SunHydrogen Announces Appointment of Former Honda Executive David Raney to Board of Directors

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SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), a developer of renewable hydrogen production technology, has appointed David Raney to its Board of Directors. Raney brings over 40 years of experience in the transportation industry, having served in leadership roles at companies like Deere & Company, Saab-Scania, General Motors, Honda, and Toyota. His expertise includes alternative fuel regulation and emerging technologies such as battery and fuel cell electric vehicles and renewable hydrogen.

Raney's background aligns with SunHydrogen's business plan and scale-up efforts for its green hydrogen technology. He recently founded the Texas Hydrogen Alliance, a non-profit organization advancing the hydrogen economy, where he now serves as Executive Director Emeritus. SunHydrogen's CEO Tim Young expressed enthusiasm about Raney's appointment, highlighting his extensive experience and commitment to hydrogen as valuable assets for the company.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), un sviluppatore di tecnologie per la produzione di idrogeno rinnovabile, ha nominato David Raney nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Raney porta con sé oltre 40 anni di esperienza nel settore dei trasporti, avendo ricoperto ruoli di leadership presso aziende come Deere & Company, Saab-Scania, General Motors, Honda e Toyota. La sua expertise include regolamentazione dei combustibili alternativi e tecnologie emergenti come i veicoli elettrici a batteria e a celle a combustibile e l'idrogeno rinnovabile.

Il background di Raney si allinea con il piano aziendale di SunHydrogen e gli sforzi di espansione per la sua tecnologia di idrogeno verde. Recentemente ha fondato la Texas Hydrogen Alliance, un'organizzazione non profit che promuove l'economia dell'idrogeno, dove attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Direttore Esecutivo Emerito. Il CEO di SunHydrogen, Tim Young, ha espresso entusiasmo per la nomina di Raney, evidenziando la sua vasta esperienza e l'impegno per l'idrogeno come beni preziosi per l'azienda.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), un desarrollador de tecnología para la producción de hidrógeno renovable, ha designado a David Raney en su Junta Directiva. Raney aporta más de 40 años de experiencia en la industria del transporte, habiendo ocupado puestos de liderazgo en empresas como Deere & Company, Saab-Scania, General Motors, Honda y Toyota. Su experiencia incluye regulación de combustibles alternativos y tecnologías emergentes como vehículos eléctricos de batería y celdas de combustible y hidrógeno renovable.

El historial de Raney se alinea con el plan de negocios de SunHydrogen y los esfuerzos de escalado para su tecnología de hidrógeno verde. Recientemente fundó la Texas Hydrogen Alliance, una organización sin fines de lucro que avanza la economía del hidrógeno, donde ahora se desempeña como Director Ejecutivo Emérito. El CEO de SunHydrogen, Tim Young, expresó entusiasmo por la designación de Raney, destacando su amplia experiencia y compromiso con el hidrógeno como activos valiosos para la empresa.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR)는 재생 가능한 수소 생산 기술 개발 회사로 David Raney를 이사회에 임명했습니다. Raney는 Deere & Company, Saab-Scania, General Motors, Honda, Toyota 등에서 리더십 역할을 수행한 40년 이상의 운송 산업 경험을 자랑합니다. 그의 전문 분야는 대체 연료 규제 및 신기술로, 배터리 및 연료 전지 전기 자동차와 재생 수소를 포함합니다.

Raney의 경력은 SunHydrogen의 사업 계획 및 친환경 수소 기술의 확장 노력을 잘 반영합니다. 그는 최근 Texas Hydrogen Alliance라는 비영리 단체를 설립하여 수소 경제를 발전시키고 있으며, 현재 명예 이사로 재직 중입니다. SunHydrogen의 CEO인 Tim Young는 Raney의 임명에 대해 열정을 표명하며, 그의 광범위한 경험과 수소에 대한 헌신이 회사에 귀중한 자산이 될 것이라고 강조했습니다.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), un développeur de technologie pour la production d'hydrogène renouvelable, a nommé David Raney à son Conseil d'Administration. Raney apporte plus de 40 années d'expérience dans l'industrie du transport, ayant occupé des postes de direction au sein d'entreprises telles que Deere & Company, Saab-Scania, General Motors, Honda et Toyota. Son expertise inclut réglementation des carburants alternatifs et technologies émergentes telles que les véhicules électriques à batterie et à hydrogène renouvelable.

Le parcours de Raney s'aligne avec le plan d'affaires de SunHydrogen et les efforts d'extension de sa technologie d'hydrogène vert. Il a récemment fondé la Texas Hydrogen Alliance, une organisation à but non lucratif qui promeut l'économie de l'hydrogène, où il exerce actuellement la fonction de Directeur Exécutif Émérite. Le PDG de SunHydrogen, Tim Young, a exprimé son enthousiasme concernant la nomination de Raney, soulignant que son expérience approfondie et son engagement en faveur de l'hydrogène représentent des atouts précieux pour l'entreprise.

SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), ein Entwickler von Technologien zur Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff, hat David Raney in seinen Vorstand berufen. Raney bringt über 40 Jahre Erfahrung in der Transportbranche mit, da er Führungspositionen bei Unternehmen wie Deere & Company, Saab-Scania, General Motors, Honda und Toyota innehatte. Seine Expertise umfasst Regulierung von alternativen Kraftstoffen und aufkommenden Technologien wie batterieelektrischen Fahrzeugen und Brennstoffzellenfahrzeugen sowie erneuerbarem Wasserstoff.

Raneýs Hintergrund stimmt mit dem Geschäftsplan von SunHydrogen und den Skalierungsbemühungen für dessen grüne Wasserstofftechnologie überein. Kürzlich gründete er die Texas Hydrogen Alliance, eine gemeinnützige Organisation zur Förderung der Wasserstoffwirtschaft, wo er jetzt als Ehrenvorstand tätig ist. Der CEO von SunHydrogen, Tim Young, äußerte Begeisterung über Raneýs Ernennung und hob seine umfangreiche Erfahrung und sein Engagement für Wasserstoff als wertvolle Ressourcen für das Unternehmen hervor.

  • Appointment of David Raney, an industry veteran with 40+ years of experience, to the Board of Directors
  • Raney's expertise in alternative fuel regulation and technologies directly aligns with SunHydrogen's business plan
  • Addition of a board member with connections to major automotive companies and regulatory bodies
  • None.

CORALVILLE, IA , Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SunHydrogen, Inc. (OTCQB: HYSR), the developer of a breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water, today announced the appointment of David Raney to the SunHydrogen Board of Directors.

Mr. Raney holds over 40 years of experience in the transportation industry, where he routinely served as a technical liaison between corporate R&D and executive teams and environmental and safety federal and state government regulators. Namely, he has held leadership roles at prominent automotive companies such as Deere & Company, Saab-Scania of America, General Motors, American Honda Motor Company and Toyota Motor North America.

With a robust knowledge of alternative fuel regulation and emerging alternative fuel technologies, including battery and fuel cell electric vehicles and renewable hydrogen, Mr. Raney’s expertise is directly transferable to SunHydrogen’s business plan and scale-up efforts for its green hydrogen technology.

Mr. Raney formally retired in 2023, his career culminating with the founding of the Texas Hydrogen Alliance, a non-profit trade organization that brings together policymakers, regulators, industry leaders and innovators to advocate for policies that advance the hydrogen economy. Today, he serves as Executive Director Emeritus at the Alliance.

“We are thrilled to welcome David Raney to our Board of Directors,” said SunHydrogen’s CEO Tim Young. “His extensive background in transportation and energy regulation – along with his specific commitment to hydrogen – position him as a key asset to SunHydrogen.”

About SunHydrogen, Inc.
SunHydrogen is developing breakthrough technologies to make, store and use green hydrogen in a market that Goldman Sachs estimates to be worth $12 trillion by 2050. Our patented SunHydrogen Panel technology, currently in development, uses sunlight and any source of water to produce low-cost green hydrogen. Like solar panels that produce electricity, our SunHydrogen Panels will produce green hydrogen. Our vision is to become a major technology supplier in the new hydrogen economy. By developing, acquiring and partnering with other critical technologies, we intend to enable a future of emission-free hydrogen production for all industrial applications such as fertilizer and petroleum refining as well as fuel cell applications for mobility and data centers. To learn more about SunHydrogen, please visit our website at

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Matters discussed in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and other factors, known and unknown, including the risk factors described from time to time in the Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements contained herein are applicable only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable law.

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Who is David Raney and why was he appointed to SunHydrogen's Board of Directors?

David Raney is a former Honda executive with over 40 years of experience in the transportation industry. He was appointed to SunHydrogen's Board of Directors due to his extensive knowledge of alternative fuel regulation and emerging technologies, including renewable hydrogen, which aligns with SunHydrogen's business plan and scale-up efforts for its green hydrogen technology.

What is SunHydrogen's stock symbol and what does the company do?

SunHydrogen's stock symbol is HYSR, traded on the OTCQB market. The company develops breakthrough technology to produce renewable hydrogen using sunlight and water.

How might David Raney's appointment impact SunHydrogen (HYSR)?

David Raney's appointment could positively impact SunHydrogen (HYSR) by bringing valuable industry expertise, regulatory knowledge, and connections in the alternative fuel and automotive sectors. His experience may help guide the company's technology development and market strategies for its renewable hydrogen production technology.

What is the Texas Hydrogen Alliance and how is David Raney involved with it?

The Texas Hydrogen Alliance is a non-profit trade organization that brings together policymakers, regulators, industry leaders, and innovators to advocate for policies advancing the hydrogen economy. David Raney founded the organization and currently serves as its Executive Director Emeritus.



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