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iBrands Corporation (OTC: IBRC) announced the appointment of Billionaire Frank Ekejija as the new Chairman, President, and CEO, indicating a significant pivot in the company's strategy. The company aims to focus on Merchant/Private Banking, Venture Capital, Asset Management, and Wealth Creation Services. Ekejija emphasized the company's strong capitalization to support global operations. In recent years, NVC Fund Holding Trust capitalized iBrands Corporation by acquiring substantial shares of IBRC Series F and C Preferred Stock, enhancing its financial standing.
iBrands Corporation (OTC PINK: IBRC) has launched Nano Sport, a new nutraceutical product through its subsidiary iBrands Farms. This product combines Nano Cannabidiol, designed to effectively cross the brain-blood barrier, with patented NanoStilbene, enhancing bioavailability. Nano Cannabidiol consists of nanoparticles measuring 75-90 nanometers, providing sustained release benefits. Additionally, iBrands Farms has partnered with the Ontario Bandits Football Club as a product sponsor, aiming to improve player performance with these nutraceuticals.
iBrands Corporation (OTC PINK: IBRC) has appointed a product sponsor for the Ontario Bandits Football Club through its subsidiary iBrands Farms. The Ontario Bandits, a new team in the National Arena League, will receive iBrands' immune-boosting supplement, QuadraMune, for its players and staff. The product aims to enhance immune response based on preliminary clinical studies. Furthermore, a Master Sales Agreement with Therapeutic Solutions Inc. will enhance the distribution of various nutraceutical products. This collaboration may boost iBrands' market presence and revenue potential.
iBrands Corporation (OTC PINK: IBRC) announces significant updates for shareholders. The Company plans to initiate an audit to become a fully reporting SEC entity. A Master Sales Agreement has been established with Therapeutic Solutions Inc. to distribute a nutraceutical line, which includes products like QuadraMune. The clinical trial of QuadraMune, aimed at preventing COVID-19, is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. The Company is also seeking additional distribution partners and aims to increase online sales through SEO strategies.