SunHydrogen Joins Texas Hydrogen Alliance to Support the Growth of the Hydrogen Economy

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SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR) has joined the Texas Hydrogen Alliance, a coalition dedicated to advancing the hydrogen economy in Texas. The Alliance, founded in 2021, brings together stakeholders to advocate for policies that expedite hydrogen adoption, promote low-carbon production, and develop infrastructure.

SunHydrogen's CEO, Tim Young, stated that their business plan aligns well with Texas' plans to expand the hydrogen economy, including the creation of a hydrogen trucking corridor. The company's innovative solar hydrogen panels are designed for scalability and use low-cost materials, requiring only sunlight to operate.

Texas recently received a $70 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration to support the creation of a hydrogen trucking corridor. The state is also the site of the HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub, selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to receive up to $1.2 billion in funding.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR) si è unita all'Alleanza dell'Idrogeno del Texas, una coalizione dedicata a promuovere l'economia dell'idrogeno in Texas. L'Alleanza, fondata nel 2021, riunisce gli stakeholder per sostenere politiche che accelerano l'adozione dell'idrogeno, promuovono la produzione a basse emissioni di carbonio e sviluppano infrastrutture.

Il CEO di SunHydrogen, Tim Young, ha dichiarato che il loro piano aziendale si allinea bene con i progetti del Texas per espandere l'economia dell'idrogeno, compresa la creazione di un corridoio per il trasporto di idrogeno. I pannelli solari innovativi dell'azienda sono progettati per la scalabilità e utilizzano materiali a basso costo, richiedendo solo la luce solare per funzionare.

Recentemente, il Texas ha ricevuto una grants di 70 milioni di dollari dalla Federal Highway Administration per sostenere la creazione di un corridoio per il trasporto di idrogeno. Lo stato ospita anche l'HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub, selezionato dal Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti per ricevere fino a 1,2 miliardi di dollari in finanziamenti.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR) se ha unido a la Alianza del Hidrógeno de Texas, una coalición dedicada a impulsar la economía del hidrógeno en Texas. La Alianza, fundada en 2021, reúne a las partes interesadas para abogar por políticas que aceleren la adopción del hidrógeno, promuevan la producción de bajo carbono y desarrollen infraestructura.

El CEO de SunHydrogen, Tim Young, declaró que su plan de negocios se alinea bien con los planes de Texas para expandir la economía del hidrógeno, incluida la creación de un corredor de camiones de hidrógeno. Los innovadores paneles solares de hidrógeno de la empresa están diseñados para ser escalables y utilizan materiales de bajo costo, necesitando solo luz solar para operar.

Recientemente, Texas recibió una de la Administración Federal de Carreteras para apoyar la creación de un corredor de camiones de hidrógeno. El estado también es el hogar del HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub, seleccionado por el Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. para recibir hasta 1.2 mil millones de dólares en financiamiento.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR)은 텍사스의 수소 경제를 발전시키기 위해 헌신하는 연합인 텍사스 수소 연합에 가입했습니다. 2021년에 설립된 이 연합은 수소 채택을 가속화하고 저탄소 생산을 촉진하며 인프라를 개발하기 위한 정책을 옹호하는 이해관계자를 모은 것입니다.

SunHydrogen의 CEO인 Tim Young는 그들의 사업 계획이 텍사스의 수소 경제 확장 계획과 잘 어울린다고 말하며, 수소 트럭 코리더의 생성을 포함한다고 설명했습니다. 회사의 혁신적인 태양광 수소 패널은 확장성을 위해 설계되었으며, 저비용 재료를 사용하며 작동하는 데 오직 햇빛만 필요합니다.

최근 텍사스는 7000만 달러의 보조금을 연방 고속도로 관리국으로부터 받아 수소 트럭 코리더의 생성 지원을 받았습니다. 이 주는 또한 미국 에너지부에 의해 최대 12억 달러의 자금을 받을 수 있는 HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub의 장소입니다.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR) a rejoint l'Alliance du Hydrogène du Texas, une coalition dédiée à l'avancement de l'économie de l'hydrogène au Texas. Fondée en 2021, l'Alliance regroupe des parties prenantes afin de plaider pour des politiques qui accélèrent l'adoption de l'hydrogène, promeuvent une production à faible émission de carbone et développent l'infrastructure.

Le PDG de SunHydrogen, Tim Young, a déclaré que leur plan d'affaires s'aligne bien avec les projets du Texas pour élargir l'économie de l'hydrogène, y compris la création d'un corridor de transport de l'hydrogène. Les panneaux solaires innovants de l'entreprise sont conçus pour être évolutifs et utilisent des matériaux à faible coût, ne nécessitant que la lumière du soleil pour fonctionner.

Récemment, le Texas a reçu une subvention de 70 millions de dollars de l'Administration fédérale des routes pour soutenir la création d'un corridor de transport de l'hydrogène. L'État est également le site du HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub, sélectionné par le ministère de l'Énergie des États-Unis pour recevoir jusqu'à 1,2 milliard de dollars de financement.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR) ist der Texas Hydrogen Alliance beigetreten, einer Koalition, die sich der Förderung der Wasserstoffwirtschaft in Texas widmet. Die 2021 gegründete Allianz bringt Interessengruppen zusammen, um für Politiken einzutreten, die die Wasserstoffanwendung beschleunigen, die Produktion mit geringem CO2-Ausstoß fördern und die Infrastruktur entwickeln.

Der CEO von SunHydrogen, Tim Young, erklärte, dass ihr Geschäftsplan gut mit den Plänen Texas’ zur Erweiterung der Wasserstoffwirtschaft, einschließlich der Schaffung eines Wasserstoff-Lkw-Korridors, übereinstimmt. Die innovativen Solarwasserstoff-Panels des Unternehmens sind für eine Skalierung ausgelegt und verwenden kostengünstige Materialien, die nur Sonnenlicht benötigen, um zu funktionieren.

Texas hat kürzlich einen 70 Millionen Dollar Zuschuss von der Federal Highway Administration erhalten, um die Schaffung eines Wasserstoff-Lkw-Korridors zu unterstützen. Der Staat ist auch Standort des HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub, der vom US-Energieministerium ausgewählt wurde, um bis zu 1,2 Milliarden Dollar an Fördermitteln zu erhalten.

  • Joined Texas Hydrogen Alliance, potentially expanding business opportunities in the state
  • Alignment with Texas' plans for hydrogen economy expansion, including trucking corridor
  • Innovative solar hydrogen panels designed for scalability and low-cost operation
  • Potential to benefit from Texas' $70 million grant for hydrogen trucking corridor
  • Opportunity to engage with industry leaders in the HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub
  • None.

CORALVILLE, IA, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, today announced that it has joined the Texas Hydrogen Alliance, a coalition of industry leaders dedicated to advancing the hydrogen economy in Texas.

Founded in 2021, the Texas Hydrogen Alliance is a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade organization that brings together policymakers, regulators, industry leaders and innovators to advocate for policies that expedite hydrogen adoption, promote low-carbon hydrogen production, and develop robust infrastructure for storage and distribution. The Alliance seeks not only to strengthen Texas' position as the energy capital of the world, but also to create new opportunities for economic growth and innovation in the hydrogen sector.

“We believe our business plan is very well-aligned with current plans to expand the hydrogen economy in Texas, including the creation of a hydrogen trucking corridor throughout the state,” said SunHydrogen’s CEO Tim Young.

The innovative solar hydrogen panels SunHydrogen is developing use abundant and low-cost materials, require no external power other than sunlight, and are designed with scalability in mind. The Company intends to install its green hydrogen panel arrays at and near roadside refueling sites along major trucking routes with abundant land and sun, lowering the high costs and hydrogen losses associated with typical long-distance transport.

In January 2024, Texas received a $70 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration supporting the creation of a hydrogen trucking corridor for medium and heavy-duty trucks. The funding will go toward the construction of up to five stations across Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio, with the eventual goal of building a corridor between Texas and Southern California.

Additionally, Texas is the site of the HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub, one of seven regional clean hydrogen hubs selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to receive up to $1.2 billion in funding. HyVelocity Hub participants Air Liquide, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Sempra Infrastructure are also part of the Texas Hydrogen Alliance.

“Our membership in the Alliance brings tremendous opportunity to make inroads into the Texas hydrogen landscape and beyond,” Mr. Young said. “SunHydrogen greatly looks forward to engaging with prestigious industry leaders and fellow innovators.”

About SunHydrogen, Inc.
SunHydrogen is developing breakthrough technologies to make, store and use green hydrogen in a market that Goldman Sachs estimates to be worth $12 trillion by 2050. Our patented SunHydrogen Panel technology, currently in development, uses sunlight and any source of water to produce low-cost green hydrogen. Like solar panels that produce electricity, our SunHydrogen Panels will produce green hydrogen. Our vision is to become a major technology supplier in the new hydrogen economy. By developing, acquiring and partnering with other critical technologies, we intend to enable a future of emission-free hydrogen production for all industrial applications such as fertilizer and petroleum refining as well as fuel cell applications for mobility and data centers. To learn more about SunHydrogen, please visit our website at

Safe Harbor Statement
Matters discussed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and other factors, known and unknown, including the risk factors described from time to time in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained herein are applicable only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable law.

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What is SunHydrogen's stock symbol?

SunHydrogen's stock symbol is HYSR, traded on the OTCQB market.

What technology is SunHydrogen developing?

SunHydrogen is developing breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water.

How much funding did Texas receive for its hydrogen trucking corridor?

Texas received a $70 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration in January 2024 to support the creation of a hydrogen trucking corridor.

What is the Texas Hydrogen Alliance?

The Texas Hydrogen Alliance is a non-profit trade organization founded in 2021 that brings together stakeholders to advance the hydrogen economy in Texas.

How much funding is the HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub in Texas set to receive?

The HyVelocity Hydrogen Hub in Texas is selected to receive up to $1.2 billion in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.



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