Hyundai Motor Celebrates Production Milestone of 100 Million Vehicles with 'One step further' Exhibition

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Hyundai Motor Company is celebrating its milestone of producing 100 million vehicles worldwide with the 'One step further' exhibition at Hyundai Motorstudio Seoul. The exhibition showcases the driving forces behind this achievement and expresses gratitude to customers who have been part of the journey.

The exhibition spans five floors, featuring:

  • First floor: Cortina Mark 2 (Hyundai's first production model) and Pony (first independently developed model)
  • Second floor: History of major Hyundai Motor plants
  • Third floor: Key drivers of the 100 million milestone, focusing on SONATA, ELANTRA, and Scoupe
  • Fourth and fifth floors: Modern SUV lineup (SANTA FE, KONA, INSTER) and EV lineup (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, IONIQ 6)

The exhibition highlights Hyundai's transformation from a traditional automaker to a smart mobility solutions provider, showcasing the company's journey and future direction.

Hyundai Motor Company celebra il traguardo di 100 milioni di veicoli prodotti a livello mondiale con l'esposizione 'One step further' presso Hyundai Motorstudio Seoul. L'esposizione mette in mostra le forze motrici dietro a questo successo ed esprime gratitudine ai clienti che hanno fatto parte di questo viaggio.

L'esposizione si svolge su cinque piani, con:

  • Primo piano: Cortina Mark 2 (il primo modello di produzione di Hyundai) e Pony (primo modello sviluppato autonomamente)
  • Secondo piano: Storia dei principali stabilimenti Hyundai
  • Terzo piano: Driver chiave del traguardo di 100 milioni, con focus su SONATA, ELANTRA e Scoupe
  • Quarto e quinto piano: Gamma moderna di SUV (SANTA FE, KONA, INSTER) e gamma di veicoli elettrici (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, IONIQ 6)

L'esposizione evidenzia la trasformazione di Hyundai da produttore automobilistico tradizionale a fornitore di soluzioni di mobilità intelligente, mostrando il percorso e la direzione futura dell'azienda.

Hyundai Motor Company celebra su hito de producir 100 millones de vehículos en todo el mundo con la exposición 'One step further' en Hyundai Motorstudio Seúl. La exposición muestra las fuerzas impulsoras detrás de este logro y expresa gratitud a los clientes que han sido parte de este viaje.

La exposición abarca cinco pisos, que incluyen:

  • Primer piso: Cortina Mark 2 (el primer modelo de producción de Hyundai) y Pony (primer modelo desarrollado independientemente)
  • Segundo piso: Historia de las principales plantas de Hyundai Motor
  • Tercer piso: Principales motores del hito de los 100 millones, centrándose en SONATA, ELANTRA y Scoupe
  • Cuarto y quinto pisos: Línea moderna de SUV (SANTA FE, KONA, INSTER) y línea de EV (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, IONIQ 6)

La exposición destaca la transformación de Hyundai de fabricante de automóviles tradicional a proveedor de soluciones de movilidad inteligente, mostrando el camino y la dirección futura de la empresa.

현대자동차는 현대 모터스튜디오 서울에서 'One step further' 전시회를 통해 전 세계에서 1억 대의 차량을 생산한 이정표를 기념하고 있습니다. 이번 전시회는 이 성취 뒤의 원동력을 보여주고 이 여정에 함께한 고객들에게 감사의 마음을 전합니다.

전시회는 5층으로 구성되어 있으며, 다음과 같은 내용이 있습니다:

  • 1층: 현대의 첫 번째 생산 모델인 Cortina Mark 2와 최초의 독자 개발 모델인 Pony
  • 2층: 현대자동차의 주요 공장 역사
  • 3층: 1억 대 이정표의 주요 동력, SONATA, ELANTRA, Scoupe에 중점을 두고
  • 4층과 5층: 현대 SUV 라인업(SANTA FE, KONA, INSTER)과 전기차 라인업(IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, IONIQ 6)

이번 전시회는 현대가 전통적인 자동차 제조업체에서 스마트 모빌리티 솔루션 제공업체로 성장해온 과정을 보여주며 회사의 향후 방향을 제시합니다.

Hyundai Motor Company célèbre son jalon de production de 100 millions de véhicules dans le monde avec l'exposition 'One step further' au Hyundai Motorstudio de Séoul. L'exposition met en avant les moteurs de cette réussite et exprime sa gratitude envers les clients ayant fait partie de cette aventure.

L'exposition se déroule sur cinq étages, présentant :

  • Premier étage : Cortina Mark 2 (le premier modèle de production de Hyundai) et Pony (premier modèle développé indépendamment)
  • Deuxième étage : Histoire des principales usines Hyundai
  • Troisième étage : Acteurs clés du jalon des 100 millions, axé sur SONATA, ELANTRA et Scoupe
  • Quatrième et cinquième étages : Gamme moderne de SUV (SANTA FE, KONA, INSTER) et gamme de VE (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, IONIQ 6)

L'exposition souligne la transformation de Hyundai d'un constructeur automobile traditionnel à un fournisseur de solutions de mobilité intelligente, illustrant le parcours et l'orientation future de l'entreprise.

Hyundai Motor Company feiert mit der Ausstellung 'One step further' im Hyundai Motorstudio Seoul einen Meilenstein: die Produktion von 100 Millionen Fahrzeugen weltweit. Die Ausstellung zeigt die treibenden Kräfte hinter diesem Erfolg und drückt Dankbarkeit gegenüber den Kunden aus, die Teil dieser Reise waren.

Die Ausstellung erstreckt sich über fünf Etagen und bietet:

  • Erste Etage: Cortina Mark 2 (Hyundais erstes Produktionsmodell) und Pony (erstes eigenständig entwickeltes Modell)
  • Zweite Etage: Geschichte der wichtigsten Hyundai Motor Werke
  • Dritte Etage: Schlüsselfaktoren des Meilensteins von 100 Millionen, mit Fokus auf SONATA, ELANTRA und Scoupe
  • Vierte und fünfte Etage: Moderne SUV-Modelle (SANTA FE, KONA, INSTER) und EV-Modelle (IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, IONIQ 6)

Die Ausstellung hebt die Transformation von Hyundai von einem traditionellen Automobilhersteller zu einem Anbieter von Lösungen für intelligente Mobilität hervor und zeigt den Weg und die zukünftige Ausrichtung des Unternehmens.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Exhibition showcases driving forces behind achieving global production of 100 million vehicles and thanks customers for their unwavering support
  • Journey begins with first model 'Cortina Mark 2' and the Pony, Hyundai Motor's first independently developed model
  • Three iconic models ‒ SONATA, ELANTRA and Scoupe – highlight Hyundai's drive to go 'one step further' in design, production and engineering
  • Modern SUV and EV lineups reinforce Hyundai Motor's transformation from traditional automaker to smart mobility solutions provider

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hyundai Motor Company is marking its historic achievement of producing 100 million vehicles worldwide with the grand opening of its 'One step further' exhibition at Hyundai Motorstudio Seoul. The exhibition showcases the driving forces behind the 100-million-unit production milestone and conveys Hyundai's gratitude to those customers who have been part of the journey.

This exhibition is a continuation of the 100 million production celebration held at Hyundai Motor's Ulsan Plant on September 30. At that event, the company delivered the 100 million and first vehicle, an IONIQ 5, to its new owner, representing the brand's gratitude to its customers for their unwavering support.

"It takes thousands of parts and pieces to build a car, with combined efforts of millions of people involved in R&D, design and manufacturing over many years," said Sungwon Jee, Senior Vice President and Global Chief Marketing Officer at Hyundai Motor Company. "We wanted to shed light on these behind-the-scenes efforts that went into producing 100 million vehicles and tell the story of Hyundai Motor's transformation from a traditional automaker to a leading smart mobility solutions provider."

Spanning five floors, the exhibition begins on the first floor by introducing the Cortina Mark 2, Hyundai Motor's first production model; and the Pony, Hyundai Motor's first independently developed model. The exhibition continues on the second floor where the history of major Hyundai Motor plants is showcased.

The third floor highlights key drivers in achieving the 100 million production milestone, focusing on three iconic models: the first-generation SONATA, the first-generation ELANTRA and Scoupe.

The fourth and fifth floors feature the brand's modern SUV lineup – SANTA FE, KONA and INSTER; and electric vehicle (EV) lineup – IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N and IONIQ 6, looking ahead to Hyundai Motor's future as it moves forward from a traditional automaker to a smart mobility solutions provider.

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SOURCE Hyundai Motor Company


How many vehicles has Hyundai Motor Company produced globally?

Hyundai Motor Company has produced 100 million vehicles globally, as celebrated in their 'One step further' exhibition.

What was Hyundai's first production model showcased in the exhibition?

The Cortina Mark 2 was Hyundai's first production model showcased in the 'One step further' exhibition.

Which Hyundai models are highlighted as key drivers in achieving the 100 million production milestone?

The first-generation SONATA, first-generation ELANTRA, and Scoupe are highlighted as key drivers in achieving Hyundai's 100 million production milestone.

What electric vehicles are featured in Hyundai's exhibition?

The electric vehicles featured in Hyundai's exhibition are the IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5 N, and IONIQ 6.

How is Hyundai Motor Company (HYMTF) transforming according to the exhibition?

According to the exhibition, Hyundai Motor Company (HYMTF) is transforming from a traditional automaker to a leading smart mobility solutions provider.



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