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Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS) has expanded its Total Media Quality (TMQ) product suite on YouTube to include brand safety and suitability measurement for misinformation. This enhancement allows advertisers to verify the safety and suitability of their digital media investments on YouTube by detecting content identified as misinformation.

The expanded TMQ product offers:

  • Independent verification complementary to YouTube's policies
  • Video-level reporting based on industry-aligned definitions
  • Customizable brand suitability settings
  • Global reporting in 30+ languages

This expansion follows IAS's recent MRC accreditation for YouTube video viewability reporting and the launch of TMQ measurement for YouTube Shorts.

Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS) ha ampliato la propria suite di prodotti Total Media Quality (TMQ) su YouTube per includere la misurazione della sicurezza del brand e dell'idoneità rispetto alla disinformazione. Questo miglioramento consente agli inserzionisti di verificare la sicurezza e l'idoneità dei propri investimenti in media digitali su YouTube rilevando contenuti definiti come disinformazione.

Il prodotto TMQ ampliato offre:

  • Verifica indipendente complementare alle politiche di YouTube
  • Reporting a livello video basato su definizioni allineate con l'industria
  • Impostazioni di idoneità del brand personalizzabili
  • Reporting globale in oltre 30 lingue

Questa espansione segue l'accreditamento MRC di IAS per il reporting della visibilità dei video su YouTube e il lancio della misurazione TMQ per i YouTube Shorts.

Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS) ha ampliado su suite de productos Total Media Quality (TMQ) en YouTube para incluir la medición de seguridad y adecuación de marca frente a la desinformación. Esta mejora permite a los anunciantes verificar la seguridad y adecuación de sus inversiones en medios digitales en YouTube al detectar contenido identificado como desinformación.

El producto TMQ ampliado ofrece:

  • Verificación independiente complementaria a las políticas de YouTube
  • Informes a nivel de video basados en definiciones alineadas con la industria
  • Configuraciones de adecuación de marca personalizables
  • Informes globales en más de 30 idiomas

Esta expansión sigue la reciente acreditación de MRC de IAS para el reporte de visibilidad de videos en YouTube y el lanzamiento de la medición TMQ para YouTube Shorts.

인티그랄 애드 사이언스(매사추세츠 증권 거래소: IAS)는 유튜브에서 Total Media Quality (TMQ) 제품군을 확장했습니다. 이는 잘못된 정보에 대한 브랜드 안전성과 적합성 측정을 포함합니다. 이러한 향상은 광고주가 유튜브에서 디지털 미디어 투자에 대한 안전성과 적합성을 확인할 수 있도록 합니다 조작된 정보로 식별된 콘텐츠를 감지할 수 있습니다.

확장된 TMQ 제품은 다음을 제공합니다:

  • 유튜브 정책을 보완하는 독립적인 검증
  • 산업에 부합하는 정의를 기반으로 한 비디오 수준 보고서
  • 맞춤형 브랜드 적합성 설정
  • 30개 이상의 언어로의 글로벌 보고서

이번 확장은 IAS가 유튜브 비디오 가시성 보고에 대한 MRC 인증을 최근에 받고 유튜브 숏츠에 대한 TMQ 측정을 시작한 것의 연속입니다.

Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS) a étendu sa suite de produits Total Media Quality (TMQ) sur YouTube pour inclure la mesure de la sécurité de la marque et de l'adéquation face à la désinformation. Cette amélioration permet aux annonceurs de vérifier la sécurité et l'adéquation de leurs investissements médiatiques numériques sur YouTube en détectant du contenu identifié comme désinformation.

Le produit TMQ élargi offre :

  • Vérification indépendante complémentaire aux politiques de YouTube
  • Rapports au niveau vidéo basés sur des définitions alignées avec l'industrie
  • Paramètres d'adéquation de marque personnalisables
  • Reporting global en plus de 30 langues

Cette expansion fait suite à l'accréditation MRC récente d'IAS pour le reporting de visibilité des vidéos YouTube et au lancement de la mesure TMQ pour YouTube Shorts.

Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS) hat seine Total Media Quality (TMQ) Produktpalette auf YouTube erweitert, um Messungen zur Markensicherheit und Eignung in Bezug auf Fehlinformationen zu integrieren. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht es Werbetreibenden, die Sicherheit und Eignung ihrer digitalen Medieninvestitionen auf YouTube zu überprüfen, indem Inhalte, die als Fehlinformationen identifiziert werden, erkannt werden.

Das erweiterte TMQ-Produkt bietet:

  • Unabhängige Verifizierung, die zu YouTubes Richtlinien ergänzt
  • Video-Level-Reporting basierend auf branchenüblichen Definitionen
  • Anpassbare Markeneignungseinstellungen
  • Globale Berichterstattung in über 30 Sprachen

Diese Erweiterung folgt der jüngsten MRC-Akkreditierung von IAS für die Berichterstattung zur Sichtbarkeit von YouTube-Videos und dem Start der TMQ-Messung für YouTube Shorts.

  • Expansion of Total Media Quality product to include misinformation detection on YouTube
  • Provides third-party verification for brand safety and suitability on YouTube
  • Offers video-level reporting for accurate content assessment
  • Global reporting capability in over 30 languages
  • Recent MRC accreditation for YouTube video viewability reporting
  • None.


IAS's expansion of its AI-driven Total Media Quality product on YouTube is a significant development in digital advertising. By including brand safety and suitability measurement for misinformation, IAS addresses a critical concern for advertisers in today's complex media landscape. This enhancement allows for more granular control over ad placements, potentially improving ROI and brand reputation.

The ability to detect misinformation across YouTube's vast content library is particularly valuable given the platform's global reach and influence. With video-level reporting and industry-aligned definitions, advertisers can make more informed decisions about their campaigns. This level of transparency and control is important as we approach major global events that often trigger waves of misinformation.

Moreover, the MRC accreditation for YouTube video viewability measurement adds credibility to IAS's offerings. The expansion to cover YouTube Shorts also demonstrates IAS's adaptability to evolving content formats. These developments position IAS well in the competitive ad tech market, potentially driving increased adoption of their services among global advertisers.

This product expansion by IAS is strategically timed and positioned. With upcoming marquee global media events, advertisers are increasingly concerned about brand safety, making IAS's offering highly relevant. The focus on misinformation detection taps into a growing market need, especially given the current socio-political climate.

The expanded coverage to include YouTube Shorts is particularly noteworthy. Short-form video content is rapidly gaining popularity and by offering brand safety tools for this format, IAS is staying ahead of market trends. This could potentially lead to increased market share and revenue growth for IAS.

Furthermore, the global applicability of the product, supporting 30+ languages, positions IAS well for international expansion. As digital advertising continues to grow globally, this multilingual capability could be a significant differentiator in attracting multinational clients. Overall, this product enhancement strengthens IAS's competitive position in the ad verification and measurement market, potentially driving long-term growth and shareholder value.

Global Advertisers Can Now Access IAS's Industry-Aligned Misinformation Reporting on YouTube

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Integral Ad Science (Nasdaq: IAS), a leading global media measurement and optimization platform, today announced that it will now offer its industry-aligned misinformation brand safety and suitability reporting for advertisers running campaigns across YouTube ad inventory. IAS can now detect content across YouTube that it identifies as misinformation enabling advertisers to further verify the safety & suitability of their digital media investments on YouTube.

IAS's Total Media Quality (TMQ) product suite provides valuable third-party assurance that advertisers' campaigns are running adjacent to brand safe and suitable content. IAS's misinformation measurement delivers independent verification, complementary to YouTube's own policies and procedures

"Brand safety is a top priority for marketers as we approach upcoming marquee global media events. We are empowering marketers with enhanced products like our expanded Total Media Quality for YouTube which now offers IAS's misinformation reporting," said Lisa Utzschneider, CEO of IAS. "We're excited to offer the ability to detect misinformation with our best-in-class measurement solution."

IAS classifies content according to industry-aligned definitions and provides reporting based on advertisers' custom brand suitability settings. Video-level reporting provided by IAS allows advertisers to get a full, accurate picture of the content their ads are running adjacent to, and adjust their campaigns based on their own desired suitability profiles.

Advertisers can now:

  • Access Expanded Third-Party Transparency: Gain trusted video-level insights into the content adjacent to your advertisements according to industry-aligned definitions.
  • Drive Results: Analyze if your ads appear next to content identified by IAS as misinformation and make optimizations as needed to drive brand suitability.
  • Safeguard and Scale Their Business: Access global reporting with 30+ languages on YouTube for key international events in 2024 and beyond.

In March, IAS announced earning MRC accreditation for integrated third-party calculation and reporting of YouTube video viewability. In December 2023, IAS announced the availability of its Total Media Quality (TMQ) brand safety and suitability measurement across YouTube Shorts, offering advertisers expanded coverage for advanced Brand Safety and Suitability Measurement.

About Integral Ad Science
Integral Ad Science (IAS) is a leading global media measurement and optimization platform that delivers the industry's most actionable data to drive superior results for the world's largest advertisers, publishers, and media platforms. IAS's software provides comprehensive and enriched data that ensures ads are seen by real people in safe and suitable environments, while improving return on ad spend for advertisers and yield for publishers. Our mission is to be the global benchmark for trust and transparency in digital media quality. For more information, visit


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SOURCE Integral Ad Science, Inc.


What new feature has IAS added to its Total Media Quality product for YouTube?

IAS has added brand safety and suitability measurement for misinformation to its Total Media Quality product for YouTube, allowing advertisers to detect content identified as misinformation.

How does IAS's misinformation reporting on YouTube benefit advertisers?

IAS's misinformation reporting provides advertisers with independent verification of brand safety and suitability, complementing YouTube's policies and allowing for customized suitability settings and video-level insights.

What recent accreditation did IAS receive for its YouTube measurement?

In March, IAS received MRC accreditation for integrated third-party calculation and reporting of YouTube video viewability.

When did IAS (Nasdaq: IAS) announce TMQ measurement for YouTube Shorts?

IAS announced the availability of its Total Media Quality (TMQ) brand safety and suitability measurement across YouTube Shorts in December 2023.

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