Independent Bank Transforms IT Operations with AI Agents Using Generative Integration from SnapLogic

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Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP), a Michigan-based bank with $5.3 billion in assets, has implemented SnapLogic's Platform for Generative Integration to modernize its IT operations. The bank's three-person integration team has leveraged the platform to build multiple GenAI Agents, enhance fraud detection processes, and streamline IT resources. The implementation has resulted in faster deployment times and a significant reduction in IT help desk tickets through AI-assisted inquiry handling. The bank has successfully transformed from managing routine tasks to developing advanced GenAI applications that improve customer service and operational efficiency.

Banca Indipendente (NASDAQ: IBCP), una banca con sede nel Michigan e $5,3 miliardi di attivi, ha implementato la piattaforma di integrazione generativa di SnapLogic per modernizzare le proprie operazioni IT. Il team di integrazione della banca, composto da tre persone, ha sfruttato la piattaforma per costruire più Agenti GenAI, migliorare i processi di rilevamento frodi e snellire le risorse IT. L'implementazione ha portato a tempi di distribuzione più rapidi e a una significativa riduzione dei ticket di assistenza IT grazie alla gestione delle richieste assistita dall'IA. La banca è riuscita a trasformarsi, passando dalla gestione di compiti di routine allo sviluppo di applicazioni GenAI avanzate che migliorano il servizio clienti e l'efficienza operativa.

Banco Independiente (NASDAQ: IBCP), un banco con sede en Michigan y $5.3 mil millones en activos, ha implementado la plataforma de integración generativa de SnapLogic para modernizar sus operaciones de TI. El equipo de integración de tres personas del banco ha aprovechado la plataforma para construir múltiples Agentes GenAI, mejorar los procesos de detección de fraudes y optimizar los recursos de TI. La implementación ha resultado en tiempos de despliegue más rápidos y una reducción significativa en los tickets de asistencia de TI a través del manejo de consultas asistidas por IA. El banco ha logrado transformarse de la gestión de tareas rutinarias al desarrollo de aplicaciones GenAI avanzadas que mejoran el servicio al cliente y la eficiencia operativa.

독립 은행 (NASDAQ: IBCP)은 미시간에 본사를 두고 있으며 자산이 53억 달러에 달하는 은행으로, SnapLogic의 생성적 통합 플랫폼을 도입하여 IT 운영을 현대화했습니다. 은행의 3인 통합 팀은 이 플랫폼을 활용하여 여러 개의 GenAI 에이전트를 구축하고, 사기 탐지 프로세스를 개선하며, IT 자원을 최적화했습니다. 이 구현은 배포 시간을 단축시켰고 AI 지원 문의 처리를 통해 IT 헬프 데스크 티켓을 크게 줄였습니다. 은행은 일상적인 작업 관리에서 고객 서비스와 운영 효율성을 향상시키는 첨단 GenAI 애플리케이션 개발로 성공적으로 전환했습니다.

Banque Indépendante (NASDAQ: IBCP), une banque basée au Michigan avec des actifs de 5,3 milliards de dollars, a implémenté la plateforme d'intégration générative de SnapLogic pour moderniser ses opérations informatiques. L'équipe d'intégration de la banque, composée de trois personnes, a exploité la plateforme pour créer plusieurs Agents GenAI, améliorer les processus de détection des fraudes et optimiser les ressources informatiques. Cette mise en œuvre a entraîné des délais de déploiement plus rapides et une réduction significative des demandes de support informatique grâce à la gestion des demandes assistée par IA. La banque a réussi à se transformer, passant de la gestion de tâches routinières au développement d'applications GenAI avancées qui améliorent le service client et l'efficacité opérationnelle.

Unabhängige Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP), eine im Bundesstaat Michigan ansässige Bank mit 5,3 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten, hat SnapLogics Plattform für generative Integration implementiert, um ihre IT-Betrieb zu modernisieren. Das dreiköpfige Integrationsteam der Bank hat die Plattform genutzt, um mehrere GenAI-Agenten zu entwickeln, die Betrugsbekämpfungsprozesse zu verbessern und IT-Ressourcen zu optimieren. Die Umsetzung führte zu schnelleren Bereitstellungszeiten und einer signifikanten Reduzierung der IT-Hilfe-Tickets durch KI-unterstütztes Anfragen-Management. Die Bank hat erfolgreich den Übergang von der Verwaltung routinemäßiger Aufgaben zur Entwicklung fortschrittlicher GenAI-Anwendungen vollzogen, die den Kundenservice und die Betriebseffizienz verbessern.

  • Successfully implemented GenAI solutions with existing three-person team without additional hiring
  • Reduced IT help desk tickets significantly through AI automation
  • Achieved faster deployment times for system integrations
  • Developed new automated fraud detection processes
  • None.


Independent Bank's strategic implementation of SnapLogic's generative integration platform marks a significant technological transformation for their $5.3 billion operation. The deployment of GenAI agents for IT help desk automation and fraud detection represents a tangible efficiency gain, particularly notable for a mid-sized regional bank.

The platform's ability to streamline operations with just a three-person integration team demonstrates remarkable operational leverage. By automating routine IT tasks and enabling faster deployment of integrations, this implementation could yield substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies. The focus on fraud detection capabilities and enhanced customer services suggests potential improvements in risk management and customer retention metrics.

While specific performance metrics aren't disclosed, the initiative positions Independent Bank at the forefront of AI adoption in regional banking, potentially creating competitive advantages in operational efficiency and service delivery.

Leading bank leverages the power of generative integration to build dozens of GenAI Agents


SnapLogic, the leader in generative integration, today announced that Independent Bank Corporation (NASDAQ: IBCP), a Michigan-based community bank, is utilizing the SnapLogic Platform for Generative Integration to continue to modernize its systems and streamline IT resources, enabling the company to build game changing GenAI applications. With SnapLogic, Independent Bank has built GenAI Agents to assist workers with completing their tasks more efficiently, created new automated processes for possible fraud detection, and transitioned IT technologies to provide customers with enhanced services.

Independent Bank is a Michigan-based bank holding company with total assets of approximately $5.3 billion. The company required a flexible integration solution to support its three-person integration team without adding more team members or outside services. Specifically, it was looking to scale its operations and empower business counterparts with new GenAI applications, powered by its proprietary data. The company was seeking a unified integration platform to unlock the power of its data across various environments, systems and applications, all while reducing manual tasks and dependence on slower, external services.

“Our IT team is committed to delivering forward-thinking solutions that solve complex problems and deliver the highest level of service to our customers,” said Patrick Alpers, VP IT Solution Architect at Independent Bank.

“With SnapLogic’s ability to automate processes and modernize the way we exchange data with systems, we have been able to transform the IT department to become a more strategic partner within the company. SnapLogic's foundation enabled us to focus on ambitious GenAI solutions that enhance customer value and job fulfillment.” Chris Michaels, SVP CIO at Independent Bank.

Independent Bank leveraged SnapLogic’s generative integration platform to transform their applications and rebuild integrations, leading to significantly faster deployment times. This platform enabled the team to increase their integration output. Additionally, the implementation of a generative AI agent helped reduce IT help desk tickets by a substantial percentage by fielding inquiries, freeing up the integration team to focus on more critical initiatives. With a modern technology stack, Independent Bank's integration team transitioned from managing common tasks to developing numerous GenAI agents aimed at accelerating internal processes.

“It’s a privilege to work with innovative companies like Independent Bank that recognize the true value of generative integration to create new efficiencies and build new business processes,” said Jeremiah Stone, CTO of SnapLogic. “IT teams are often overburdened with repetitive, time-consuming tasks that prevent them from delivering meaningful experiences for customers and employees, and SnapLogic is committed to equipping enterprises with the technology to maximize the value of existing teams and deliver top notch experiences to customers. It’s exciting to see how quickly they have been able to develop and deploy new GenAI agents into production across their business through the power of connected data.”

Download the case study here to learn more about how Independent Bank is transforming IT operations with GenAI.

About SnapLogic

SnapLogic is the leader in Generative Integration. As a pioneer in AI-led integration, the SnapLogic Platform accelerates digital transformation across the enterprise and empowers everyone to integrate faster and easier. Whether you are automating business processes, democratizing data, or delivering digital products and services, SnapLogic enables you to simplify your technology stack and take your enterprise further. Thousands of enterprises around the globe rely on SnapLogic to integrate, automate, and orchestrate the flow of data across their business.

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Adrian Richardson

SnapLogic (US & APAC)


Gemma Smith

SnapLogic (EMEA)

Amy McDowell

Offleash PR for SnapLogic

Source: SnapLogic


What is Independent Bank 's (IBCP) total asset value in 2024?

Independent Bank (NASDAQ: IBCP) has total assets of approximately $5.3 billion.

How has IBCP implemented SnapLogic's GenAI platform?

IBCP has used SnapLogic's Platform for Generative Integration to build GenAI Agents, automate fraud detection processes, and modernize IT systems for enhanced customer services.

What operational improvements has IBCP achieved with SnapLogic's platform?

IBCP has achieved faster deployment times, reduced IT help desk tickets significantly, and enabled their three-person integration team to focus on developing advanced GenAI applications.

Independent Bank Corp.


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Banks - Regional
State Commercial Banks
United States of America