IceCure's ProSense® Featured in 6 Global Studies on Cryoablation of Breast Tumors at the 2024 European Society of Breast Imaging Conference

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IceCure Medical's ProSense® cryoablation technology was featured in six global studies at the 2024 European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) Conference. Highlights include:

1. The ICE3 trial abstract won the EUSOBI 2024 Abstract Award, showing a 96.3% recurrence-free rate for small, low-risk breast cancers treated with ProSense® and endocrine therapy.

2. The THERMAC Trial, comparing thermal ablation methods, won the EUSOBI Young Physician Scientists Prize. Cryoablation demonstrated the highest complete ablation rate at 94% with no adverse events.

3. IceCure exhibited ProSense® at EUSOBI, conducting demos and Q&A sessions with breast cryoablation experts.

4. Six studies presented at EUSOBI 2024 showcased ProSense®'s efficacy in treating breast cancer and fibroadenomas, supporting IceCure's global commercial activities.

La tecnologia di crioblazione ProSense® di IceCure Medical è stata presentata in sei studi globali durante il Congresso 2024 della Società Europea di Imaging Mammario (EUSOBI). I punti salienti includono:

1. L'abstract del trial ICE3 ha vinto il Premio per l'Abstract EUSOBI 2024, mostrando un 96,3% di tasso di assenza di recidive per piccoli tumori mammari a basso rischio trattati con ProSense® e terapia endocrina.

2. Il trial THERMAC, che confronta i metodi di ablazione termica, ha vinto il Premio per Giovani Scienziati Medici EUSOBI. La crioblazione ha dimostrato il tasso di ablazione completa più elevato al 94% senza eventi avversi.

3. IceCure ha esposto ProSense® a EUSOBI, conducendo dimostrazioni e sessioni di domande e risposte con esperti di crioblazione mammaria.

4. Sei studi presentati a EUSOBI 2024 hanno mostrato l'efficacia di ProSense® nel trattamento del cancro al seno e dei fibroadenomi, supportando le attività commerciali globali di IceCure.

La tecnología de crioablación ProSense® de IceCure Medical fue presentada en seis estudios globales durante la Conferencia de la Sociedad Europea de Imagen de Mama (EUSOBI) 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

1. El resumen del ensayo ICE3 ganó el Premio al Resumen EUSOBI 2024, mostrando una tasa libre de recaídas del 96.3% para pequeños cánceres de mama de bajo riesgo tratados con ProSense® y terapia endocrina.

2. El ensayo THERMAC, que compara métodos de ablación térmica, ganó el Premio para Jóvenes Científicos Médicos EUSOBI. La crioablación demostró la tasa de ablación completa más alta del 94% sin eventos adversos.

3. IceCure exhibió ProSense® en EUSOBI, realizando demostraciones y sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con expertos en crioablación mamaria.

4. Seis estudios presentados en EUSOBI 2024 mostraron la eficacia de ProSense® en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama y fibroadenomas, apoyando las actividades comerciales globales de IceCure.

IceCure Medical의 ProSense® 냉동 절제 기술은 2024 유럽 유방 영상학회(EUSOBI)에서 6개의 글로벌 연구로 소개되었습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. ICE3 시험 초록이 EUSOBI 2024 초록상을 수상하며, ProSense®와 내분비 요법으로 치료된 작은 저위험 유방암의 96.3% 재발 없는 비율을 보여주었습니다.

2. 열적 절제 방법을 비교하는 THERMAC 시험이 EUSOBI 젊은 의사 과학자 상을 수상했습니다. 냉동 절제는 94%의 가장 높은 완전 절제율을 보였으며 부작용이 없었습니다.

3. IceCure는 EUSOBI에서 ProSense®를 전시하고, 유방 냉동 절제 전문가와의 시연 및 질의응답 세션을 진행했습니다.

4. EUSOBI 2024에서 발표된 6개의 연구는 유방암과 섬유선종 치료에서 ProSense®의 효과를 보여주어 IceCure의 글로벌 상업 활동을 지원했습니다.

La technologie de cryoablation ProSense® d'IceCure Medical a été présentée dans six études mondiales lors de la conférence 2024 de la Société Européenne d'Imagerie Mammaire (EUSOBI). Les points forts incluent :

1. Le résumé de l'essai ICE3 a remporté le Prix du Résumé EUSOBI 2024, montrant un taux sans récidive de 96,3% pour de petits cancers du sein à faible risque traités avec ProSense® et une thérapie endocrinienne.

2. L'essai THERMAC, comparant des méthodes d'ablation thermique, a remporté le Prix des Jeunes Médecins Chercheurs EUSOBI. La cryoablation a démontré le taux d'ablation complète le plus élevé de 94% sans événements indésirables.

3. IceCure a présenté ProSense® à l'EUSOBI, réalisant des démonstrations et des sessions de questions-réponses avec des experts en cryoablation mammaire.

4. Six études présentées à l'EUSOBI 2024 ont montré l'efficacité de ProSense® dans le traitement du cancer du sein et des fibroadenomes, soutenant les activités commerciales mondiales d'IceCure.

Die ProSense® Kryoablations-Technologie von IceCure Medical wurde auf sechs weltweiten Studien auf der EUSOBI-Konferenz 2024 präsentiert. Die Höhepunkte umfassen:

1. Der Abstract der ICE3-Studie gewann den EUSOBI 2024 Abstract Award und zeigte eine 96,3%ige Rückfallrate für kleine, niedriggradige Brustkrebserkrankungen, die mit ProSense® und endokriner Therapie behandelt wurden.

2. Die THERMAC-Studie, die thermische Ablationsmethoden vergleicht, gewann den EUSOBI Young Physician Scientists Prize. Die Kryoablation zeigte die höchste vollständige Ablationsrate von 94% ohne unerwünschte Ereignisse.

3. IceCure präsentierte ProSense® auf der EUSOBI-Konferenz und führte Demos sowie Fragen-und-Antworten-Sessions mit Experten für Brustkryoablation durch.

4. Sechs auf der EUSOBI 2024 präsentierte Studien zeigten die Wirksamkeit von ProSense® bei der Behandlung von Brustkrebs und Fibroadenomen und unterstützen die globalen Handelsaktivitäten von IceCure.

  • ICE3 trial showed 96.3% recurrence-free rate for ProSense® cryoablation in small, low-risk breast cancers
  • THERMAC Trial demonstrated 94% complete ablation rate for cryoablation, highest among thermal ablation methods
  • ProSense® cryoablation showed no adverse events in the THERMAC Trial, outperforming other methods
  • Six major studies on ProSense® presented at EUSOBI 2024, supporting global commercial activities
  • Growing evidence from independent studies supports ProSense®'s efficacy in breast cancer treatment
  • None.
  • ICE3 trial results presentation by Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Kenneth Tomkovich wins EUSOBI 2024 Abstract Award 
  • THERMAC Trial on Treatment of Breast Cancer with Percutaneous Thermal Ablation (cryoablation, radiofrequency, and microwave) wins EUSOBI Young Physician Scientist Competition – cryoablation demonstrates 94% complete rate of ablation 
  • IceCure exhibited ProSense® and conducted hands-on demos and Q&A sessions with breast cryoablation experts Dr. Lucía Graña-López and Dr. Federica Di Naro

CAESAREA, Israel, Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IceCure Medical Ltd. (Nasdaq: ICCM) ("IceCure", "IceCure Medical" or the "Company"), developer of minimally-invasive cryoablation technology that destroys tumors by freezing as an alternative to surgical tumor removal, today announced that IceCure's ICE3 trial and five additional studies featuring new data on ProSense's® use in breast cancer and fibroadenoma were presented at the 2024 European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) Scientific Meeting and Annual Conference which took place in Lisbon, Portugal on October 3-5, 2024.

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The 2024 EUSOBI Abstract Award was received by Dr. Kenneth Tomkovich, Co-Primary Investigator of the ICE3 trial, for his abstract "Image Guided Cryoablation as a Primary Treatment for Low-Risk Breast Cancers: Results and Imaging Findings of the ICE3 Trial." Dr. Tomkovich remarked, "The significance of a U.S. study gaining such high recognition by a European medical society is a testament to the excellent results—a 96.3% recurrence free rate for those treated with ProSense® and endocrine therapy—that demonstrates cryoablation for small, low-risk breast cancer to be a safe and effective primary treatment option to surgical lumpectomy."

The THERMAC Trial on Treatment of Breast Cancer with Percutaneous Thermal Ablation from the Netherlands was awarded the EUSOBI Young Physician Scientists Prize. The THERMAC trial compared the efficacy of treatment in terms of complete ablation with radiofrequency, microwave, and cryoablation. Cryoablation demonstrated the highest complete rate of ablation at 94% with no adverse events, making it the safest and most effective among the methods used in the trial. In comparison, for patients in the same study who underwent radiofrequency there was a complete ablation rate of 33% and 50% experienced mild to moderate adverse events. For patients in the same study treated with microwave, there was a complete ablation rate of 73% and 40% experienced mild to moderate adverse events.

An estimated 1700+ professionals in attendance at EUSOBI had the opportunity to learn more about the ProSense® Cryoablation System for the treatment of fibroadenoma and breast cancer, both of which are approved indications for ProSense® in Europe. IceCure's booth featured live demonstrations from expert users and the IceCure team, who were on hand to discuss the growing evidence for breast cancer cryoablation and ProSense®'s advantages. On October 4, world-leading cryoablation experts, Dr. Lucía Graña-López of Servizo Galego de Saúde, Spain, and Dr. Federica Di Naro of Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Italy were at the booth for demonstrations and Q&A. Both Dr. Grana-Lopez and Dr. Di Naro have previously published studies demonstrating ProSense® destroyed or reduced 100% of breast cancer tumors.  

"The fact that six major studies on ProSense® in the treatment of breast cancer were presented, and two won awards, in Europe's most prestigious breast imaging conference speaks volumes to the potential of ProSense® to treat more patients in Europe and around the world," stated IceCure CEO Eyal Shamir. "The growing body of evidence from independent, investigator initiated studies supports our commercial activities globally. We had highly productive talks at the EUSOBI conference with hospitals, clinics, and doctors interested in acquiring ProSense® systems so they can offer a safe and effective minimally invasive option to their patients."

The following is a summary of six abstracts featuring ProSense® Cryoablation, including IceCure's ICE3 trial, presented at EUSOBI 2024:

  • Study Title: Image Guided Cryoablation as a Primary Treatment for Low-Risk Breast Cancers: Results and Imaging Findings of the ICE3 Trial – Dr. Kenneth Tomkovich, USA
    Winner of the EUSOBI 2024 Abstract Award; Received the highest score in the topic
    Conclusion: "The overall 5-year recurrence rate of 4.3% in the ICE3 trial is similar to reported recurrence rates for the current gold standard surgical lumpectomy. Substantial benefits as compared to surgery include performance in an outpatient setting using local anesthesia, only minor reported adverse events, and 100% satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes. Results of the ICE3 trial suggest that cryoablation for small low-risk breast cancers is a safe and effective primary treatment option alternative to surgical lumpectomy. Additional trials are encouraged."

  • Study Title: The Treatment of Breast Cancer with Percutaneous Thermal Ablation: Results of the THERMAC trial – Dr. Sophie Wooldrik, the Netherlands
    Winner of the EUSOBI Young Physician Scientist Competition; Rated among the top 5 abstracts
    Conclusion: In this study, cryoablation demonstrated the highest completed ablation rate (94%) with no adverse events, making it the most effective and safest method compared to radiofrequency and microwave.

  • Study Title: The Treatment of Breast Cancer with Percutaneous Thermal Ablation – Cosmetic Outcome and Patient Satisfaction – Dr. Sophie Wooldrik, the Netherlands
    Conclusion:  Patients reported cosmetic outcomes to be more favorable following thermal ablation as compared to surgery. Patients appeared to experience the least among of pain with cryoablation.

  • Study Title: Assessment of pain level and quality of life (QoL) in breast cancer (BC) patients treated with Ultrasound-guided Cryoablation – Dr. S.E Balidi Giorgi, D. Di Naro, et al. 
    Conclusion:  Ultrasound-guided cryoablation is a non-invasive and effective treatment in breast cancer patients ineligible for surgical excision. It is associated with improvement of pain and QoL. No significant differences in QoL were found between patients treated with cryoablation and hormone therapy compared to patients treated only with cryoablation, confirming that cryoablation maintains good QoL levels in all breast cancer patients.

  • Study Title: Single-center Experience with Percutaneous Cryoablation for benign and malignant breast lesions in Romania: Tumor Reduction and Safety – Dr. Georgina Camen, Romania
    Conclusion: Cryoablation with a LN2 based system was safe and effective for tumors 26 mm and smaller. Data collection continues with high expectations for long-term outcomes.

  • Study Title: Single Center Experience with Percutaneous Cryoablation of Fibroadenomas in Hungary: Volume Reduction and Safety – Dr. Teodora Filipov
    Conclusion: Liquid nitrogen-based cryoablation demonstrated both safety and efficacy for the treatment of fibroadenomas resulting in a 92.9% reduction in volume one year post procedure.

About IceCure Medical
IceCure Medical (Nasdaq: ICCM) develops and markets advanced liquid-nitrogen-based cryoablation therapy systems for the treatment of tumors (benign and cancerous) by freezing, with the primary focus areas being breast, kidney, bone and lung cancer. Its minimally invasive technology is a safe and effective alternative to hospital surgical tumor removal that is easily performed in a relatively short procedure. The Company's flagship ProSense® system is marketed and sold worldwide for the indications cleared and approved to date including in the U.S., Europe and China.

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "potential," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, IceCure is using forward looking statements in this press release when it discusses the potential of ProSense to treat more patients in Europe and around the world. Historical results of scientific research and clinical and preclinical trials do not guarantee that the conclusions of future research or trials will suggest identical or even similar conclusions. Important factors that could cause actual results, developments and business decisions to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include, among others: the Company's planned level of revenues and capital expenditures; the Company's available cash and its ability to obtain additional funding; the Company's ability to market and sell its products; legal and regulatory developments in the United States and other countries; the Company's ability to maintain its relationships with suppliers, distributors and other partners; the Company's ability to maintain or protect the validity of its patents and other intellectual property; the Company's ability to expose and educate medical professionals about its products; political, economic and military instability in the Middle East, specifically in Israel; as well as those factors set forth in the Risk Factors section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on April 3, 2024, and other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC which are available on the SEC's website, The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.

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What was the recurrence-free rate for ProSense® cryoablation in the ICE3 trial for ICCM?

The ICE3 trial showed a 96.3% recurrence-free rate for patients treated with ProSense® cryoablation and endocrine therapy for small, low-risk breast cancers.

How did ProSense® cryoablation perform in the THERMAC Trial compared to other thermal ablation methods?

In the THERMAC Trial, ProSense® cryoablation demonstrated the highest complete ablation rate at 94% with no adverse events, outperforming radiofrequency and microwave ablation methods.

How many studies featuring IceCure's ProSense® were presented at EUSOBI 2024?

Six major studies featuring IceCure's ProSense® cryoablation system were presented at the 2024 European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) Conference.

What awards did studies featuring IceCure's ProSense® win at EUSOBI 2024?

The ICE3 trial abstract won the EUSOBI 2024 Abstract Award, and the THERMAC Trial won the EUSOBI Young Physician Scientists Prize.

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