Hitachi Vantara Announces General Availability of Hitachi iQ and New AI Discovery Service to Help Businesses Become AI-Ready

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Hitachi Vantara, a subsidiary of Hitachi, (TSE: 6501), has announced the general availability of Hitachi iQ, an AI-ready infrastructure portfolio, and a new AI Discovery Service. The Hitachi iQ offering includes NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification, meeting high standards for reliability and performance. This launch comes as organizations prioritize GenAI implementation, with 97% viewing it as a top-five priority according to a recent survey.

The AI Discovery Service aims to help customers identify valuable AI use cases, assess data readiness, determine ROI, and create strategic roadmaps for AI implementation. Hitachi Vantara combines industry expertise with its solutions portfolio to provide customized, industry-specific tools. The company leverages its IT/OT domain expertise in industries such as rail, energy, and manufacturing to integrate IT infrastructure and business applications effectively.

Hitachi Vantara, una sussidiaria di Hitachi, (TSE: 6501), ha annunciato la disponibilità generale di Hitachi iQ, un portafoglio di infrastrutture pronto per l'IA, e un nuovo Servizio di Scoperta IA. L'offerta Hitachi iQ include la certificazione NVIDIA DGX BasePOD, che soddisfa standard elevati di affidabilità e prestazioni. Questo lancio avviene in un momento in cui le organizzazioni danno priorità all'implementazione di GenAI, con il 97% che la considera una delle prime cinque priorità secondo un recente sondaggio.

Il Servizio di Scoperta IA ha l'obiettivo di aiutare i clienti a identificare casi d'uso dell'IA di valore, valutare la prontezza dei dati, determinare il ROI e creare roadmap strategiche per l'implementazione dell'IA. Hitachi Vantara combina competenze di settore con il proprio portafoglio di soluzioni per fornire strumenti personalizzati e specifici per l'industria. L'azienda sfrutta la propria esperienza nei domini IT/OT in settori come ferrovie, energia e manifatturiero per integrare efficacemente l'infrastruttura IT e le applicazioni aziendali.

Hitachi Vantara, una subsidiaria de Hitachi, (TSE: 6501), ha anunciado la disponibilidad general de Hitachi iQ, un portafolio de infraestructura preparado para IA, y un nuevo Servicio de Descubrimiento de IA. La oferta de Hitachi iQ incluye la certificación NVIDIA DGX BasePOD, que cumple con altos estándares de confiabilidad y rendimiento. Este lanzamiento se produce en un momento en que las organizaciones priorizan la implementación de GenAI, con un 97% de ellas considerando esto como una de las cinco principales prioridades, según una encuesta reciente.

El Servicio de Descubrimiento de IA tiene como objetivo ayudar a los clientes a identificar casos de uso valiosos de IA, evaluar la preparación de los datos, determinar el ROI y crear hojas de ruta estratégicas para la implementación de IA. Hitachi Vantara combina la experiencia de la industria con su portafolio de soluciones para proporcionar herramientas personalizadas y específicas del sector. La empresa aprovecha su experiencia en dominios de TI/OT en industrias como ferrocarriles, energía y fabricación para integrar eficazmente la infraestructura de TI y las aplicaciones empresariales.

히타치 반타라(Hitachi Vantara), 히타치의 자회사(주식 코드: 6501),는 히타치 iQ의 일반 가용성과 새로운 AI 발견 서비스를 발표했습니다. 히타치 iQ 제공은 높은 신뢰성과 성능 기준을 충족하는 NVIDIA DGX BasePOD 인증을 포함합니다. 이 런칭은 조직들이 GenAI 구현을 우선시하는 가운데 이루어졌으며, 최근 조사에 따르면 97%가 이를 최우선 다섯 가지 과제 중 하나로 보고 있습니다.

AI 발견 서비스는 고객이 가치 있는 AI 사용 사례를 식별하고, 데이터 준비 상태를 평가하며, ROI를 결정하고, AI 구현을 위한 전략적 로드맵을 작성하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 고안되었습니다. 히타치 반타라는 업계 전문 지식과 솔루션 포트폴리오를 결합하여 맞춤형 산업별 도구를 제공합니다. 이 회사는 철도, 에너지, 제조와 같은 산업에서 IT/OT 도메인 전문 지식을 활용하여 IT 인프라와 비즈니스 애플리케이션을 효과적으로 통합합니다.

Hitachi Vantara, une filiale de Hitachi (TSE: 6501), a annoncé la disponibilité générale de Hitachi iQ, un portefeuille d'infrastructure prêt pour l'IA, ainsi qu'un nouveau Service de Découverte IA. L'offre Hitachi iQ comprend la certification NVIDIA DGX BasePOD, répondant à des normes élevées de fiabilité et de performance. Ce lancement intervient alors que les organisations donnent la priorité à l'implémentation de GenAI, 97 % des personnes interrogées la considérant comme une des cinq principales priorités selon une récente enquête.

Le Service de Découverte IA vise à aider les clients à identifier des cas d'utilisation précieux de l'IA, évaluer la disponibilité des données, déterminer le ROI et créer des feuilles de route stratégiques pour l'implémentation de l'IA. Hitachi Vantara combine son expertise sectorielle avec son portefeuille de solutions pour fournir des outils personnalisés, spécifiques à chaque secteur. L'entreprise met à profit son expertise dans les domaines IT/OT dans des secteurs tels que les chemins de fer, l'énergie et la fabrication afin d'intégrer efficacement l'infrastructure IT et les applications métier.

Hitachi Vantara, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Hitachi (TSE: 6501), hat die Generelle Verfügbarkeit von Hitachi iQ, einem KI-fähigen Infrastrukturportfolio, sowie einen neuen AI Discovery Service angekündigt. Das Hitachi iQ-Angebot umfasst die NVIDIA DGX BasePOD-Zertifizierung, die hohe Standards für Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung erfüllt. Dieser Launch erfolgt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem Organisationen die Implementierung von GenAI priorisieren, wobei 97% dies als eine der fünf wichtigsten Prioritäten ansehen, laut einer aktuellen Umfrage.

Der AI Discovery Service zielt darauf ab, Kunden zu helfen, wertvolle Anwendungsfälle für KI zu identifizieren, die Datenbereitschaft zu bewerten, den ROI zu bestimmen und strategische Fahrpläne für die KI-Implementierung zu erstellen. Hitachi Vantara kombiniert Branchenexpertise mit seinem Lösungsportfolio, um maßgeschneiderte, branchenspezifische Werkzeuge bereitzustellen. Das Unternehmen nutzt seine Expertise in den Bereichen IT/OT in Industrien wie Schienenverkehr, Energie und Fertigung, um die IT-Infrastruktur und die Geschäftsapplikationen effektiv zu integrieren.

  • Hitachi iQ received NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification, ensuring high reliability and performance for AI workloads
  • Launch of AI Discovery Service to help customers identify valuable AI use cases and create strategic roadmaps
  • Hitachi Vantara offers industry-specific expertise and customized tools for AI implementation
  • Multiple consumption models available for Hitachi iQ, providing flexibility for customers
  • Only 44% of organizations have well-defined policies regarding GenAI
  • Only 37% of organizations believe their infrastructure and data ecosystem are well-prepared for implementing GenAI solutions

Inaugural Hitachi iQ offering includes NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification, meeting stringent standards for reliability and performance

Identifying the most valuable AI use cases, Hitachi Vantara helps customers create a strategic roadmap for successful AI implementation

SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hitachi Vantara, the data storage, infrastructure, and hybrid cloud management subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), today announced the general availability of initial offerings of the Hitachi iQ portfolio of AI-ready infrastructure, solutions, and services. Including NVIDIA DGX BasePOD™ certification, the first Hitachi iQ infrastructure offering meets the highest standards of performance and reliability and helps customers seamlessly power their most critical AI applications. Featuring the Hitachi Content Software for File solution, Hitachi iQ provides customers the speed, efficiency, and processing to accelerate and optimize their time to insights so that they can drive transformative outcomes for their business.

For more information on Hitachi iQ, please visit: 

The availability of Hitachi iQ comes at a critical inflection point for AI use cases in the enterprise as organizations around the globe are prioritizing GenAI implementation. A recent survey from Enterprise Strategy Group found 97% of organizations view GenAI as a top-five priority. However, despite the enthusiasm, the survey also found that less than half (44%) of organizations have well-defined and comprehensive policies regarding GenAI, and more tellingly, only slightly more than one-third (37%) believe their infrastructure and data ecosystem are well prepared for implementing GenAI solutions.

Attaining NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification underscores Hitachi Vantara's commitment to providing robust, scalable, high-performance, and trusted data infrastructure that supports advanced AI workloads, helping ensure clients have an optimal foundation for their AI aspirations.

"NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification not only tells you that this solution has met rigorous standards for reliability and performance, but it also represents a significant upgrade to handle the extensive bandwidth and speed required by today's networks," said Octavian Tanase, chief product officer of Hitachi Vantara. "Hitachi iQ is equipped to handle the most demanding AI workloads, helping our customers enjoy seamless, high-speed AI operations that keep them ahead of the curve."

Hitachi Vantara AI Discovery Service
To further support customers on their AI journey, Hitachi Vantara is also launching a new AI Discovery Service designed to help customers identify the most valuable AI use cases, assess their data readiness, determine ROI, and create a strategic roadmap for successful AI implementation. Customers can select between a range of AI consultative services from a Discovery program that can last as little as three weeks, to an Advisory and Jumpstart program up to 12 weeks, featuring a technology assessment, proof of concept scoping, production planning, and more.

"AI solutions require a combination of tools, technologies, platforms, and frameworks that facilitate model development, deployment, and management," said Jeb Horton, senior vice president of Global Services at Hitachi Vantara. "By combining the industry expertise of Hitachi and Hitachi group company partners such as GlobalLogic with the Hitachi iQ solutions portfolio, the company offers a unique blend of infrastructure and services capabilities to provide the market with customized, industry-specific tools."

"Organizations across industries are looking to build the right AI platform that will help them turn their data into intelligence," said Tony Paikeday, senior director of DGX systems at NVIDIA. "The combination of solutions built on NVIDIA's DGX platform and software, coupled with Hitachi Vantara's expertise in AI discovery and planning, will help provide customers with a foundation to turbocharge their generative AI capabilities."

Hitachi has a long history of IT/OT domain expertise in industries such as rail, energy, manufacturing and is a leader for integrating IT infrastructure and business applications. Offered through multiple consumption models, Hitachi iQ provides customers with mechanisms to consume the data infrastructure they need, all while providing improved on-premises performance and allowing for a better ROI.

Hitachi iQ and the AI Discovery Service are now both available globally. For more information on Hitachi Vantara's offerings in AI, please visit:

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About Hitachi Vantara
Hitachi Vantara is transforming the way data fuels innovation. A wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi Vantara provides the data foundation the world's leading innovators rely on. Through data storage, infrastructure systems, cloud management and digital expertise, the company helps customers build the foundation for sustainable business growth. To learn more, visit

About Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society through the use of data and technology. We solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products. Hitachi operates under the 3 business sectors of "Digital Systems & Services" – supporting our customers' digital transformation; "Green Energy & Mobility" – contributing to a decarbonized society through energy and railway systems, and "Connective Industries" – connecting products through digital technology to provide solutions in various industries. Driven by Digital, Green, and Innovation, we aim for growth through co-creation with our customers. The company's revenues as 3 sectors for fiscal year 2023 (ended March 31, 2024) totaled 8,564.3 billion yen, with 573 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 270,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company's website at

HITACHI is a trademark or registered trademark of Hitachi, Ltd. All other trademarks, service marks, and company names are properties of their respective owners.

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What is Hitachi iQ and when was it made generally available?

Hitachi iQ is an AI-ready infrastructure portfolio announced by Hitachi Vantara. It was made generally available on July 25, 2024.

What certification did Hitachi iQ receive for its AI infrastructure?

Hitachi iQ received NVIDIA DGX BasePOD certification, meeting high standards for reliability and performance in AI workloads.

What new service did Hitachi Vantara launch alongside Hitachi iQ?

Hitachi Vantara launched the AI Discovery Service, designed to help customers identify valuable AI use cases, assess data readiness, determine ROI, and create strategic roadmaps for AI implementation.

What percentage of organizations view GenAI as a top-five priority according to the Enterprise Strategy Group survey?

According to the Enterprise Strategy Group survey, 97% of organizations view GenAI as a top-five priority.

In which industries does Hitachi Vantara have IT/OT domain expertise?

Hitachi Vantara has IT/OT domain expertise in industries such as rail, energy, and manufacturing.



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