Hydreight and Victory Square Launch $10 Million Health Accelerator to Fuel Nationwide Expansion of Emerging Healthcare Brands on VSDHOne platform
Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS, OTCQB: HYDTF) and Victory Square have announced a $10 million D2C Digital Health Accelerator program through their VSDHOne platform. The initiative aims to support emerging healthcare brands across the United States by providing funding, resources, and platform access.
The program targets companies offering various treatments including skincare, hair loss, sexual health, weight management, and longevity solutions. To qualify, companies must have minimum revenue of $750,000 USD in the last 12 months, US-based operations, and commit to migrating to the VSDHOne platform.
Selected companies will receive funding through a combination of services, cash, and stock, along with access to VSDHOne's telehealth infrastructure, e-commerce solutions, nationwide compliance, marketing support, and a network of healthcare professionals. The initiative addresses inefficiencies in the US healthcare system, projected to reach $7.2 trillion by 2031.
Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS, OTCQB: HYDTF) e Victory Square hanno annunciato un programma di accelerazione della salute digitale D2C da 10 milioni di dollari attraverso la loro piattaforma VSDHOne. L'iniziativa mira a supportare i nuovi marchi nel settore sanitario negli Stati Uniti offrendo finanziamenti, risorse e accesso alla piattaforma.
Il programma si rivolge a aziende che offrono vari trattamenti, tra cui cura della pelle, perdita di capelli, salute sessuale, gestione del peso e soluzioni per la longevità. Per qualificarsi, le aziende devono avere un fatturato minimo di 750.000 USD negli ultimi 12 mesi, operazioni basate negli Stati Uniti e impegnarsi a migrare sulla piattaforma VSDHOne.
Le aziende selezionate riceveranno finanziamenti attraverso una combinazione di servizi, contante e azioni, insieme all'accesso all'infrastruttura di telemedicina di VSDHOne, soluzioni e-commerce, conformità a livello nazionale, supporto marketing e una rete di professionisti della salute. L'iniziativa affronta le inefficienze nel sistema sanitario americano, previsto raggiungere i 7,2 trilioni di dollari entro il 2031.
Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS, OTCQB: HYDTF) y Victory Square han anunciado un programa de aceleración digital de salud D2C de 10 millones de dólares a través de su plataforma VSDHOne. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo apoyar a nuevas marcas de atención médica en los Estados Unidos al proporcionar financiación, recursos y acceso a la plataforma.
El programa está dirigido a empresas que ofrecen diversos tratamientos, incluidos cuidado de la piel, pérdida de cabello, salud sexual, gestión del peso y soluciones de longevidad. Para calificar, las empresas deben tener ingresos mínimos de 750,000 USD en los últimos 12 meses, operaciones basadas en EE. UU. y comprometerse a migrar a la plataforma VSDHOne.
Las empresas seleccionadas recibirán financiación a través de una combinación de servicios, efectivo y acciones, junto con acceso a la infraestructura de telemedicina de VSDHOne, soluciones de comercio electrónico, cumplimiento a nivel nacional, apoyo de marketing y una red de profesionales de la salud. La iniciativa aborda las ineficiencias del sistema de salud estadounidense, que se proyecta alcanzará los 7.2 billones de dólares para 2031.
Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS, OTCQB: HYDTF)와 Victory Square는 VSDHOne 플랫폼을 통해 1천만 달러 규모의 D2C 디지털 헬스 가속기 프로그램을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 미국 전역의 신생 헬스케어 브랜드를 지원하기 위해 자금, 자원 및 플랫폼 접근을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이 프로그램은 피부 관리, 탈모, 성 건강, 체중 관리 및 장수 솔루션을 포함한 다양한 치료를 제공하는 기업을 대상으로 합니다. 자격을 얻으려면, 기업은 지난 12개월 동안 최소 750,000 USD의 수익을 올리고, 미국에 기반을 두고 운영하며, VSDHOne 플랫폼으로의 이전을 약속해야 합니다.
선정된 기업은 서비스, 현금 및 주식의 조합을 통해 자금을 지원받으며, VSDHOne의 원격 의료 인프라, 전자 상거래 솔루션, 전국적 규정 준수, 마케팅 지원 및 의료 전문가 네트워크에 접근할 수 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 2031년까지 7.2조 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 미국 의료 시스템의 비효율성을 해결합니다.
Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS, OTCQB: HYDTF) et Victory Square ont annoncé un programme d'accélérateur de santé numérique D2C de 10 millions de dollars via leur plateforme VSDHOne. L'initiative vise à soutenir les marques émergentes dans le secteur de la santé aux États-Unis en fournissant des financements, des ressources et un accès à la plateforme.
Le programme cible des entreprises offrant divers traitements incluant des soins de la peau, la perte de cheveux, la santé sexuelle, la gestion du poids et des solutions de longévité. Pour être éligibles, les entreprises doivent avoir un chiffre d'affaires minimum de 750 000 USD au cours des 12 derniers mois, être basées aux États-Unis, et s'engager à migrer vers la plateforme VSDHOne.
Les entreprises sélectionnées recevront un financement via une combinaison de services, de liquidités et d'actions, ainsi qu'un accès à l'infrastructure de télémédecine de VSDHOne, des solutions de commerce électronique, la conformité à l'échelle nationale, un soutien marketing et un réseau de professionnels de la santé. L'initiative vise à remédier aux inefficacités du système de santé américain, qui devrait atteindre 7,2 billions de dollars d'ici 2031.
Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS, OTCQB: HYDTF) und Victory Square haben ein D2C Digital Health Accelerator-Programm im Wert von 10 Millionen Dollar über ihre Plattform VSDHOne angekündigt. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, aufstrebende Gesundheitsmarken in den Vereinigten Staaten zu unterstützen, indem sie Finanzierung, Ressourcen und Zugang zur Plattform bereitstellt.
Das Programm richtet sich an Unternehmen, die verschiedene Behandlungen anbieten, darunter Hautpflege, Haarausfall, sexuelle Gesundheit, Gewichtsmanagement und Lösungen zur Langlebigkeit. Um sich zu qualifizieren, müssen Unternehmen ein Mindestumsatz von 750.000 USD in den letzten 12 Monaten erzielen, in den USA tätig sein und sich verpflichten, auf die VSDHOne-Plattform umzusteigen.
Ausgewählte Unternehmen erhalten Finanzierung durch eine Kombination aus Dienstleistungen, Bargeld und Aktien sowie Zugang zur Telemedizin-Infrastruktur von VSDHOne, E-Commerce-Lösungen, landesweiter Compliance, Marketingunterstützung und einem Netzwerk von Fachleuten im Gesundheitswesen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Ineffizienzen im US-amerikanischen Gesundheitssystem anzugehen, das bis 2031 voraussichtlich 7,2 Billionen Dollar erreichen wird.
- Launch of $10 million health accelerator program to expand healthcare brands
- Access to comprehensive nationwide medical platform and pharmacy network
- Revenue requirement of $750,000 USD ensures quality participants
- Targeting multiple high-growth healthcare segments
- Significant investment required in platform and resources
- Success dependent on companies migrating to VSDHOne platform
- Competitive market with established healthcare platforms
VANCOUVER, British Columbia and LAS VEGAS, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hydreight Technologies Inc. (“Hydreight” or the “Company”) (TSXV: NURS) (OTCQB: HYDTF) (FSE: SO6), a rapidly growing mobile clinical network and medical platform and VSDHOne, its innovative telehealth and e-commerce platform developed in partnership with Victory Square Technologies (CSE: VST) (OTC: VSQTF) (FWB: 6F6), today announced the launch of a D2C Digital Health Accelerator program. This initiative will invest up to
What is VSDHOne?
VSDHOne provides a comprehensive telemedicine platform that empowers businesses, including MedSpas, health and wellness entrepreneurs, retailers, and pharmaceutical brands, to create D2C healthcare solutions in days rather than months. The purpose of launching VSDHOne is to make it easy for any existing brick and mortar or individuals to launch a direct to consumer healthcare brand in a few weeks without worrying about compliance, doctor network, telemedicine and ecommerce Technology, Medical direction and oversight, Pharmacy network, and a medical legal framework in all 50 States.
With the marriage of Virtual and at facility healthcare features, companies can expand beyond their current Bricks and Mortar solutions.
Accelerating Growth with Comprehensive Support
The accelerator program is designed to empower businesses offering treatments and therapies directly to patients, including:
- Skincare Treatments: Acne and anti-aging solutions
- Hair Loss Treatments
- Sexual Health: Hormone Replacement Therapy (TRT), peptides, Sermorelin
- GLP-1 Weight Management: Treatments for obesity and weight management
- Genetic Testing
- Birth Control Options
- Oral GLP-1 Therapies
- NAD+ Nasal Spray: For anti-aging and energy
- Longevity-focused solutions
Addressing the Need
The US healthcare system is ripe for innovation. Studies have shown significant inefficiencies, including:
- Approximately
50% of care delivery is inefficient (source: Deloitte) - Administrative costs account for
25% of total healthcare spending compared to just8% in peer countries (source: JAMA) 40% of Americans delay or forgo care due to cost or accessibility barriers (source: KFF)
Hydreight can tackle these issues and promote significant change in the healthcare industry by utilizing the VSDHOne platform to equip digital health businesses.
Accelerating Growth with Comprehensive Support
Selected companies will receive a comprehensive suite of resources to fuel their growth, including:
- Funding: A combination of services, cash, and stock to support expansion.
- VSDHOne Platform Access: Leverage the full capabilities of the VSDHOne platform, including telehealth infrastructure, e-commerce solutions, and nationwide compliance.
- Marketing Support: Legitscript Certifications and Expert guidance and resources to amplify brand reach and customer acquisition.
- Onboarding and Integration: Seamless integration with the VSDHOne platform and pharmacy.
- Medical Direction and Doctors Network: Access to a nationwide network of physicians, and Healthcare professionals for Medical Directions and Consults
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify applying for the accelerator program, companies must meet the following criteria:
- Minimum Revenue:
$750,000 USD in the last 12 months - US-Based Operations
- Legal Compliance: All products and services must be legally compliant with US regulations.
- Platform Migration: Commitment to migrating operations to the VSDHOne platform and pharmacy.
"We are thrilled to launch this accelerator program to empower the next generation of digital health innovators," said Shane Madden, CEO of Hydreight. "By providing comprehensive support and resources, we aim to accelerate the growth of these companies and expand access to treatments for patients across the country. That will also help with our goals and targets with VSDHOne revenue and number of orders"
How to Apply
Interested companies are invited to submit their proposals and business information to VSDHOne@hydreight.com
Upcoming Webinar:
Hydreight's senior management, Medical teams and Legal counsel will discuss VSDHOne's unique national medical platform structure and how it is a turnkey digital health whitelabel platform that allows businesses to operate compliantly and seamlessly in all 50 States, no operational needs and creates a significant competitive advantage (MOAT) for Hydreight in the rapidly evolving U.S. healthcare market, valued at
Webinar Details:
Date: Wednesday, January 22nd
Time: 11:00 AM PST | 2:00 PM EST
Duration: 30 minutes
Register here: https://hydreight.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a4-ugSYPTUKMc3oxoEbeVg
Featured Speakers:
- Shane Madden, CEO and Board Member
- Dr. Joseph Palumbo, Chief Medical Officer and Board Member
- Dr. Lindsey Urbatchka, Doctor of Pharmacy
- Brigid Maloney, Partner and Co-Leader of Lippes Mathias Law’s Health Law Practice, Legal Counsel
During the webinar, we will highlight how the VSDHOne platform’s fully compliant infrastructure enables us to streamline operations, empower medical professionals, and provide exceptional value to clients while strengthening Hydreight’s position as a leader in the digital healthcare space.
They will also cover,
- 50 State Physician coverage built into our model
- CPOM, an overview and understanding that in 30 of the 50 States this Law prevents individuals or businesses in getting into the Business of Healthcare
- The Mobile Healthcare industry and the level of oversight and structure we have introduced
- The 50 state Pharmacy challenge and our unique solutions
- Pharmaceutical landscape and upcoming challenges and our advantages
- and more
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Shane Madden
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Hydreight Technologies Inc.
Email: ir@hydreight.com; Telephone: 1 (702) 970-8112
About Hydreight Technologies Inc.
Hydreight Technologies Inc. is building one of the largest mobile clinic networks in the United States. Its proprietary, fully integrated platform hosts a network of over 2500 nurses, over 100 doctors and a pharmacy network across 50 states. The platform includes a built-in, easy-to-use suite of fully integrated tools for accounting, documentation, sales, inventory, booking, and managing patient data, which enables licensed healthcare professionals to provide services directly to patients at home, office or hotel. Hydreight is bridging the gap between provider compliance and patient convenience, empowering nurses, med spa technicians, and other licensed healthcare professionals. The Hydreight platform allows healthcare professionals to deliver services independently, on their own terms, or to add mobile services to existing location-based operations. Hydreight has a 503B pharmacy network servicing all 50 states and is closely affiliated with a U.S. certified e-script and telemedicine provider network.
About Victory Square Technologies Inc.
Victory Square is a Venture Builder that provides investors a liquid way to invest in early-stage technology companies without buying a venture fund that requires accredited investor status or multi-year commitments.
- A diverse portfolio of 25+ innovative companies from around the world (founders come from: Ireland, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Australia, India, Brazil, the Middle East and North America)
- Sectors include: Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain/Web3, Virtual & Augmented Reality (VR/AR), Gaming, Climate Tech
- Owner-operated (approx.
15% Management Ownership)
Business Model:
The Victory Square business model is to buy, build and invest in early stage tech companies. We spend upwards of 48 months with those companies until they're ready to spin-off or stand on their own. There are a couple of unique elements to our business model…
- We have unparalleled access to startups through our internal incubator and International network with over 250+ founders, investors, tech accelerators and venture capital firms from more than 60 countries.
- Second, our management team and advisors are actively involved in our investments from incubation through monetization, providing them with financial, operational, and strategic support to scale globally.
- We drive value by monetizing investments and reinvesting the gains in new innovations. The strategy was to build a self-sustaining business.
VST is a publicly-traded company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, and listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (VST), Frankfurt Exchange (6F6) and the OTCQX (VSQTF).
For more information, please visit www.victorysquare.com.
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Neither TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release does not constitute an offer of securities for sale in the United States. The securities being offered have not been, nor will they be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and such securities may not be offered or sold within the United States absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains statements which constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements regarding the plans, path to profitability, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Company with respect to future business activities and operating performance. Forward-looking information is often identified by the words “may”, “would”, “could”, “should”, “will”, “intend”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “aim”, “estimate”, “projecting”, “expect” or similar expressions and includes information regarding expectations for the Company's growth, VSDHone’s number of licenses and orders, growth and company’s growth projections in 2025.
All applications for the health accelerator program will be reviewed, and approval will be based on the evaluation of the company’s management and technical team. Meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee acceptance into the program.
Investors are cautioned that forward-looking information is not based on historical facts but instead reflects the Company’s management’s expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking information are reasonable, such information involves risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed on such information, as unknown or unpredictable factors could have material adverse effects on future results, performance or achievements of the Company. Among the key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information are the following: the ability to obtain requisite regulatory and other approvals with respect to the business operated by the Company and/or the potential impact of the listing of the Company’s shares on the TSXV on relationships, including with regulatory bodies, employees, suppliers, customers and competitors; changes in general economic, business and political conditions, including changes in the financial markets; changes in applicable laws; compliance with extensive government regulation; and the diversion of management time as a result of being a publicly listed entity. This forward-looking information may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of the Company and market conditions.
Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking information prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update this forward-looking information except as otherwise required by applicable law.

What is the value of Hydreight's (HYDTF) new health accelerator program?
What are the eligibility requirements for Hydreight's (HYDTF) accelerator program?
What healthcare services will be supported by Hydreight's (HYDTF) accelerator program?