New Report Uncovers the Troubling State of Parental Well-Being Amid America's Care Crisis

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Tags's 2025 Cost of Care Report reveals a concerning state of parental well-being amid America's care crisis. The study, surveying 3,000 parents, shows the average parent is responsible for five loved ones and manages five different care arrangements, with 48% still lacking adequate help.

The report highlights severe mental health impacts: 90% of parents lose sleep, 80% cry (90% for mothers), 75% feel dread, 71% face health issues, and 29% have considered suicide due to caregiving stress. Parents spend an average of 40% of household income on care expenses, with 22% allocated to child care alone.

Key findings include rising care costs, with weekly nanny rates increasing to $827 and daycare costs reaching $343. Parents miss approximately 34 important life commitments yearly due to care challenges, and 89% had to make major work or financial changes to afford care. The study emphasizes the need for systemic solutions, with 87% of parents supporting expanded tax credits and 79% favoring employer-subsidized caregiving benefits.

Il Rapporto sui Costi dell'Assistenza di del 2025 rivela una preoccupante situazione del benessere dei genitori in mezzo alla crisi dell'assistenza negli Stati Uniti. Lo studio, che ha intervistato 3.000 genitori, mostra che il genitore medio è responsabile di cinque persone care e gestisce cinque diverse disposizioni di assistenza, con il 48% che ancora non riceve un aiuto adeguato.

Il rapporto evidenzia gravi impatti sulla salute mentale: il 90% dei genitori perde il sonno, l'80% piange (90% per le madri), il 75% prova paura, il 71% affronta problemi di salute e il 29% ha considerato il suicidio a causa dello stress legato all'assistenza. I genitori spendono in media il 40% del reddito familiare in spese di assistenza, con il 22% destinato esclusivamente all'assistenza all'infanzia.

I risultati chiave includono l'aumento dei costi dell'assistenza, con le tariffe settimanali per le bambinaie che arrivano a 827 dollari e i costi per l'asilo a 343 dollari. I genitori saltano circa 34 impegni di vita importanti all'anno a causa delle sfide legate all'assistenza e l'89% ha dovuto apportare cambiamenti significativi al lavoro o alla situazione finanziaria per permettersi l'assistenza. Lo studio sottolinea la necessità di soluzioni sistemiche, con il 87% dei genitori a favore di crediti d'imposta ampliati e il 79% favorevoli ai vantaggi per l'assistenza finanziati dai datori di lavoro.

El Informe sobre el Costo del Cuidado de de 2025 revela un estado preocupante del bienestar parental en medio de la crisis de cuidado en Estados Unidos. El estudio, que encuestó a 3,000 padres, muestra que el padre o la madre promedio es responsable de cinco seres queridos y gestiona cinco arreglos de cuidado diferentes, con un 48% que aún carece de ayuda adecuada.

El informe resalta severos impactos en la salud mental: el 90% de los padres pierde sueño, el 80% llora (90% en el caso de las madres), el 75% siente temor, el 71% enfrenta problemas de salud y el 29% ha considerado el suicidio debido al estrés del cuidado. Los padres gastan en promedio el 40% de los ingresos del hogar en gastos de cuidado, con un 22% destinado solo a la atención infantil.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen el aumento de los costos de cuidado, con tarifas semanales de niñeras alcanzando los $827 y costos de guarderías llegando a $343. Los padres se pierden aproximadamente 34 compromisos importantes de la vida anualmente debido a los desafíos del cuidado, y el 89% tuvo que realizar cambios significativos en el trabajo o en su situación financiera para poder costear el cuidado. El estudio enfatiza la necesidad de soluciones sistémicas, con el 87% de los padres apoyando la ampliación de créditos fiscales y el 79% a favor de beneficios de cuidado subsidiados por el empleador.

Care.com의 2025년 돌봄 비용 보고서는 미국의 돌봄 위기 속에서 부모의 복지가 심각한 상태임을 보여줍니다. 3,000명의 부모를 조사한 이 연구에 따르면, 평균 부모는 다섯 명의 소중한 사람들을 책임지고 다섯 가지의 다양한 돌봄 방안을 관리하고 있으며, 48%는 여전히 적절한 도움을 받지 못하고 있습니다.

보고서는 심각한 정신 건강 영향을 강조합니다: 90%의 부모가 수면을 잃고, 80%는 울며 (어머니의 경우 90%), 75%는 두려움을 느끼고, 71%는 건강 문제에 직면하며, 29%는 돌봄의 스트레스로 인해 자살을 고려한 적이 있습니다. 부모는 평균 가계 소득의 40%를 돌봄 비용에 지출하며, 그 중 22%는 아동 돌봄에만 사용됩니다.

주요 발견 사항은 돌봄 비용의 증가입니다. 주간 보모 요금이 $827로 증가하고 보육원 비용이 $343에 달합니다. 부모는 돌봄 어려움으로 인해 매년 약 34개의 중요한 삶의 약속을 놓치고 있으며, 89%는 돌봄을 감당하기 위해 주요한 직장 또는 재정적 변화를 해야 했습니다. 이 연구는 시스템적인 해결책의 필요성을 강조하며, 87%의 부모가 세금 공제 확대에 찬성하고, 79%가 고용주 지원의 돌봄 혜택을 선호하고 있습니다.

Le Rapport sur le Coût des Soins de pour 2025 révèle un état préoccupant du bien-être parental en plein cœur de la crise des soins aux États-Unis. L'étude, qui a interrogé 3 000 parents, montre que le parent moyen est responsable de cinq êtres chers et gère cinq arrangements de soins différents, avec 48% qui manquent encore d'une aide adéquate.

Le rapport met en évidence des impacts sévères sur la santé mentale : 90% des parents perdent du sommeil, 80% pleurent (90% pour les mères), 75% ressentent de l'angoisse, 71% font face à des problèmes de santé et 29% ont envisagé le suicide en raison du stress de la prise en charge. Les parents dépensent en moyenne 40% de leur revenu familial en frais de soins, dont 22% uniquement pour la garde d'enfants.

Parmi les résultats clés figurent la hausse des coûts des soins, avec des tarifs hebdomadaires de nourrices atteignant 827 dollars et des frais de crèche s'élevant à 343 dollars. Les parents manquent environ 34 engagements importants de la vie chaque année en raison des défis liés aux soins, et 89% ont dû apporter des changements majeurs dans leur travail ou leur situation financière pour permettre les soins. L'étude souligne la nécessité de solutions systémiques, 87% des parents soutenant l'élargissement des crédits d'impôt et 79% favorisant des avantages de soins subventionnés par les employeurs.

Der Kostenbericht 2025 offenbart einen besorgniserregenden Zustand des elterlichen Wohlbefindens inmitten der Pflegekrise in den USA. Die Studie, die 3.000 Eltern befragte, zeigt, dass ein durchschnittlicher Elternteil für fünf Angehörige verantwortlich ist und fünf verschiedene Pflegearrangements verwaltet, wobei 48% immer noch keine angemessene Hilfe erhalten.

Der Bericht hebt die schweren Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit hervor: 90% der Eltern verlieren Schlaf, 80% weinen (90% der Mütter), 75% empfinden Angst, 71% haben Gesundheitsprobleme und 29% haben aufgrund von Pflegebelastung an Suizid gedacht. Eltern geben im Durchschnitt 40% des Haushaltseinkommens für Pflegekosten aus, wobei 22% nur für die Kinderbetreuung vorgesehen sind.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind die steigenden Pflegekosten, wobei die wöchentlichen Nanny-Sätze auf 827 Dollar steigen und die Kita-Kosten 343 Dollar erreichen. Eltern verpassen jährlich etwa 34 wichtige Lebensverpflichtungen aufgrund von Pflegeherausforderungen und 89% mussten bedeutende berufliche oder finanzielle Änderungen vornehmen, um die Pflege zu finanzieren. Die Studie betont die Notwendigkeit systemischer Lösungen, wobei 87% der Eltern erweiterte Steuergutschriften unterstützen und 79% die von den Arbeitgebern geförderten Pflegeleistungen befürworten.

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AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--’s 2025 Cost of Care Report, released today, paints a grim–yet real–picture of the mental load on parents as daily responsibilities caring for children, seniors, and pets cause significant emotional and financial strain. The report finds that the average parent who responded is responsible for five loved ones, resulting in the management of five different care arrangements, yet nearly half (48%) say that they still don’t have enough help. The report further reveals a concerning correlation between caregiving and overall well-being, leaving 90% of parents losing sleep, 80% crying (increasing to 90% for moms specifically), 75% feeling a sense of dread, 71% experiencing health issues, and 29% even considering suicide or self-harm due to the challenges of finding, managing, and affording care.

New to the 12th installment of the annual report, which comprises survey results of 3,000 parent respondents, is a focus on the root causes behind the care-related pressures pushing parents to the brink of emotional and financial ruin. Parents who responded to the survey point to endless care searches (disruptions like schedule changes, budget changes, or needing one-time care drive new searches, and 52% report it taking two months or more on average to find the right caregiver), exorbitant family care costs (the average parent spends 40% of their household income on all of their caregiving needs, with 22% spent on child care alone), and personal time sacrifices (34 important life commitments are missed each year due to inadequate care).

“The level of stress and mental load on parents today has reached unacceptable heights, spurring detrimental outcomes.” said Brad Wilson, CEO of “We, as a society, cannot stand idly by while parents endure a daily depletion of their time, money, and energy taking care of those who depend on them the most. As evidenced by our report, the need for support is more dire than ever. Without it, the well-being of not just parents, but children and seniors, too, is at risk.”

The new research comes just months after Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s public health advisory on the well-being of the 63 million parents across the country. While the warning spotlights stressors such as financial instability, children’s health and safety, and cultural pressures, the 2025 Cost of Care Report zeroes in on how the responsibilities of finding, managing and paying for care–and not just for children, but for the entire household–also calls for meaningful solutions that make true impact.

Highlights from the 2025 Cost of Care Report:

It's More Than the Kids—Parents Take Care of It All

Parents manage a complex web of responsibilities, with the average parent responsible for five loved ones, including their children, aging parents, and pets. To make it work for the whole family, parents have to weave together a patchwork quilt of five different care arrangements on average, ranging from babysitters to daycares to relatives. Yet nearly half (48%) say they still don’t have enough help.

Caregiving Ranks High as a Top Stressor

Caregiving responsibilities trail only financial-related challenges as the most common top source of stress in parents’ lives. The emotional and mental load is staggering with 90% of parents losing sleep, 80% crying (this increases to 90% for moms), 75% feeling a sense of dread, 71% experiencing health issues, and 29% considering suicide or self-harm due solely to the stress of caring for the whole household.

Root Cause: The Endless Search

Finding care isn’t a one-and-done affair. Parents have to find new care solutions for reasons like schedule changes (31%), budget changes (26%) and needing one-time help (18%). Each search is time-consuming, with more than half (52%) of surveyed parents taking two months or more to find the right caregiver. For daycare in particular, waitlists plague more than half (57%) of parents, with 55% facing a wait of four months or longer. As a result, 52% of parents report being very to extremely stressed when they need to find a new caregiving solution.

Root Cause: The High Expense

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) deems 7% of family income as the benchmark for affordable child care; however, according to the findings in the 2025 Cost of Care Report, the average parent spends 22% of their household income on child care costs. Taking into account their additional care responsibilities (senior care, adult care, pet care, and housekeeping), this increases to 40% of their household income total. The typical parent (57%) paid at least $9,600 on child care costs in 2024. When factoring in all care expenses, that number increases to $14,400.

National Average Posted Weekly Rates for Child Care in 2024*

  • Weekly nanny cost: $827 (up from $766 in 2023)
  • Weekly daycare cost: $343 (up from $321 in 2023)
  • Weekly family care center cost: $344 (up from $230 in 2023)
  • Weekly babysitter cost: $167 (down from $192 in 2023)

*Based on marketplace data from job postings. Infant rates except for babysitter, which is not age limited. Rates for toddlers, after school sitters, and more, can be found within the report.

Despite this hefty price tag, 61% of parents think caregivers deserve to be paid more—indicating a need for systemic solutions that help parents to better afford care, without impacting the well-deserved wages of professional caregivers.

Root Cause: The Personal Sacrifice

The typical parent has just 3 hours a day to themselves (moms specifically report only having 2 hours), and parents miss out on 34 important life commitments per year (2.8 per month), on average, due to challenges of finding care. This includes travel (37%), birthdays (34%), holidays (33%), weddings (21%), baby showers (15%), and funerals (14%). The challenges of finding and affording care also takes a toll on their personal relationships, with 52% missing out on time spent with friends, and 46% on time spent with their significant other.

Almost all (89%) of respondents–or their partner/spouse–had to make at least one major change to their work, life or finances to afford care last year, such as reducing spending on entertainment and leisure activities (40%), delaying major purchases (32%), taking on multiple jobs (24%), and even going into debt (20%).

Parents Want Meaningful Solutions

Nearly 3/4 (73%) of parents rated having a better caregiving network as a way to improve their mental and emotional health, trailing only behind making more money (78%). Government, employers and private organizations all need to rally together to create systemic change. From a financial standpoint, the majority of parents look towards the government for support, with 87% of parents rating expanded tax credits for care expenses as helpful in solving the challenges of affording care. 79% also see a role for employers for reducing these burdens through subsidized caregiving benefits. Parents additionally look towards technology solutions, pointing to features such as the ability to find many types of care on a single platform (86% rated helpful) and guided senior care advisor services (73% of those searching for senior care rated helpful) to help relieve their mental load.

The full results of The 2025 Cost of Care Report can be found here.

2025 Cost of Care Report Methodology

This sample of 3,000 U.S. adults was surveyed between November 11, 2024 and November 20, 2024. All respondents are parents of children 14 years or younger and currently pay for professional childcare, confirmed by both consumer-matched data and self-confirmation. DKC Analytics conducted and analyzed this survey with a sample procured using the Pollfish survey delivery platform, which delivers online surveys globally through mobile apps and the mobile web along with the desktop web. The survey valid completion rate was 75%. No post-stratification has been applied to the results.


Available in 21 countries, is one of the largest providers of online services for finding family care and care jobs, spanning in-home and in-center care solutions. Since 2007, families have relied on for an array of care for children, seniors, pets, and the home. Designed to meet the evolving needs of today’s families and caregivers, the Company also offers customized corporate benefits packages to support working families, household tax and payroll services, and innovations for caregivers to find and book jobs. is an IAC company (NASDAQ: IAC).

Media Contact:

Natasha Fellion, Communications Manager



What are the key findings of's 2025 Cost of Care Report?

The report reveals that parents manage care for five loved ones on average, 90% lose sleep, 80% cry, and 40% of household income is spent on care expenses. Weekly nanny costs increased to $827, and daycare costs reached $343.

How much do parents spend on childcare in 2025?

According to the report, parents spend 22% of their household income on child care alone, with 57% paying at least $9,600 in 2024. Total care expenses, including senior, adult, and pet care, amount to $14,400 annually.

What mental health impacts are parents experiencing due to the care crisis?

The report shows 90% of parents lose sleep, 80% cry (90% for mothers), 75% feel dread, 71% experience health issues, and 29% have considered suicide or self-harm due to caregiving stress.

How long does it take parents to find suitable childcare in 2025?

52% of surveyed parents report taking two months or more to find the right caregiver. For daycare specifically, 57% face waitlists, with 55% waiting four months or longer.

What solutions do parents support to address the care crisis?

87% of parents support expanded tax credits for care expenses, while 79% favor employer-subsidized caregiving benefits. 73% believe having a better caregiving network would improve their mental health.

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