iCAD Highlights Global Availability of ProFound Cloud and International Expansion Milestones at JFR 2024

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iCAD announced its participation in the 72nd Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2024 Meeting in Paris, highlighting the global availability of ProFound Cloud. This secure, scalable SaaS platform delivers iCAD's advanced AI solutions to healthcare providers worldwide, processing nearly 100,000 cases in its first two U.S. quarters with speeds over 50% faster than traditional on-premises solutions.

The company reported significant progress in global expansion, including new distribution partnerships in countries like Dominican Republic, France, Spain, Turkey, and UAE, as well as regulatory clearances in South Africa and UAE. Built on Google Cloud Platform, ProFound Cloud offers continuous updates and improved operational efficiency.

At JFR 2024, iCAD will host an AI Symposium led by Prof. Bruno Boyer, discussing the contribution of iCAD's AI solutions to breast cancer screening, detection, density evaluation, and risk assessment.

iCAD ha annunciato la sua partecipazione alla 72ª edizione delle Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2024 che si terrà a Parigi, evidenziando la disponibilità globale di ProFound Cloud. Questa piattaforma SaaS sicura e scalabile offre le avanzate soluzioni AI di iCAD ai fornitori di assistenza sanitaria in tutto il mondo, elaborando quasi 100.000 casi nei suoi primi due trimestri negli Stati Uniti con velocità superiori del 50% rispetto alle soluzioni tradizionali on-premises.

La società ha riportato progressi significativi nell'espansione globale, compresi nuovi accordi di distribuzione in paesi come Repubblica Dominicana, Francia, Spagna, Turchia e UAE, oltre a autorizzazioni normative in Sudafrica e UAE. Costruito sulla Google Cloud Platform, ProFound Cloud offre aggiornamenti continui e un'efficienza operativa migliorata.

Durante il JFR 2024, iCAD ospiterà un Simposio AI guidato dal Prof. Bruno Boyer, dove si discuterà del contributo delle soluzioni AI di iCAD nella screening, rilevazione, valutazione della densità e assessment del rischio per il cancro al seno.

iCAD anunció su participación en la 72ª edición de las Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2024 que se llevará a cabo en París, destacando la disponibilidad global de ProFound Cloud. Esta plataforma SaaS segura y escalable proporciona las avanzadas soluciones de IA de iCAD a los proveedores de atención médica en todo el mundo, procesando casi 100,000 casos en sus primeros dos trimestres en EE. UU., con velocidades más del 50% más rápidas que las soluciones tradicionales en las instalaciones.

La empresa informó sobre un progreso significativo en su expansión global, incluyendo nuevos acuerdos de distribución en países como República Dominicana, Francia, España, Turquía y Emiratos Árabes Unidos, así como autorizaciones regulatorias en Sudáfrica y Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Construido sobre Google Cloud Platform, ProFound Cloud ofrece actualizaciones continuas y una eficiencia operativa mejorada.

En el JFR 2024, iCAD organizará un Simposio de IA dirigido por el Prof. Bruno Boyer, discutiendo la contribución de las soluciones de IA de iCAD en la detección, evaluación de densidad y evaluación de riesgos del cáncer de mama.

iCAD는 2024년 파리에서 열리는 제72회 프랑코폰 방사선 학회(JFR) 참가를 발표하며, ProFound Cloud의 글로벌 가용성을 강조했습니다. 이 안전하고 확장 가능한 SaaS 플랫폼은 iCAD의 고급 AI 솔루션을 전 세계의 의료 제공자에게 제공하며, 미국의 첫 두 분기 동안 거의 100,000건의 사례를 처리하고, 전통적인 온프레미스 솔루션보다 50% 이상 빠른 속도를 기록했습니다.

회사는 도미니카공화국, 프랑스, 스페인, 터키 및 아랍에미리트와 같은 국가에서 새로운 유통 파트너십을 포함한 글로벌 확장에서 상당한 진전을 보고했으며, 남아프리카공화국과 아랍에미리트에서 규제 승인을 받았습니다. Google Cloud Platform을 기반으로 구축된 ProFound Cloud는 지속적인 업데이트와 향상된 운영 효율성을 제공합니다.

JFR 2024에서 iCAD는 Bruno Boyer 교수 주도 하에 AI 심포지엄을 개최하여, iCAD의 AI 솔루션이 유방암 검진, 발견, 밀도 평가 및 위험 평가에 기여하는 방안을 논의할 것입니다.

iCAD a annoncé sa participation à la 72ème édition des Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2024 à Paris, mettant en avant la disponibilité mondiale de ProFound Cloud. Cette plateforme SaaS sécurisée et évolutive fournit les solutions IA avancées d'iCAD aux prestataires de soins de santé du monde entier, traitant près de 100 000 cas lors de ses deux premiers trimestres aux États-Unis, à des vitesses plus de 50 % plus rapides que les solutions traditionnelles sur site.

L'entreprise a rapporté des progrès significatifs dans son expansion mondiale, y compris de nouveaux partenariats de distribution dans des pays comme la République Dominicaine, la France, l'Espagne, la Turquie et les Émirats Arabes Unis, ainsi que des autorisations réglementaires en Afrique du Sud et aux Émirats Arabes Unis. Basé sur Google Cloud Platform, ProFound Cloud offre des mises à jour continues et une efficacité opérationnelle améliorée.

Lors des JFR 2024, iCAD organisera un symposium sur l'IA dirigé par le Prof. Bruno Boyer, discutant de la contribution des solutions IA d'iCAD au dépistage, à la détection, à l'évaluation de la densité et à l'évaluation des risques du cancer du sein.

iCAD gab seine Teilnahme an den 72. Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2024 in Paris bekannt und hob die globale Verfügbarkeit von ProFound Cloud hervor. Diese sichere, skalierbare SaaS-Plattform bietet die fortschrittlichen KI-Lösungen von iCAD weltweit Gesundheitsdienstleistern und verarbeitet in den ersten beiden Quartalen in den USA nahezu 100.000 Fälle mit Geschwindigkeiten, die über 50% schneller sind als traditionelle On-Premises-Lösungen.

Das Unternehmen berichtete von erheblichen Fortschritten bei der globalen Expansion, einschließlich neuer Vertriebspartnerschaften in Ländern wie der Dominikanischen Republik, Frankreich, Spanien, der Türkei und den VAE sowie regulatorischen Genehmigungen in Südafrika und den VAE. ProFound Cloud, das auf der Google Cloud Platform basiert, bietet kontinuierliche Updates und verbesserte betriebliche Effizienz.

Auf der JFR 2024 wird iCAD ein KI-Symposium unter der Leitung von Prof. Bruno Boyer veranstalten, bei dem der Beitrag der KI-Lösungen von iCAD zur Brustkrebs-Screening, -Erkennung, -Dichtebewertung und Risikoassessment diskutiert wird.

  • ProFound Cloud processed nearly 100,000 cases in its first two U.S. quarters
  • ProFound Cloud achieves processing speeds over 50% faster than traditional on-premises solutions
  • New distribution partnerships established in multiple countries
  • Regulatory clearances obtained in South Africa and UAE
  • Built on Google Cloud Platform, offering scalability and continuous updates
  • None.

NASHUA, N.H. and PARIS, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- iCAD, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICAD) (“iCAD” or the “Company”) a global leader in clinically proven AI-powered cancer detection solutions, today announced its participation in the 72nd edition of the Journées Francophones de Radiologie (JFR) 2024 Meeting, taking place from October 4-7 in Paris, France. At JFR, iCAD will premier ProFound Cloud, a secure, scalable SaaS platform designed to deliver the company’s advanced AI solutions to healthcare providers worldwide.

Global Commercial Availability of ProFound Cloud

In its first two full quarters of U.S. availability, ProFound Cloud has processed nearly 100,000 cases, demonstrating rapid early adoption. Achieving processing speeds more than 50% faster than many traditional on-premises solutions, the ProFound Cloud is an efficient solution for deploying the ProFound AI Suite. With recent global distribution partnerships and regulatory clearances, the availability of Profound Cloud is expanding around the globe.

“We are thrilled to expand our global reach with ProFound Cloud, an innovative SaaS solution that provides radiologists worldwide with secure and cost-effective access to our cutting-edge AI tools,” said Dana Brown, President and CEO of iCAD. “As we continue to expand both in the U.S. and internationally, our focus remains on equipping healthcare providers with AI-driven technologies that enhance diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency across breast health.”

The launch of its new Cloud platform represents a key milestone in iCAD's global expansion.

Over the past quarter, iCAD has made significant progress across three key areas—strengthening partnerships, securing new regulatory clearances, and expanding its AI capabilities:

  • Global Distribution Partnerships: iCAD has forged new commercial distribution alliances in countries such as Dominican Republic, France, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and with leading healthcare technology companies, including Tamer, Ozel and deepc, expanding the availability of its ProFound AI solutions globally.
  • Regulatory Clearances in Key Markets: In line with its global growth strategy, iCAD has recently received regulatory clearances for its ProFound AI platform in South Africa and the United Arab Emirates.
  • ProFound Cloud Expansion: Built on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), ProFound Cloud provides a scalable, secure, and affordable platform for healthcare providers to access iCAD’s AI-driven breast health technologies. The platform offers continuous updates and improved operational efficiency, making it a versatile solution for institutions of all sizes.

“As we continue to establish new partnerships and expand our AI solutions, our commitment to making world-class breast health technologies accessible to clinicians globally remains at the forefront,” said Brown. “The progress we've made this past quarter reflects our dedication to driving innovation in breast cancer detection.”

iCAD JFR24 Mini-Symposium Program

As part of the JFR 2024 program, iCAD will host an AI Symposium led by Prof. Bruno Boyer of the Centre for Medical Imaging Italy in Paris:

  • Date and Time: Friday, October 4, 2024 | 09:45 – 10:10 AM
  • Location: Room 251
  • Speaker: Prof. Bruno Boyer, Centre for Medical Imaging, Italy, Paris
  • Topic: Contribution of iCAD's Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Better Breast Cancer Screening: Detection, Density, and Risk – A review of the latest clinical studies and case reviews.

Prof. Boyer will discuss how iCAD’s ProFound AI suite is advancing breast cancer screening, focusing on the role of AI in cancer detection, breast density evaluation, and risk assessment. He will also review recent clinical studies highlighting the efficacy of these technologies.

Visit iCAD at JFR 2024

Attendees are invited to visit the iCAD booth #226A for live demonstrations of the company’s AI-powered technologies and to learn more about its commitment to transforming breast health. To connect with the iCAD team at JFR or schedule a virtual demo, visit our event page:

About iCAD, Inc.
iCAD, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICAD) is a global leader on a mission to create a world where cancer can’t hide by providing clinically proven AI-powered solutions that enable medical providers to accurately and reliably detect cancer earlier and improve patient outcomes. Headquartered in Nashua, N.H., USA, iCAD’s industry-leading ProFound Breast Health Suite provides AI-powered mammography analysis for breast cancer detection, density assessment and risk evaluation. Used by thousands of providers serving millions of patients, ProFound is available in over 50 countries. In the last five years alone, iCAD estimates reading more than 40 million mammograms worldwide, with nearly 30% being tomosynthesis. For more information, including the latest in regulatory clearances, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained in this News Release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about the expansion of access to the Company’s products, improvement of performance, acceleration of adoption, expected benefits of ProFound AI®, the benefits of the Company’s products, and future prospects for the Company’s technology platforms and products. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited, to the Company’s ability to achieve business and strategic objectives, the willingness of patients to undergo mammography screening, whether mammography screening will be treated as an essential procedure, whether ProFound AI will improve reading efficiency, improve specificity and sensitivity, reduce false positives and otherwise prove to be more beneficial for patients and clinicians, the impact of supply and manufacturing constraints or difficulties on our ability to fulfill our orders, uncertainty of future sales levels, to defend itself in litigation matters, protection of patents and other proprietary rights, product market acceptance, possible technological obsolescence of products, increased competition, government regulation, changes in Medicare or other reimbursement policies, risks relating to our existing and future debt obligations, competitive factors, the effects of a decline in the economy or markets served by the Company; and other risks detailed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The words “believe,” “demonstrate,” “intend,” “expect,” “estimate,” “will,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “likely,” “seek,” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on those forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statement was made. The Company is under no obligation to provide any updates to any information contained in this release. For additional disclosure regarding these and other risks faced by iCAD, please see the disclosure contained in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, available on the Investors section of our website at and on the SEC’s website at

Media inquiries:

Investor Inquiries:
John Nesbett/Rosalyn Christian
IMS Investor Relations


What is ProFound Cloud and how does it benefit healthcare providers?

ProFound Cloud is iCAD's secure, scalable SaaS platform that delivers advanced AI solutions for breast cancer detection. It benefits healthcare providers by offering faster processing speeds (over 50% faster than traditional on-premises solutions), improved operational efficiency, and continuous updates, making it accessible and cost-effective for institutions of all sizes.

How many cases has ProFound Cloud processed in its first two U.S. quarters?

ProFound Cloud has processed nearly 100,000 cases in its first two full quarters of U.S. availability, demonstrating rapid early adoption.

In which countries has iCAD (ICAD) recently established new distribution partnerships?

iCAD has recently established new distribution partnerships in countries including the Dominican Republic, France, Spain, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates.

What regulatory clearances has iCAD (ICAD) recently obtained for its ProFound AI platform?

iCAD has recently received regulatory clearances for its ProFound AI platform in South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, in line with its global growth strategy.

What will be discussed at iCAD's AI Symposium during JFR 2024?

Prof. Bruno Boyer will discuss how iCAD's ProFound AI suite is advancing breast cancer screening, focusing on the role of AI in cancer detection, breast density evaluation, and risk assessment. He will also review recent clinical studies highlighting the efficacy of these technologies.

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