High Wire Networks Recognized as Top Cybersecurity Leader in Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Managed Security Services Report

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High Wire Networks (OTCQB: HWNI) has been recognized as a top cybersecurity leader in Frost & Sullivan's 2024 Managed Security Services Report. The company ranked among the Top 15 Managed Security Service Providers in growth and innovation categories, out of over 200 competitors.

Key highlights:

  • High Wire's growth is attributed to its channel-only strategy, bringing in entire MSP customer bases
  • The company's Overwatch Managed Security Services Ecosystem offers comprehensive protection
  • High Wire's proprietary Overwatch SOAR™ technology enhances threat detection and response
  • The company is developing more automation capabilities and enhancing real-time threat intelligence
  • High Wire's services are offered through a global network of over 200 MSPs and MSSPs

This recognition reflects High Wire's commitment to innovation and growth in the rapidly expanding global cybersecurity market.

High Wire Networks (OTCQB: HWNI) è stata riconosciuta come leader nel settore della cybersecurity nel rapporto 2024 sui Servizi di Sicurezza Gestiti di Frost & Sullivan. L'azienda si è classificata tra i Top 15 Fornitori di Servizi di Sicurezza Gestiti nelle categorie di crescita e innovazione, su oltre 200 concorrenti.

Punti salienti:

  • La crescita di High Wire è attribuita alla sua strategia esclusivamente per canali, che porta con sé interi portafogli di clienti MSP
  • Il Ottimo Ecosistema di Servizi di Sicurezza Gestiti Overwatch dell'azienda offre una protezione completa
  • La tecnologia proprietaria di High Wire, Overwatch SOAR™, migliora la rilevazione e la risposta alle minacce
  • L'azienda sta sviluppando ulteriori capacità di automazione e migliorando l'intelligence sulle minacce in tempo reale
  • I servizi di High Wire sono offerti attraverso una rete globale di oltre 200 MSP e MSSP

Questo riconoscimento riflette l'impegno di High Wire per l'innovazione e la crescita nel mercato globale della cybersecurity in rapida espansione.

High Wire Networks (OTCQB: HWNI) ha sido reconocida como líder en ciberseguridad en el Informe de Servicios de Seguridad Gestionados 2024 de Frost & Sullivan. La compañía se ubicó entre los 15 Mejores Proveedores de Servicios de Seguridad Gestionados en las categorías de crecimiento e innovación, de más de 200 competidores.

Puntos clave:

  • El crecimiento de High Wire se atribuye a su estrategia solo de canal, que atrae toda la base de clientes MSP
  • El Ecosistema de Servicios de Seguridad Gestionados Overwatch de la compañía ofrece una protección integral
  • La tecnología propia de High Wire, Overwatch SOAR™, mejora la detección y respuesta a amenazas
  • La empresa está desarrollando más capacidades de automatización y mejorando la inteligencia sobre amenazas en tiempo real
  • Los servicios de High Wire se ofrecen a través de una red global de más de 200 MSP y MSSP

Este reconocimiento refleja el compromiso de High Wire con la innovación y el crecimiento en el rápidamente expansivo mercado global de la ciberseguridad.

High Wire Networks (OTCQB: HWNI)는 Frost & Sullivan의 2024 관리 보안 서비스 보고서에서 최고 사이버 보안 리더로 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 200개 이상의 경쟁업체 중에서 성장 및 혁신 부문에 있어 15대 관리 보안 서비스 제공업체 중 하나로 순위가 매겨졌습니다.

주요 요점:

  • High Wire의 성장은 채널 전용 전략 덕분으로, 전체 MSP 고객 기반을 가져옵니다
  • 회사의 Overwatch 관리 보안 서비스 생태계는 종합적인 보호를 제공합니다
  • High Wire의 독점적인 Overwatch SOAR™ 기술는 위협 탐지 및 대응을 강화합니다
  • 회사는 더 많은 자동화 기능을 개발하고 실시간 위협 정보를 개선하고 있습니다
  • High Wire의 서비스는 전세계 200개 이상의 MSP 및 MSSP 네트워크를 통해 제공됩니다

이번 인정은 빠르게 확장되는 글로벌 사이버 보안 시장에서 High Wire의 혁신과 성장에 대한 헌신을 반영합니다.

High Wire Networks (OTCQB: HWNI) a été reconnue comme un leader de la cybersécurité dans le rapport 2024 sur les services de sécurité gérés de Frost & Sullivan. L'entreprise a été classée parmi les 15 meilleurs fournisseurs de services de sécurité gérés dans les catégories de croissance et d'innovation, parmi plus de 200 concurrents.

Points clés :

  • La croissance de High Wire est attribuée à sa stratégie uniquement par canal, attirant l'ensemble des bases de clients MSP
  • L'Écosystème de Services de Sécurité Gérés Overwatch de l'entreprise offre une protection complète
  • La technologie propriétaire de High Wire, Overwatch SOAR™, améliore la détection et la réponse aux menaces
  • L'entreprise développe plus de capacité d'automatisation et améliore l'intelligence en temps réel sur les menaces
  • Les services de High Wire sont offerts via un réseau mondial de plus de 200 MSP et MSSP

Cette reconnaissance reflète l'engagement de High Wire envers l'innovation et la croissance sur le marché mondial de la cybersécurité en pleine expansion.

High Wire Networks (OTCQB: HWNI) wurde als führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Cybersecurity im Frost & Sullivan Bericht über verwaltete Sicherheitsdienste 2024 anerkannt. Das Unternehmen belegte in den Kategorien Wachstum und Innovation unter über 200 Wettbewerbern einen Platz unter den Top 15 der Anbieter von verwalteten Sicherheitsdiensten.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Das Wachstum von High Wire ist auf die nur Kanal-Strategie zurückzuführen, die gesamte MSP-Kundenstämme anzieht
  • Das Overwatch Managed Security Services Ecosystem des Unternehmens bietet umfassenden Schutz
  • Die proprietäre Overwatch SOAR™ Technologie von High Wire verbessert die Bedrohungserkennung und -reaktion
  • Das Unternehmen entwickelt weitere Automatisierungsfunktionen und verbessert die Echtzeit-Bedrohungsintelligenz
  • Die Dienstleistungen von High Wire werden über ein globales Netzwerk von über 200 MSPs und MSSPs angeboten

Diese Anerkennung spiegelt das Engagement von High Wire für Innovation und Wachstum im schnell wachsenden globalen Cybersecurity-Markt wider.

  • None.
  • None.

High Wire Networks Receives Frost Radar™ Top 15 Ranking of Cybersecurity Companies in Growth and Innovation Categories

BATAVIA, Ill., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- High Wire Networks, Inc. (OTCQB: HWNI), a leading global provider of managed cybersecurity, received top ranking in the new Frost & Sullivan (F&S) report on the cybersecurity industry, Frost Radar™: Managed Security Services in Americas, 2024.

Across a field of more than 200 competitors, Frost & Sullivan ranked High Wire among the Top 15 Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) that are delivering the greatest results in the categories of growth and innovation.

Frost & Sullivan noted that despite High Wire being a relatively new market entrant, “it continues to grow at an impressive triple-digit pace, surpassing almost every competitor in that metric.”

High Wire Networks Recognized as Top Cybersecurity Leader in Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Managed Security Services Report

According to the report, such growth is made possible by the company’s channel-only strategy, which brings in the entirety of an MSP’s customer base instead of individual organizations.

“High Wire Networks has expanded its portfolio significantly since our last iteration of the Frost Radar,” noted Frost & Sullivan cybersecurity industry analyst, Lucas Ferreyra. “The company has centralized its entire offering around the Overwatch Managed Security Services Ecosystem, which includes its flagship product, the eponymous Overwatch platform that provides managed XDR and managed SOC/SOAR with 24/7 monitoring, detection, threat remediation, and proactive threat hunting across the environment.”

Operating at the core of High Wire’s security operation center is Overwatch SOAR™, a proprietary security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) technology.

The unique AI embedded in Overwatch SOAR automatically consolidates alerts from various threat prevention and detection-and-response platforms and processes them with intelligence-based rules that provide enhanced visibility, improved correlation, and faster remediation.

“The Overwatch ecosystem provides a combination of prevention, detection, and response capabilities in a closed loop,” explained Ferreyra. “This provides comprehensive protection for customers and makes it easy for the provider to upsell its services, enhancing its growth potential.”

In the category of innovation, the report highlights how High Wire is developing more automation capabilities for its entire stack, regularly adding pre-built automations and integrations to decrease analysts’ workload. R&D activities also include enhancing real-time threat intelligence as it further builds its own threat intelligence network.

As the report highlighted, High Wire’s ecosystem includes managed detection and response, managed SASE, managed secure edge, continuous vulnerability scanning and management, patch management (to remediate patch vulnerabilities and fix misconfigurations), OT/IoT security, email security and security awareness training. To increase flexibility, High Wire Networks can leverage tools and solutions in the customer ecosystem, integrating tools into its SOAR capabilities.

Regarding growth, the report notes that while High Wire Networks “has only a small slice of the Americas MSS market, but it continues to grow at an impressive triple- digit pace, surpassing almost every competitor in that metric. Such growth is made possible by the company’s channel-only strategy, which brings in the entirety of an MSP’s customer base instead of individual organizations.”

High Wire offers its Overwatch managed security services exclusively through a global network of managed service providers (MSPs) and managed security service providers totaling more than 200 worldwide.

The report also discussed how High Wire Networks’ approach to the MSS space revolves around reducing the workload for security analysts, multiplying efficiency, and automating tasks unrelated to decision-making.

High Wire’s SOAR technology serves as an exponential force multiplier for its dedicated teams of professional security experts, empowering them to deliver the most secure and cost-effective cybersecurity solutions available on the market today.

“High Wire Networks’ investments in a security service to disrupt the edge security space, coupled with its current managed SASE and zero trust offerings are appropriate for its target market,” added Ferreyra. “Establishing an effective zero trust strategy is a complex endeavor that requires sizeable resources and expert knowledge; as a result, organizations with lower security maturity will usually look to partner with cybersecurity providers to deploy these technologies. High Wire Networks should continue to invest in this significant growth opportunity.”

High Wire CEO, Mark Porter, commented: “We are honored to be recognized by Frost & Sullivan for our commitment to innovation and growth in the MSS space. The Top 15 ranking reflects the hard work and dedication of our entire team in delivering comprehensive, cutting-edge security solutions through our Overwatch managed security services ecosystem. By leveraging our platform’s robust suite of offerings—from managed XDR to advanced edge protection—we continue to meet the evolving needs of our partners and customers.”

“For our channel partners, we create significant opportunities by providing layers of expertise at every engagement with MSPs,” added Porter. “Every deal has the upsell potential for the MSP or reseller to migrate its entire customer base to High Wire Networks’ services, augmenting our growth potential significantly.”

The company provides further details about the Frost & Sullivan’s report in this YouTube video here.

High Wire’s Overwatch offering addresses a global cybersecurity market that is projected to grow at a 14.3% CAGR to reach $563 billion by 2032.

High Wire was also named to CRN’s MSP 500 and Elite 150 lists of the nation’s top IT managed service providers for 2023 and 2024.

Porter discusses the Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 Managed Security Services report in the company’s YouTube video here.

About High Wire Networks
High Wire Networks, Inc. (OTCQB: HWNI) is a fast-growing, award-winning global provider of managed cybersecurity. Through over 200 channel partners, it delivers trusted managed services for more than 1,100 managed security customers worldwide. End-customers include Fortune 500 companies and many of the nation’s largest government agencies. Its U.S. based 24/7 Network Operations Center and Security Operations Center is located in Chicago.

Learn more at Follow the company on X, view its extensive video series on YouTube or connect on LinkedIn.

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The above news release contains forward-looking statements. The statements contained in this document that are not statements of historical fact, including but not limited to, statements identified by the use of terms such as "anticipate," "appear," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "hope," "indicate," "intend," "likely," "may," "might," "plan," "potential," "project," "seek," "should," "will," "would," and other variations or negative expressions of these terms, including statements related to expected market trends and the Company's performance, are all "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on assumptions that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information, and include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performances and are subject to a wide range of external factors, uncertainties, business risks, and other risks identified in filings made by the company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in the company's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances upon which any statement is based except as required by applicable law and regulations.

High Wire Contact
Susanna Song
Chief Marketing Officer
High Wire Networks
Tel +1 (952) 974-4000
Email contact

Investor & Media Relations:
Ronald Both or Grant Stude
CMA Investor & Media Relations
Tel +1 (949) 432-7557
Email contact

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What ranking did High Wire Networks receive in Frost & Sullivan's 2024 Managed Security Services Report?

High Wire Networks (HWNI) was ranked among the Top 15 Managed Security Service Providers in growth and innovation categories, out of over 200 competitors.

What is High Wire Networks' main product offering in cybersecurity?

High Wire Networks' main product offering is the Overwatch Managed Security Services Ecosystem, which includes managed XDR, managed SOC/SOAR, and 24/7 monitoring, detection, and threat remediation services.

How does High Wire Networks' channel-only strategy contribute to its growth?

High Wire Networks' channel-only strategy brings in the entirety of an MSP's customer base instead of individual organizations, leading to impressive triple-digit growth that surpasses almost every competitor.

What is Overwatch SOAR™ and how does it enhance High Wire Networks' cybersecurity offerings?

Overwatch SOAR™ is High Wire Networks' proprietary security orchestration, automation, and response technology. It automatically consolidates alerts from various platforms, processes them with intelligence-based rules, and provides enhanced visibility, improved correlation, and faster remediation.

How many managed service providers (MSPs) and managed security service providers does High Wire Networks work with globally?

High Wire Networks offers its Overwatch managed security services through a global network of more than 200 managed service providers (MSPs) and managed security service providers.



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