ICON Survey Highlights Scale of Focus on Precision Therapies in Increasingly Complex Oncology Landscape

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ICON plc (NASDAQ: ICLR) has released results from a survey of over 100 oncology drug development professionals, highlighting the focus on precision therapies in an increasingly complex landscape. The survey reveals varied views on the impact of emerging treatments on patient outcomes, with 37% optimistic about significant improvements, 43% expecting modest improvements, and 20% predicting no improvement.

Key findings include:

  • 85% of respondents have multiple therapeutic approaches in development
  • 68% are testing at least one combination therapy
  • Top R&D challenges: site selection and phase 2 or 3 stage development
  • Suggested improvements: predictive biomarkers (47%), innovative trial designs (42%), and early biomarker identification (41%)

ICON emphasizes the need for collaboration and robust clinical development programs to address the complexities in oncology drug development.

ICON plc (NASDAQ: ICLR) ha pubblicato i risultati di un sondaggio che coinvolge oltre 100 professionisti dello sviluppo di farmaci oncologici, evidenziando l'attenzione sulle terapie di precisione in un panorama sempre più complesso. Il sondaggio rivela opinioni diverse sull'impatto dei trattamenti emergenti sui risultati dei pazienti, con il 37% ottimista riguardo a miglioramenti significativi, il 43% che prevede miglioramenti modesti e il 20% che predice nessun miglioramento.

I principali risultati includono:

  • 85% degli intervistati ha approcci terapeutici multipli in sviluppo
  • 68% stanno testando almeno una terapia combinata
  • Principali sfide nella R&D: selezione dei siti e sviluppo nelle fasi 2 o 3
  • Miglioramenti suggeriti: biomarcatori predittivi (47%), design innovativi degli studi (42%) e identificazione precoce dei biomarcatori (41%)

ICON sottolinea la necessità di collaborazione e di programmi di sviluppo clinico robusti per affrontare le complessità nello sviluppo di farmaci oncologici.

ICON plc (NASDAQ: ICLR) ha lanzado los resultados de una encuesta a más de 100 profesionales del desarrollo de fármacos oncológicos, destacando el enfoque en terapias de precisión en un panorama cada vez más complejo. La encuesta revela opiniones variadas sobre el impacto de los tratamientos emergentes en los resultados de los pacientes, con un 37% optimista acerca de mejoras significativas, un 43% que espera mejoras modestas y un 20% que predice ninguna mejora.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 85% de los encuestados tiene múltiples enfoques terapéuticos en desarrollo
  • El 68% está probando al menos una terapia combinada
  • Principales desafíos en I+D: selección de sitios y desarrollo en fases 2 o 3
  • Mejoras sugeridas: biomarcadores predictivos (47%), diseños innovadores de ensayos (42%) e identificación temprana de biomarcadores (41%)

ICON enfatiza la necesidad de colaboración y programas de desarrollo clínico robustos para abordar las complejidades en el desarrollo de fármacos oncológicos.

ICON plc (NASDAQ: ICLR)는 100명 이상의 종양학 약물 개발 전문가를 대상으로 한 설문 조사 결과를 발표하며, 점점 더 복잡해지는 환경에서 정밀 치료법에 대한 초점을 강조했습니다. 이 설문은 환자 결과에 대한 신흥 치료의 영향에 대한 다양한 의견을 드러내며, 37%는 상당한 개선에 대해 낙관적이고, 43%는 다소 개선될 것으로 예상하며, 20%는 개선이 없을 것이라고 예측합니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 응답자의 85%가 개발 중인 여러 치료 접근법을 가지고 있습니다
  • 68%가 적어도 하나의 병용 요법을 테스트하고 있습니다
  • 주요 R&D 과제: 사이트 선정 및 2상 또는 3상 개발
  • 제안된 개선 사항: 예측 바이오마커(47%), 혁신적인 시험 설계(42%), 조기 바이오마커 식별(41%)

ICON은 종양학 약물 개발의 복잡성을 해결하기 위해 협력과 강력한 임상 개발 프로그램의 필요성을 강조합니다.

ICON plc (NASDAQ: ICLR) a publié les résultats d'une enquête menée auprès de plus de 100 professionnels du développement de médicaments oncologiques, mettant en évidence l'accent sur les thérapies de précision dans un paysage de plus en plus complexe. L'enquête révèle des opinions variées sur l'impact des traitements émergents sur les résultats des patients, avec 37% optimistes quant à des améliorations significatives, 43% s'attendant à des améliorations modestes et 20% prédisant aucune amélioration.

Les principaux résultats incluent :

  • 85% des répondants ont plusieurs approches thérapeutiques en développement
  • 68% testent au moins une thérapie combinée
  • Principaux défis en R&D : sélection des sites et développement en phase 2 ou 3
  • Améliorations suggérées : biomarqueurs prédictifs (47%), conceptions d'essai innovantes (42%) et identification précoce des biomarqueurs (41%)

ICON souligne la nécessité de collaboration et de programmes de développement clinique robustes pour faire face aux complexités du développement de médicaments oncologiques.

ICON plc (NASDAQ: ICLR) hat die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter mehr als 100 Fachleuten aus der Onkologie-Entwicklung veröffentlicht, die den Fokus auf Präzisionstherapien in einer zunehmend komplexen Landschaft hervorhebt. Die Umfrage zeigt unterschiedliche Meinungen zur Wirkung von neuen Therapien auf die Patientenergebnisse: 37% sind optimistisch hinsichtlich bedeutender Verbesserungen, 43% erwarten bescheidene Verbesserungen, und 20% prognostizieren keine Verbesserung.

Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • 85% der Befragten haben mehrere therapeutische Ansätze in der Entwicklung
  • 68% testen mindestens eine Kombinationstherapie
  • Top-Herausforderungen in F&E: Standortauswahl und Entwicklung in Phase 2 oder 3
  • Vorgeschlagene Verbesserungen: prädiktive Biomarker (47%), innovative Studienentwürfe (42%) und frühe Biomarkeridentifizierung (41%)

ICON betont die Notwendigkeit von Zusammenarbeit und robusten klinischen Entwicklungsprogrammen, um die Komplexitäten in der Onkologie-Entwicklung zu bewältigen.

  • None.
  • None.

Collaboration with industry partners critical to support effective translation of new therapeutic approaches to the clinic

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ICON plc, (NASDAQ: ICLR) a world-leading clinical research organisation powered by healthcare intelligence, today announced results from a recent survey of over 100 professionals engaged in oncology drug development to understand the current state of emerging oncology treatment development, including the associated clinical trial dynamics. Respondents acknowledged that much focus has been accorded to emerging oncology treatments; however, as of yet, there are varied views on the degree to which these precision approaches will improve patient outcomes.

Significant investment is made in cancer research globally each year, with a total investment of approximately US$24·5 billion from 2016 to 20201. The growing understanding of the intricacies underlying various types of cancers has generated many new biological approaches to cancer treatment, such as both mRNA and non-mRNA-based vaccines, oncolytic virus therapy, CAR T-cell or NK cell therapy. Many of these emerging modalities have subsequently entered increasingly complex clinical trials and a crowded, precision-dominated landscape.

The influx of innovative therapies for oncology has not resulted in a singular therapeutic breakthrough. Instead, an increasingly crowded market of oncology therapeutics has emerged, and oncology therapeutic developers are investing in this diversity.

In line with this, 85% of all survey respondents reported having more than one therapeutic approach in development. Additionally, 68% of respondents reported testing at least one combination therapy.

The survey findings indicated that respondents have varied views on the impact of these treatments on patient outcomes at this stage in their development journey. Over a third of respondents, 37%, were optimistic that patients would fare much better in the future than they do now. A similar cohort, 43%, reported that patient outcomes were likely to see modest or minimal improvement. One in five respondents predicted that patient outcomes would not improve. These findings likely reflect that oncologists are using new therapies in a staggered approach, rather than a single new treatment, and time is required to determine the impact they will have.

Andreas Dreps, Senior Vice President and Head of Oncology and Immunology Drug Development at ICON, commented, “Encouragingly, this survey illustrates the continued investment sponsors are making to develop new oncology treatments. The outlook with regards to future impact is varied given considerations around stage of development, likely clinical benefit, treatment accessibility, and implementation into current standard of care treatments. With the number of potential therapy combinations rising, identifying the optimal combination of therapeutic modalities poses challenges. This emphasises the need for robust clinical development programs that address the complexity sponsors face – from a scientific, regulatory and commercial perspective.”

Whilst site selection and phase 2 or 3 stage development were commonly cited as key R&D challenges, respondents were equally willing to suggest ways to improve drug development: predictive biomarkers (47%), innovative clinical trial designs (42%), and early biomarker identification (41%) were the top three.

Chris Smyth, President of ICON Biotech, commented, “Biotechs play an important role in driving the field of oncology therapeutics forward. An increasingly diverse, sophisticated and crowded landscape drives the complexity in clinical development and commercialisation. Partnership and collaboration will be critical to navigating these challenges. At ICON, we serve as an end-to-end partner to support the effective translation of these therapeutic approaches to the clinic.”

Producing successful oncology treatments that use these emerging modalities has presented unique considerations. In its new whitepaper, “De-risking clinical development of precision medicines in oncology”, ICON highlights how oncology therapeutic developers can adapt to this highly competitive market and streamline development through the employment of AI, facilitating collaboration between partners, vendors and trial sites, innovative trial designs, and the integration of predictive biomarkers.

For further information please visit

About ICON plc

ICON plc is a world-leading healthcare intelligence and clinical research organisation. From molecule to medicine, we advance clinical research providing outsourced services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and government and public health organisations. We develop new innovations, drive emerging therapies forward and improve patient lives. With headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, ICON employed approximately 41,100 employees in 97 locations in 55 countries as at June 30, 2024. For further information about ICON, visit:


1. Global funding for cancer research between 2016 and 2020: a content analysis of public and philanthropic investments. McIntosh, Stuart A et al. The Lancet Oncology, Volume 24, Issue 6, 636 - 645

Claire Quinn, Corporate Communications, ICON

+353 87 4066091

Lisa Henry, Weber Shandwick (PR adviser)

+44 7785 458203

Source: ICON plc


What percentage of survey respondents in ICON's study are testing combination therapies for cancer treatment?

According to ICON's survey, 68% of respondents reported testing at least one combination therapy in oncology drug development.

How many therapeutic approaches are most oncology drug developers working on, according to ICON's survey?

The survey found that 85% of all respondents reported having more than one therapeutic approach in development for oncology treatments.

What are the top three suggested improvements for oncology drug development in ICON's survey?

The top three suggested improvements are predictive biomarkers (47%), innovative clinical trial designs (42%), and early biomarker identification (41%).

What percentage of respondents in ICON's survey are optimistic about significant improvements in patient outcomes?

37% of respondents were optimistic that patients would fare much better in the future than they do now with emerging oncology treatments.

What are the main R&D challenges identified in ICON's oncology drug development survey?

The survey identified site selection and phase 2 or 3 stage development as key R&D challenges in oncology drug development.

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