i-80 Gold Appoints Richard Young Chief Executive Officer
i-80 Gold Corp (TSX: IAU, NYSE: IAUX) has appointed Richard Young as its new Chief Executive Officer and director, effective immediately. Young succeeds Ewan Downie, who is retiring as CEO and stepping down as a director but will continue as an advisor to the company. Young brings extensive financial, development, and operational experience to i-80, including previous roles at Barrick Gold's Goldstrike Mine in Nevada and as founder and CEO of Teranga Gold
Young's appointment marks a shift in focus from exploration to mine development for i-80 Gold. The company owns the largest gold and silver resource base in the United States not owned by a senior gold company. Young aims to assess the portfolio with a vision of developing both sulfide and oxide deposits, potentially creating a United States mid-tier gold producer in the coming years.
i-80 Gold Corp (TSX: IAU, NYSE: IAUX) ha nominato Richard Young come nuovo Amministratore Delegato e direttore, con effetto immediato. Young succede a Ewan Downie, che si ritira dalla carica di CEO e lascia il ruolo di direttore, ma continuerà come consulente per l'azienda. Young porta un'esperienza estensiva in ambito finanziario, di sviluppo e operativo in i-80, comprese precedenti mansioni presso la Goldstrike Mine della Barrick Gold in Nevada e come fondatore e CEO di Teranga Gold.
La nomina di Young segna un cambiamento di focus da esplorazione a sviluppo minerario per i-80 Gold. L'azienda possiede la più grande base di risorse d'oro e d'argento negli Stati Uniti non controllata da una compagnia d'oro senior. Young intende valutare il portafoglio con l'obiettivo di sviluppare sia i depositi di solfuri che quelli di ossidi, creando potenzialmente un produttore d'oro di medio livello negli Stati Uniti nei prossimi anni.
i-80 Gold Corp (TSX: IAU, NYSE: IAUX) ha nombrado a Richard Young como su nuevo Director Ejecutivo y director, con efecto inmediato. Young sucede a Ewan Downie, quien se retira como CEO y renuncia a su puesto como director, pero continuará como asesor de la empresa. Young aporta una amplia experiencia en finanzas, desarrollo y operaciones a i-80, incluyendo roles previos en la mina Goldstrike de Barrick Gold en Nevada y como fundador y CEO de Teranga Gold.
El nombramiento de Young marca un cambio de enfoque de exploración a desarrollo minero para i-80 Gold. La compañía posee la mayor base de recursos de oro y plata en los Estados Unidos que no está en posesión de una empresa de oro senior. Young tiene como objetivo evaluar la cartera con la visión de desarrollar tanto depósitos de sulfuros como de óxidos, potencialmente creando un productor de oro de nivel medio en los Estados Unidos en los próximos años.
i-80 Gold Corp (TSX: IAU, NYSE: IAUX)는 즉시 효력을 발휘하는 새로운 CEO이자 이사로 Richard Young을 임명했습니다. Young은 CEO로서의 Ewan Downie의 후임자가 되며, 그는 CEO 자리에서 물러나 이사직도 내려놓지만 회사의 고문으로 계속 남을 것입니다. Young은 i-80에 막대한 재무, 개발 및 운영 경험을 제공합니다. 이는 네바다의 Barrick Gold Goldstrike Mine에서의 이전 역할과 Teranga Gold의 창립자이자 CEO로서의 경험을 포함합니다.
Young의 임명은 i-80 Gold의 탐사에서 광산 개발로 초점을 전환하는 것을 의미합니다. 이 회사는 미국 내에서 시니어 금 회사가 소유하지 않는 가장 큰 금과 은 자원 기반을 보유하고 있습니다. Young은 황화물과 산화물 자원을 모두 개발할 수 있는 비전을 가지고 포트폴리오를 평가할 계획이며, 향후 몇 년 안에 미국 중간 규모의 금 생산업체를 만들 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
i-80 Gold Corp (TSX: IAU, NYSE: IAUX) a nommé Richard Young en tant que nouveau directeur général et administrateur, avec effet immédiat. Young succède à Ewan Downie, qui prend sa retraite en tant que PDG et démissionne de son poste d'administrateur, mais continuera en tant que conseiller de l'entreprise. Young apporte une vaste expérience en finance, développement et opérations à i-80, y compris des rôles précédents à la mine Goldstrike de Barrick Gold au Nevada et en tant que fondateur et PDG de Teranga Gold.
La nomination de Young marque un changement de stratégie, passant de l'exploration au développement minier pour i-80 Gold. L'entreprise possède la plus grande base de ressources d'or et d'argent aux États-Unis qui n'est pas détenue par une entreprise d'or majeure. Young vise à évaluer le portefeuille avec une vision de développement à la fois des dépôts de sulfures et d'oxydes, créant potentiellement un producteur d'or de taille intermédiaire aux États-Unis dans les années à venir.
i-80 Gold Corp (TSX: IAU, NYSE: IAUX) hat Richard Young mit sofortiger Wirkung als neuen Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Direktor ernannt. Young tritt die Nachfolge von Ewan Downie an, der als CEO zurücktritt und sein Amt als Direktor niederlegt, jedoch weiterhin als Berater für das Unternehmen tätig sein wird. Young bringt umfassende Erfahrungen in den Bereichen Finanzen, Entwicklung und Betrieb in i-80 ein, einschließlich früherer Positionen in der Goldstrike Mine von Barrick Gold in Nevada und als Gründer und CEO von Teranga Gold.
Youngs Ernennung markiert einen Wechsel des Fokus von Exploration zu Bergbauentwicklung für i-80 Gold. Das Unternehmen besitzt die größte Gold- und Silberressourcenbasis in den Vereinigten Staaten, die nicht von einem großen Goldunternehmen kontrolliert wird. Young plant, das Portfolio mit der Vision zu bewerten, sowohl Sulfid- als auch Oxidvorkommen zu entwickeln, was potenziell die Schaffung eines mittelständischen Goldproduzenten in den USA in den kommenden Jahren zur Folge haben könnte.
- Appointment of Richard Young as CEO brings extensive industry experience and leadership
- Company owns the largest gold and silver resource base in the US not held by a senior gold company
- Shift in focus from exploration to mine development indicates progress in company strategy
- Potential to become a mid-tier gold producer in the United States
- Departure of founding CEO Ewan Downie may lead to temporary leadership transition challenges
- Shift from exploration to development phase may require significant capital expenditures
This appointment completes the previously announced succession process. Mr. Downie will also step down as a director of the Company and will continue as an advisor to the Company.
Mr. Young brings extensive financial, development and operational experience to i-80, having previously held senior positions at multiple companies, with increasing responsibilities, over the past several decades. He brings strong experience in
During his career, Mr. Young has been responsible for implementing award-winning sustainability programs and received the 2008 and 2017 PDAC Sustainability Award, and the 2020 UN Global Compact Canada SDG Accelerator Award.
"I am excited to join i-80, owner of the largest gold and silver resource base in
"I am proud of the platform we have built, a world-class project portfolio situated in one of the world's premier mining jurisdictions where we have realized numerous exploration successes over the past three years.", said Ewan Downie. "Now, with efforts shifting from a focus on exploration to mine development, it is time for a leader with broad development and operational experience to lead the impressive management team at i-80 through its next phase of growth to deliver substantial returns to shareholders."
Ron Clayton, Chairman of the Board of Directors on behalf of the entire Board extends sincere thanks to Mr. Downie for his vision and leadership in building i-80 Gold and are pleased he will continue in an advisory role. "The Board is incredibly pleased we have been able to attract a new CEO of Richard's caliber and skills. We look forward to Richard leading our company in developing our world class assets in one the best districts for mining in the world. Richard is well equipped to lead our team in unlocking the value our assets represent." said Mr. Clayton.
About i-80 Gold Corp.
i-80 Gold Corp. is a
Certain statements in this release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including but not limited to, the Company's potential to create a
Forward-looking statements and information involve significant risks and uncertainties, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indicators of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements or information, including, but not limited to: material adverse changes, unexpected changes in laws, rules or regulations, or their enforcement by applicable authorities; the failure of parties to contracts with the company to perform as agreed; social or labour unrest; changes in commodity prices; and the failure of exploration programs or studies to deliver anticipated results or results that would justify and support continued exploration, studies, development or operations.
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SOURCE i-80 Gold Corp