SnapLogic Agent Creator Unites Human Ingenuity and Machine Intelligence in the Agentic Era

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SnapLogic has launched Agent Creator, a new system for building LLM-powered AI agents that integrate with existing workflows and data pipelines. The platform enables enterprises to develop intelligent agents that can automate tasks and make real-time decisions. Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) has successfully implemented these agents to reduce help desk tickets and voice call backlogs. The system features dynamic task iteration, intelligent reasoning using LLMs, real-time API access, and flexible autonomy controls. Customers are utilizing the platform for various applications including finance operations automation, fraud detection, and sales process enhancement.

SnapLogic ha lanciato Agent Creator, un nuovo sistema per creare agenti AI potenziati da LLM che si integrano con i flussi di lavoro e le pipeline di dati esistenti. La piattaforma consente alle imprese di sviluppare agenti intelligenti in grado di automatizzare compiti e prendere decisioni in tempo reale. Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) ha implementato con successo questi agenti per ridurre i ticket del help desk e i ritardi nelle chiamate di ritorno. Il sistema offre iterazioni dinamiche dei compiti, ragionamento intelligente tramite LLM, accesso API in tempo reale e controlli di autonomia flessibili. I clienti stanno utilizzando la piattaforma per varie applicazioni, tra cui automazione delle operazioni finanziarie, rilevamento delle frodi e miglioramento dei processi di vendita.

SnapLogic ha lanzado Agent Creator, un nuevo sistema para construir agentes de IA potenciado por LLM que se integran con los flujos de trabajo y las tuberías de datos existentes. La plataforma permite a las empresas desarrollar agentes inteligentes que pueden automatizar tareas y tomar decisiones en tiempo real. Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) ha implementado con éxito estos agentes para reducir los tickets de soporte y los retrasos en las llamadas de voz. El sistema cuenta con iteraciones de tareas dinámicas, razonamiento inteligente utilizando LLMs, acceso API en tiempo real y controles de autonomía flexibles. Los clientes están utilizando la plataforma para diversas aplicaciones, incluyendo la automatización de operaciones financieras, detección de fraudes y mejora de procesos de ventas.

SnapLogic는 기존의 워크플로우와 데이터 파이프라인과 통합된 LLM 기반의 AI 에이전트를 구축하는 새로운 시스템인 Agent Creator를 출시했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 기업이 작업을 자동화하고 실시간으로 결정을 내릴 수 있는 지능형 에이전트를 개발할 수 있도록 합니다. Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP)는 이러한 에이전트를 성공적으로 구현하여 헬프 데스크 티켓과 음성 통화 대기행렬을 줄였습니다. 이 시스템은 동적 작업 반복, LLM을 활용한 지능형 추론, 실시간 API 접근 및 유연한 자율성 제어 기능을 제공합니다. 고객들은 재무 운영 자동화, 사기 탐지 및 판매 프로세스 개선 등 다양한 응용 프로그램에 플랫폼을 활용하고 있습니다.

SnapLogic a lancé Agent Creator, un nouveau système pour créer des agents d'IA propulsés par LLM qui s'intègrent aux flux de travail et pipelines de données existants. La plateforme permet aux entreprises de développer des agents intelligents capables d'automatiser des tâches et de prendre des décisions en temps réel. Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) a réussi à mettre en œuvre ces agents pour réduire les tickets d'assistance et les retards d'appels vocaux. Le système propose une itération dynamique des tâches, un raisonnement intelligent utilisant des LLM, un accès API en temps réel, et des contrôles d'autonomie flexibles. Les clients utilisent la plateforme pour diverses applications, y compris l'automatisation des opérations financières, la détection de fraudes et l'amélioration des processus de vente.

SnapLogic hat Agent Creator eingeführt, ein neues System zum Erstellen von LLM-gestützten KI-Agenten, die sich in bestehende Arbeitsabläufe und Datenpipelines integrieren. Die Plattform ermöglicht es Unternehmen, intelligente Agenten zu entwickeln, die Aufgaben automatisieren und in Echtzeit Entscheidungen treffen können. Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) hat diese Agenten erfolgreich implementiert, um die Anzahl der Helpdesk-Tickets und die Rückstände bei Sprachansrufen zu reduzieren. Das System bietet dynamische Aufgabeniteration, intelligentes Denken mit LLMs, Echtzeitzugriff auf APIs und flexible Autonomiekontrollen. Kunden nutzen die Plattform für verschiedene Anwendungen, einschließlich Automatisierung von Finanzoperationen, Betrugserkennung und Optimierung von Verkaufsprozessen.

  • Successfully implemented at Independent Bank (IBCP) reducing help desk tickets and call backlogs
  • Platform enables automation of complex business processes and real-time decision making
  • Integrates with existing workflows and data pipelines enhancing operational efficiency
  • None.


SnapLogic's Agent Creator marks a significant advancement in enterprise AI integration technology. The platform's ability to combine LLM-powered agents with existing workflows addresses a critical gap in the enterprise AI market - the challenge of seamlessly integrating AI with existing data infrastructure and business processes.

The platform's implementation at Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) demonstrates tangible business value through reduced help desk tickets and streamlined operations. Key technical differentiators include dynamic task iteration, intelligent reasoning capabilities and real-time API integration, which enable sophisticated automation while maintaining enterprise-grade security and governance.

The focus on practical applications like fraud detection and sales automation, coupled with flexible autonomy controls, positions this solution as a pragmatic approach to enterprise AI adoption rather than just another AI tool.

Customers using Agent Creator to design, deploy, and manage AI agents that automate tasks, make real-time decisions, and integrate effortlessly into existing workflows

SAN MATEO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SnapLogic, the leader in generative integration, today announced SnapLogic Agent Creator, a powerful new system empowering enterprises to build LLM-powered agents, assistants and applications that augment human capabilities and integrate AI into any integration workflow or data pipeline. By combining dynamic iteration with real-time generative decision-making, SnapLogic Agent Creator builds a symbiotic relationship between the people on the front lines of the business, your IT team and executives, via powerful AI at anyone’s fingertips. The opportunity to integrate Generative AI in business continues to grow, and customers are using the full Snaplogic platform to unlock the power of AI in a cost-effective manner.

AI-powered agents are rapidly proliferating in the enterprise as forward-thinking organizations look to take advantage of streamlined processes, lower operational costs and provide a valuable tool for employees to be more productive. However, enterprises are facing challenges in developing intelligent and effective enterprise-grade agents because often these agents lack integration with all the right data and ability to prepare it for use. In essence, it's the complexity to securely access the appropriate data, applications, and APIs, leveraging the full power of the Snaplogic Integration Platform, that is essential to get the most out of the agents being developed.

Snaplogic’s Agent Creator is already making a significant impact across industries. Independent Bank Corporation (NASDAQ: IBCP), a Michigan-based community bank, has reduced help desk tickets and voice call backlogs with agent-powered voice and online assistants built with SnapLogic. The bank now has multiple agents in production and in the pipeline.

“With SnapLogic’s ability to automate processes and modernize the way we exchange data with systems, we have been able to transform the IT department to become a more strategic partner within the company. SnapLogic's foundation enabled us to focus on ambitious GenAI solutions that enhance customer value and job fulfillment.” Chris Michaels, SVP CIO at Independent Bank.

“SnapLogic agents don’t just execute tasks, they can use enterprise data to make real-time decisions across the digital ecosystem,” said Jeremiah Stone, CTO of SnapLogic. “Integration is the connective tissue linking data and applications with AI, and by extending our generative integration capabilities to sophisticated automations that use generative decision making, we are empowering enterprises to create powerful, autonomous AI agents that take meaningful action, all grounded in secure, governed data. We are proud to usher companies into the Agentic Enterprise, a future where humans, AI agents, and applications seamlessly collaborate and transform the way businesses operate across the globe.”

SnapLogic Agent Creator represents a profound leap in any enterprise’s integration, automation and orchestration strategy. It's not merely about automating tasks; it's about cultivating a responsive, agile, and efficient digital workforce tailored to the unique demands of the business. These agents continuously process vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, can autonomously execute complex tasks, and deliver real-time insights to their human co-workers.

Agent Creator brings the best GenAI capabilities to countless employees across the enterprise. Customers are already using SnapLogic to accelerate finance operations by automating contract reconciliation. Go-to-market teams are benefiting from building real time competitive research services, or automatically identifying meeting action follow ups and updating opportunity information to accelerate sales. Customers in the banking industry are leveraging SnapLogic to significantly enhance fraud detection processes where Agent Creator is used to autonomously analyze potential fraud cases, gathering essential data points such as the last login location, recent account activities, and transaction patterns. The output is comprehensive summaries which help the human analysts to make faster, more informed decisions, drastically improving response times and fraud prevention capabilities.

SnapLogic Agent Creator empowers organizations to deploy smarter, more adaptable AI agents while maintaining the control and flexibility enterprises require. Capabilities include:

  • Dynamic task iteration: AI agents can continuously improve by dynamically iterating through tasks, making them more efficient at handling multi-step processes.
  • Intelligent reasoning: Access large language models (LLMs) for complex reasoning, language understanding, and decision-making to perform tasks that require human-like understanding and insight.
  • Ability to act: Real-time access to external APIs and tools ensures agents make data-driven, well-informed decisions.
  • Smarter knowledge management: Agents can recall and apply contextual information over time, enhancing decision-making and task performance.
  • Flexible autonomy and control: Users retain control over agent autonomy, ensuring AI stays within defined parameters to achieve desired results efficiently.

Click here to learn more about Agent Creator from SnapLogic.

About SnapLogic

SnapLogic is the leader in Generative Integration. As a pioneer in AI-led integration, the SnapLogic Platform accelerates digital transformation across the enterprise and empowers everyone to integrate faster and easier. Whether you are automating business processes, democratizing data, or delivering digital products and services, SnapLogic enables you to simplify your technology stack and take your enterprise further. Thousands of enterprises around the globe rely on SnapLogic to integrate, automate, and orchestrate the flow of data across their business.

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Press Contacts:

Adrian Richardson

SnapLogic (US & APAC)


Gemma Smith

SnapLogic (EMEA)

Amy McDowell

Offleash PR for SnapLogic

Source: SnapLogic


How has Independent Bank (IBCP) benefited from SnapLogic Agent Creator?

Independent Bank (IBCP) has reduced help desk tickets and voice call backlogs by implementing agent-powered voice and online assistants built with SnapLogic.

What are the main features of SnapLogic Agent Creator?

SnapLogic Agent Creator features dynamic task iteration, intelligent reasoning with LLMs, real-time API access, smart knowledge management, and flexible autonomy controls.

What business applications does SnapLogic Agent Creator support?

It supports finance operations automation, contract reconciliation, competitive research services, sales process enhancement, and fraud detection analysis.

Independent Bank Corp.


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