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HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) has engaged CORE IR to enhance its investor and public relations as part of its corporate development strategy. This partnership aims to boost market awareness and investor engagement through strategic communication of the company's business model and growth plans. The CEO, Joseph Furnari, expressed confidence in CORE IR's ability to extend their investor base and improve outreach efforts. The firm specializes in integrated investor relations solutions for small to mid-sized companies.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE), a carsharing marketplace, announced its participation in the LD Micro Main Event at the Luxe Sunset Hotel in Los Angeles, CA on October 12, 2021. CEO Joe Furnari and CFO Serge De Bock will conduct one-on-one meetings with institutional investors on the same day. HyreCar's platform facilitates ridesharing, food, and package delivery, establishing a leading presence in Mobility as a Service (MaaS), empowering individuals and businesses to profit from this emerging trend.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) announced its participation in two upcoming virtual investment conferences. The CEO, Joe Furnari, will speak at the D.A. Davidson 2021 Software/Internet Conference on September 9, 2021, at 8:00 am ET, followed by one-on-one meetings with institutional investors. Additionally, Furnari, along with CFO Serge De Bock, will engage in virtual meetings during Lake Street Capital Markets' 5th Annual Best Ideas Growth (BIG5) Conference on September 14, 2021. HyreCar specializes in carsharing for ridesharing and delivery services, leveraging its proprietary technology platform.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) announced its participation in the NIADA Convention and Expo from August 23-26, 2021, in San Antonio, TX. The event, hosted by the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association, will feature President Brian Allan presenting on the advantages of HyreCar's platform for independent and franchised dealers. With over 50,000 drivers seeking on-demand transportation monthly, Allan emphasizes how dealerships can tap into TaaS opportunities. HyreCar will be at Booth #641, aiming to educate dealers about new revenue streams.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) is set to participate in the Canaccord Genuity 41st Annual Growth Conference on August 11, 2021, at 3:00 pm ET. CEO Joe Furnari and CFO Serge De Bock will lead the presentation, with opportunities for virtual one-on-one meetings with institutional investors on the same day. HyreCar operates a nationwide carsharing marketplace for ridesharing and delivery services, empowering vehicle owners and dealers through its innovative platform. The company aims to transform the Transportation as a Service (TaaS) sector.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) reported second-quarter 2021 financial results, with revenue reaching $9.1 million, a 62% increase from $5.6 million in Q2 2020. However, the company faced a net loss of $9.3 million or ($0.45) per share, compared to a loss of $3.8 million or ($0.22) in the previous year. Adjusted EBITDA was ($7.1 million). The number of rental days increased 44%, and the new driver sign-ups rose 49% year-over-year. Cash and cash equivalents stood at $24.9 million.
HyreCar Inc. (Nasdaq: HYRE) will announce its financial results for Q2 ended June 30, 2021, after market close on August 10, 2021. A live earnings conference call will take place at 1:30 p.m. PDT (4:30 p.m. EDT), with participation details available. Investors can access a webcast of the call on the Investor Relations section of HyreCar’s website, and a replay will be available for 90 days post-call. HyreCar operates a carsharing marketplace for ridesharing and delivery services, enabling vehicle owners to participate in Mobility as a Service.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) announces the appointment of Serge De Bock, CFA, as Chief Financial Officer, effective July 5, 2021, following Scott Brogi's retirement. De Bock brings extensive experience from roles in finance at Spin, Twitch, and Liberty Mutual. CEO Joe Furnari expressed gratitude for Brogi’s significant contributions and optimism for De Bock’s leadership, highlighting his background in mobility, technology, and insurance. HyreCar continues to position itself in the Mobility as a Service sector, offering a unique marketplace for ridesharing and delivery services.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) will join the Russell 3000® Index following the 2021 Russell indexes reconstitution, effective June 28. CEO Joe Furnari expressed pride in the achievement, stating it could attract institutional investor interest. This inclusion is significant as Russell indexes are benchmarks for approximately $10.6 trillion in assets. HyreCar operates a carsharing marketplace across the US, focusing on Transportation as a Service (TaaS). The membership will also secure HyreCar's inclusion in either the Russell 1000 or Russell 2000 Index.
HyreCar Inc. (NASDAQ: HYRE) has renewed its Automobile Liability Insurance Program with Apollo 1969 of Lloyd’s, ensuring stable insurance pricing until 2023. This renewal reflects HyreCar's improved risk tiering model, enhancing driver selection and safety while reducing insurance costs. Additionally, HyreCar integrated with Sedgwick, a top insurance claim processor, as part of its strategy to strengthen partnerships. Executives emphasized the importance of data-driven underwriting for future growth, signaling a confident outlook.