SunHydrogen Announces Joint Development Agreement with Honda R&D Co., LTD

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SunHydrogen (OTCQB: HYSR) has announced a joint development agreement with Honda R&D Co., to create an installation-ready hydrogen panel for safe and efficient hydrogen production. SunHydrogen's breakthrough technology produces renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, utilizing low-cost materials and requiring no external power source other than sunlight. The collaboration aims to leverage Honda's manufacturing and design expertise to advance SunHydrogen's innovative solar-hydrogen module technology for cost-effective green hydrogen production.

This partnership aligns with Honda's goal of achieving carbon neutrality for all products and operations by 2050. The joint effort focuses on synergizing SunHydrogen's core components, including substrate, photovoltaic layers, and catalysts, to split water molecules into green hydrogen and oxygen efficiently.

SunHydrogen (OTCQB: HYSR) ha annunciato un accordo di sviluppo congiunto con Honda R&D Co., per creare un pannello a idrogeno pronto per l'installazione per una produzione sicura ed efficiente di idrogeno. La tecnologia innovativa di SunHydrogen produce idrogeno rinnovabile utilizzando luce solare e acqua, impiegando materiali a basso costo e non richiedendo alcuna fonte di energia esterna oltre alla luce solare. La collaborazione punta a sfruttare l'esperienza di Honda nella produzione e nel design per progredire nella tecnologia innovativa del modulo solare-a-idrogeno di SunHydrogen per una produzione di idrogeno verde economica.

Questa partnership è in linea con l'obiettivo di Honda di raggiungere la neutralità carbonica per tutti i prodotti e le operazioni entro il 2050. L'impegno congiunto si concentra sulla sinergia dei componenti fondamentali di SunHydrogen, inclusi substrato, strati fotovoltaici e catalizzatori, per suddividere le molecole d'acqua in idrogeno verde e ossigeno in modo efficiente.

SunHydrogen (OTCQB: HYSR) ha anunciado un acuerdo de desarrollo conjunto con Honda R&D Co., para crear un panel de hidrógeno listo para la instalación para una producción segura y eficiente de hidrógeno. La tecnología innovadora de SunHydrogen produce hidrógeno renovable utilizando luz solar y agua, empleando materiales de bajo costo y sin necesidad de ninguna fuente de energía externa más que la luz solar. La colaboración tiene como objetivo aprovechar la experiencia de Honda en fabricación y diseño para avanzar en la tecnología innovadora del módulo solar-hidrógeno de SunHydrogen para una producción de hidrógeno verde rentable.

Esta asociación se alinea con el objetivo de Honda de lograr la neutralidad de carbono para todos los productos y operaciones para 2050. El esfuerzo conjunto se centra en sinergizar los componentes clave de SunHydrogen, incluidos el sustrato, las capas fotovoltaicas y los catalizadores, para dividir las moléculas de agua en hidrógeno verde y oxígeno de manera eficiente.

선하이드로겐(SunHydrogen, OTCQB: HYSR)은 혼다 R&D와 공동 개발 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이를 통해 안전하고 효율적인 수소 생산을 위한 설치 준비가 완료된 수소 패널을 제작할 예정입니다. 선하이드로겐의 혁신적인 기술은 햇빛과 물을 사용하여 재생 가능한 수소를 생산하며, 저렴한 소재를 사용하고 햇빛 외에 외부 전원 공급이 필요하지 않습니다. 이번 협력은 혼다의 제조 및 디자인 전문성을 활용해 선하이드로겐의 혁신적인 태양광-수소 모듈 기술을 경제적인 그린 수소 생산으로 발전시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이번 파트너십은 혼다의 목표인 2050년까지 모든 제품과 운영의 탄소 중립 달성과 일치합니다. 공동의 노력은 선하이드로겐의 핵심 요소인 기판, 태양광 층 및 촉매를 시너지를 통해 결합하여 물 분자를 효율적으로 그린 수소와 산소로 분해하는 데 주력하고 있습니다.

SunHydrogen (OTCQB: HYSR) a annoncé un accord de développement conjoint avec Honda R&D Co., pour créer un panneau à hydrogène prêt à être installé pour une production d'hydrogène sécuritaire et efficace. La technologie révolutionnaire de SunHydrogen produit de l'hydrogène renouvelable en utilisant la lumière du soleil et de l'eau, en utilisant des matériaux à faible coût et ne nécessitant aucune source d'énergie externe autre que la lumière du soleil. La collaboration vise à tirer parti de l'expertise en fabrication et en conception de Honda pour faire progresser la technologie innovante des modules solaires à hydrogène de SunHydrogen pour une production d'hydrogène vert rentable.

Ce partenariat est en phase avec l'objectif de Honda d'atteindre la neutralité carbone pour tous les produits et opérations d'ici 2050. L'effort conjoint se concentre sur la synergie des composants clés de SunHydrogen, y compris le substrat, les couches photovoltaïques et les catalyseurs, afin de diviser les molécules d'eau en hydrogène vert et en oxygène de manière efficace.

SunHydrogen (OTCQB: HYSR) hat eine Gemeinschaftsentwicklungsvereinbarung mit Honda R&D Co. bekannt gegeben, um ein installationsbereites Wasserstoffpanel für die sichere und effiziente Wasserstoffproduktion zu schaffen. Die bahnbrechende Technologie von SunHydrogen produziert erneuerbaren Wasserstoff mithilfe von Sonnenlicht und Wasser, verwendet kostengünstige Materialien und benötigt keine externe Energiequelle außer Sonnenlicht. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Hondas Fertigungs- und Designkompetenz zu nutzen, um die innovative Solar-Wasserstoff-Modultechnologie von SunHydrogen für die kosteneffiziente Produktion von grünem Wasserstoff voranzutreiben.

Diese Partnerschaft steht im Einklang mit Hondas Ziel, bis 2050 Kohlenstoffneutralität für alle Produkte und Betriebe zu erreichen. Der gemeinsame Einsatz konzentriert sich darauf, die Kernkomponenten von SunHydrogen, einschließlich Substrat, photovoltaischer Schichten und Katalysatoren, zu synergisieren, um Wassermoleküle effizient in grünen Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff zu spalten.

  • Joint development agreement with Honda R&D Co., for hydrogen panel production
  • Potential for cost-effective green hydrogen production
  • Alignment with Honda's carbon neutrality goals, potentially increasing market opportunities
  • None.

CORALVILLE, IA, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, today announced that it has entered into a joint development agreement with Honda R&D Co., LTD.

SunHydrogen’s innovative solar hydrogen technology uses abundant and low-cost materials, requires no external power other than sunlight, and is designed with scalability in mind. Its core components include a substrate, photovoltaic layers, and catalysts that integrate to split water molecules into green hydrogen and oxygen.

Working in collaboration with SunHydrogen, Honda R&D Co. will use its industry-leading manufacturing and design capabilities to jointly develop an installation-ready hydrogen panel for safe and efficient hydrogen production and collection.

The principal objective of the joint development agreement between Honda and SunHydrogen is to synergize efforts toward the application of SunHydrogen’s innovative solar-hydrogen module technology for cost-effective green hydrogen.

Honda R&D Co. engages in the research and development of emerging technologies and products that can bring value to Honda as the company looks to reach carbon neutrality for all products and operations by 2050.

About SunHydrogen, Inc.
SunHydrogen is developing breakthrough technologies to make, store and use green hydrogen in a market that Goldman Sachs estimates to be worth $12 trillion by 2050. Our patented SunHydrogen Panel technology, currently in development, uses sunlight and any source of water to produce low-cost green hydrogen. Like solar panels that produce electricity, our SunHydrogen Panels will produce green hydrogen. Our vision is to become a major technology supplier in the new hydrogen economy. By developing, acquiring and partnering with other critical technologies, we intend to enable a future of emission-free hydrogen production for all industrial applications such as fertilizer and petroleum refining as well as fuel cell applications for mobility and data centers. To learn more about SunHydrogen, please visit our website at

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Matters discussed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and other factors, known and unknown, including the risk factors described from time to time in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained herein are applicable only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable law.

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What is the purpose of SunHydrogen's joint development agreement with Honda R&D Co., ?

The joint development agreement aims to create an installation-ready hydrogen panel for safe and efficient hydrogen production and collection, leveraging SunHydrogen's innovative solar-hydrogen module technology and Honda's manufacturing and design capabilities.

How does SunHydrogen's (HYSR) technology produce renewable hydrogen?

SunHydrogen's technology uses sunlight and water to produce renewable hydrogen. It utilizes low-cost materials and requires no external power source other than sunlight. The core components include a substrate, photovoltaic layers, and catalysts that integrate to split water molecules into green hydrogen and oxygen.

What is Honda's goal in collaborating with SunHydrogen (HYSR)?

Honda aims to leverage this collaboration to advance emerging technologies that can contribute to its goal of achieving carbon neutrality for all products and operations by 2050. The partnership focuses on developing cost-effective green hydrogen production methods.

When was the joint development agreement between SunHydrogen (HYSR) and Honda R&D Co., announced?

The joint development agreement between SunHydrogen and Honda R&D Co., was announced on July 24, 2024.



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