Interactive Brokers and SNB Capital Enable Investors to Access the Saudi Exchange

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Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) and SNB Capital have announced a collaboration enabling eligible international investors to access the Saudi Exchange through the Interactive Brokers platform. This makes IBKR the first global broker to allow foreign investors to directly own and trade securities listed on the Saudi Exchange. Clients can now invest in Saudi equities alongside global stocks, options, futures, bonds, funds, and more from a single unified platform.

The Saudi Exchange is among the top ten largest stock markets within the World Federation of Exchanges and is the dominant market in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), with over 415 listed securities across 22 sectors. This collaboration aligns with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, aiming to develop an advanced financial market and provide an effective investment platform with a diversified investor base.

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) e SNB Capital hanno annunciato una collaborazione che consente agli investitori internazionali idonei di accedere alla Borsa Saudita tramite la piattaforma di Interactive Brokers. Questo rende IBKR il primo broker globale a permettere agli investitori stranieri di possedere e negoziare direttamente titoli quotati nella Borsa Saudita. I clienti possono ora investire in azioni saudite insieme a azioni globali, opzioni, future, obbligazioni, fondi e altro ancora da un'unica piattaforma integrata.

La Borsa Saudita è tra le dieci maggiori borse valori della World Federation of Exchanges ed è il mercato dominante nel Consiglio di Cooperazione del Golfo (GCC), con oltre 415 titoli quotati in 22 settori. Questa collaborazione si allinea con la Visione 2030 dell'Arabia Saudita, mirata a sviluppare un mercato finanziario avanzato e a fornire una piattaforma d'investimento efficace con una base diversificata di investitori.

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) y SNB Capital han anunciado una colaboración que permite a los inversores internacionales elegibles acceder a la Bolsa Saudita a través de la plataforma de Interactive Brokers. Esto convierte a IBKR en el primer corredor global en permitir a los inversores extranjeros poseer y operar directamente valores cotizados en la Bolsa Saudita. Los clientes ahora pueden invertir en acciones sauditas junto con acciones globales, opciones, futuros, bonos, fondos y más desde una única plataforma unificada.

La Bolsa Saudita se encuentra entre las diez principales bolsas de valores de la World Federation of Exchanges y es el mercado dominante en el Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo (GCC), con más de 415 valores cotizados en 22 sectores. Esta colaboración se alinea con la Visión 2030 de Arabia Saudita, que tiene como objetivo desarrollar un mercado financiero avanzado y proporcionar una plataforma de inversión efectiva con una base de inversores diversificada.

인터랙티브 브로커스(나스닥: IBKR)와 SNB 캐피탈은 자격을 갖춘 국제 투자자들이 인터랙티브 브로커스 플랫폼을 통해 사우디 증시에 접근할 수 있도록 하는 협업을 발표했습니다. 이는 IBKR이 외국 투자자들이 사우디 증시에 상장된 증권을 직접 소유하고 거래할 수 있도록 허용하는 최초의 글로벌 브로커가 되었다는 것을 의미합니다. 고객들은 이제 단일 통합 플랫폼을 통해 사우디 주식과 글로벌 주식, 옵션, 선물, 채권, 펀드 등을 함께 투자할 수 있습니다.

사우디 증시는 세계 거래소 연맹(WFE) 내에서 가장 큰 증시 중 하나이며, 걸프 협력 회의(GCC)에서 지배적인 시장입니다. 22개 섹터에 걸쳐 415개 이상의 상장 증권이 있습니다. 이 협력은 사우디 아라비아의 비전 2030과 일치하며, 고급 금융 시장을 개발하고 다양한 투자자 기반과 함께 효과적인 투자 플랫폼을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) et SNB Capital ont annoncé une collaboration permettant aux investisseurs internationaux éligibles d'accéder à la Bourse Saoudienne via la plateforme d'Interactive Brokers. Cela fait d'IBKR le premier courtier mondial à permettre aux investisseurs étrangers de posséder et de négocier directement des titres cotés à la Bourse Saoudienne. Les clients peuvent désormais investir dans des actions saoudiennes aux côtés d'actions mondiales, options, contrats à terme, obligations, fonds, etc., à partir d'une seule plateforme unifiée.

La Bourse Saoudienne fait partie des dix plus grandes bourses au sein de la World Federation of Exchanges et est le marché dominant au sein du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe (GCC), avec plus de 415 titres cotés dans 22 secteurs. Cette collaboration s'inscrit dans la Vision 2030 de l'Arabie Saoudite, qui vise à développer un marché financier avancé et à fournir une plateforme d'investissement efficace avec une base d'investisseurs diversifiée.

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) und SNB Capital haben eine Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, die es eligible internationalen Investoren ermöglicht, über die Plattform von Interactive Brokers auf die Saudi Exchange zuzugreifen. Damit wird IBKR zum ersten globalen Broker, der ausländischen Investoren erlaubt, direkt Eigentum an Wertpapieren zu besitzen und zu handeln, die an der Saudi Exchange gelistet sind. Die Kunden können jetzt in saudische Aktien neben globalen Aktien, Optionen, Futures, Anleihen, Fonds und mehr von einer einzigen einheitlichen Plattform investieren.

Die Saudi Exchange gehört zu den zehn größten Börsen innerhalb der World Federation of Exchanges und ist der dominierende Markt im Golf-Kooperationsrat (GCC) mit über 415 gelisteten Wertpapieren in 22 Sektoren. Diese Zusammenarbeit steht im Einklang mit Saudi-Arabiens Vision 2030, die darauf abzielt, einen fortschrittlichen Finanzmarkt zu entwickeln und eine effektive Investmentplattform mit einer diversifizierten Anlegerbasis bereitzustellen.

  • IBKR becomes the first global broker to allow foreign investors direct access to Saudi Exchange
  • Expands IBKR's offering to include Saudi equities, REITs, and ETFs
  • Access to Saudi Exchange, one of the top ten largest stock markets globally
  • Aligns with Saudi Vision 2030, potentially benefiting from economic transformation
  • None.


This collaboration between Interactive Brokers and SNB Capital is a significant development for global investors. It opens up direct access to the Saudi Exchange, the largest stock market in the Middle East, through a major international brokerage platform. This move has several important implications:

  • Increased market accessibility: Foreign investors can now easily trade Saudi equities, REITs and ETFs alongside other global securities.
  • Portfolio diversification: Investors gain exposure to a $2.6 trillion economy undergoing rapid transformation under Saudi Vision 2030.
  • First-mover advantage: Interactive Brokers becomes the first global broker to offer this direct access, potentially attracting new clients and increasing trading volumes.
  • Market expansion: This could lead to increased foreign investment inflows into Saudi Arabia, potentially boosting liquidity and valuations on the Saudi Exchange.

For Interactive Brokers (IBKR), this partnership could drive revenue growth through increased trading activity and new client acquisitions. However, the impact on short-term financials may be , as it will take time for investors to adopt and utilize this new offering. Long-term, this strategic move strengthens IBKR's competitive position in the global brokerage market.

The collaboration between Interactive Brokers and SNB Capital is a strategic move that aligns with broader market trends:

  • Growing interest in emerging markets: Investors are increasingly looking beyond traditional markets for growth opportunities.
  • Diversification of global portfolios: The Saudi market offers exposure to unique sectors like petrochemicals and Islamic banking.
  • Technological integration in finance: This partnership demonstrates how fintech is breaking down barriers to international investing.
  • Regulatory evolution: It reflects Saudi Arabia's efforts to liberalize its financial markets and attract foreign capital.

The Saudi Exchange's position as one of the top ten largest stock markets globally, with over 415 listed securities across 22 sectors, offers significant opportunities for investors. However, it's important to note that while this opens new avenues for diversification, it also exposes investors to geopolitical risks and oil price volatility inherent to the region. The success of this initiative will depend on investor education, market performance and the continued economic reforms in Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030.

Foreign Investors Can Now Access the Largest Stock Exchange in the Middle East through Interactive Brokers

GREENWICH, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR), an automated global electronic broker, and SNB Capital, the leading broker on the Saudi Exchange and largest investment bank in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have announced a collaboration that will allow eligible international investors to access the Saudi Exchange through the Interactive Brokers platform.

With this landmark alliance, Interactive Brokers is the first global broker to allow foreign investors to directly own and trade securities listed on the Saudi Exchange. Clients of Interactive Brokers can now invest in Saudi equities alongside global stocks, options, futures, bonds, funds, and more from a single unified platform.

The collaboration was launched today during a bell-ringing ceremony at the Saudi Exchange, in Riyadh, with the presence of SNB Capital’s Head of Securities Loai Bafaqeeh and James Bradie, IBKR’s Senior Executive Officer for Interactive Brokers’ new office in Dubai International Finance Center.

The Saudi Exchange is among the top ten largest stock markets within the 72 members of the World Federation of Exchanges and is the dominant market in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), with over 415 listed securities across 22 sectors, offering a versatile and diverse landscape of listed securities. Clients of Interactive Brokers can diversify and expand their investment portfolios to include Saudi stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that trade on the Middle East’s largest stock exchange, broadening their investment prospects.

“We are pleased to work with SNB Capital and give investors the ability to trade Saudi equities in addition to our already vast array of global products and markets at low cost,” said Milan Galik, Chief Executive Officer of Interactive Brokers.

Saudi Arabia, the largest economy by GDP and leading capital market in the Middle East, is currently undergoing significant social and economic transformation under its overarching national strategy, Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to further develop an already diversified, accessible, and competitive economy.

“Our collaboration with Interactive Brokers comes as an extension to our role as the Saudi national champion and perfectly aligns with our strategic objectives contributing to achieving the ambitious goals of Saudi Vision 2030’s Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP); to develop an advanced financial market and provide an effective investment platform with a diversified investor base,” said Rashed Sharif, Chief Executive Officer of SNB Capital.

For more information about access to the Saudi Exchange through Interactive Brokers, please visit:

US - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange (and countries served by IB LLC) 
Canada - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange 
United Kingdom - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange 
Europe - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange 
India - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange 
Hong Kong - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange 
Singapore - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange 
Australia - Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange

The Best Informed Investors Choose Interactive Brokers

About Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.: 
Interactive Brokers Group affiliates provide automated trade execution and custody of securities, commodities, and foreign exchange around the clock on over 150 markets in numerous countries and currencies, from a single unified platform to clients worldwide. We serve individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, financial advisors and introducing brokers. Our four decades of focus on technology and automation has enabled us to equip our clients with a uniquely sophisticated platform to manage their investment portfolios. We strive to provide our clients with advantageous execution prices and trading, risk and portfolio management tools, research facilities and investment products, all at low or no cost, positioning them to achieve superior returns on investments. Interactive Brokers has consistently earned recognition as a top broker, garnering multiple awards and accolades from respected industry sources such as Barron’s, Investopedia,, and many others.

About SNB Capital: 
SNB Capital Company, a licensed entity by Capital Market Authority (CMA), is a leading regional financial institution with deep industry expertise across five business lines: Asset Management, Wealth Management, Securities, Investment Banking, and Principal Investments. SNB Capital is the largest asset manager in Saudi Arabia with SAR 260 billion (USD 69.3 billion) of assets under management as of March 2024. SNB Capital (DIFC) Limited is established in the DIFC and regulated as a category 3A prudential financial institution by the DFSA specializing in the asset management of alternative assets.

Further information is available at Follow SNB Capital on Twitter @Capital_SNB

Contact for Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. Media: Katherine Ewert,

Source: Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.


What does the collaboration between Interactive Brokers (IBKR) and SNB Capital enable?

The collaboration enables eligible international investors to access and trade securities listed on the Saudi Exchange through the Interactive Brokers platform.

How many securities are listed on the Saudi Exchange accessible through IBKR?

The Saudi Exchange offers over 415 listed securities across 22 sectors, including stocks, REITs, and ETFs.

What makes this collaboration significant for Interactive Brokers (IBKR)?

This collaboration makes IBKR the first global broker to allow foreign investors to directly own and trade securities listed on the Saudi Exchange, expanding its global market offerings.

How does this collaboration align with Saudi Arabia's national strategy?

The collaboration aligns with Saudi Vision 2030's Financial Sector Development Program, aiming to develop an advanced financial market and provide an effective investment platform with a diversified investor base.

Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.


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