UNDP and IBM Launch New Tools to Forecast Energy Access and Model Energy Equity

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IBM and UNDP have launched two innovative models on UNDP's GeoHub platform to address global energy challenges. The Electricity Access Forecasting AI model, powered by IBM watsonx, forecasts electricity access through 2030 for 102 countries in the Global South. The Clean Energy Equity Index, a statistical geospatial model, generates a score reflecting clean energy development opportunities and urgency for 53 African countries.

These models, developed through the IBM Sustainability Accelerator program, aim to support data-driven decision-making for a just energy transition. By making these tools freely accessible on UNDP's GeoHub, the collaboration empowers policymakers, organizations, and community members with insights to make impactful energy decisions worldwide.

IBM e UNDP hanno lanciato due modelli innovativi sulla piattaforma GeoHub dell'UNDP per affrontare le sfide energetiche globali. Il modello AI di Previsione dell’Accesso all’Elettricità, alimentato da IBM watsonx, prevede l'accesso all'elettricità fino al 2030 per 102 paesi del Sud del Mondo. L'Indice di Equità dell’Energia Pulita, un modello statistico geospaziale, genera un punteggio che riflette le opportunità di sviluppo dell’energia pulita e l'urgenza per 53 paesi africani.

Questi modelli, sviluppati attraverso il programma IBM Sustainability Accelerator, hanno l'obiettivo di supportare decisioni basate sui dati per una transizione energetica giusta. Rendendo questi strumenti liberamente accessibili sulla piattaforma GeoHub dell'UNDP, la collaborazione motiva i decisori politici, le organizzazioni e i membri della comunità fornendo intuizioni per prendere decisioni energetiche di impatto a livello globale.

IBM y el PNUD han lanzado dos modelos innovadores en la plataforma GeoHub del PNUD para abordar los desafíos energéticos globales. El modelo de IA para la Predicción del Acceso a la Electricidad, impulsado por IBM watsonx, prevé el acceso a la electricidad hasta 2030 para 102 países del Sur Global. El Índice de Equidad Energética Limpia, un modelo geoespacial estadístico, genera una puntuación que refleja las oportunidades de desarrollo de energía limpia y la urgencia para 53 países africanos.

Estos modelos, desarrollados a través del programa IBM Sustainability Accelerator, tienen como objetivo apoyar la toma de decisiones basadas en datos para una transición energética justa. Al poner estas herramientas a disposición de forma gratuita en el GeoHub del PNUD, la colaboración empodera a los responsables de políticas, organizaciones y miembros de la comunidad con conocimientos para tomar decisiones energéticas impactantes en todo el mundo.

IBM과 UNDP는 UNDP의 GeoHub 플랫폼에서 글로벌 에너지 문제를 해결하기 위해 두 가지 혁신적인 모델을 출시했습니다. IBM watsonx의 지원을 받는 전기 접근 예측 AI 모델은 글로벌 사우스의 102개국에 대해 2030년까지 전기 접근을 예측합니다. 청정 에너지 형평성 지수는 53개 아프리카 국가의 청정 에너지 개발 기회와 긴급성을 반영하는 점수를 생성하는 통계적 지리 공간 모델입니다.

이 모델들은 IBM Sustainability Accelerator 프로그램을 통해 개발되었으며, 공정한 에너지 전환을 위한 데이터 기반 의사 결정을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. UNDP의 GeoHub에서 이러한 도구를 무료로 제공함으로써, 이 협업은 정책 입안자, 조직 및 지역 사회 구성원에게 전 세계적으로 영향력 있는 에너지 결정을 내릴 수 있는 통찰력을 제공합니다.

IBM et le PNUD ont lancé deux modèles innovants sur la plateforme GeoHub du PNUD pour relever les défis énergétiques mondiaux. Le modèle IA de Prévision de l’Accès à l’Électricité, propulsé par IBM watsonx, prévoit l'accès à l'électricité d'ici 2030 pour 102 pays du Sud global. L'Indice d’Équité en Énergie Propre, un modèle géospatial statistique, génère un score reflétant les opportunités de développement d'énergie propre et l'urgence pour 53 pays africains.

Ces modèles, développés par le biais du programme IBM Sustainability Accelerator, visent à soutenir la prise de décisions basée sur des données pour une transition énergétique juste. En rendant ces outils librement accessibles sur le GeoHub du PNUD, cette collaboration permet aux décideurs, aux organisations et aux membres de la communauté de disposer d’informations pour prendre des décisions énergétiques impactantes à l’échelle mondiale.

IBM und das UNDP haben auf der GeoHub-Plattform des UNDP zwei innovative Modelle zur Bewältigung globaler Energieherausforderungen eingeführt. Das von IBM watsonx unterstützte AI-Modell zur Vorhersage des Elektrizitätszugangs prognostiziert den Zugang zu Elektrizität bis 2030 für 102 Länder im Globalen Süden. Der Index für Gerechtigkeit bei sauberer Energie, ein statistisches geographisches Modell, erzeugt einen Wert, der die Chancen für die Entwicklung sauberer Energie und die Dringlichkeit für 53 afrikanische Länder widerspiegelt.

Diese Modelle wurden im Rahmen des IBM Sustainability Accelerator-Programms entwickelt und zielen darauf ab, datengestützte Entscheidungsfindung für einen gerechten Energiemarkt zu unterstützen. Durch die kostenlose Bereitstellung dieser Werkzeuge auf dem GeoHub des UNDP stärkt die Zusammenarbeit Entscheidungsträger, Organisationen und Gemeinschaftsmitglieder, indem sie ihnen Erkenntnisse liefert, um weltweit bedeutende Entscheidungen im Energiesektor zu treffen.

  • Collaboration between IBM and UNDP to address global energy challenges
  • Development of two innovative models: Electricity Access Forecasting AI and Clean Energy Equity Index
  • Free public access to advanced energy analysis tools
  • Potential for improved decision-making in energy policy and development
  • None.

This collaboration between UNDP and IBM marks a significant leap in leveraging AI for sustainable development. The introduction of the Electricity Access Forecasting model and Clean Energy Equity Index on UNDP's GeoHub platform is a game-changer for energy planning and policy-making.

The AI-powered forecasting model, utilizing IBM's watsonx platform, provides a unique advantage by projecting electricity access through 2030 for 102 countries. This forward-looking approach, considering multiple factors like population and infrastructure, offers a more comprehensive view than current-day estimates.

The Clean Energy Equity Index, covering 53 African countries, introduces a novel way to assess clean energy development opportunities through an equity lens. This 0-1 scoring system could become a standard tool for prioritizing energy investments in developing regions.

By making these sophisticated models freely accessible, IBM and UNDP are democratizing data-driven decision-making in the energy sector, potentially accelerating progress towards SDGs and a just energy transition.

The integration of IBM's advanced AI technologies with UNDP's development expertise creates a powerful synergy for addressing global energy challenges. The use of IBM watsonx, Cloud and Environmental Intelligence Suite demonstrates the potential of cutting-edge tech in sustainable development.

The Electricity Access Forecasting model's incorporation of diverse data points, including satellite imagery and land use data, showcases a sophisticated approach to predictive modeling. This multi-factor analysis likely enhances the accuracy and reliability of the forecasts, providing valuable insights for long-term energy planning.

The Clean Energy Equity Index's combination of geospatial analytics with environmental, economic and social factors represents an innovative approach to quantifying energy equity. The customizable dashboard allowing users to isolate individual factors adds a layer of flexibility and depth to the analysis, enabling nuanced policy formulation.

These models set a new standard for open-access, AI-driven tools in sustainable development, potentially catalyzing more data-informed decision-making in the global energy sector.

  • UNDP and IBM developed two new interactive models for UNDP's Data Futures Exchange's GeoHub: the AI model Electricity Access Forecasting and the statistical geospatial model Clean Energy Equity Index.
  • The organizations collaborated through the IBM Sustainability Accelerator program using technologies such as IBM watsonx, IBM Cloud and IBM Environmental Intelligence.
  • The new models will be made available for free to the general public through UNDP's GeoHub dashboards, helping users access data and insights to interpret complex clean energy challenges and opportunities.

ARMONK, N.Y., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today launched new interactive models on energy within UNDP's global GeoHub platform. These innovative solutions use technologies such as the IBM watsonx AI and data platform to enable users — from policymakers at the national and community level to the general public — to analyze complex energy issues through advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology and access a wide range of resources, helping support data-driven decision-making toward a just energy transition.

"Bringing together UNDP's knowledge and global leadership in sustainable development and IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI and hybrid cloud, we are proud to unveil solutions that demonstrate the power of technology to make a lasting, positive impact on our environment and in our communities," said Justina Nixon-Saintil, IBM Vice President and Chief Impact Officer. "By making innovative models freely accessible to the public, we aim to empower leaders, organizations and community members alike with the insights to make impactful energy decisions around the world."

As part of UNDP's Data Futures Exchange (DFx), GeoHub is a centralized ecosystem of geospatial data and services. It provides a platform to easily upload, visualize and analyze datasets, combining time-oriented and geographic data with satellite imagery. GeoHub supports a granular, localized, and evidence-based approach to development challenges and integrated policy making— from determining subnational distribution of electricity access, to assessing levels of vulnerability to the effects of climate change for communities over time.

"UNDP's innovative collaboration with IBM helps countries leverage development data and technology innovation to improve lives and protect the planet. The solutions we've co-created provide a credible evidence base to help countries make meaningful and practical progress towards a just energy transition. Net-zero investment and people-centered development strategies are fundamental to accelerate the SDGs," said Laurel Patterson, Head of the UNDP SDG Integration Team, UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support.

UNDP and IBM worked together over two years through the IBM Sustainability Accelerator program. This project started with a collaborative engagement through the IBM Garage, and resulted in the enhancement of UNDP's GeoHub with two innovative models: the AI model Electricity Access Forecasting and the statistical geospatial model Clean Energy Equity Index.

  • The Electricity Access Forecasting AI model uses the IBM watsonx AI and data platform, IBM Cloud, and an open-source machine learning library to provide future forecasts at scale of electricity access through 2030 by evaluating a set of factors including population, infrastructure, urbanization, elevation, and satellite data in addition to land use data provided by IBM Environmental Intelligence. By modeling these factors to make a future forecast, the Electricity Access Forecasting model provides a distinct advantage compared to more commonly available, current-day estimates of electricity access. The model will contain data from 102 countries across the Global South, including in Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East.
  • The Clean Energy Equity Index, developed by IBM and UNDP together with Stony Brook University, is a first-of-its-kind statistical geospatial model combining geospatial analytics with environmental, economic and social factors – such as education, greenhouse gas emissions, and relative wealth — to generate a Clean Energy Equity score of 0-1. This score reflects both opportunities for clean energy development as well as urgency, through the lens of equity and a just transition. In this dashboard, GeoHub users can also individually view and customize each environmental, economic, or social factor analyzed in the model, to evaluate which factors have the greatest impact on equitable access to clean energy, empowering better decision making. The model will provide data from 53 African countries.

Historically, advanced models like these have not always been freely accessible and applicable to all users. Together, IBM and UNDP set out to co-create solutions that would strengthen free public access to complex clean energy information and advanced technology, while simultaneously providing essential energy resources for policymakers, governments, journalists and decision makers.

About the IBM Sustainability Accelerator
Launched in 2022, the IBM Sustainability Accelerator is a social impact program that addresses environmental threats impacting vulnerable communities around the world. Each year, the program selects about five projects to scale technology and AI solutions within a new sustainability topic area. To date, the IBM Sustainability Accelerator has supported 15 global projects across three active cohorts, focused on sustainable agriculture, clean energy and water management. For more information:

About United Nations Development Programme
UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion, and build resilience so countries can sustain progress. As the UN's development agency, UNDP plays a critical role in helping countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Carmen San Segundo
Global Communications Director, ESG and CSR

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What are the two new models launched by IBM and UNDP for energy analysis?

IBM and UNDP launched the Electricity Access Forecasting AI model and the Clean Energy Equity Index on UNDP's GeoHub platform.

How many countries does the Electricity Access Forecasting AI model cover?

The Electricity Access Forecasting AI model covers 102 countries across the Global South, including Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East.

What technology does IBM (NYSE: IBM) use for the Electricity Access Forecasting model?

The Electricity Access Forecasting model uses IBM watsonx AI and data platform, IBM Cloud, and an open-source machine learning library.

How many African countries are included in the Clean Energy Equity Index?

The Clean Energy Equity Index provides data for 53 African countries.

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