Hyundai and Children's Hospital Los Angeles Continue Partnership to Improve Child Passenger and Pedestrian Safety
Hyundai Motor America has renewed its partnership with Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), donating $100,000 to support child passenger and pedestrian safety initiatives. The funding will enhance CHLA's Injury Prevention and Child Passenger Safety Program, which provides safety education and equipment to families in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
The collaboration has already benefited nearly 850 children through over 10 safety events, replacing more than 125 car seats. According to NHTSA data, nearly half of car seats are improperly installed, while proper safety seats can reduce fatal injuries by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers.
The partnership includes child safety seat inspections by certified technicians and LA Street Smarts events featuring an interactive traffic safety set. A recent study showed that caregivers who previously attended safety events demonstrate better car seat usage compared to first-time attendees.
Hyundai Motor America ha rinnovato la sua partnership con Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), donando 100.000 dollari per sostenere iniziative di sicurezza per i passeggeri e i pedoni bambini. I fondi miglioreranno il Programma di Prevenzione degli Infortuni e Sicurezza dei Passeggeri Bambini di CHLA, che offre educazione alla sicurezza e attrezzature alle famiglie nelle contee di Los Angeles e Orange.
Questa collaborazione ha già beneficiato quasi 850 bambini attraverso oltre 10 eventi di sicurezza, sostituendo più di 125 seggiolini per auto. Secondo i dati della NHTSA, quasi la metà dei seggiolini per auto è installata in modo errato, mentre i seggiolini di sicurezza adeguati possono ridurre le lesioni mortali del 71% per i neonati e del 54% per i bambini piccoli.
La partnership include ispezioni dei seggiolini di sicurezza per bambini da parte di tecnici certificati e eventi LA Street Smarts con un set interattivo di sicurezza stradale. Uno studio recente ha mostrato che i caregiver che hanno partecipato in precedenza a eventi di sicurezza dimostrano un utilizzo migliore dei seggiolini per auto rispetto ai partecipanti per la prima volta.
Hyundai Motor America ha renovado su asociación con Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), donando 100,000 dólares para apoyar iniciativas de seguridad para pasajeros y peatones infantiles. La financiación mejorará el Programa de Prevención de Lesiones y Seguridad de Pasajeros Infantiles de CHLA, que proporciona educación sobre seguridad y equipo a las familias en los condados de Los Ángeles y Orange.
La colaboración ya ha beneficiado a casi 850 niños a través de más de 10 eventos de seguridad, reemplazando más de 125 asientos de auto. Según datos de la NHTSA, casi la mitad de los asientos de auto están instalados incorrectamente, mientras que los asientos de seguridad adecuados pueden reducir las lesiones fatales en un 71% para los lactantes y un 54% para los niños pequeños.
La asociación incluye inspecciones de asientos de seguridad infantil por técnicos certificados y eventos de LA Street Smarts con un set interactivo de seguridad vial. Un estudio reciente mostró que los cuidadores que asistieron previamente a eventos de seguridad demuestran un mejor uso de los asientos de auto en comparación con los asistentes por primera vez.
현대자동차 아메리카는 로스앤젤레스 아동병원(CHLA)와의 파트너십을 갱신하며 아동 승객 및 보행자 안전 이니셔티브를 지원하기 위해 10만 달러를 기부했습니다. 이 자금은 CHLA의 상해 예방 및 아동 승객 안전 프로그램을 강화하여 로스앤젤레스와 오렌지 카운티의 가족들에게 안전 교육과 장비를 제공합니다.
이 협력은 이미 10개 이상의 안전 이벤트를 통해 거의 850명의 아동에게 혜택을 주었으며, 125개 이상의 자동차 시트를 교체했습니다. NHTSA 데이터에 따르면, 거의 절반의 자동차 시트가 잘못 설치되어 있으며, 적절한 안전 시트는 유아의 치명적인 부상을 71%, 유아의 경우 54%까지 줄일 수 있습니다.
이 파트너십에는 인증된 기술자에 의한 아동 안전 시트 검사와 상호작용하는 교통 안전 세트를 특징으로 하는 LA 스트리트 스마트 이벤트가 포함됩니다. 최근 연구에 따르면, 이전에 안전 이벤트에 참석한 보호자는 처음 참석한 사람들보다 자동차 시트를 더 잘 사용하는 것으로 나타났습니다.
Hyundai Motor America a renouvelé son partenariat avec Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), en faisant un don de 100 000 dollars pour soutenir les initiatives de sécurité des passagers et des piétons enfants. Ce financement améliorera le programme de prévention des blessures et de sécurité des passagers enfants de CHLA, qui fournit une éducation à la sécurité et du matériel aux familles des comtés de Los Angeles et d'Orange.
Cette collaboration a déjà bénéficié à près de 850 enfants à travers plus de 10 événements de sécurité, remplaçant plus de 125 sièges auto. Selon les données de la NHTSA, près de la moitié des sièges auto sont mal installés, tandis que des sièges de sécurité appropriés peuvent réduire les blessures mortelles de 71 % pour les nourrissons et de 54 % pour les tout-petits.
Le partenariat comprend des inspections de sièges de sécurité pour enfants par des techniciens certifiés et des événements LA Street Smarts avec un ensemble interactif de sécurité routière. Une étude récente a montré que les soignants ayant déjà assisté à des événements de sécurité démontrent une meilleure utilisation des sièges auto par rapport aux nouveaux participants.
Hyundai Motor America hat seine Partnerschaft mit Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) erneuert und 100.000 Dollar gespendet, um Initiativen zur Sicherheit von Kindern als Passagieren und Fußgängern zu unterstützen. Die Mittel werden das Programm zur Verletzungsprävention und Kindersicherheit von CHLA verbessern, das Sicherheitsbildung und Ausrüstung für Familien in den Landkreisen Los Angeles und Orange bereitstellt.
Die Zusammenarbeit hat bereits fast 850 Kindern durch über 10 Sicherheitsveranstaltungen zugutegekommen und mehr als 125 Kindersitze ersetzt. Laut Daten der NHTSA sind fast die Hälfte der Kindersitze falsch installiert, während ordnungsgemäße Sicherheitssitze tödliche Verletzungen bei Säuglingen um 71 % und bei Kleinkindern um 54 % reduzieren können.
Die Partnerschaft umfasst Inspektionen von Kindersitzen durch zertifizierte Techniker und LA Street Smarts-Veranstaltungen mit einem interaktiven Verkehrssicherheitssatz. Eine aktuelle Studie hat gezeigt, dass Betreuer, die zuvor an Sicherheitsveranstaltungen teilgenommen haben, im Vergleich zu Erstteilnehmern eine bessere Nutzung von Kindersitzen zeigen.
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- Hyundai donates
to Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) for the Injury Prevention and Child Passenger Safety Program$100,000 - Hyundai and CHLA will conduct community child safety seat inspections and LA Street Smarts events to promote pedestrian safety
- To date, nearly 850 children have participated in a child passenger safety or LA Street Smarts event
Together, Hyundai and CHLA have held over 10 child safety seat and pedestrian safety events, serving nearly 850 children throughout
"Hyundai is proud to continue to grow our partnership with CHLA and strengthen our mutual commitment of improving child passenger and pedestrian safety in our communities," said Brian Latouf, global chief safety and quality officer, Hyundai Motor Group. "Child passenger and pedestrian safety is paramount, and education is crucial as it equips families with the essential knowledge and resources to safely transport their loved ones on the road."
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that nearly half of car seats and booster seats are either improperly installed or misused. Additionally, NHTSA estimates that safety seats can lower the risk of fatal injury by 71 percent for infants and 54 percent for toddlers.
Throughout the year, Hyundai and CHLA will host child safety seat inspections across
The partnership will also include LA Street Smarts events to promote pedestrian safety. LA Street Smarts uses a mobile, life-size set with traffic signals and interactive features to educate children about street hazards and proper safety techniques. The set was recently on display at the Lifesavers Conference on Roadway Safety in
"We are very grateful for Hyundai's continued support of our child safety and injury prevention programs," says Helen Arbogast, Dr.P.H., MPH, manager, Injury Prevention Program, Children's Hospital Los Angeles. "Hyundai's generosity allows us to reach more children and families with critical, lifesaving child passenger and pedestrian safety information and to support the hospital's mission to create hope and build healthier futures."
This partnership is part of Hyundai's corporate social responsibility initiative, Hyundai Hope, which focuses on supporting families in the areas of health and safety.
Hyundai Hope
Hyundai Hope is a corporate social responsibility initiative from Hyundai Motor North America, committed to the principle of Progress for Humanity and the goal of improving the wellbeing of society. Hyundai Hope dedicates time and supplies resources to nonprofit organizations that support the health and safety of individuals and foster positive growth in communities. For more information, visit
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