda la autorregulación en redes sociales, tecnologías avanzadas de detección de fraudes y medidas de autenticación en múltiples capas para combatir estas amenazas.

AU10TIX의 2024년 2분기 글로벌 신원 사기 보고서는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼을 목표로 하는 자동화된 봇 공격이 급증하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 공격 비율은 1분기 3%에서 2분기 16%로 증가했습니다. APAC 지역은 결제 부문에서 5,000건 이상의 사기 온보딩 시도가 있었던 대규모 봇 공격에 직면했습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 개인 정보 도용 봇은 현재 인터넷 트래픽의 32%를 차지합니다
- APAC 지역에서는 딥페이크 사건이 1,530% 증가했습니다
- APAC의 사기율은 2022년과 2023년 사이 24% 증가하여 3.27%에 도달했습니다
- 결제 부문에 대한 공격이 17% 감소했으며, 이는 INTERPOL 작전의 결과일 수 있습니다

AU10TIX는 이러한 위협에 맞서기 위해 소셜 미디어의 자율 규제, 고급 사기 탐지 기술 및 다층 인증 조치를 권장합니다.

Le Rapport Mondial sur la Fraude Identitaire T2 2024 d'AU10TIX révèle une augmentation des attaques automatisées par des bots ciblant les plateformes de médias sociaux, passant de 3 % au T1 à 16 % au T2. La région APAC a fait face à une attaque majeure de bots dans le secteur des paiements, avec plus de 5 000 tentatives d'intégration frauduleuses. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- Les bots d'imitation représentent désormais 32 % du trafic Internet
- La région APAC a connu une augmentation de 1 530 % des incidents de deepfake
- Le taux de fraude en APAC a augmenté de 24 % entre 2022 et 2023, atteignant 3,27 %
- Diminution de 17 % des attaques dans le secteur des paiements, probablement en raison des opérations d'INTERPOL

AU10TIX recommande l'autorégulation des médias sociaux, des technologies avancées de détection des fraudes et des mesures d'authentification multicouches pour lutter contre ces menaces.

Der Global Identity Fraud Report Q2 2024 von AU10TIX zeigt einen Anstieg automatisierter Bot-Angriffe auf Social-Media-Plattformen, der von 3% im Q1 auf 16% im Q2 angestiegen ist. Die APAC-Region sah sich einem erheblichen Mega-Angriff von Bots im Zahlungssektor ausgesetzt, mit über 5.000 betrügerischen Onboarding-Versuchen. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- Identitätsbetrugs-Bots machen nun 32% des Internetverkehrs aus
- Die APAC-Region erlebte einen Anstieg von 1.530% bei Deepfake-Vorfällen
- Die Betrugsrate in APAC stieg zwischen 2022 und 2023 um 24% auf 3,27%
- Rückgang der Angriffe im Zahlungssektor um 17%, möglicherweise aufgrund von INTERPOL-Operationen

AU10TIX empfiehlt die Selbstregulierung von Social Media, fortschrittliche Betrugserkennungstechnologien und mehrschichtige Authentifizierungsmaßnahmen zur Bekämpfung dieser Bedrohungen.

  • AU10TIX recorded a 17% decline in attacks targeting the payments sector in Q2
  • AU10TIX's Serial Fraud Monitor can detect widespread bot-driven fraud at scale
  • The company processed millions of transactions globally, providing extensive data for fraud analysis
  • Highest-ever number of automated bot attacks targeting social media platforms recorded in Q2
  • APAC region faced a mega-attack comprising over 5,000 fraudulent onboarding attempts
  • APAC experienced a 1,530% increase in deepfake incidents
  • APAC's fraud rate increased by 24% between 2022 and 2023, reaching 3.27%
  • Impersonation bots now command 32% of Internet traffic

Coordinated Bot Mega-Attack and Escalating Deepfake Threats Severely Impact APAC Region

TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AU10TIX, a global technology leader in identity verification and management, today released its Q2 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report. Drawing insights from millions of transactions processed around the globe from April to June 2024, the report uncovers significant trends in large-scale organized identity fraud. This quarter, AU10TIX recorded the highest-ever number of automated bot attacks targeting social media platforms; the sector accounted for a mere 3% of all attacks in Q1 but skyrocketed to 16% in Q2. The APAC region also proved vulnerable to bot attacks targeting the payments sector which included a focused mega-attack comprising over 5,000 fraudulent onboarding attempts.

This quarter, AU10TIX recorded the highest-ever number of automated bot attacks targeting social media platforms.

Imperva's 2024 Bad Bot Report indicates that impersonation bots command 32% of Internet traffic. These automated programs are designed to mimic real human identities and behaviors, often enhanced with deepfake technology to create highly convincing fake profiles. AU10TIX has observed an increasing number of bad actors using bots to create fake social media accounts, spread disinformation and malware, manipulate online interactions, and ultimately distort public discourse. In addition to influencing politics and public opinion, these profiles also often lead to the creation of banking, payment, and cryptocurrency accounts that are used for fraudulent purposes like money laundering and other sophisticated schemes.

The APAC region has become particularly vulnerable to financial-related identity fraud, driven partly by the emergence of AI-powered Fraud-as-a-Service (FaaS) companies enabling large-scale attacks. In addition to the Q2 mega-attack, the region is now grappling with a 1,530% increase in deepfake incidents and a fraud rate that increased 24% between 2022 and 2023. As a result, the region now suffers the world's highest fraud rate, with 3.27% of all transactions proving fraudulent.

"Bots and deepfake tech are enabling criminals to automate complex scams that used to take a lot more effort, making them incredibly efficient and dangerous," said Dan Yerushalmi, CEO of AU10TIX. "The biggest danger lies in the bots' ability to mimic human behavior with enough variability to bypass traditional detection methods. AU10TIX remains committed to protecting our customers with industry-leading solutions like our Serial Fraud Monitor, which is the only product on the market that can detect widespread bot-driven fraud at scale."

On a positive note, AU10TIX's analysts believe that INTERPOL'S HAECHI IV and First Light operations of Q4 2023 and Q1 2024 targeting online financial crime and social engineering fraud disrupted criminal networks operating in the payments industry as the company witnessed a 17% decline in attacks targeting the payments sector in Q2.

AU10TIX's Q1 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report offers three actionable insights to help organizations protect against identity fraud:

  • Social Media Must Self-Regulate: Platforms like X, Facebook and Instagram can maintain credibility among the public by requiring platform users to authenticate their identity.
  • Leverage Advanced Fraud Detection Technologies: Deepfake detection, consortium validation and similar technologies can effectively combat the rising threat of social media impersonation.
  • Adopt Multi-layered Authentication Measures: Implementing a combination of KYC/KYB solutions, biometric verification, and advanced organized fraud detection tools can significantly enhance an organization's defenses against identity fraud.

About AU10TIX
AU10TIX plays a pivotal role in establishing trust between individuals/companies and digital systems. Founded in 2002, it is the global leader in identity verification and management, protecting the world's largest brands against advanced fraud. The company's future-proof product portfolio helps businesses provide frictionless customer onboarding and verification in 4-8 seconds while staying ahead of emerging threats and evolving regulatory requirements. AU10TIX offers the world's only 100% automated global identity management system, as well as the industry's only solution that can detect organized mass attacks by analyzing traffic patterns and cross-checking data in a consortium of more than 60 major companies. With its deep roots in airport security, AU10TIX has authenticated billions of identities and prevented over $18 billion in identity fraud. AU10TIX is a subsidiary of ICTS International N.V. (OTCQB: ICTSF). Connect with AU10TIX on LinkedIn and on X at @AU10TIXLimited. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Mark Prindle
Fusion PR

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What was the increase in automated bot attacks on social media platforms in Q2 2024 according to AU10TIX's report?

According to AU10TIX's Q2 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report, automated bot attacks targeting social media platforms increased from 3% in Q1 to 16% in Q2, marking the highest-ever number of such attacks.

How much did the fraud rate in the APAC region increase between 2022 and 2023?

The fraud rate in the APAC region increased by 24% between 2022 and 2023, reaching 3.27%, which is now the world's highest fraud rate according to AU10TIX's report.

What was the percentage increase in deepfake incidents in the APAC region as reported by AU10TIX?

AU10TIX's Q2 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report revealed that the APAC region experienced a staggering 1,530% increase in deepfake incidents.

What percentage of Internet traffic is now commanded by impersonation bots according to Imperva's 2024 Bad Bot Report?

According to Imperva's 2024 Bad Bot Report, as cited in AU10TIX's Q2 2024 Global Identity Fraud Report, impersonation bots now command 32% of Internet traffic.



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