Humana Foundation Donates $250,000 to Support Disaster Recovery in the Wake of Catastrophic Flooding in Kentucky
The Humana Foundation, philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), has announced a $250,000 donation to support disaster recovery efforts in Eastern Kentucky following catastrophic flooding and winter snowstorm activity. The donation will be split between two organizations: $150,000 to the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky and $100,000 to the Team Kentucky Storm Relief Fund.
The devastating floods have resulted in at least 14 deaths and left many residents in Pike and Madison Counties displaced without access to clean drinking water. The funds will provide immediate support for basic needs including food, shelter, water, and medical care, while also addressing long-term recovery needs of affected communities.
Governor Beshear acknowledged the donation, praising the Humana Foundation's continued partnership with Team Kentucky. Tiffany Benjamin, CEO of the Humana Foundation, emphasized their commitment to supporting diverse and underserved communities during crisis situations.
La Fondazione Humana, braccio filantropico di Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), ha annunciato una donazione di 250.000 dollari per sostenere gli sforzi di recupero dopo il disastro in Kentucky orientale, a seguito di inondazioni catastrofiche e attività di tempesta invernale. La donazione sarà suddivisa tra due organizzazioni: 150.000 dollari per la Fondazione per il Kentucky Appalacchiano e 100.000 dollari per il Fondo di Emergenza Tempesta del Team Kentucky.
Le devastanti inondazioni hanno causato almeno 14 morti e hanno lasciato molti residenti nei distretti di Pike e Madison sfollati e senza accesso ad acqua potabile. I fondi forniranno supporto immediato per bisogni di base, tra cui cibo, rifugio, acqua e assistenza medica, affrontando anche le esigenze di recupero a lungo termine delle comunità colpite.
Il governatore Beshear ha riconosciuto la donazione, lodando la continua partnership della Fondazione Humana con il Team Kentucky. Tiffany Benjamin, CEO della Fondazione Humana, ha sottolineato il loro impegno a sostenere comunità diverse e svantaggiate durante situazioni di crisi.
La Fundación Humana, brazo filantrópico de Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), ha anunciado una donación de 250,000 dólares para apoyar los esfuerzos de recuperación tras el desastre en el este de Kentucky, luego de inundaciones catastróficas y actividad de tormenta invernal. La donación se dividirá entre dos organizaciones: 150,000 dólares para la Fundación para Kentucky Apalache y 100,000 dólares para el Fondo de Ayuda por Tormentas del Equipo Kentucky.
Las devastadoras inundaciones han resultado en al menos 14 muertes y han dejado a muchos residentes en los condados de Pike y Madison desplazados sin acceso a agua potable. Los fondos proporcionarán apoyo inmediato para necesidades básicas, incluyendo alimentos, refugio, agua y atención médica, al tiempo que también abordarán las necesidades de recuperación a largo plazo de las comunidades afectadas.
El gobernador Beshear reconoció la donación, elogiando la continua asociación de la Fundación Humana con el Equipo Kentucky. Tiffany Benjamin, CEO de la Fundación Humana, enfatizó su compromiso de apoyar a comunidades diversas y desatendidas durante situaciones de crisis.
휴마나 재단은(는) 휴마나 주식회사(NYSE: HUM)의 자선 부문으로, 동부 켄터키의 재해 복구 노력을 지원하기 위해 250,000달러 기부를 발표했습니다. 이 기부금은 두 기관에 나누어질 예정입니다: 150,000달러는 애팔래치아 켄터키 재단에, 100,000달러는 팀 켄터키 폭풍 구호 기금에 지원됩니다.
이번 파괴적인 홍수로 인해 최소 14명이 사망했으며, 파이크 카운티와 매디슨 카운티의 많은 주민들이 깨끗한 음용수에 접근하지 못한 채 강제로 이주했습니다. 기금은 음식, 주거, 물, 의료 서비스와 같은 기본적인 필요를 위한 즉각적인 지원을 제공하고, 피해를 입은 지역 사회의 장기적인 회복 필요 사항도 해결할 것입니다.
베셔 주지사는 기부를 인정하며 휴마나 재단과 팀 켄터키의 지속적인 파트너십을 칭찬했습니다. 휴마나 재단의 CEO인 티파니 벤자민은 위기 상황에서 다양한 소외된 지역 사회를 지원하겠다는 그들의 약속을 강조했습니다.
La Fondation Humana, bras philanthropique de Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), a annoncé une donation de 250 000 dollars pour soutenir les efforts de récupération après la catastrophe dans l'est du Kentucky, suite à des inondations catastrophiques et à des tempêtes hivernales. La donation sera répartie entre deux organisations : 150 000 dollars pour la Fondation pour le Kentucky des Appalaches et 100 000 dollars pour le Fonds d'Aide aux Tempêtes de l'Équipe Kentucky.
Les inondations dévastatrices ont entraîné au moins 14 décès et ont laissé de nombreux résidents des comtés de Pike et Madison déplacés sans accès à de l'eau potable. Les fonds fourniront un soutien immédiat pour des besoins fondamentaux tels que la nourriture, l'abri, l'eau et les soins médicaux, tout en répondant également aux besoins de récupération à long terme des communautés touchées.
Le gouverneur Beshear a reconnu la donation, louant le partenariat continu de la Fondation Humana avec l'Équipe Kentucky. Tiffany Benjamin, PDG de la Fondation Humana, a souligné leur engagement à soutenir des communautés diverses et défavorisées en période de crise.
Die Humana Stiftung, der philanthropische Arm von Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), hat eine Spende von 250.000 Dollar angekündigt, um die Wiederherstellungsmaßnahmen nach der Katastrophe in Ost-Kentucky zu unterstützen, die durch katastrophale Überschwemmungen und winterliche Sturmaktivitäten verursacht wurden. Die Spende wird auf zwei Organisationen aufgeteilt: 150.000 Dollar an die Stiftung für Appalachen-Kentucky und 100.000 Dollar an den Team Kentucky Sturmhilfefonds.
Die verheerenden Überschwemmungen haben mindestens 14 Todesfälle zur Folge gehabt und viele Bewohner in den Landkreisen Pike und Madison ohne Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser zurückgelassen. Die Mittel werden sofortige Unterstützung für grundlegende Bedürfnisse wie Nahrung, Unterkunft, Wasser und medizinische Versorgung bieten und gleichzeitig die langfristigen Wiederherstellungsbedürfnisse der betroffenen Gemeinschaften angehen.
Gouverneur Beshear erkannte die Spende an und lobte die fortwährende Partnerschaft der Humana Stiftung mit Team Kentucky. Tiffany Benjamin, CEO der Humana Stiftung, betonte ihr Engagement für die Unterstützung vielfältiger und benachteiligter Gemeinschaften in Krisensituationen.
- None.
- None.
Over the past week, torrential rains fell across
Because of the damaging effect of the floods, the Humana Foundation is donating
The contribution stems from the Humana Foundation’s unwavering resolve to uplift communities in crisis while improving health outcomes for all. The organizations receiving funding include:
The Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky-
to support rebuilding of communities in$150,000 Eastern Kentucky . -
The Team Kentucky Storm Relief Fund-
to support the long- and short-term recovery of any Kentuckian impacted by recent flooding.$100,000
“During each challenge we face, Kentuckians keep showing up to help one another,” said Gov. Beshear. “We thank the Humana Foundation for the generous donation. They have long been a great Team Kentucky partner and now they are stepping up once again to help families and communities recover from this deadly storm.”
A part of the Humana Foundation’s mission is to work closely with populations in distress to understand and effectively address their immediate needs. "At the Humana Foundation, our deepest commitment is to stand by diverse and underserved communities, especially in their most trying times. We are dedicated to providing essential resources to those affected by this devastating flooding," said Tiffany Benjamin, CEO of the Humana Foundation. "Right now, and each day forward, we will work hand-in-hand with our respected allies across
To learn more about the Humana Foundation’s health equity mission, visit
About the Humana Foundation
The Humana Foundation was established in 1981 as the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. and is focused on health equity, working to eliminate unjust, avoidable and unnecessary barriers in health and healthcare. The Foundation fosters evidence-based collaborations and investments that help people in underserved communities live connected, healthy lives. As a steward of good health, the Foundation creates healthy emotional connections for people and communities and is shaping a healthier approach to nutrition to support lifelong well-being. For more information, visit
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Marvin Hill
Humana Corporate Communications
Source: Humana Inc.
How much did Humana Foundation donate for Kentucky flood relief in 2025?
How will Humana Foundation's $250,000 donation be used in Kentucky?
Which organizations received Humana Foundation's Kentucky flood relief donation?