Hyundai Motor Group Sponsors Second 'Trilateral Executive Dialogue' Between the US, Japan and South Korea

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Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) is sponsoring the second U.S.-Japan-Korea Trilateral Executive Dialogue (TED) in Seoul on September 4, 2024. This policy seminar brings together around 100 key figures from governments, parliaments, and companies of the three nations to explore opportunities for democracy, international security, and mutual prosperity. The event, co-hosted by five influential think tanks, will feature sessions on strategic trade, biosecurity, energy cooperation, and technology. Notable attendees include South Korean Foreign Minister Tae-yul Cho, U.S. Senators Bill Hagerty and Chris Coons, and representatives from major companies like Toyota, Qualcomm, and SK. Hyundai's sponsorship aims to facilitate private and public cooperation between the countries, showcasing its role as a leading global mobility company.

Il Gruppo Hyundai Motor (HYMTF) sponsorizza il secondo Dialogo Esecutivo Tricontinentale U.S.-Giappone-Corea (TED) a Seoul il 4 settembre 2024. Questo seminario politico riunisce circa 100 figure chiave dei governi, dei parlamenti e delle aziende delle tre nazioni per esplorare opportunità per la democrazia, la sicurezza internazionale e la prosperità reciproca. L'evento, co-organizzato da cinque think tank influenti, includerà sessioni su commercio strategico, biosicurezza, cooperazione energetica e tecnologia. Tra i partecipanti di rilievo ci saranno il Ministro degli Affari Esteri sudcoreano Tae-yul Cho, i senatori statunitensi Bill Hagerty e Chris Coons e rappresentanti di grandi aziende come Toyota, Qualcomm e SK. La sponsorizzazione di Hyundai mira a facilitare la cooperazione tra il settore privato e pubblico tra i paesi, mettendo in luce il suo ruolo come azienda leader nella mobilità globale.

El Grupo Hyundai Motor (HYMTF) patrocina el segundo Diálogo Ejecutivo Trilateral EE. UU.-Japón-Corea (TED) en Seúl el 4 de septiembre de 2024. Este seminario político reúne a alrededor de 100 figuras clave de los gobiernos, parlamentos y empresas de las tres naciones para explorar oportunidades para la democracia, la seguridad internacional y la prosperidad mutua. El evento, coorganizado por cinco influyentes centros de pensamiento, contará con sesiones sobre comercio estratégico, bioseguridad, cooperación energética y tecnología. Los asistentes notables incluyen al Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Corea del Sur, Tae-yul Cho, a los senadores estadounidenses Bill Hagerty y Chris Coons, y a representantes de grandes empresas como Toyota, Qualcomm y SK. El patrocinio de Hyundai tiene como objetivo facilitar la cooperación entre el sector privado y público entre los países, destacando su papel como empresa líder en movilidad global.

현대자동차 그룹 (HYMTF)은 2024년 9월 4일 서울에서 열리는 제2회 미국-일본-한국 삼자 대화(TED)를 후원합니다. 이 정책 세미나는 세 나라의 정부, 의회 및 기업을 대표하는 약 100명의 주요 인사들을 모아 민주주의, 국제안보 및 상호 번영의 기회를 탐색합니다. 이 행사는 다섯 개의 영향력 있는 싱크탱크가 공동 주최하며 전략 무역, 생명 안전, 에너지 협력 및 기술에 대한 세션이 진행됩니다. 저명한 참석자로는 한국 외교부 장관 최타율, 미국 상원의원 빌 해거티와 크리스 쿤스, 그리고 토요타, 퀄컴, SK와 같은 주요 기업의 대표들이 포함됩니다. 현대의 후원은 국가 간의 민간 및 공공 협력을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하며, 글로벌 모빌리티 기업으로서의 역할을 부각시키고자 합니다.

Le groupe Hyundai Motor (HYMTF) parraine le deuxième dialogue exécutif trilatéral États-Unis-Japon-Corée (TED) à Séoul le 4 septembre 2024. Ce séminaire politique rassemble environ 100 personnalités clés des gouvernements, des parlements et des entreprises des trois nations pour explorer les opportunités en matière de démocratie, de sécurité internationale et de prospérité mutuelle. L'événement, co-organisé par cinq think tanks influents, comprendra des sessions sur le commerce stratégique, la biosécurité, la coopération énergétique et la technologie. Parmi les participants notables, on compte le ministre des Affaires étrangères sud-coréen Tae-yul Cho, les sénateurs américains Bill Hagerty et Chris Coons, ainsi que des représentants de grandes entreprises telles que Toyota, Qualcomm et SK. Le parrainage de Hyundai vise à faciliter la coopération entre les secteurs privé et public entre les pays, mettant en avant son rôle en tant qu'entreprise leader dans la mobilité mondiale.

Die Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) sponsert den zweiten trilateralen Ausführungsdialog zwischen den USA, Japan und Korea (TED) am 4. September 2024 in Seoul. Dieses politische Seminar bringt rund 100 Schlüsselpersonen aus Regierungen, Parlamenten und Unternehmen der drei Nationen zusammen, um Möglichkeiten für Demokratie, internationale Sicherheit und gegenseitigen Wohlstand zu erörtern. Die Veranstaltung, die von fünf einflussreichen Denkfabriken mitveranstaltet wird, umfasst Sitzungen zu strategischem Handel, Bio-Sicherheit, Energiekooperation und Technologie. Zu den namhaften Teilnehmern gehören der südkoreanische Außenminister Tae-yul Cho, die US-Senatoren Bill Hagerty und Chris Coons sowie Vertreter großer Unternehmen wie Toyota, Qualcomm und SK. Das Sponsoring durch Hyundai zielt darauf ab, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem privaten und öffentlichen Sektor der Länder zu fördern und die Rolle des Unternehmens als führender Anbieter globaler Mobilität zu präsentieren.

  • Hyundai Motor Group's sponsorship of a high-profile international dialogue enhances its global reputation
  • The event provides networking opportunities with key government and business leaders from three major economies
  • Participation demonstrates Hyundai's commitment to international cooperation and economic development
  • None.
  • Key leaders from the U.S., Japan and South Korea to explore diverse opportunities for democracy, international security and mutual prosperity
  • Around 100 key figures from the governments, parliaments and companies of South Korea, the U.S., and Japan will convene in Seoul on September 4
  • Hyundai Motor Group to sponsor the event, facilitating private and public cooperation between the three countries

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyundai Motor Group (the Group) today said that it will sponsor the second U.S.-Japan-Korea Trilateral Executive Dialogue (TED), which will take place in Seoul on September 4 2024.

The TED is a policy seminar where key leaders from the political and business sectors of Korea, the U.S., and Japan gather to explore multifaceted opportunities for democracy and mutual prosperity, and to discuss mutual benefit expansion plans, such as economic development and national security.

This is the second Trilateral Executive Dialogue between the three nations following an initial discussion in San Francisco last year. The continued dialogue is seen as the way to strongly protect economic prosperity, international security, and the shared values of Korea, the U.S. and Japan.

Five internationally influential think tanks – the Woodrow Wilson Center, Hudson Institute, 21st Century Policy Institute, Indo-Pacific Forum, and the East Asia Foundation – will co-host the second event.

The Group supports the purpose of the TED and as a leading global mobility company is a main sponsor of this year's event, facilitating private and government cooperation among the three countries.

Around 100 key figures from the governments, parliaments and companies of Korea, the U.S., and Japan will attend the event held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seoul.

From the Korean side, participants include Tae-yul Cho, Minister of Foreign Affairs; In-gyo Jung, Chief Trade Negotiator; Euisun Chung, Executive Chair of Hyundai Motor Group; Jin Roy Ryu, Chairman of Poongsan Group and Chairman of Korea Business Association; Kisun Chung, Vice Chairman of HD Hyundai Group; Bum Sik Hong, President of LG Corp; and Jeong Joon Yu Vice Chairman of SK on.

From the U.S. side, participants include Bill Hagerty, Republican Senator from Tennessee; Chris Coons, Democratic Senator from Delaware; and seven other federal senators, including senior members of the U.S. Congress. Also attending are Morgan Ortagus, former spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State; Philip Goldberg, U.S. Ambassador to Korea; Alex Rogers, CEO of semiconductor company Qualcomm; and Harold Hamm, founder and chairman of energy company Continental Resources.

From the Japanese side, representatives from Toyota, Denso, NEC (Nippon Electric Company) and NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone), will participate in the event, as well as representatives from think tanks such as the Woodrow Wilson Center, Hudson Institute, 21st Century Policy Institute, Indo-Pacific Forum, and the East Asia Foundation.

Sessions will be held on topics including strategic trade and investment, biosecurity, energy cooperation, technology, and the role of the private sector for a free and open Indo-Pacific region. There will also be time for free discussions and exchanges between key figures from each of the three nations.

Bill Hagerty, a U.S. Senator who led a delegation to South Korea, stated before the event, "I am excited to participate in the second annual Trilateral Economic Dialogue (TED) in Seoul on September 4th that will bring together private and public sector leaders from the U.S., Japan, and the Republic of Korea." He also expressed his gratitude for the leadership of Euisun Chung, Executive Chair of Hyundai Motor Group, who sponsored the U.S.-Japan-Korea Economic Dialogue.

The Group plans to provide an opportunity for attendees and their spouses visiting Korea for this event to experience the harmony of traditional and modern Korean culture, including Korean food, traditional music, Hanok (traditional Korean houses), and the premium brand Genesis.

More information about Hyundai Motor Group can be found at: or Newsroom: Media Hub by Hyundai, Kia Global Media Center (, Genesis Newsroom

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When and where is Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) sponsoring the Trilateral Executive Dialogue in 2024?

Hyundai Motor Group is sponsoring the second U.S.-Japan-Korea Trilateral Executive Dialogue on September 4, 2024, in Seoul, South Korea.

How many participants are expected at the HYMTF-sponsored Trilateral Executive Dialogue?

Around 100 key figures from the governments, parliaments, and companies of South Korea, the U.S., and Japan are expected to attend the event.

What topics will be discussed at the Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF) sponsored Trilateral Executive Dialogue?

The event will cover topics including strategic trade and investment, biosecurity, energy cooperation, technology, and the role of the private sector for a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Who are some notable attendees at the 2024 Trilateral Executive Dialogue sponsored by Hyundai Motor Group (HYMTF)?

Notable attendees include South Korean Foreign Minister Tae-yul Cho, U.S. Senators Bill Hagerty and Chris Coons, Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung, and representatives from companies like Toyota, Qualcomm, and SK.



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