IBC Advanced Alloys Shifts Focus to Profitable Copper Alloys Division

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IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. announces a strategic shift towards its profitable Copper Alloys division by closing its Beryllium-Aluminum Alloy plant due to insufficient long-term market demand. The move aims to enhance free cash flow, strengthen gross margins, and drive sustained profitability. The Copper Alloys division has been profitable for 14 quarters, showing growth in revenue, improved gross profit margins, and increased free cash flow. The decision to close the Engineered Materials division was driven by continuing losses attributed to lack of demand for beryllium-aluminum alloy products. IBC plans to complete existing production contracts before halting operations, focusing on expanding its Copper Alloys business in Indiana. An investor webcast is scheduled for April 29, 2024, to provide further updates.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. annuncia un cambiamento strategico verso la sua divisione di Leghe di Rame, che sta chiudendo l'impianto di Leghe di Berillio-Alluminio a causa di una domanda di mercato a lungo termine insufficiente. L'obiettivo è migliorare il flusso di cassa libero, rafforzare i margini lordi e incrementare la redditività sostenibile. La divisione Leghe di Rame è stata redditizia per 14 trimestri, registrando una crescita del fatturato, un miglioramento dei margini di profitto lordo e un aumento del flusso di cassa libero. La decisione di chiudere la divisione Materiali Ingegnerizzati è stata guidata dalle continue perdite dovute alla scarsa domanda di prodotti in lega berillio-alluminio. IBC prevede di completare i contratti di produzione esistenti prima di interrompere le operazioni, concentrandosi sull'espansione del suo business di Leghe di Rame in Indiana. È previsto un webcast per gli investitori il 29 aprile 2024 per fornire ulteriori aggiornamenti.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. anuncia un cambio estratégico hacia su división rentable de Aleaciones de Cobre, cerrando su planta de Aleación de Berilio-Aluminio debido a la insuficiente demanda del mercado a largo plazo. El movimiento busca mejorar el flujo de caja libre, fortalecer los márgenes brutos y fomentar una rentabilidad sostenida. La división de Aleaciones de Cobre ha sido rentable durante 14 trimestres, mostrando crecimiento en ingresos, mejora en los márgenes de ganancias brutas y un incremento en el flujo de caja libre. La decisión de cerrar la división de Materiales Ingeniados fue impulsada por pérdidas continuas debido a la falta de demanda de productos de aleación de berilio-aluminio. IBC planea completar los contratos de producción existentes antes de detener operaciones, enfocándose en la expansión de su negocio de Aleaciones de Cobre en Indiana. Se ha programado un webcast para inversores el 29 de abril de 2024 para proporcionar más actualizaciones.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.는 장기 시장 수요 부족으로 인해 베릴륨-알루미늄 합금 공장을 폐쇄하면서 수익성 있는 구리 합금 부문으로 전략적 전환을 발표했습니다. 이 조치는 자유 현금 흐름을 증진시키고 총마진을 강화하며 지속 가능한 수익성을 추구하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 구리 합금 부문은 14개 분기 동안 수익성 있었으며 수익 증가, 총 이익 마진 개선, 자유 현금 흐름 증가를 보여주었습니다. 베릴륨-알루미늄 합금 제품에 대한 수요 부족으로 인해 계속되는 손실로 인도된 공학 재료 부문을 폐쇄하기로 한 결정이었습니다. IBC는 작업을 중단하기 전에 기존 생산 계약을 완료할 계획이며 인디애나에서 구리 합금 사업을 확장하는 데 집중할 것입니다. 2024년 4월 29일 투자자 웹캐스트가 예정되어 있어 추가 업데이트를 제공할 예정입니다.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. annonce un changement stratégique vers sa division rentable des Alliages de Cuivre, en fermant son usine d'Alliage Béryllium-Aluminium en raison d'une demande de marché à long terme insuffisante. Ce mouvement vise à améliorer le flux de trésorerie disponible, renforcer les marges brutes et conduire à une rentabilité durable. La division des Alliages de Cuivre a été rentable pendant 14 trimestres, enregistrant une croissance des revenus, une amélioration des marges bénéficiaires brutes et une augmentation du flux de trésorerie disponible. La décision de fermer la division des Matériaux Ingénierisés a été motivée par des pertes continues dues au manque de demande pour les produits en alliage de béryllium-aluminium. IBC prévoit de compléter les contrats de production existants avant d'arrêter les opérations, en se concentrant sur l'expansion de son activité Alliages de Cuivre en Indiana. Un webcast pour les investisseurs est prévu pour le 29 avril 2024 afin de fournir d'autres mises à jour.
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. kündigt eine strategische Neuausrichtung auf seine rentable Kupferlegierungsdivision an, indem es seine Beryllium-Aluminium-Legierungsanlage aufgrund unzureichender langfristiger Marktnachfrage schließt. Diese Maßnahme zielt darauf ab, den freien Cashflow zu verbessern, die Bruttomargen zu stärken und eine anhaltende Rentabilität zu fördern. Die Kupferlegierungsdivision war 14 Quartale lang profitabel, mit Wachstum im Umsatz, verbesserter Bruttogewinnmarge und erhöhtem freien Cashflow. Die Entscheidung, die Division Engineered Materials zu schließen, wurde durch anhaltende Verluste aufgrund mangelnder Nachfrage nach Beryllium-Aluminium-Legierungsprodukten getrieben. IBC plant, bestehende Produktionsverträge abzuschließen, bevor die Operationen eingestellt werden, und konzentriert sich auf die Erweiterung seines Kupferlegierungsgeschäfts in Indiana. Ein Investoren-Webcast ist für den 29. April 2024 geplant, um weitere Updates bereitzustellen.
  • Strategic shift towards profitable Copper Alloys division by closing Beryllium-Aluminum Alloy plant.
  • Focus on enhancing free cash flow, strengthening gross margins, and driving sustained profitability.
  • Copper Alloys division has been profitable for 14 quarters, showing revenue growth and improved margins.
  • Decision to close Engineered Materials division due to continuing losses from lack of demand for products.
  • IBC to complete existing production contracts before halting operations, aiming to expand Copper Alloys business.
  • Investor webcast scheduled for April 29, 2024, to provide further updates.
  • Closing of Beryllium-Aluminum Alloy plant due to insufficient long-term market demand.
  • Continuing losses in Engineered Materials division leading to decision to cease operations.
  • Incurred charge to operations expected from plant closure in Massachusetts.
  • Negotiations with suppliers and landlord to minimize costs of plant closure.
  • Lack of guarantee for consolidated profitability despite profitability in Copper Alloys division.

Company to Close its Beryllium-Aluminum Alloy Plant This Summer Due to Insufficient Long-Term Market Demand

FRANKLIN, IN / ACCESSWIRE / April 26, 2024 / IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. ("IBC" or the "Company") (TSXV:IB)(OTCQB:IAALF) announces that it will focus on its profitable Copper Alloys division in Franklin, Ind., and cease production this summer at its Massachusetts beryllium-aluminum alloy plant because of insufficient long-term demand for cast beryllium-aluminum alloy products. IBC anticipates that the move will expand free cash flow, strengthen gross margins, and position the Company on a better path to sustained profitability. IBC's Copper Alloys division has operated profitably since the quarter ended September 30, 2020, for a total of 14 quarters.

The Copper Alloys division operates a vertically integrated copper alloy production facility in Indiana, which takes raw material through foundry, forge, and rough and final machining. Since navigating the market disruptions of the COVID pandemic, consolidating three copper alloy plants into one facility in 2022, and completing construction of its modernized and expanded production facility in Franklin, Ind. in 2022, the division has significantly grown revenue, generated more robust Free Cash Flow[1], improved its gross profit margins, and operated profitably.

While the Copper Alloys division has operated profitably, there is no guarantee that IBC Advanced Alloys will achieve profitability on a consolidated basis.

The Company's decision to close its Engineered Materials division ("EMC") was driven primarily by insufficient long-term demand for cast beryllium-aluminum alloy products and the resulting continuing losses. EMC's net losses, which included a loss of $7.4 million in the 12 months ended June 30, 2023, and a loss of $5.2 million in the trailing 12 months ended December 31, 2023, depleted available working capital for the Copper Alloys division at a time when demand for copper alloy products was growing.

"The IBC team worked very hard over a dozen years to expand markets for its innovative beryllium-aluminum cast alloy products," said Mark A. Smith, Chairman and CEO of IBC, "but sufficient steady, long-term market demand simply did not materialize at a level that allowed for consistently profitable operations. By focusing on growing our Copper Alloys business at our integrated and highly efficient foundry in Indiana, we see significant opportunity to expand the business to a whole new level and seek consistent profitability."

Prior to halting operations in Massachusetts, IBC intends to complete its existing production contracts for beryllium-aluminum alloy products, including components it manufactures for the F-35 aircraft and other defense systems. Alternative production of these alloy parts for the F-35 and other defense systems is expected to be available after IBC closes its Massachusetts facility, which employs 24 workers. The Company expects to incur a charge to operations in respect of the plant closure and is negotiating with suppliers and its landlord to minimize such costs.

IBC Investor Webcast Scheduled for Monday, April 29, 2023

IBC will host an investor update webcast on Monday, April 29, 2024, starting at 12 Noon Eastern . The webcast can be accessed here at the starting time: The meeting ID for the webcast is 823 6460 8744 and the passcode to use is 039018. Investors can find local numbers to use to listen in to the webcast via a phone line here:

On Behalf of the Board of Directors:

"Mark A. Smith"

Mark A. Smith, CEO & Chairman of the Board

[1] IBC reports non-IFRS measures such as "Adjusted EBITDA," "Operating Income," and "Free Cash Flow." Please see information on this and other non-IFRS measures in the "Non-IFRS Measures" section of this news release and in IBC's MD&A, available on "Free cash flow" is generally defined as net income adjusted for non-cash expenses, changes in working capital, and capital expenditures.

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Mark A. Smith, Chairman of the Board
Jim Sims, Director of Investor and Public Relations
+1 (303) 503-6203

@IBCAdvanced $IB.TO $IAALF #copper #beryllium #F35


IBC is a leading advanced copper alloys manufacturer serving a variety of industries such as defense, aerospace, automotive, telecommunications, precision manufacturing, and others. At its vertically integrated production facility in Franklin, Indiana, IBC manufactures and distributes a variety of copper alloys as castings and forgings, including beryllium copper, chrome copper, and aluminum bronze. The Company's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "IB" and the OTCQB under the symbol "IAALF".


The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy of this news release. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Certain information contained in this news release may be forward-looking information or forward-looking statements as defined under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information and forward-looking statements are often, but not always identified by the use of words such as "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "foresee", "could", "estimate", "goal", "intend", "plan", "seek", "will", "may" and "should" and similar expressions or words suggesting future outcomes. This news release includes forward-looking information and statements pertaining to, among other things, the Company's expectation to cease production this summer at its Massachusetts beryllium-aluminum alloy plant, the Company's expectation that focusing on the Copper Alloy division willexpand free cash flow, strengthen gross margins, and position the Company on a better path to sustained profitability, the Company's expectation that it will incur a charge to operations in respect of the plant closure, and the Company's intention to complete its existing production contracts. Forward-looking statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the Company's control including: the impact of general economic conditions in the areas in which the Company or its customers operate, including the semiconductor manufacturing and oil and gas industries, risks associated with manufacturing activities, changes in laws and regulations including the adoption of new environmental laws and regulations and changes in how they are interpreted and enforced, increased competition, the lack of availability of qualified personnel or management, limited availability of raw materials, fluctuations in commodity prices, foreign exchange or interest rates, stock market volatility and obtaining required approvals of regulatory authorities. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, the Company's future results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. All statements included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances.

Please see "Risks Factors" in our Annual Information Form available under the Company's profile at, for information on the risks and uncertainties associated with our business. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information and statements, which speak only as of the date made. The forward-looking information and statements contained in this release represent our expectations as of the date of this release. We disclaim any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities laws.

SOURCE: IBC Advanced Alloys Corp.

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Why is IBC Advanced Alloys shifting focus to its Copper Alloys division?

IBC is focusing on its profitable Copper Alloys division and closing its Beryllium-Aluminum Alloy plant due to insufficient long-term market demand.

What were the factors behind the decision to close the Engineered Materials division?

The decision was primarily driven by continuing losses in the Engineered Materials division attributed to lack of demand for beryllium-aluminum alloy products.

When will IBC Advanced Alloys complete its existing production contracts before halting operations?

IBC plans to complete its existing production contracts for beryllium-aluminum alloy products before halting operations.

What is the purpose of the investor webcast scheduled for April 29, 2024?

The investor webcast aims to provide further updates regarding the strategic shift towards the Copper Alloys division and the closure of the Engineered Materials division.

Ibc Advanced Alloys Corp


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