IceCure's ProSense® Cryoablation Featured in Six Studies Presented at St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference
IceCure Medical (NASDAQ: ICCM) showcased its ProSense® cryoablation technology at the 19th Annual St. Gallen Breast Cancer Conference, with six peer-reviewed studies presented and to be published in The Breast journal. The studies demonstrate ProSense®'s efficacy in treating breast cancer through tumor freezing.
Key findings include the ICE3 trial showing a 3.61% recurrence rate at 5 years (7/194 patients), with patients receiving endocrine therapy showing a 3.22% recurrence rate. An independent study in Hong Kong successfully expanded treatment to include triple negative breast cancer and younger patients.
The THERMAC trial compared different ablation methods, with ProSense® achieving 94% complete ablation rate and 0% adverse events, outperforming other techniques. Additional studies demonstrated success in treating inoperable patients, with 81.7% complete tumoral necrosis in 60 treated tumors, and showed particular effectiveness in luminal cancers up to 2.5cm.
IceCure Medical (NASDAQ: ICCM) ha presentato la sua tecnologia di crioablazione ProSense® durante la 19ª Conferenza Annuale sul Cancro al Seno di St. Gallen, con sei studi peer-reviewed presentati e in fase di pubblicazione nel giornale The Breast. Gli studi dimostrano l'efficacia di ProSense® nel trattamento del cancro al seno attraverso il congelamento dei tumori.
I risultati chiave includono il trial ICE3, che ha mostrato un tasso di recidiva del 3,61% a 5 anni (7/194 pazienti), con i pazienti sottoposti a terapia endocrina che mostrano un tasso di recidiva del 3,22%. Uno studio indipendente a Hong Kong ha ampliato con successo il trattamento per includere il cancro al seno triplo negativo e pazienti più giovani.
Il trial THERMAC ha confrontato diversi metodi di ablazione, con ProSense® che ha raggiunto un tasso di ablazione completa del 94% e 0% di eventi avversi, superando altre tecniche. Studi aggiuntivi hanno dimostrato successo nel trattamento di pazienti inoperabili, con il 81,7% di necrosi tumorale completa in 60 tumori trattati, e hanno mostrato un'efficacia particolare nei tumori luminali fino a 2,5 cm.
IceCure Medical (NASDAQ: ICCM) presentó su tecnología de crioablación ProSense® en la 19ª Conferencia Anual sobre Cáncer de Mama de St. Gallen, con seis estudios revisados por pares presentados y que serán publicados en la revista The Breast. Los estudios demuestran la eficacia de ProSense® en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama a través de la congelación de tumores.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen el ensayo ICE3, que mostró una tasa de recurrencia del 3.61% a 5 años (7/194 pacientes), con pacientes que recibieron terapia endocrina mostrando una tasa de recurrencia del 3.22%. Un estudio independiente en Hong Kong amplió con éxito el tratamiento para incluir cáncer de mama triple negativo y pacientes más jóvenes.
El ensayo THERMAC comparó diferentes métodos de ablación, con ProSense® logrando una tasa de ablación completa del 94% y 0% de eventos adversos, superando otras técnicas. Estudios adicionales demostraron éxito en el tratamiento de pacientes inoperables, con un 81.7% de necrosis tumoral completa en 60 tumores tratados, y mostraron una eficacia particular en cánceres luminales de hasta 2.5 cm.
IceCure Medical (NASDAQ: ICCM)은 제19회 생갈렌 유방암 회의에서 ProSense® 냉동절제 기술을 선보였으며, 6개의 동료 검토 연구가 발표되고 유방 저널에 게재될 예정입니다. 이 연구들은 종양 동결을 통해 유방암 치료에 대한 ProSense®의 효능을 입증합니다.
주요 발견으로는 ICE3 시험이 5년 후 재발률 3.61%(7/194 환자)를 보여주었으며, 내분비 요법을 받은 환자들은 3.22%의 재발률을 보였습니다. 홍콩의 독립 연구는 치료 범위를 삼중 음성 유방암과 젊은 환자를 포함하도록 성공적으로 확장했습니다.
THERMAC 시험은 다양한 절제 방법을 비교했으며, ProSense®는 94%의 완전 절제율과 0%의 부작용을 기록하여 다른 기술보다 우수한 성과를 보였습니다. 추가 연구는 수술이 불가능한 환자를 치료하는 데 성공했으며, 60개의 치료된 종양 중 81.7%에서 종양 괴사가 완전하게 나타났고, 2.5cm까지의 루미널 암에서 특히 효과적임을 보여주었습니다.
IceCure Medical (NASDAQ: ICCM) a présenté sa technologie de cryoablation ProSense® lors de la 19ème Conférence Annuelle sur le Cancer du Sein de St. Gallen, avec six études évaluées par des pairs présentées et devant être publiées dans la revue The Breast. Les études démontrent l'efficacité de ProSense® dans le traitement du cancer du sein par congélation des tumeurs.
Les résultats clés incluent l' montrant un taux de récidive de 3,61 % à 5 ans (7/194 patients), les patients recevant une thérapie endocrinienne affichant un taux de récidive de 3,22 %. Une étude indépendante à Hong Kong a élargi avec succès le traitement pour inclure le cancer du sein triple négatif et les patients plus jeunes.
Le procès THERMAC a comparé différentes méthodes d'ablation, ProSense® atteignant un taux d'ablation complète de 94 % et 0 % d'événements indésirables, surpassant d'autres techniques. Des études supplémentaires ont montré un succès dans le traitement de patients inopérables, avec 81,7 % de nécrose tumorale complète dans 60 tumeurs traitées, et ont montré une efficacité particulière dans les cancers luminales jusqu'à 2,5 cm.
IceCure Medical (NASDAQ: ICCM) präsentierte seine ProSense® Kryoablationstechnologie auf der 19. jährlichen St. Gallen Konferenz zum Thema Brustkrebs, bei der sechs von Experten begutachtete Studien vorgestellt und in der Zeitschrift The Breast veröffentlicht werden. Die Studien zeigen die Wirksamkeit von ProSense® bei der Behandlung von Brustkrebs durch das Einfrieren von Tumoren.
Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen die ICE3-Studie, die eine Rückfallrate von 3,61 % nach 5 Jahren (7/194 Patienten) zeigte, wobei Patienten, die eine endokrine Therapie erhielten, eine Rückfallrate von 3,22 % aufwiesen. Eine unabhängige Studie in Hongkong erweiterte erfolgreich die Behandlung, um auch dreifach negativen Brustkrebs und jüngere Patienten einzuschließen.
Die THERMAC-Studie verglich verschiedene Ablationsmethoden, wobei ProSense® eine vollständige Ablationsrate von 94 % und 0 % unerwünschte Ereignisse erreichte, was besser war als andere Techniken. Zusätzliche Studien zeigten Erfolge bei der Behandlung von inoperablen Patienten, mit 81,7 % vollständiger tumoraler Nekrose in 60 behandelten Tumoren, und zeigten eine besondere Wirksamkeit bei luminalen Tumoren bis zu 2,5 cm.
- Strong efficacy data with 94% complete ablation rate in THERMAC trial
- Low 3.61% recurrence rate at 5 years in ICE3 trial
- 0% adverse events reported in cryoablation arm of THERMAC trial
- Successful expansion to triple negative breast cancer treatment
- 81.7% complete tumoral necrosis in inoperable patient study
- Some cases of axillary progression in triple-negative breast cancer patients
- Two patients experienced cancer recurrence in different locations
IceCure's ProSense® cryoablation system has demonstrated impressive clinical outcomes across six independent studies presented at the prestigious St. Gallen Breast Cancer Conference. Most significant is the 5-year data from the ICE3 trial showing a remarkably low recurrence rate of
The comparative THERMAC trial provides compelling evidence of ProSense's superiority over competing ablation technologies. While microwave ablation achieved
What's particularly encouraging is the potential expansion of indications beyond the original elderly, small tumor population. Dr. Kwong's study suggests efficacy in younger patients and triple-negative breast cancers, while the Spanish study demonstrated
The fact that all studies are being published in The Breast journal adds scientific credibility and will likely accelerate clinical adoption. ProSense appears positioned to capitalize on the broader oncology trend toward surgical de-escalation - offering comparable outcomes to traditional surgery with significantly less invasiveness and morbidity.
The presentation of six independent studies at a major international conference represents a significant validation milestone for IceCure's core technology. With a market cap of just
The commercial implications are substantial. First, the company's CEO explicitly noted "increasing commercial traction" in Europe, suggesting revenue growth is already underway. Second, the superior safety and efficacy profile demonstrated in the THERMAC trial creates a compelling competitive advantage over alternative technologies. Third, the expansion of potential indications significantly increases the addressable market beyond the initial elderly, small-tumor population.
The business model benefits from multiple revenue streams - equipment sales/leasing plus recurring revenue from disposable probes used in each procedure. As clinical adoption increases, this recurring revenue component should grow progressively.
From a market perspective, surgical alternatives with equivalent outcomes and superior patient experience tend to gain rapid adoption once sufficient clinical evidence exists. The publishing of all six studies in a respected scientific journal provides exactly that evidence base.
While specific financial projections aren't provided, the significant clinical validation across multiple independent studies, combined with the technology's selection for Phase III trials over competing approaches, positions IceCure favorably for accelerated commercial adoption in the European market.
- IceCure exhibited at the prestigious event in
Vienna, Austria attended by oncologists, breast surgeons - An abstract on ICE3 study results by Dr. Richard Fine was accepted and included in the poster presentation gallery
- An independent study by Dr. Ava Kwong evaluated expanding the ICE3 study population to include triple negative breast cancer and younger patients
- Four additional independent abstracts were presented at the conference and all six will be published in the scientific journal—The Breast

"ProSense® received a high level of interest at this prestigious breast cancer conference in
The following studies of ProSense® were presented:
- The Impact of Adjuvant Treatment After Cryoablation in Early-Stage, Low-Risk Breast Cancer: ICE3 Trial 5-Year Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence (IBTR)
- Lead author Dr. Richard Fine,
United States - Summary conclusion: The ICE3 trial suggests that cryoablation with ProSense®, complemented by adjuvant therapy, is a viable alternative to surgical excision for selected patients with early-stage, low-risk breast cancer with recurrence rates comparable to those following lumpectomy. The addition of endocrine therapy alone yields similar results to de-escalation trials omitting radiation after surgery, such as CALGB 9343, PRIME II and LUMINA, without sacrificing survival. ICE3 enrolled patients aged ≥60 with unifocal, hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative invasive ductal carcinomas measuring ≤1.5 cm. At 5 years, the overall IBTR rate was
3.61% (7 recurrences out of 194 patients). The 124 Patients who received only endocrine therapy with cryoablation had a 5-year IBTR rate of3.22% (4 recurrences out of 124 patients).
- Lead author Dr. Richard Fine,
- Expanding the Use of Cryoablation on T1 Breast Cancers: An Initial Experience
- Lead Author Dr. Ava Kwong,
Hong Kong - Summary conclusion: This study evaluated expanding ICE3's inclusion criteria to T1 breast cancer of all IHC subtypes (i.e. luminal, HER2-enriched and triple negative breast cancers). The study found that cryoablation with ProSense® can completely ablate T1 breast cancer, including triple negative breast cancer, and younger age range. 35 patients were recruited with a median age of 64 and biopsy proven invasive or in-situ breast cancer of ≤2cm.
- Lead Author Dr. Ava Kwong,
- The Treatment of Breast Cancer with Percutaneous Thermal Ablation: Results of the THERMAC trial
- Lead Author by Dr. Linda Risks,
Netherlands - Summary conclusion: Percutaneous thermal ablation has the potential to replace surgical treatment and improve the health-related quality of life of patients with small breast cancers, without jeopardizing current treatment effectiveness or safety. 41 postmenopausal patients, with cT1N0 ER+/Her2- breast cancer, were treated. The study compared radiofrequency ablation ("RFA"), microwave ablation ("MWA") and cryoablation ("CA"). The RFA arm was prematurely terminated. Complete ablation was reached in
72% (95% CI,49% to88% ) in the MWA arm and in94% (95% CI,74% to 0.99) in the cryoablation arm. Adverse events occurred in44% (95% CI,25% to66% ) of the patients in the MWA arm and0% (95% CI,0% to18% ) of in the cryoablation arm. Of the three thermal ablation methods evaluated, cryoablation with ProSense® was the only thermal ablative technique that met the minimum requirements and will therefore be selected for a Phase III trial.
- Lead Author by Dr. Linda Risks,
- Percutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Cryoablation for the Treatment of Breast Cancer in Non-Surgical Patients
- Lead Author Dr. Lucía Graña López,
Spain - Summary conclusion: Breast cancer patients who chose not to have surgery or were considered inoperable were treated with ProSense® cryoablation, which was found to be a safe and well-tolerated outpatient procedure. The study outcomes suggest that cryoablation is effective and could be an alternative to surgery for the management of luminal breast cancer up to 2.5 cm. 60 breast cancer tumors were treated (median size 21 mm, range 6-46 mm) in 54 patients, median age 87, with ProSense® cryoablation. Complete tumoral necrosis was achieved in 49 tumors (
81.7% ). Axillary progression occurred in two cases of triple-negative breast cancer. Two patients experienced recurrence in different locations. Percutaneous cryoablation was successful in100% of luminal cancers up to 2.5 cm. The procedure was well tolerated, with no major complications observed.
- Lead Author Dr. Lucía Graña López,
- Cryoablation of Breast Cancer: The Challenge of an Innovative Non-Surgical Treatment for Selected Patients
- Lead Author Dr. Francesca Magnoni,
Italy - Summary conclusion: The European Institute of Oncology in
Italy is evaluating ProSense® cryoablation, with the prospective observational study "Percutaneous Cryoablation of Low-risk Early Breast Cancer (PRECICE)". The trial has just started and will enroll 233 patients over the age of 50 years with unifocal, small (≤1.5 cm), clinically node-negative, luminal A and B breast cancer. To date, 11 patients eligible for cryoablation have been enrolled. Cryoablation, performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, completely replaces both breast and axillary surgery, in accordance with recent evidence.
- Lead Author Dr. Francesca Magnoni,
- Cryotherapy as a Surgical De-Escalation Strategy in Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Review of Techniques, Complications, and Oncological Outcomes
- Lead author Dr. Kai Lin Lee,
Singapore - Summary conclusion: After a review of 276 papers, this study concluded that cryotherapy with systems including ProSense® could potentially be a step forward in surgical de-escalation of breast cancer, particularly for elderly patients with early-stage breast cancer or those who are at high risk and might benefit from a less aggressive treatment strategy.
- Lead author Dr. Kai Lin Lee,
About ProSense®
The ProSense® Cryoablation System is a minimally invasive cryosurgical tool that provides the option to destroy tumors by freezing them. The system uniquely harnesses the power of liquid nitrogen to create large lethal zones for maximum efficacy in tumor destruction in benign and cancerous lesions, including breast, kidney, lung, and liver.
ProSense® enhances patient and provider value by accelerating recovery, reducing pain, surgical risks, and complications. With its easy, transportable design and liquid nitrogen utilization, ProSense® opens that door to fast and convenient office-based procedures for breast tumors.
About IceCure Medical
IceCure Medical (Nasdaq: ICCM) develops and markets advanced liquid-nitrogen-based cryoablation therapy systems for the destruction of tumors (benign and cancerous) by freezing, with the primary focus areas being breast, kidney, bone and lung cancer. Its minimally invasive technology is a safe and effective alternative to hospital surgical tumor removal that is easily performed in a relatively short procedure. The Company's flagship ProSense® system is marketed and sold worldwide for the indications cleared and approved to date including in the
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, IceCure is using forward looking statements in this press release when it discusses: the potential benefits of the cryoablation studies; the Company's aim towards advancing women's health through innovation and collaboration; and the potential implications of the ProSense studies that were presented at the St. Gallen International Breast Cancer conference. Historical results of scientific research and clinical and preclinical trials do not guarantee that the conclusions of future research or trials will suggest identical or even similar conclusions. Important factors that could cause actual results, developments and business decisions to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include, among others: the Company's planned level of revenues and capital expenditures; the Company's available cash and its ability to obtain additional funding; the Company's ability to market and sell its products; legal and regulatory developments in the United States and other countries; the Company's ability to maintain its relationships with suppliers, distributors and other partners; the Company's ability to maintain or protect the validity of its patents and other intellectual property; the Company's ability to expose and educate medical professionals about its products; political, economic and military instability in the Middle East, specifically in Israel; as well as those factors set forth in the Risk Factors section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on April 3, 2024, and other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC which are available on the SEC's website, The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.
IR Contact:
Michael Polyviou
Phone: 732-232-6914
Todd Kehrli
Phone: 310-625-4462
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