IceCure's ICE3 5-Year Trial Results Published in the Peer Reviewed Annals of Surgical Oncology Journal: ProSense® Cryoablation Without Excision for Early-Stage, Low-Risk Breast Cancer Demonstrates 96.3% Recurrence Free Rate

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IceCure Medical announced the publication of its ICE3 trial results in the Annals of Surgical Oncology. The study, titled 'Cryoablation Without Excision for Early–Stage Breast Cancer: ICE3 Trial 5–Year Follow–Up on Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence', presents findings on using ProSense® cryoablation for early-stage, low-risk breast cancer.

Key results include:

  • 96.3% recurrence-free rate for women treated with ProSense® and endocrine therapy
  • 4.3% ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence rate at 5 years
  • 96.7% breast cancer survival rate
  • 100% patient and physician satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes
  • No serious device-related adverse events reported

The publication precedes IceCure's FDA Advisory Panel Meeting for ProSense® marketing authorization, scheduled for November 7, 2024.

IceCure Medical ha annunciato la pubblicazione dei risultati del suo studio ICE3 negli Annals of Surgical Oncology. Lo studio, intitolato 'Crioterapia senza escissione per il cancro al seno in stadio precoce: Follow-up di 5 anni sul ritorno del tumore mammario ipsilaterale dello studio ICE3', presenta i risultati sull'uso della crioterapia ProSense® per il cancro al seno in stadio precoce e a basso rischio.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • 96,3% di pazienti senza recidiva tra le donne trattate con ProSense® e terapia endocrina
  • 4,3% di tasso di recidiva del tumore mammario ipsilaterale dopo 5 anni
  • 96,7% di tasso di sopravvivenza al cancro al seno
  • 100% di soddisfazione dei pazienti e dei medici riguardo ai risultati estetici
  • Nessun evento avverso serio legato al dispositivo riportato

La pubblicazione precede la riunione del comitato consultivo della FDA di IceCure per l'autorizzazione al marketing di ProSense®, programmata per il 7 novembre 2024.

IceCure Medical anunció la publicación de los resultados de su ensayo ICE3 en los Annals of Surgical Oncology. El estudio, titulado 'Crioterapia sin escisión para cáncer de mama en etapas tempranas: Seguimiento de 5 años sobre la recurrencia del tumor mamario ipsilateral del ensayo ICE3', presenta hallazgos sobre el uso de la crioterapia ProSense® para el cáncer de mama en etapas tempranas y de bajo riesgo.

Los resultados clave incluyen:

  • 96.3% de tasa de libre recurrencia para mujeres tratadas con ProSense® y terapia endocrina
  • 4.3% de tasa de recurrencia de tumor mamario ipsilateral a los 5 años
  • 96.7% de tasa de supervivencia por cáncer de mama
  • 100% de satisfacción de pacientes y médicos con los resultados estéticos
  • No se reportaron eventos adversos graves relacionados con el dispositivo

La publicación precede la reunión del panel asesor de la FDA de IceCure para la autorización de comercialización de ProSense®, programada para el 7 de noviembre de 2024.

IceCure Medical은 ICE3 시험 결과를 Annals of Surgical Oncology에 발표했다고 알렸습니다. 이 연구는 '절제 없는 냉동치료법으로 조기 유방암 치료: ICE3 시험 5년 추적 조사에 따른 동측 유방 종양 재발'이라는 제목으로, 조기 저위험 유방암 치료를 위한 ProSense® 냉동 치료의 결과를 제시합니다.

주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • ProSense®와 내분비 치료로 치료받은 여성의 재발률이 96.3%
  • 5년 후 동측 유방 종양 재발률이 4.3%
  • 유방암 생존율이 96.7%
  • 미용 결과에 대한 환자와 의사의 만족도 100%
  • 장치에 관련된 심각한 부작용이 보고되지 않음

이번 발표는 IceCure의 ProSense® 마케팅 허가를 위한 FDA 자문 위원회 회의에 앞서 이루어지며, 회의는 2024년 11월 7일로 예정되어 있습니다.

IceCure Medical a annoncé la publication des résultats de son essai ICE3 dans les Annals of Surgical Oncology. L'étude, intitulée 'Cryoablation sans excision pour le cancer du sein à un stade précoce : Suivi de 5 ans de la récidive du cancer du sein ipsilatéral dans l'essai ICE3', présente des résultats sur l'utilisation de la cryoablation ProSense® pour le cancer du sein à un stade précoce et à faible risque.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • 96,3% de taux de récidive libre pour les femmes traitées avec ProSense® et une thérapie endocrinienne
  • 4,3% de taux de récidive du cancer du sein ipsilatéral après 5 ans
  • 96,7% de taux de survie au cancer du sein
  • 100% de satisfaction des patients et des médecins concernant les résultats esthétiques
  • Aucun événement indésirable grave lié à l'appareil n'a été signalé

La publication précède la réunion du comité consultatif de la FDA pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché de ProSense®, prévue pour le 7 novembre 2024.

IceCure Medical hat die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse der ICE3-Studie in den Annals of Surgical Oncology bekannt gegeben. Die Studie mit dem Titel 'Kryoablation ohne Exzision bei frühem Brustkrebs: Fünfjahresnachbeobachtung der ipsilateralen Brusttumorrezidive aus der ICE3-Studie' präsentiert Ergebnisse zur Anwendung der ProSense®-Kryoablation bei frühem, niedrigem Risiko Brustkrebs.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • 96,3% Wiederbefallrate für Frauen, die mit ProSense® und endokriner Therapie behandelt wurden
  • 4,3% Rate der ipsilateralen Brusttumorrezidive nach 5 Jahren
  • 96,7% Überlebensrate bei Brustkrebs
  • 100% Zufriedenheit von Patienten und Ärzten mit den kosmetischen Ergebnissen
  • Keine schwerwiegenden gerätelichen Nebenwirkungen berichtet

Die Veröffentlichung steht im Vorfeld der Sitzung des FDA-Beratungsgremiums von IceCure zur Marktzulassung von ProSense®, die für den 7. November 2024 geplant ist.

  • 96.3% recurrence-free rate for patients treated with ProSense® cryoablation and endocrine therapy
  • 100% patient and physician satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes
  • No serious device-related adverse events reported
  • Statistically significant improvement in patient distress at 6 months compared to baseline
  • Publication in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal may support market adoption if FDA grants marketing clearance
  • 4.3% ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence rate at 5 years
  • Non-randomized trial design may limit the strength of conclusions


The publication of ICE3 trial results in the Annals of Surgical Oncology is a significant milestone for IceCure Medical. The study demonstrates promising outcomes for ProSense® cryoablation in treating early-stage, low-risk breast cancer:

  • 96.3% recurrence-free rate for patients receiving cryoablation and endocrine therapy
  • 4.3% ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) rate at 5 years for the total population
  • 96.7% breast cancer survival rate
  • No serious device-related adverse events reported
  • 100% patient and physician satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes

These results suggest ProSense® could potentially offer a minimally invasive alternative to surgical lumpectomy for select patients. The timing of this publication is crucial, preceding the FDA Advisory Panel meeting in November 2024, which could influence the potential marketing authorization of ProSense®.

However, investors should note that this was a non-randomized trial with a specific patient population (mean age 74.9 years, small tumor sizes). Further studies may be needed to confirm these results in a broader patient group and compare directly to surgical outcomes.

The publication of ICE3 trial results in a peer-reviewed journal is a positive development for IceCure Medical (ICCM), potentially impacting its market position and future revenue streams:

  • Increased credibility and visibility in the medical community
  • Potential catalyst for FDA marketing authorization, expanding market access
  • Possible acceleration of market adoption if FDA clearance is granted

With a market cap of $31,215,933, ICCM is a small-cap company in the medical devices sector. The positive trial results could significantly impact its valuation if they lead to regulatory approval and commercial success. However, investors should consider:

  • Potential competition in the breast cancer treatment market
  • Time and resources required for full commercialization
  • Possible need for additional clinical trials or post-market studies

While the news is promising, the company's small size and the speculative nature of biotech investments warrant careful consideration of risk tolerance and portfolio diversification for potential investors.

  • Publication comes ahead of the FDA Advisory Panel Meeting for Marketing Authorization of ProSense® in Early-Stage Low Risk Breast Cancer scheduled for November 7, 2024
  • 96.3% recurrence free rate for women treated with ProSense® cryoablation and endocrine therapy; 100% of patients and treating physicians were satisfied with the cosmetic outcome.
  • Lead study author, Dr. Richard E. Fine, is an ICE3 investigator and winner of the 2024 American Society of Breast Surgeons' Scientific Impact Award for his presentation of the ICE3 trial data.
  • ProSense® offers women the choice of a quick minimally invasive in-office procedure under local anesthesia with minimal pain, minimal scarring and rapid recovery as compared to lumpectomy which involves full anesthesia and hours of surgery and recovery, followed by 1-2 weeks of limited movement.

CAESAREA, Israel, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IceCure Medical Ltd. (Nasdaq: ICCM) ("IceCure", "IceCure Medical" or the "Company"), developer of minimally-invasive cryoablation technology that destroys tumors by freezing as an alternative to surgical tumor removal, today announced the publication of an article titled, "Cryoablation Without Excision for Early–Stage Breast Cancer: ICE3 Trial 5–Year Follow–Up on Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence" in the Annals of Surgical Oncology, the official journal of the Society of Surgical Oncology. The open access article, which is available HERE, presents the results of IceCure's ICE3 trial, the largest controlled multicenter clinical trial ever completed in the U.S. for liquid nitrogen ("LN2") based cryoablation of small, low-risk, early-stage malignant breast tumors as an alternative to surgery. The lead author of the study is Dr. Richard Fine, an ICE3 Investigator, who co-authored the publication with 24 doctors who are ProSense® users including co-primary investigator, Dr. Kenneth Tomkovich.

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"Publication of our final ICE3 results in this prestigious peer-reviewed surgical oncology journal is a very important milestone toward ProSense® being widely recognized as a safe and effective alternative to surgery for low-risk, early-stage breast cancer, and it is very well timed, as we look ahead to our U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") Advisory Panel meeting in November," stated IceCure's Chief Executive Officer, Eyal Shamir. "We believe the wealth of data presented in the article will support and accelerate the market adoption of ProSense®, should the FDA grant marketing clearance. Our thanks go out to Dr. Fine, his co-authors, and the entire team of doctors and patients who participated in ICE3, with the aim of bringing a minimally invasive and patient-friendly alternative to women with low-risk, early-stage breast cancer."

Dr. Fine commented, "Our analysis of the trial's primary outcome, ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) at 5 years, suggests that cryoablation with ProSense® is safe and effective for patients with early-stage low-risk breast cancer. At the 5-year follow-up, we observed local control similar to surgical standard of care. Cryoablation may be considered as an alternative to lumpectomy in this select population if followed by appropriate adjuvant treatment. Future study within a clinical trial or registry is encouraged to confirm cryoablation as a viable alternative to surgical excision."

Key highlights and findings from the article include: 

  • 194 patients meeting eligibility received successful cryoablation treatment per protocol and were included in the final results for analysis.
  • The mean age was 74.9 years (55–94) with a mean tumor size of 7.4 mm transverse (2.8–14.0 mm) and 8.1 mm sagittal (2.5–14.9 mm).
  • With a mean follow-up period of 54.16 months for the total population of the ICE3 trial, the IBTR rate at 5 years was 4.3% and breast cancer survival was 96.7%.
  • Of the 124 patients who received cryoablation and endocrine therapy, the IBTR was 3.7%, resulting in a recurrence-free rate of 96.3%.
  • No serious device-related adverse events were reported.
  • Quality-of-life score demonstrated statistically significant improvement (p < 0.001) in distress at 6 months as compared with baseline.
  • 100% of patients and treating physicians were satisfied with the cosmetic outcome.
  • ICE3 is a non-randomized trial that was conducted at 19 sites in the U.S.

About IceCure Medical

IceCure Medical (Nasdaq: ICCM) develops and markets advanced liquid-nitrogen-based cryoablation therapy systems for the treatment of tumors (benign and cancerous) by freezing, with the primary focus areas being breast, kidney, bone, and lung cancer. Its minimally invasive technology is a safe and effective alternative to hospital surgical tumor removal that is easily performed in a relatively short procedure. The Company's flagship ProSense® system is marketed and sold worldwide for the indications cleared and approved to date including in the U.S., Europe, and China.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, IceCure is using forward looking statements in this press release when it discusses the belief that publication of the Company's final ICE3 results in the Annals of Surgical Oncology is an important milestone toward ProSense® being widely recognized as a safe and effective alternative to surgery for low-risk, early-stage breast cancer, and that it is well timed, in advance of the FDA Advisory Panel, the belief that the data presented in the article will support and accelerate the market adoption of ProSense®, should the FDA grant marketing clearance, and other clinical considerations in future studies. Historical results of scientific research and clinical and preclinical trials do not guarantee that the conclusions of future research or trials will suggest identical or even similar conclusions. Important factors that could cause actual results, developments and business decisions to differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements include, among others: the Company's planned level of revenues and capital expenditures; the Company's available cash and its ability to obtain additional funding; the Company's ability to market and sell its products; legal and regulatory developments in the United States and other countries; the Company's ability to maintain its relationships with suppliers, distributors and other partners; the Company's ability to maintain or protect the validity of its patents and other intellectual property; the Company's ability to expose and educate medical professionals about its products; political, economic and military instability in the Middle East, specifically in Israel; as well as those factors set forth in the Risk Factors section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on April 3, 2024, and other documents filed with or furnished to the SEC which are available on the SEC's website, The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.

IR Contact:
Michael Polyviou
Phone: 732-232-6914

Todd Kehrli
Phone: 310-625-4462



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SOURCE IceCure Medical


What is the recurrence-free rate for ProSense® cryoablation in early-stage breast cancer according to the ICE3 trial?

The ICE3 trial showed a 96.3% recurrence-free rate for women treated with ProSense® cryoablation and endocrine therapy for early-stage, low-risk breast cancer.

When is IceCure Medical's (ICCM) FDA Advisory Panel Meeting for ProSense® scheduled?

IceCure Medical's FDA Advisory Panel Meeting for ProSense® marketing authorization in early-stage low-risk breast cancer is scheduled for November 7, 2024.

What was the breast cancer survival rate in the ICE3 trial for IceCure Medical's (ICCM) ProSense®?

The ICE3 trial reported a breast cancer survival rate of 96.7% for patients treated with IceCure Medical's ProSense® cryoablation system.

How many patients were included in IceCure Medical's (ICCM) ICE3 trial final analysis?

The final analysis of IceCure Medical's ICE3 trial included 194 patients who received successful cryoablation treatment per protocol.

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