ICE Mortgage Monitor: 2024 Saw Softest Home Price Growth of Any Year Since 2011; Mortgage Delinquencies Gradually Trending Higher
ICE's February 2025 Mortgage Monitor Report reveals that 2024 experienced the lowest home price growth since 2011, ending at 3.4%. Home inventory increased 22% in 2024, reaching its highest level since mid-2020, with southern states leading the recovery to pre-pandemic levels.
The report highlights significant challenges from natural disasters, particularly the L.A. fires affecting 17,000 homes and condos. Early data shows nearly 5% fewer mortgage holders in fire-affected areas made January payments compared to December. Additionally, over 56,000 homeowners across seven states are still recovering from last year's hurricanes.
Mortgage performance shows a mixed picture: while overall delinquency rates remain 22 basis points below pre-pandemic levels, FHA delinquencies are rising significantly, now 2.5 percentage points above pre-pandemic levels. VA delinquencies also increased by 80 basis points in 2024. Despite these trends, 2024 saw record-low foreclosure rates due to forbearance programs and strong equity positions.
Il rapporto Mortgage Monitor di ICE di febbraio 2025 rivela che il 2024 ha registrato la crescita dei prezzi delle abitazioni più bassa dal 2011, chiudendo a 3,4%. L'inventario delle case è aumentato del 22% nel 2024, raggiungendo il livello più alto dalla metà del 2020, con gli stati meridionali in testa nella ripresa verso i livelli pre-pandemia.
Il rapporto evidenzia significative sfide a causa di disastri naturali, in particolare gli incendi di L.A. che hanno colpito 17.000 case e condomini. Dati preliminari mostrano che quasi il 5% in meno dei mutuatari nelle aree colpite dagli incendi ha effettuato i pagamenti di gennaio rispetto a dicembre. Inoltre, oltre 56.000 proprietari di case in sette stati stanno ancora recuperando dagli uragani dello scorso anno.
Le performance dei mutui mostrano un quadro misto: mentre i tassi complessivi di insolvenza rimangono 22 punti base al di sotto dei livelli pre-pandemia, le insolvenze FHA stanno aumentando significativamente, ora a 2,5 punti percentuali sopra i livelli pre-pandemia. Anche le insolvenze VA sono aumentate di 80 punti base nel 2024. Nonostante queste tendenze, il 2024 ha registrato tassi di pignoramento ai minimi storici grazie ai programmi di sospensione dei pagamenti e a solide posizioni patrimoniali.
El informe Mortgage Monitor de ICE de febrero de 2025 revela que 2024 experimentó el crecimiento de precios de viviendas más bajo desde 2011, cerrando en un 3,4%. El inventario de viviendas aumentó un 22% en 2024, alcanzando su nivel más alto desde mediados de 2020, con los estados del sur liderando la recuperación hacia niveles pre-pandemia.
El informe destaca desafíos significativos por desastres naturales, particularmente los incendios en L.A. que afectaron a 17,000 hogares y condominios. Datos preliminares muestran que casi el 5% menos de los propietarios de hipotecas en áreas afectadas por incendios hicieron pagos en enero en comparación con diciembre. Además, más de 56,000 propietarios de viviendas en siete estados aún se están recuperando de los huracanes del año pasado.
El desempeño de las hipotecas muestra un panorama mixto: mientras que las tasas de morosidad en general permanecen 22 puntos base por debajo de los niveles pre-pandemia, las morosidades FHA están aumentando significativamente, ahora 2,5 puntos porcentuales por encima de los niveles pre-pandemia. Las morosidades VA también aumentaron en 80 puntos base en 2024. A pesar de estas tendencias, 2024 vio tasas de ejecuciones hipotecarias históricamente bajas gracias a programas de indulgencia y sólidas posiciones de capital.
ICE의 2025년 2월 모기지 모니터 보고서는 2024년 주택 가격 성장률이 2011년 이후 가장 낮은 3.4%를 기록했다고 밝혔습니다. 주택 재고는 2024년에 22% 증가하여 2020년 중반 이후 최고 수준에 도달했으며, 남부 주들이 팬데믹 이전 수준으로의 회복을 이끌고 있습니다.
보고서는 자연재해로 인한 심각한 문제를 강조하며, 특히 17,000채의 주택과 콘도미니엄에 영향을 미친 L.A. 산불을 지적하고 있습니다. 초기 데이터에 따르면, 산불 피해 지역의 주택 소유자 중 거의 5%가 12월에 비해 1월에 지불을 하지 않았습니다. 추가로, 지난해 허리케인으로 인해 여전히 회복 중인 56,000명 이상의 주택 소유자가 있습니다.
모기지 성과는 혼재된 상황을 보여줍니다: 전반적인 연체율은 여전히 팬데믹 이전 수준보다 22베이시스 포인트 낮지만, FHA 연체는 크게 증가하여 현재 팬데믹 이전 수준보다 2.5% 포인트 높습니다. VA 연체도 2024년에 80베이시스 포인트 증가했습니다. 이러한 추세에도 불구하고, 2024년은 유예 프로그램과 강력한 자본 포지션 덕분에 역사적으로 최저의 압류율을 기록했습니다.
Le rapport Mortgage Monitor d'ICE de février 2025 révèle que 2024 a connu la plus faible croissance des prix des logements depuis 2011, se terminant à 3,4 %. L'inventaire des maisons a augmenté de 22 % en 2024, atteignant son niveau le plus élevé depuis mi-2020, les États du Sud menant la reprise vers des niveaux d'avant la pandémie.
Le rapport souligne des défis significatifs dus à des catastrophes naturelles, en particulier les incendies de L.A. qui ont touché 17.000 maisons et condominiums. Les données préliminaires montrent presque 5 % de moins de propriétaires de prêts hypothécaires dans les zones touchées par les incendies ont effectué des paiements en janvier par rapport à décembre. De plus, plus de 56.000 propriétaires de maisons dans sept États se remettent encore des ouragans de l'année dernière.
La performance hypothécaire montre un tableau mixte : bien que les taux d'insolvabilité globaux demeurent 22 points de base en dessous des niveaux d'avant la pandémie, les défauts FHA augmentent considérablement, maintenant 2,5 points de pourcentage au-dessus des niveaux d'avant la pandémie. Les défauts VA ont également augmenté de 80 points de base en 2024. Malgré ces tendances, 2024 a vu des taux de saisie historiquement bas grâce à des programmes de report de paiement et à des positions de capital solides.
ICE's Hypotheken-Monitor-Bericht vom Februar 2025 zeigt, dass 2024 das niedrigste Wachstum der Immobilienpreise seit 2011 mit einem Endstand von 3,4% erlebte. Der Bestand an Immobilien stieg 2024 um 22%, was den höchsten Stand seit Mitte 2020 erreichte, wobei die Südstaaten die Erholung auf das Niveau vor der Pandemie anführten.
Der Bericht hebt erhebliche Herausforderungen durch Naturkatastrophen hervor, insbesondere die Brände in Los Angeles, die 17.000 Wohnungen und Eigentumswohnungen betroffen haben. Frühere Daten zeigen, dass fast 5% weniger Hypothekenschuldner in den von Bränden betroffenen Gebieten im Januar Zahlungen leisteten als im Dezember. Darüber hinaus erholen sich immer noch über 56.000 Hausbesitzer in sieben Bundesstaaten von den Hurrikanen des letzten Jahres.
Die Hypothekenleistungsdaten zeigen ein gemischtes Bild: Während die allgemeinen Zahlungsausfälle 22 Basispunkte unter dem Niveau vor der Pandemie bleiben, steigen die FHA-Zahlungsausfälle erheblich an und liegen nun 2,5 Prozentpunkte über dem Niveau vor der Pandemie. Auch die VA-Zahlungsausfälle stiegen 2024 um 80 Basispunkte. Trotz dieser Trends verzeichnete 2024 die historisch niedrigsten Zwangsversteigerungsraten aufgrund von Zahlungsaufschubprogrammen und stabilen Eigenkapitalpositionen.
- Home inventory increased 22% in 2024, reaching best levels since mid-2020
- Overall mortgage delinquency rate remains 22 basis points below pre-pandemic levels
- Record low foreclosure rates in 2024
- Portfolio-held mortgage delinquencies down 11 basis points from previous year
- Lowest annual home price growth since 2011 at 3.4%
- FHA delinquencies 2.5 percentage points above pre-pandemic levels
- VA delinquencies up 80 basis points in 2024
- 5% decrease in mortgage payments from fire-affected California homeowners
The latest ICE Mortgage Monitor report unveils critical shifts in the housing market landscape that warrant careful investor attention. The 3.4% annual home price growth in 2024 - the lowest since 2011 - signals a significant market recalibration, but the story beneath the surface is more nuanced.
The 22% increase in housing inventory represents a pivotal market evolution, with Southern states leading the recovery to pre-pandemic levels. This regional disparity creates a tale of two markets: while Southern states approach normalization, the inventory-starved Midwest and Northeast continue experiencing stronger price appreciation, hosting 18 of the 20 strongest housing markets.
The rising delinquency trends deserve particular scrutiny. While the overall delinquency rate remains 22 basis points below pre-pandemic levels, the divergence between loan types is telling. FHA loans show concerning trends, with delinquencies 2.5 percentage points above pre-pandemic levels, while VA delinquencies rose 80 basis points in 2024. This pattern suggests increasing stress among first-time homebuyers and veterans, potentially signaling broader affordability challenges.
The impact of natural disasters adds another layer of complexity, with early data showing 5% fewer on-time mortgage payments in California's fire-affected zones. This trend could have ripple effects on mortgage-backed securities and municipal bonds, as evidenced by the spread-widening in Los Angeles water and power municipal bonds - a unprecedented market response to natural disasters.
Looking ahead, the futures market's projection of 30-year rates near 6.6% by July 2025 suggests modest relief in financing costs. However, the combination of regional inventory imbalances, rising delinquencies in government-backed loans and increasing natural disaster risks creates a complex environment for real estate investors and mortgage market participants.
The unprecedented spread-widening in Los Angeles water and power municipal bonds marks a watershed moment in municipal debt markets. This marks the first documented instance of natural disasters triggering immediate repricing of municipal debt, potentially establishing a new risk paradigm for muni investors.
The impact extends beyond immediate pricing effects. With 140 municipal entities exposed to ongoing wildfires and 56,000 homeowners still struggling with payments across seven hurricane-affected states, we're witnessing a fundamental shift in how climate risks are priced into municipal bonds. This could lead to more sophisticated risk assessment models and potentially higher risk premiums for bonds in disaster-prone areas.
The situation highlights the growing importance of incorporating climate risk into municipal bond analysis, particularly for utilities and infrastructure-related issuances. Investors should expect similar repricing events to become more common, potentially creating both risks and opportunities in the municipal bond market as climate-related events continue to impact local government revenues and expenditures.
Annual home price growth edged slightly higher in December to finish the year at +
3.4% , the softest growth since 2011, when the market was recovering following the financial crisis -
The number of homes for sale in 2024 increased
22% leaving for-sale inventory at its best level since mid-2020, with a quarter of markets – primarily in southern states – back above pre-pandemic levels - Climate events are a focal point for the market entering 2025; ICE data shows 17,000 homes and condos were in the path of the L.A. fires, with broad implications for both households and municipalities
ICE daily mortgage data is already showing the financial stresses facing fire-affected homeowners, with nearly
5% fewer mortgage holders making payments by mid-January when compared to December - Nationally, mortgage delinquencies have gradually been on the rise over the back half of 2024, especially among FHA and VA loans, suggesting performance will become a growing focal point in 2025
Home prices ended the year on an up note but 2024 was the softest year for home price growth in more than a decade. This month’s Mortgage Monitor analyzes the latest trends shaping the housing market heading into 2025, including a deep dive into the local and broader impacts of the
“Natural disasters continue to be in the spotlight across the country, and our hearts go out to the tens of thousands of affected households,” said Andy Walden, Head of Mortgage and Housing Market Research for Intercontinental Exchange. “Early data shows financial pressures building among homeowners impacted by the ongoing
“ICE’s McDash Flash daily data suggests that nearly
“We’re also beginning to see potential downstream impacts among a number of the more than 140 municipal entities that were at least partially exposed to the ongoing wildfires, with spread-widening being seen in
Turning to the broader market, ICE’s
Overall, for-sale inventory enters the year as a bright spot for a market that’s been dealing with deep deficits in recent years. Inventory levels grew by
“At the current rate of improvement, another
From a mortgage performance perspective, the market enters 2025 on a mixed note. Overall, the national mortgage delinquency rate remains 22 basis points (bps) below pre-pandemic levels, but mortgage performance is a tale of two markets. Performance remains strong among GSE and portfolio-held loans, with delinquencies among portfolio-held mortgages down 11 bps from last year and 1.1 percentage points from the beginning of 2020. FHA delinquencies, on the other hand, have been sharply rising, and now sit 2.5 percentage points above pre-pandemic levels. VA delinquencies have also been on the rise, up 80 bps in 2024 and 83 bps from the beginning of 2020.
Despite gradually rising delinquencies in recent months, the total number of foreclosures started and completed (sales) in 2024 hit record lows – outside of the COVID-19 moratoria – due to the prevalence of forbearance and other loss mitigation efforts, along with the strong equity footing of mortgage holders in today’s market. Low foreclosures aside, mortgage performance is likely to be a focal point in 2025.
Further information on this and other topics can be found in this month’s Mortgage Monitor.
About Mortgage Monitor
ICE manages the nation’s leading repository of loan-level residential mortgage data and performance information covering the majority of the overall market, including tens of millions of loans across the spectrum of credit products and more than 160 million historical records. The combined insight of the ICE Home Price Index and Collateral Analytics’ home price and real estate data provides one of the most complete, accurate and timely measures of home prices available, covering
ICE’s research experts carefully analyze this data to produce a summary supplemented by dozens of charts and graphs that reflect trend and point-in-time observations for the monthly Mortgage Monitor Report. To review the full report, visit:
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Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE) is a Fortune 500 company that designs, builds, and operates digital networks that connect people to opportunity. We provide financial technology and data services across major asset classes helping our customers access mission-critical workflow tools that increase transparency and efficiency. ICE’s futures, equity, and options exchanges -- including the New York Stock Exchange -- and clearing houses help people invest, raise capital and manage risk. We offer some of the world’s largest markets to trade and clear energy and environmental products. Our fixed income, data services and execution capabilities provide information, analytics and platforms that help our customers streamline processes and capitalize on opportunities. At ICE Mortgage Technology, we are transforming
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Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 -- Statements in this press release regarding ICE's business that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of additional risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see ICE's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, including, but not limited to, the risk factors in ICE's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as filed with the SEC on February 8, 2024.
Source: Intercontinental Exchange
Category: Mortgage Technology
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Source: Intercontinental Exchange