Humana Foundation Contributes Additional $500,000 to Support Disaster Recovery in Florida in the Aftermath of Hurricane Milton

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The Humana Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), is donating an additional $500,000 for relief efforts following Hurricane Milton in Florida. This brings their total support to $1.5 million after two hurricanes hit the state in two weeks. The funds will be distributed to organizations including Feeding Tampa Bay ($250,000), Gulf Coast Community Foundation ($125,000), and Community Foundation Tampa Bay ($125,000).

Humana Inc. is also taking steps to assist members in declared disaster areas, including waiving PCP referrals and prior authorizations, providing in-network cost sharing for out-of-network care, suspending pharmacy refill restrictions, and establishing a free crisis support hotline (1-877-757-7587) through TELUS Health. These efforts aim to support immediate relief and long-term sustainability needs of affected communities.

La Fondazione Humana, il braccio filantropico di Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), sta donando ulteriori $500.000 per gli sforzi di soccorso dopo l'uragano Milton in Florida. Ciò porta il loro supporto totale a $1,5 milioni dopo che due uragani hanno colpito lo stato in due settimane. I fondi saranno distribuiti a organizzazioni tra cui Feeding Tampa Bay ($250.000), Gulf Coast Community Foundation ($125.000) e Community Foundation Tampa Bay ($125.000).

Humana Inc. sta anche adottando misure per assistere i membri nelle aree dichiarate in stato di disastro, tra cui l'abrogazione dei riferimenti PCP e delle autorizzazioni anticipate, la fornitura di condivisione dei costi in rete per le cure fuori rete, la sospensione delle restrizioni sul rinnovo delle prescrizioni e l'istituzione di una linea di supporto per crisi gratuita (1-877-757-7587) attraverso TELUS Health. Questi sforzi mirano a supportare le esigenze di soccorso immediato e sostenibilità a lungo termine delle comunità colpite.

La Fundación Humana, el brazo filantrópico de Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), está donando $500,000 adicionales para los esfuerzos de ayuda tras el huracán Milton en Florida. Esto eleva su apoyo total a $1.5 millones después de que dos huracanes azotaran el estado en dos semanas. Los fondos se distribuirán a organizaciones como Feeding Tampa Bay ($250,000), Gulf Coast Community Foundation ($125,000) y Community Foundation Tampa Bay ($125,000).

Humana Inc. también está tomando medidas para ayudar a los miembros en áreas declaradas en desastre, incluyendo la exención de referencias de PCP y autorizaciones previas, proporcionando compartición de costos en red para atención fuera de la red, suspendiendo restricciones en la reposición de medicamentos y estableciendo una línea de apoyo gratuito para crisis (1-877-757-7587) a través de TELUS Health. Estos esfuerzos tienen como objetivo apoyar las necesidades de alivio inmediato y sostenibilidad a largo plazo de las comunidades afectadas.

휴마나 재단(Humana Foundation)은 휴마나 주식회사(Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM))의 자선 기관으로 플로리다의 허리케인 밀턴(Hurricane Milton)으로 인한 구호 활동을 위해 추가 $500,000를 기부하고 있습니다. 이를 통해 두 주 연속으로 주를 강타한 두 개의 허리케인 이후 총 지원액은 $1.5 백만에 이릅니다. 자금은 피딩 탬파 베이(Feeding Tampa Bay, $250,000), 걸프 코스트 커뮤니티 재단(Gulf Coast Community Foundation, $125,000), 탬파 베이 커뮤니티 재단(Community Foundation Tampa Bay, $125,000) 등 여러 조직에 배분됩니다.

휴마나 주식회사(Humana Inc.)는 또한 선언된 재해 지역의 회원들을 도와주기 위한 조치를 취하고 있으며, 여기에는 PCP 추천 및 사전 승인 면제, 네트워크 외 진료에 대한 네트워크 내 비용 분담 제공, 약국 리필 제한 일시 중지, 무료 위기 지원 핫라인 (1-877-757-7587)을 TELUS Health를 통해 설립하는 것이 포함됩니다. 이러한 노력은 피해를 입은 지역 사회의 즉각적인 구호 및 장기적인 지속 가능성 요구를 지원하는 데 목적이 있습니다.

La Fondation Humana, le bras philanthropique de Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), fait don d'une somme supplémentaire de 500 000 $ pour les efforts de secours suite à l'ouragan Milton en Floride. Cela porte leur soutien total à 1,5 million $ après que deux ouragans ont frappé l'État en deux semaines. Les fonds seront distribués à des organisations telles que Feeding Tampa Bay (250 000 $), Gulf Coast Community Foundation (125 000 $) et Community Foundation Tampa Bay (125 000 $).

Humana Inc. prend également des mesures pour aider les membres dans les zones déclarées sinistrées, notamment en renonçant aux références PCP et aux autorisations préalables, en fournissant un partage des coûts pour des soins hors réseau, en suspendant les restrictions sur le renouvellement des prescriptions et en établissant une ligne gratuite d'assistance en cas de crise (1-877-757-7587) via TELUS Health. Ces efforts visent à soutenir les besoins d'aide immédiate et de durabilité à long terme des communautés touchées.

Die Humana-Stiftung (Humana Foundation), der philanthropische Zweig von Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), spendet zusätzliche $500.000 für Hilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan Milton in Florida. Damit erhöht sich die Gesamtsumme ihrer Unterstützung auf $1,5 Millionen, nachdem in zwei Wochen zwei Hurrikane den Bundesstaat getroffen haben. Die Mittel werden an Organisationen wie Feeding Tampa Bay ($250.000), Gulf Coast Community Foundation ($125.000) und Community Foundation Tampa Bay ($125.000) verteilt.

Humana Inc. ergreift auch Maßnahmen, um Mitgliedern in als Katastrophengebieten deklarierten Regionen zu helfen, einschließlich der Aussetzung von PCP-Überweisungen und vorherigen Genehmigungen, der Bereitstellung von Kostenbeteiligung im Netzwerk für außerordentliche Pflege, der Aussetzung von Einschränkungen bei Rezeptnachfüllungen und der Einrichtung einer kostenlosen Krisen-Hotline (1-877-757-7587) über TELUS Health. Diese Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, die sofortigen Hilfsbedürfnisse und die langfristige Nachhaltigkeit der betroffenen Gemeinschaften zu unterstützen.

  • Humana Foundation's total donation increased to $1.5 million for hurricane relief efforts
  • Establishment of a free crisis support hotline and counseling services for members and the public
  • Waiving of PCP referrals and prior authorizations for members in declared disaster areas
  • Suspension of pharmacy refill restrictions to accommodate evacuations and travel difficulties
  • None.


The Humana Foundation's additional $500,000 donation for Hurricane Milton relief, bringing the total to $1.5 million for recent Florida hurricane support, demonstrates a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). This substantial contribution aligns with Humana's mission of promoting health equity and supporting communities in crisis.

The strategic allocation of funds to local organizations like Feeding Tampa Bay and community foundations shows a targeted approach to address both immediate relief and long-term sustainability needs. This multi-faceted response, including waived healthcare restrictions and a free crisis support hotline, exemplifies a comprehensive CSR strategy that leverages Humana's core competencies in healthcare to provide meaningful assistance.

While this initiative positively impacts Humana's brand image and potentially strengthens customer loyalty, the $1.5 million donation is relatively small compared to Humana's $30.2 billion market cap. Therefore, the direct financial impact on the company is likely minimal, but the long-term benefits of goodwill and community support could prove valuable for Humana's market position in Florida.

Humana's response to Hurricanes Milton and Helene showcases an adaptive approach to healthcare delivery during crises. By waiving primary care physician referrals and prior authorizations, Humana is effectively removing barriers to care when they are most critical. This flexibility in policy demonstrates a patient-centric approach that could set a precedent for emergency healthcare management industry-wide.

The suspension of pharmacy refill restrictions is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses a important need during evacuations and travel disruptions. This policy change not only ensures continuity of care but also potentially prevents medication-related emergencies that could further strain healthcare resources during a disaster.

The provision of a 24/7 crisis support hotline through TELUS Health extends mental health support beyond Humana's immediate member base, showcasing a broader commitment to community well-being. This approach aligns with growing recognition of mental health as a critical component of overall health, especially in disaster scenarios.

These measures, while primarily humanitarian, also serve to differentiate Humana in a competitive healthcare market, potentially leading to increased member satisfaction and retention in the affected regions.

With Milton’s devastation and the fallout from Helene, the Humana Foundation will donate a total of $1.5M to support long-term support and restoration

Humana will continue supporting its members in Florida enabling ready access to medical and emergency prescription information, and a crisis hotline and free counseling

LOUISVILLE, Ky.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Humana Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. (NYSE: HUM), is donating another $500,000 toward relief and healing efforts in the wake of the second Hurricane to hit Florida in two weeks. After consecutive disasters and concern for everyone in the path of these storms, the Humana Foundation will bring its total support to $1.5 million. Like the steps Humana took to aid members, communities and employees across the path of Hurricane Helene, it will do the same with Milton, by providing access to medical and emergency prescription information, and continuing access to a crisis hotline with free counseling.

When Hurricane Milton hit Florida’s central Gulf Coast on Wednesday Oct. 9, it flooded the state, spawned tornadoes and left millions without power. Officials continue to assess the aftereffects of Milton for loss of life, property damage, and the overall safety of communities affected.

Keeping in mind the people and efforts already underway from Hurricane Helene, the Humana Foundation is donating an additional $500,000 to help address the immediate relief and long-term sustainability needs of those hard hit from these storms. Through contributions like this, the Foundation stays true to its mission of aiding communities in crisis while advancing health equity for all.

The organizations receiving funding include- Feeding Tampa Bay - $250,000, Gulf Coast Community Foundation, serving Sarasota, Charlotte and DeSoto counties - $125,000, and Community Foundation Tampa Bay - $125,000.

“Being there to support the people and communities we serve, especially in times like this, is our main priority. With this being the second Hurricane in just a few weeks, we’re completely focused on directing essential resources and care to everyone touched by Hurricane Milton,” said Tiffany Benjamin, CEO of the Humana Foundation. “We continue to work with our valued partners in Florida to quickly move assets and help enable safety and emotional support during this critical time.”

Beyond this donation and like with responding to Hurricane Helene, Humana Inc. has taken the following steps to assist members in declared disaster areas:

  • Waived all requirements for primary care physician (PCP) referrals and prior authorizations for members, where applicable;
  • Provided members with the same cost sharing they would receive from an in-network facility even if receiving care outside the network;
  • For members with a pharmacy benefit, suspended restrictions on refills to allow for travel difficulties and evacuations;
  • Established a free crisis support hotline and counseling services through TELUS Health, previously LifeWorks, aimed not only at health plan employees and members, but also at anyone who may need help and support in the U.S. and Puerto Rico to cope with the disaster and its consequences. The TELUS Health Crisis Support Line is open 24/7 and can be reached at 1-877-757-7587 (866-229-2572 in Puerto Rico).

“In the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, countless lives and communities are in crisis. My deep appreciation goes out to our Humana teams on the front lines, who are delivering essential care to our customers and doing everything they can to support their surrounding communities,” said Jim Rechtin, Humana Chief Executive Officer. “The Humana Foundation’s $500,000 commitment toward recovery efforts will help continue this dedication to uplifting those in need.”

To learn more about the Humana Foundation’s health equity mission, visit

About the Humana Foundation

The Humana Foundation was established in 1981 as the philanthropic arm of Humana Inc. and is focused on health equity, working to eliminate unjust, avoidable and unnecessary barriers in health and healthcare. The Foundation fosters evidence-based collaborations and investments that help people in underserved communities live connected, healthy lives. As a steward of good health, the Foundation creates healthy emotional connections for people and communities and is shaping a healthier approach to nutrition to support lifelong well-being. For more information, visit

Marvin Hill

Humana Corporate Communications


Source: Humana Inc.


How much is Humana Foundation donating for Hurricane Milton relief efforts?

The Humana Foundation is donating an additional $500,000 for Hurricane Milton relief efforts, bringing their total support to $1.5 million after two hurricanes hit Florida in two weeks.

Which organizations are receiving funding from Humana Foundation for hurricane relief?

The organizations receiving funding include Feeding Tampa Bay ($250,000), Gulf Coast Community Foundation ($125,000), and Community Foundation Tampa Bay ($125,000).

What steps is Humana Inc. (HUM) taking to assist members in hurricane-affected areas?

Humana Inc. is waiving PCP referrals and prior authorizations, providing in-network cost sharing for out-of-network care, suspending pharmacy refill restrictions, and establishing a free crisis support hotline through TELUS Health.

What is the phone number for Humana's crisis support hotline?

The TELUS Health Crisis Support Line, available 24/7, can be reached at 1-877-757-7587 (866-229-2572 in Puerto Rico).

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