ibex Launches Wave iX Translate

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ibex has launched Wave iX Translate, an AI-powered solution enabling real-time multilingual translation for customer interactions in over 150 languages. This innovative tool allows agents and customers to communicate in their native languages, breaking down language barriers and enhancing customer experience.

Key features of Wave iX Translate include:

  • Real-time two-way conversations without native-speaking agents
  • Auto-replies to reduce process time
  • Full text transcript storage for performance monitoring
  • Integration with the ibex Wave iX suite of AI-driven CX solutions

The launch of Wave iX Translate positions ibex at the forefront of AI-driven customer experience transformation, offering businesses the ability to deliver multilingual CX across digital and voice channels while reducing operating costs.

ibex ha lanciato Wave iX Translate, una soluzione basata su IA che consente la traduzione multilingue in tempo reale per le interazioni con i clienti in oltre 150 lingue. Questo strumento innovativo permette a agenti e clienti di comunicare nella propria lingua madre, abbattendo le barriere linguistiche e migliorando l'esperienza del cliente.

Le principali caratteristiche di Wave iX Translate includono:

  • Conversazioni bidirezionali in tempo reale senza agenti madrelingua
  • Risposte automatiche per ridurre i tempi di elaborazione
  • Archiviazione completa delle trascrizioni per il monitoraggio delle performance
  • Integrazione con la suite di soluzioni CX guidate da IA di ibex Wave iX

Il lancio di Wave iX Translate colloca ibex all'avanguardia nella trasformazione dell'esperienza cliente guidata dall'IA, offrendo alle aziende la possibilità di fornire un CX multilingue attraverso canali digitali e vocali, riducendo al contempo i costi operativi.

ibex ha lanzado Wave iX Translate, una solución impulsada por IA que permite la traducción multilingüe en tiempo real para interacciones con los clientes en más de 150 idiomas. Esta herramienta innovadora permite a los agentes y clientes comunicarse en sus idiomas nativos, derribando las barreras del idioma y mejorando la experiencia del cliente.

Las características clave de Wave iX Translate incluyen:

  • Conversaciones bidireccionales en tiempo real sin agentes que hablen el idioma nativo
  • Respuestas automáticas para reducir los tiempos de procesamiento
  • Almacenamiento completo de transcripciones de texto para el monitoreo del rendimiento
  • Integración con la suite de soluciones CX impulsadas por IA de ibex Wave iX

El lanzamiento de Wave iX Translate posiciona a ibex a la vanguardia de la transformación de la experiencia del cliente impulsada por IA, ofreciendo a las empresas la capacidad de brindar CX multilingüe a través de canales digitales y de voz, al mismo tiempo que reduce los costos operativos.

ibexWave iX Translate를 출시했습니다. 이 AI 기반 솔루션은 150개 이상의 언어로 고객 상호작용을 위한 실시간 다국어 번역을 가능하게 합니다. 이 혁신적인 도구는 상담원과 고객이 모국어로 소통할 수 있도록 하여 언어 장벽을 허물고 고객 경험을 향상시킵니다.

Wave iX Translate의 주요 기능에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 모국어 상담원 없이 실시간 양방향 대화
  • 프로세스 시간을 줄이기 위한 자동 회신
  • 성능 모니터링을 위한 전체 텍스트 기록 저장
  • ibex Wave iX의 AI 기반 CX 솔루션과의 통합

Wave iX Translate의 출시는 ibex를 AI 기반 고객 경험 혁신의 최전선에 위치시키며, 기업들이 디지털 및 음성 채널을 통해 다국어 CX를 제공하면서 운영 비용을 절감할 수 있는 능력을 제공합니다.

ibex a lancé Wave iX Translate, une solution alimentée par l'IA permettant une traduction multilingue en temps réel pour les interactions client dans plus de 150 langues. Cet outil innovant permet aux agents et aux clients de communiquer dans leur langue maternelle, brisant ainsi les barrières linguistiques et améliorant l'expérience client.

Les principales caractéristiques de Wave iX Translate comprennent :

  • Conversations bidirectionnelles en temps réel sans agents parlant la langue maternelle
  • Réponses automatiques pour réduire les délais de traitement
  • Stockage complet des transcriptions de texte pour le suivi des performances
  • Intégration avec la suite de solutions CX guidées par IA d'ibex Wave iX

Le lancement de Wave iX Translate place ibex à l'avant-garde de la transformation de l'expérience client alimentée par l'IA, offrant aux entreprises la capacité de fournir un CX multilingue sur des canaux numériques et vocaux tout en réduisant les coûts opérationnels.

ibex hat Wave iX Translate eingeführt, eine KI-gesteuerte Lösung, die Echtzeit-Multilingual-Übersetzungen für Kundeninteraktionen in über 150 Sprachen ermöglicht. Dieses innovative Tool erlaubt es Agenten und Kunden, in ihren eigenen Sprachen zu kommunizieren, Sprachbarrieren abzubauen und das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern.

Die Hauptmerkmale von Wave iX Translate umfassen:

  • Echtzeit-Zweidirektionale Gespräche ohne muttersprachliche Agenten
  • Automatische Antworten zur Reduzierung der Bearbeitungszeit
  • Vollständige Texttranskription zur Leistungsüberwachung
  • Integration mit der AI-gesteuerten CX-Lösungsuite von ibex Wave iX

Die Einführung von Wave iX Translate positioniert ibex an der Spitze der KI-gesteuerten Transformation des Kundenerlebnisses und bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, mehrsprachige CX über digitale und sprachliche Kanäle zu bieten und dabei die Betriebskosten zu senken.

  • Launch of Wave iX Translate enables real-time multilingual customer interactions in 150+ languages
  • Potential reduction in operating costs by eliminating need for native-speaking agents or third-party interpreters
  • Integration with ibex Wave iX suite enhances overall AI-driven CX capabilities
  • Auto-replies feature cuts process time in half, improving efficiency
  • Full text transcript storage allows for seamless performance monitoring and insights gathering
  • None.

New AI-Powered Solution Enables Real-time Multilingual Translation for Next-Generation CX

WASHINGTON, July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ibex (NASDAQ: IBEX), a leading global provider of business process outsourcing (BPO) and AI-powered customer engagement technology solutions, today announced the launch of Wave iX Translate, which breaks through the language barrier to enable real-time customer conversations and interactions in more than 150 languages, without requiring native speakers.

Leveraging Wave iX Translate, agents and customers speak or type in their native language, which is then translated in real-time for understanding both parties. With Wave iX Translate, businesses can overcome language barriers and adapt to local accents and nuances, and deliver an enhanced customer experience. This elevated experience helps to cultivate deeper connections with customers.

“AI is redefining customer experience (CX), and ibex is at the forefront of this transformation with next-generation, hyper-personalized, and intelligent customer and brand interactions that enhance profitability and reduce the overall cost to serve,” said ibex CEO Bob Dechant. “Wave iX Translate is a game changer for seamlessly delivering multilingual CX across digital and voice channels. It enables real-time two-way conversations in over 150 languages—without the need for native language speaking agents or cumbersome third-party language interpreters—allowing CX organizations to better serve customers around the globe while reducing operating costs.”

With ibex’s Wave iX Translate, auto-replies cut the process time in half and give helpful suggestions to resolve customer concerns. This allows for a faster interaction and enables agents to handle all language calls and chats more effectively and efficiently. It also saves the full text transcript from each conversation, allowing for seamless performance monitoring and insights gathering across all voice and chat interactions.

Wave iX Translate is one of the revolutionary AI-driven digital-first customer experience and employee experience solutions that make up the ibex Wave iX suite. ibex Wave iX, which includes three key solution sets—AgentAI, CustomerAI, and InsightsAI, uses the latest in GenAI to enable the next generation of AI and agent-assisted CX.

“Our ibex Wave iX solution platform offers genuine digital transformation and advanced customer-facing self-service options for companies as they evolve to deliver more personalized and intelligent customer and brand interactions,” said Eric Guarro, SVP of Digital Transformation at ibex. “We collaborate with our clients to provide tailored AI-enhanced CX solutions that deliver transformative outcomes.”

Explore Wave iX Translate and the full suite of ibex Wave iX solutions here.

About ibex

ibex delivers innovative business process outsourcing (BPO), smart digital marketing, online acquisition technology, and end-to-end customer engagement solutions to help companies acquire, engage and retain valuable customers. Today, ibex operates a global CX delivery center model consisting of 30+ operations facilities around the world, while deploying next generation technology to drive superior customer experiences for many of the world’s leading companies across retail, e-commerce, healthcare, fintech, utilities and logistics.

ibex leverages its diverse global team of over 30,000 employees together with industry-leading technology, including the AI-powered ibex Wave iX solutions suite, to manage nearly 200 million critical customer interactions, adding over $2.2B in lifetime customer revenue each year and driving a truly differentiated customer experience. To learn more, visit our website at and connect with us on LinkedIn.

Media Contact:
Dan Burris

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is Wave iX Translate and how does it work?

Wave iX Translate is an AI-powered solution by ibex that enables real-time multilingual translation for customer interactions. It allows agents and customers to communicate in their native languages, which are then translated in real-time for both parties, supporting over 150 languages without requiring native speakers.

How does Wave iX Translate benefit businesses using ibex services?

Wave iX Translate benefits businesses by breaking down language barriers, reducing operating costs, improving efficiency through auto-replies, and enabling seamless performance monitoring. It allows companies to serve global customers more effectively without the need for native-speaking agents or third-party interpreters.

When was Wave iX Translate launched by ibex (IBEX)?

ibex (NASDAQ: IBEX) launched Wave iX Translate on July 23, 2024, as announced in their press release.

What other AI-driven solutions does ibex offer alongside Wave iX Translate?

Alongside Wave iX Translate, ibex offers the Wave iX suite, which includes three key solution sets: AgentAI, CustomerAI, and InsightsAI. These solutions use the latest in GenAI to enable next-generation AI and agent-assisted customer experience.

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