Humacyte Announces Allowance of U.S. Patent Covering BioVascular Pancreas (BVP™)
Humacyte (Nasdaq: HUMA) announced the allowance of a U.S. Patent for its BioVascular Pancreas (BVP) product candidate, designed to treat type 1 diabetes. The patent covers the BVP's design and composition, which uses Humacyte's acellular tissue engineered vessel (ATEV™) to deliver insulin-producing islets inside the body. Positive preclinical results support the BVP's potential:
1. Stem cell-derived islets restored normal blood sugar in diabetic mice
2. Successful BVP implantation in non-human primates showed islet survival and continued insulin production for three months
With 1.45 million Americans living with type 1 diabetes and 64,000 new diagnoses annually, the BVP could potentially overcome current hurdles in islet implantation for diabetic patients.
Humacyte (Nasdaq: HUMA) ha annunciato l'approvazione di un brevetto negli Stati Uniti per il suo candidato prodotto BioVascular Pancreas (BVP), progettato per trattare il diabete di tipo 1. Il brevetto copre il design e la composizione del BVP, che utilizza il vaso ingegnerizzato acellulare (ATEV™) di Humacyte per somministrare isole produttrici di insulina all'interno del corpo. Risultati preclinici positivi supportano il potenziale del BVP:
1. Isolotti derivati da cellule staminali hanno ripristinato i livelli normali di zucchero nel sangue in topi diabetici
2. L'impianto riuscito del BVP in primati non umani ha mostrato la sopravvivenza degli isolotti e la continua produzione di insulina per tre mesi
Con 1,45 milioni di americani che vivono con il diabete di tipo 1 e 64.000 nuove diagnosi annuali, il BVP potrebbe potenzialmente superare gli attuali ostacoli nell'impianto degli isolotti per i pazienti diabetici.
Humacyte (Nasdaq: HUMA) anunció la concesión de una patente de EE. UU. para su candidato a producto BioVascular Pancreas (BVP), diseñado para tratar la diabetes tipo 1. La patente cubre el diseño y la composición del BVP, que utiliza el vaso (ATEV™) de tejido acelular ingenierizado de Humacyte para entregar islotes productores de insulina dentro del cuerpo. Resultados preclínicos positivos respaldan el potencial del BVP:
1. Islotes derivados de células madre restauraron niveles normales de azúcar en sangre en ratones diabéticos
2. La exitosa implantación del BVP en primates no humanos mostró la supervivencia de los islotes y la producción continua de insulina durante tres meses
Con 1.45 millones de estadounidenses que viven con diabetes tipo 1 y 64,000 nuevos diagnósticos anuales, el BVP podría potencialmente superar los obstáculos actuales en la implantación de islotes para los pacientes diabéticos.
휴마사이트 (Nasdaq: HUMA)는 1형 당뇨병 치료를 위해 설계된 생체혈관 췌장(BVP) 후보 제품에 대한 미국 특허가 허가되었음을 발표했습니다. 이 특허는 insulina 생성 랑겔리트의 체내 전달을 위해 휴마사이트의 세포 없는 조직 공학 혈관(ATEV™)을 사용하는 BVP의 디자인과 구성에 대해 다룹니다. 긍정적인 전임상 결과들은 BVP의 잠재력을 뒷받침합니다:
1. 줄기세포 유래의 송이들이 당뇨 쥐에서 정상 혈당을 복원했습니다.
2. 비인간 영장류에서 성공적으로 BVP가 이식되어 송이가 생존하고 3개월 동안 인슐린 생성이 지속되었습니다.
1형 당뇨병 환자가 145만 명에 달하고 매년 64,000건의 새로운 진단이 이루어지는 만큼, BVP는 당뇨병 환자에게 송이 이식에서 현재의 장애물을 잠재적으로 극복할 수 있을 것으로 보입니다.
Humacyte (Nasdaq: HUMA) a annoncé l'octroi d'un brevet aux États-Unis pour son candidat produit BioVascular Pancreas (BVP), conçu pour traiter le diabète de type 1. Le brevet couvre le design et la composition du BVP, qui utilise le vaisseau en tissu acellulaire conçu par Humacyte (ATEV™) pour livrer des îlots producteurs d'insuline à l'intérieur du corps. Des résultats précliniques positifs soutiennent le potentiel du BVP :
1. Des îlots dérivés de cellules souches ont rétabli un taux normal de sucre dans le sang chez des souris diabétiques.
2. L'implantation réussie du BVP chez des primates non humains a montré la survie des îlots et la production continue d'insuline pendant trois mois.
Avec 1,45 million d'Américains vivant avec le diabète de type 1 et 64 000 nouveaux diagnostics chaque année, le BVP pourrait potentiellement surmonter les obstacles actuels à l'implantation des îlots pour les patients diabétiques.
Humacyte (Nasdaq: HUMA) gab die Genehmigung eines US-Patents für sein Produktkandidaten BioVascular Pancreas (BVP) bekannt, das zur Behandlung von Typ-1-Diabetes entwickelt wurde. Das Patent bezieht sich auf das Design und die Zusammensetzung des BVP, das Humacytes acelluläres Gewebe-Engineering-Gefäß (ATEV™) verwendet, um insulinproduzierende Inseln im Körper zu liefern. Positive präklinische Ergebnisse unterstützen das Potenzial des BVP:
1. Stammzell-abgeleitete Inseln stellten den normalen Blutzuckerspiegel bei diabetischen Mäusen wieder her.
2. Erfolgreiche BVP-Implantate bei nicht menschlichen Primaten zeigten die Überlebensfähigkeit der Inseln und eine fortlaufende Insulinproduktion über einen Zeitraum von drei Monaten.
Mit 1,45 Millionen Amerikanern, die mit Typ-1-Diabetes leben, und 64.000 neuen Diagnosen jährlich, könnte das BVP potenziell die aktuellen Hürden bei der Islands-Implantation für diabetische Patienten überwinden.
- Allowance of U.S. Patent for BioVascular Pancreas (BVP) product candidate
- Positive preclinical results showing restored blood sugar in diabetic mice
- Successful BVP implantation in non-human primates with islet survival for three months
- Potential to address a large market with 1.45 million Americans living with type 1 diabetes
- BVP and ATEV are still investigational products not approved for sale
The allowance of a U.S. patent for Humacyte's BioVascular Pancreas (BVP) is a significant milestone in the development of type 1 diabetes treatment. This patent, covering the design and composition of the BVP, strengthens Humacyte's intellectual property position. The BVP's innovative approach, using acellular tissue engineered vessels (ATEV™) to deliver insulin-producing islets, could potentially revolutionize diabetes management.
Preclinical studies have shown promising results, with stem cell-derived islets restoring normal blood sugar in diabetic mice and successful BVP implantation in non-human primates. These findings suggest the potential for long-term islet survival and function, addressing a critical challenge in current islet transplantation approaches. However, it's important to note that the BVP is still in the investigational stage and requires further clinical testing to prove its efficacy and safety in humans.
Humacyte's BVP patent allowance represents a strategic advancement in the competitive landscape of type 1 diabetes treatment. The exclusive licensing agreement with Yale University adds credibility and potentially valuable collaboration opportunities. The BVP's design, combining Humacyte's ATEV™ technology with islet delivery, could offer a unique solution to the challenges of islet transplantation, such as immune rejection and vascularization.
The positive preclinical results, particularly the demonstration of islet survival and insulin production in non-human primates, are encouraging. However, investors should be aware that the path to commercialization is still long, with potential regulatory hurdles and the need for extensive human clinical trials. The success of the BVP could position Humacyte as a key player in the
The patent allowance for Humacyte's BVP strengthens the company's intellectual property portfolio and potentially increases its market value. This development could attract investor interest and possibly lead to partnerships or licensing agreements in the future. However, it's important to note that Humacyte is still a clinical-stage company without approved products, which inherently carries higher risk.
The type 1 diabetes market presents a significant opportunity, with
- New U.S. patent covers the design and composition of the BVP -
- Positive results from ongoing preclinical studies support the potential of the BVP to deliver insulin-producing islets as a potential treatment for type 1 diabetes -
DURHAM, N.C., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Humacyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: HUMA), a clinical-stage biotechnology platform company developing universally implantable, bioengineered human tissue at commercial scale, today announced the allowance of a U.S. Patent covering its BioVascular Pancreas (BVP) product candidate for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The BVP is designed to enable the delivery and survival of insulin-producing islets inside the body, using Humacyte’s investigational acellular tissue engineered vessel (ATEV™) as a carrier for the islets. The new U.S. Patent, titled “Bioartificial Vascular Pancreas,” covers the design and composition of the BVP. The patent is owned by Yale University and is exclusively licensed to Humacyte.
Approximately 1.45 million Americans are currently living with type 1 diabetes, with 64,000 more Americans diagnosed each year. The incidence of type 1 diabetes is on the rise worldwide, impacting the lives of millions and causing significant economic burden. The disease requires constant vigilance and measurement of blood sugars, with patients having to continuously balance insulin intake throughout the day. While insulin management can regulate blood glucose levels and keep people alive, continuous and lifelong monitoring of blood sugar is difficult for patients who have no islets of their own to automatically control blood sugar levels.
The BVP is designed to enable the delivery and survival of insulin-producing islets inside the body. Such technology could overcome many of the hurdles currently associated with implantation of islets into diabetic patients. In June 2024, Humacyte reported positive results from two sets of ongoing preclinical studies, supporting the potential of the BVP product candidate to deliver insulin-producing islets as a treatment for type 1 diabetes. At a presentation at the Breakthrough T1D Beta Cell Consortium Meeting, Humacyte’s scientists presented data in which stem cell-derived islets restored normal blood sugar in diabetic mice. Islets manufactured from human stem cells may provide the basis for the islets that are ultimately delivered using the BVP product candidate. At the American Diabetes Association annual meeting, Humacyte reported successful implantation of BVPs into non-human primate recipients. In the study, primate BVP implants showed islet survival and continued insulin production throughout the three-month duration of the study. Islets also developed capillaries to support survival of the insulin-producing cells.
“The recent presentations of preclinical results highlight the potential of the BVP to improve the care of patients with type 1 diabetes, and we look forward to continuing advancement of this important initiative aimed at treating patients with a profoundly debilitating disease,” said Laura Niklason, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of Humacyte. “As development has progressed, we are pleased to achieve, in collaboration with Yale University, this major milestone in the U.S. patent protection of our BVP product candidate.”
The ATEV and BVP are investigational products and have not been approved for sale by the Food and Drug Administration or any international regulatory agency.
About Humacyte
Humacyte, Inc. (Nasdaq: HUMA) is developing a disruptive biotechnology platform to deliver universally implantable bioengineered human tissues, advanced tissue constructs, and organ systems designed to improve the lives of patients and transform the practice of medicine. The Company develops and manufactures acellular tissues to treat a wide range of diseases, injuries, and chronic conditions. Humacyte’s initial product candidates, a portfolio of ATEVs, are currently in late-stage clinical trials targeting multiple vascular applications, including vascular trauma repair, arteriovenous (AV) access for hemodialysis, and peripheral artery disease. A Biologics License Application for the ATEV in the vascular trauma indication is currently under review by the FDA and was granted Priority Review. Preclinical development is also underway in coronary artery bypass grafts, pediatric heart surgery, treatment of type 1 diabetes, and multiple novel cell and tissue applications. Humacyte’s 6mm ATEV for AV access in hemodialysis was the first product candidate to receive the FDA’s Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation and has also received FDA Fast Track designation. Humacyte’s 6mm ATEV for urgent arterial repair following extremity vascular trauma and for advanced PAD also have received an RMAT designations. The ATEV received priority designation for the treatment of vascular trauma by the U.S. Secretary of Defense. For more information, visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “project,” “potential,” “continue,” “ongoing” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. These statements involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the information expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this press release, we caution you that these statements are based on a combination of facts and factors currently known by us and our projections of the future, about which we cannot be certain. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, the statements regarding the initiation, timing, progress, and results of our preclinical and clinical trials, including our BVP program; the anticipated characteristics and performance of our ATEV and the BVP; our ability to successfully complete preclinical and clinical trials for our ATEVs and the BVP; the anticipated benefits of the BVP relative to existing alternatives; the anticipated commercialization of our ATEVs and our ability to manufacture at commercial scale; the implementation of our business model and strategic plans for our business; and the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings, acceptances, and approvals. We cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements in this press release will prove to be accurate. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results, including, among others, changes in applicable laws or regulations, the possibility that Humacyte may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described under the header “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed by Humacyte with the SEC, and in future SEC filings. Most of these factors are outside of Humacyte’s control and are difficult to predict. Furthermore, if the forward-looking statements prove to be inaccurate, the inaccuracy may be material. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, you should not regard these statements as a representation or warranty by us or any other person that we will achieve our objectives and plans in any specified time frame, or at all. Except as required by law, we have no current intention of updating any of the forward-looking statements in this press release. You should, therefore, not rely on these forward-looking statements as representing our views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.
Humacyte Investor Contact:
Joyce Allaire
LifeSci Advisors LLC
Humacyte Media Contact:
Rich Luchette
Precision Strategies

What is Humacyte's new U.S. Patent for and how does it relate to HUMA stock?
What are the key findings from Humacyte's preclinical studies on the BVP for HUMA investors?
How large is the potential market for Humacyte's BVP product, and how might this affect HUMA stock?