ForecastEx LLC Launches Contracts on U.S. Election Outcomes

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ForecastEx , a CFTC registered Designated Contract Market and Derivative Clearing Organization, has launched Forecast Contracts on upcoming U.S. election results. These contracts allow customers of ForecastEx Members to trade predictions on political outcomes, either to hedge against election-related uncertainty or profit from political insight.

Starting October 4th, 2024, at 7:15 AM CT, contracts will be available for events such as:

  • Kamala Harris winning the 2024 presidential election
  • Donald Trump winning the 2024 presidential election
  • Democratic Party winning a majority in the U.S. Senate in 2024
  • Democratic Party winning a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2024

Contract prices range from $0.02 to $0.99, reflecting the market's consensus on each outcome's likelihood. Correct outcome holders receive $1.00. The payment obligation is fully secured by cash, with 100% of investment income distributed monthly to Members as an Incentive Coupon.

ForecastEx, un mercato di contratti designato registrato presso la CFTC e un'organizzazione di compensazione per derivati, ha lanciato contratti di previsione sui risultati delle prossime elezioni negli Stati Uniti. Questi contratti consentono ai clienti dei membri di ForecastEx di scambiare previsioni sugli esiti politici, sia per coprirsi da incertezze legate alle elezioni sia per trarre profitto da intuizioni politiche.

A partire dal 4 ottobre 2024, alle 7:15 AM CT, i contratti saranno disponibili per eventi come:

  • Vittoria di Kamala Harris nelle elezioni presidenziali del 2024
  • Vittoria di Donald Trump nelle elezioni presidenziali del 2024
  • Il partito Democratico che ottiene la maggioranza nel Senato degli Stati Uniti nel 2024
  • Il partito Democratico che ottiene la maggioranza nella Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti nel 2024

I prezzi dei contratti variano da $0.02 a $0.99, riflettendo il consenso del mercato sulla probabilità di ciascun esito. I titolari dell'esito corretto ricevono $1.00. L'obbligo di pagamento è completamente garantito da contante, con il 100% del reddito da investimento distribuito mensilmente ai membri come Coupon Incentivo.

ForecastEx, un mercado de contratos designado registrado en la CFTC y una organización de compensación de derivados, ha lanzado contratos de previsión sobre los resultados de las próximas elecciones estadounidenses. Estos contratos permiten a los clientes de los miembros de ForecastEx intercambiar predicciones sobre resultados políticos, ya sea para cubrirse contra la incertidumbre relacionada con las elecciones o para obtener un beneficio de las percepciones políticas.

A partir del 4 de octubre de 2024, a las 7:15 AM CT, los contratos estarán disponibles para eventos como:

  • Victoria de Kamala Harris en las elecciones presidenciales de 2024
  • Victoria de Donald Trump en las elecciones presidenciales de 2024
  • El partido Demócrata ganando la mayoría en el Senado de EE. UU. en 2024
  • El partido Demócrata ganando la mayoría en la Cámara de Representantes de EE. UU. en 2024

Los precios de los contratos oscilan entre $0.02 y $0.99, reflejando el consenso del mercado sobre la probabilidad de cada resultado. Los titulares del resultado correcto reciben $1.00. La obligación de pago está completamente garantizada por efectivo, y el 100% de los ingresos de las inversiones se distribuyen mensualmente a los miembros como un Cupón de Incentivo.

ForecastEx는 CFTC에 등록된 지정 계약 시장 및 파생상품 청산 기관으로서 미국의 향후 선거 결과에 대한 예측 계약을 출시했습니다. 이러한 계약은 ForecastEx 회원의 고객이 정치적 결과에 대한 예측을 거래할 수 있게 하며, 선거 관련 불확실성에 대비하거나 정치적 통찰력을 통해 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다.

2024년 10월 4일 오전 7시 15분 CT부터 계약은 다음과 같은 사건에 대해 이용 가능합니다:

  • 2024년 대통령 선거에서 카말라 해리스의 승리
  • 2024년 대통령 선거에서 도널드 트럼프의 승리
  • 2024년 미국 상원에서 민주당이 다수당이 되는 것
  • 2024년 미국 하원에서 민주당이 다수당이 되는 것

계약 가격은 $0.02에서 $0.99까지 다양하며, 각 결과의 가능성에 대한 시장의 합의를 반영합니다. 정답을 가진 사람은 $1.00를 받습니다. 지급 의무는 현금으로 완전히 보장되며, 투자 수익의 100%가 월별로 회원에게 인센티브 쿠폰으로 분배됩니다.

ForecastEx, un marché de contrats désigné enregistré auprès de la CFTC et une organisation de compensation de dérivés, a lancé des contrats de prévision sur les résultats des prochaines élections américaines. Ces contrats permettent aux clients des membres de ForecastEx de trader des prédictions sur des résultats politiques, soit pour se couvrir contre l'incertitude liée aux élections, soit pour tirer profit d'intuitions politiques.

À partir du 4 octobre 2024, à 7h15 CT, des contrats seront disponibles pour des événements tels que :

  • Victoire de Kamala Harris lors des élections présidentielles de 2024
  • Victoire de Donald Trump lors des élections présidentielles de 2024
  • Le parti démocrate remportant la majorité au Sénat des États-Unis en 2024
  • Le parti démocrate remportant la majorité à la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis en 2024

Les prix des contrats varient de 0,02 $ à 0,99 $, reflétant le consensus du marché sur la probabilité de chaque issue. Les détenteurs du bon résultat reçoivent 1,00 $. L'obligation de paiement est entièrement garantie par des liquidités, avec 100 % des revenus d'investissement distribués mensuellement aux membres sous forme de Coupon Incitatif.

ForecastEx, ein bei der CFTC registrierter Designated Contract Market und Derivative Clearing Organization, hat Prognoseverträge über die bevorstehenden US-Wahlergebnisse eingeführt. Diese Verträge ermöglichen es Kunden der ForecastEx-Mitglieder, Vorhersagen über politische Ergebnisse zu handeln, um sich entweder gegen wahlbezogene Unsicherheiten abzusichern oder von politischen Einblicken zu profitieren.

Ab dem 4. Oktober 2024, um 7:15 Uhr CT, werden Verträge für Ereignisse wie:

  • Kamala Harris, die die Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 gewinnt
  • Donald Trump, der die Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 gewinnt
  • Die Demokratische Partei, die 2024 eine Mehrheit im US-Senat gewinnt
  • Die Demokratische Partei, die 2024 eine Mehrheit im Repräsentantenhaus der USA gewinnt

Die Vertragspreise liegen zwischen $0.02 und $0.99 und spiegeln das Marktkonsens über die Wahrscheinlichkeit jedes Ergebnisses wider. Inhaber des korrekten Ergebnisses erhalten $1.00. Die Zahlungsobligation ist vollständig durch Bargeld abgesichert, wobei 100% der Erträge aus Investitionen monatlich an die Mitglieder als Incentive-Coupon verteilt werden.

  • Launch of new financial products allowing trading on political outcomes
  • Potential for investors to hedge against election-related uncertainty
  • 100% of investment income distributed to Members as Incentive Coupon
  • Fully secured payment obligation for each Forecast Contract
  • None.


The launch of Forecast Contracts on U.S. election outcomes by ForecastEx is an interesting development in the financial markets, but its direct impact on Interactive Brokers (IBKR) is likely to be These contracts provide a new avenue for investors to speculate on or hedge against political outcomes, which could potentially increase trading activity. However, it's unclear if IBKR will offer these contracts to its clients.

From an industry perspective, this move represents a growing trend of financialization of political events. It could attract more retail investors to political betting markets, potentially increasing overall market participation. For IBKR, if they choose to offer these contracts, it could provide a modest new revenue stream and attract politically-engaged traders to their platform.

The $0.02 to $0.99 price range for contracts makes them accessible to retail investors, aligning with IBKR's focus on serving individual traders. The monthly distribution of investment income to members as an Incentive Coupon is an attractive feature that could drive interest.

Overall, while innovative, this development is unlikely to significantly impact IBKR's financial performance or stock price in the short term. Long-term implications depend on the popularity of these contracts and IBKR's potential involvement in offering them.

CHICAGO, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ForecastEx LLC ("ForecastEx"), a CFTC registered Designated Contract Market ("DCM") and Derivative Clearing Organization ("DCO"), today announced the launch of Forecast Contracts on upcoming election results. These contracts allow customers of ForecastEx Members to trade their predictions on political outcomes, to either hedge against election related uncertainty, or profit from political insight. The election events available for pairing starting at 7:15 AM CT tomorrow October 4th, include the following:

  • Will Kamala Harris win the 2024 presidential election?
  • Will Donald Trump win the 2024 presidential election?
  • Will the Democratic Party win a majority in the United States Senate during the 2024 general election?
  • Will the Democratic Party win a majority in the United States House of Representatives during the 2024 general election?

These contracts offer investors an easy way to take a position on key political events. For example, if an investor believes the United States Senate will be under Democrat control in 2025, they can purchase a "yes" contract. Conversely, if they believe the event will not occur, they can buy a "no" contract. Contract prices range from $0.02 to $0.99, reflecting the market's evolving consensus on the likelihood of each outcome. E.g. $0.35 corresponds to 35% probability. When the event outcome has been determined, the holder of the contract associated with the correct outcome will receive $1.00.

The payment obligation for each Forecast Contract is fully secured by cash and 100% of the income earned from its investment is distributed monthly to Members as an Incentive Coupon in proportion to the daily closing value of their positions. ForecastEx expects some Members to rebate a portion of this Incentive Coupon to their customers.

Contracts for individual candidates in state elections are expected to be added shortly. A complete list of economic, climate and election based Forecast Contracts is available on the website.

About ForecastEx:
ForecastEx is a wholly owned subsidiary of Interactive Brokers Group, Inc (Nasdaq: IBKR), whose other subsidiaries include Interactive Brokers LLC (IB LLC) and IB Global Investments LLC (IBGI LLC). IB LLC, an FCM and broker, is a ForecastEx Member approved to offer Forecast Contracts to its customers as well as eligible customers of other non-U.S. broker affiliates on whose behalf it provides execution and clearing services. IBGI LLC, an Affiliated Customer of IB LLC, will operate as a liquidity provider, maintaining Bids on both the "Yes" and the "No" of various Event Markets. Pursuant to ForecastEx Rule 405(b), IBGI LLC bids are always filled last by ForecastEx if equal in price to another customer's bid.

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What are the new Forecast Contracts launched by ForecastEx for the 2024 U.S. elections?

ForecastEx has launched Forecast Contracts that allow trading on outcomes of the 2024 U.S. elections, including presidential winners and party majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives.

When will ForecastEx's election outcome contracts be available for trading?

The Forecast Contracts on U.S. election outcomes will be available for trading starting October 4th, 2024, at 7:15 AM CT.

How do the pricing and payouts work for ForecastEx's election outcome contracts?

Contract prices range from $0.02 to $0.99, reflecting the market's consensus on each outcome's likelihood. Holders of contracts with the correct outcome receive $1.00.

What is the Incentive Coupon offered by ForecastEx for its election outcome contracts?

ForecastEx distributes 100% of the income earned from contract investments monthly to Members as an Incentive Coupon, proportional to the daily closing value of their positions.

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