Hershey Signs Groundbreaking Long-Term Agreement with Cocoa Cooperatives Aimed at Improving Farmer Income and Farm Resiliency

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Hershey has announced a five-year agreement with nine cocoa-producing cooperatives in Côte d'Ivoire, as part of its 'Cocoa For Good' strategy. This strategy involves a 10-year, $500 million investment to address challenges facing cocoa farmers. The agreement aims to:

  • Professionalize cocoa farming and improve profitability
  • Invest in community-based resources for household wellbeing
  • Preserve the environment and strengthen farm resiliency

This move aligns with Côte d'Ivoire's National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa and builds on Hershey's previous initiatives, including the $40 million Income Accelerator program launched in 2023 and funding for primary school construction in farming communities.

Hershey ha annunciato un accordo quinquennale con nove cooperative di produzione di cacao in Côte d'Ivoire, nell'ambito della sua strategia 'Cocoa For Good'. Questa strategia prevede un investimento di 500 milioni di dollari in 10 anni per affrontare le sfide che i coltivatori di cacao devono affrontare. L'accordo ha l'obiettivo di:

  • Professionare la coltivazione del cacao e migliorare la redditività
  • Investire in risorse comunitarie per il benessere delle famiglie
  • Preservare l'ambiente e rafforzare la resilienza delle aziende agricole

Questa iniziativa si allinea con la Strategia Nazionale per il Cacao Sostenibile della Côte d'Ivoire e si basa sulle precedenti iniziative di Hershey, incluso il programma Income Accelerator da 40 milioni di dollari lanciato nel 2023 e il finanziamento per la costruzione di scuole primarie nelle comunità agricole.

Hershey ha anunciado un acuerdo de cinco años con nueve cooperativas productoras de cacao en Côte d'Ivoire, como parte de su estrategia 'Cocoa For Good'. Esta estrategia implica una inversión de 500 millones de dólares en 10 años para abordar los desafíos que enfrentan los agricultores de cacao. El acuerdo tiene como objetivo:

  • Profesionalizar la agricultura del cacao y mejorar la rentabilidad
  • Invertir en recursos comunitarios para el bienestar de los hogares
  • Preservar el medio ambiente y fortalecer la resiliencia de las granjas

Este movimiento está en línea con la Estrategia Nacional para el Cacao Sostenible de Côte d'Ivoire y se basa en las iniciativas anteriores de Hershey, incluidos el programa Income Accelerator de 40 millones de dólares lanzado en 2023 y el financiamiento para la construcción de escuelas primarias en comunidades agrícolas.

허쉬코트디부아르의 9개 카카오 생산 협동조합과 5년 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 'Cocoa For Good' 전략의 일환입니다. 이 전략은 카카오 농업에 직면한 문제를 해결하기 위해 10년 동안 5억 달러를 투자하는 것을 포함합니다. 이 계약의 목표는:

  • 카카오 농업의 전문화 및 수익성 향상
  • 가정의 복지를 위한 지역 사회 기반 자원에 대한 투자
  • 환경 보존 및 농장 회복력 강화

이러한 조치는 코트디부아르의 지속 가능한 카카오 국가 전략과 일치하며, 2023년에 시작된 4천만 달러 규모의 소득 촉진 프로그램과 농촌 커뮤니티 내 초등학교 건설을 위한 자금 지원 등 허쉬의 이전 이니셔티브를 기반으로 하고 있습니다.

Hershey a annoncé un accord de cinq ans avec neuf coopératives productrices de cacao en Côte d'Ivoire, dans le cadre de sa stratégie 'Cocoa For Good'. Cette stratégie implique un investissement de 500 millions de dollars sur 10 ans pour relever les défis auxquels les producteurs de cacao sont confrontés. L'accord a pour objectifs :

  • Professionnaliser la culture du cacao et améliorer la rentabilité
  • Investir dans des ressources communautaires pour le bien-être des ménages
  • Préserver l'environnement et renforcer la résilience des exploitations agricoles

Cette initiative est en accord avec la Stratégie Nationale pour un Cacao Durable en Côte d'Ivoire et s'appuie sur les initiatives précédentes de Hershey, y compris le programme Income Accelerator de 40 millions de dollars lancé en 2023 et le financement pour la construction d'écoles élémentaires dans les communautés agricoles.

Hershey hat eine fünfjährige Vereinbarung mit neun Kakaoproduzenten-Kooperativen in Côte d'Ivoire bekannt gegeben, die Teil seiner Strategie 'Cocoa For Good' ist. Diese Strategie umfasst eine 10-jährliche Investition von 500 Millionen Dollar, um die Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, mit denen Kakaobauern konfrontiert sind. Das Ziel der Vereinbarung ist es:

  • Die Kakaoernte zu professionalisieren und die Rentabilität zu steigern
  • In gemeinschaftliche Ressourcen für das Wohl von Haushalten zu investieren
  • Die Umwelt zu schützen und die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Farmen zu stärken

Dieser Schritt stimmt mit der Nationalen Strategie für nachhaltigen Kakao in Côte d'Ivoire überein und baut auf den früheren Initiativen von Hershey auf, einschließlich des Income Accelerator-Programms über 40 Millionen Dollar, das 2023 gestartet wurde, sowie der Finanzierung für den Bau von Grundschulen in landwirtschaftlichen Gemeinschaften.

  • Five-year agreement with nine cocoa-producing cooperatives in Côte d'Ivoire
  • Part of a 10-year, $500 million 'Cocoa For Good' investment strategy
  • Aims to improve farmer profitability and farm resiliency
  • Aligns with Côte d'Ivoire's National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa
  • $40 million Income Accelerator program launched in 2023
  • None.


Hershey's five-year agreement with cocoa cooperatives in Côte d'Ivoire marks a significant step towards sustainable cocoa sourcing. This initiative, part of their $500 million "Cocoa For Good" strategy, addresses critical issues in the cocoa supply chain. The focus on improving farmer incomes and farm resiliency is important for long-term sustainability.

Key aspects of this agreement include:

  • Professionalizing cocoa farming to enhance profitability
  • Investing in community resources for better household well-being
  • Environmental preservation and strengthening farm resilience

This approach aligns with industry trends towards more sustainable and ethical sourcing practices. The long-term nature of the agreement provides stability for farmers and allows for more direct engagement in addressing on-farm challenges. However, the true impact will depend on effective implementation and measurable outcomes over time.

Hershey's agreement with cocoa cooperatives represents a strategic move in securing a stable cocoa supply while addressing socio-economic challenges in producing regions. The $40 million Income Accelerator program launched in 2023, coupled with this new five-year agreement, signifies a substantial financial commitment to improving the cocoa value chain.

From an economic perspective, this initiative could yield several benefits:

  • Increased farmer incomes leading to improved local economies
  • Enhanced productivity through professionalization of farming practices
  • Reduced supply chain risks through stronger farmer relationships

However, the success of such programs often hinges on effective implementation and the ability to create lasting change in farming communities. The alignment with Côte d'Ivoire's National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa is a positive sign, potentially leading to more coordinated efforts and amplified impact across the sector.

Five-year agreement builds on significant company investments in improving the well-being of cocoa farming communities

HERSHEY, Pa., Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hershey announced a five-year agreement with nine cocoa-producing cooperatives in Côte d'Ivoire. The move is part of its "Cocoa For Good" strategy, a 10-year, $500 million investment by the company to address the complex challenges facing cocoa farmers. The agreement aims to build lasting relationships with farmers that enable a more resilient supply. 

A long-term commitment to improve farmer livelihoods

The announcement coincided with the annual National Cocoa and Chocolate Days held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. The heart of the agreement is a memorandum of understanding between Hershey, Sucden, and the nine cooperatives which aims to:

  • Partner with farmers to professionalize cocoa farming and improve their profitability
  • Invests in community-based resources that improve household wellbeing
  • Preserve the environment and strengthen farm resilience

Long-term collaboration among the three entities provides stability for farmers and an ability to more directly engage in addressing on-the-farm challenges.

"Improving farmer incomes requires a holistic approach and collaboration across public and private sectors," said Tricia Brannigan, Vice President, Chief Procurement Officer for Hershey. "Collaboration happens best when you have trust. Trust is built over time through strong, long-lasting relationships."

Building resilient communities within cocoa supply chains

This agreement aligns with Côte d'Ivoire's National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa to ensure a coordinated and lasting approach to addressing key challenges in the Ivorian cocoa sector.

This latest move by Hershey is part of a series of significant investments in the well-being of cocoa farming communities. In addition to its $500 million "Cocoa for Good" investment, Hershey launched its $40 million Income Accelerator program in 2023. It is also funding the construction of primary schools in farming communities, through an agreement with the National Oversight Committee for Actions to Fight Child Labor, Trafficking and Exploitation and the International Cocoa Initiative.

To learn more about how Hershey is supporting the people behind its products through initiatives that improve farmer incomes, prioritize children's well-being and protect the environment, visit

About The Hershey Company

The Hershey Company (NYSE: HSY) is an industry-leading snacks company known for making more moments of goodness through its iconic brands, remarkable people and enduring commitment to doing the right thing for its people, planet, and communities. Hershey has more than 20,000 employees in the U.S. and worldwide who work daily to deliver delicious, high-quality products. The company has more than 90 brand names in approximately 80 countries, including Hershey'sREESE'S, Kisses, Kit Kat®Jolly Rancher, Twizzlers and Ice Breakers, and salty snacks including SkinnyPopPirate's Booty and Dot's Homestyle Pretzels.

For over 130 years, Hershey has been committed to operating fairly and ethically. The candy and snack maker's founder, Milton Hershey, created Milton Hershey School in 1909, and since then, the company has focused on helping children succeed through equitable access to education.

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SOURCE The Hershey Company


What is the duration and scope of Hershey's new agreement with cocoa cooperatives?

Hershey has signed a five-year agreement with nine cocoa-producing cooperatives in Côte d'Ivoire, aimed at improving farmer income and farm resiliency.

How much is Hershey investing in its 'Cocoa For Good' strategy?

Hershey is investing $500 million over 10 years in its 'Cocoa For Good' strategy to address challenges facing cocoa farmers.

What are the main objectives of Hershey's agreement with cocoa cooperatives?

The agreement aims to professionalize cocoa farming, improve profitability, invest in community resources, preserve the environment, and strengthen farm resiliency.

How does Hershey's agreement align with Côte d'Ivoire's cocoa strategy?

The agreement aligns with Côte d'Ivoire's National Strategy for Sustainable Cocoa, ensuring a coordinated approach to addressing key challenges in the Ivorian cocoa sector.

What other initiatives has Hershey (HSY) launched to support cocoa farming communities?

Hershey launched a $40 million Income Accelerator program in 2023 and is funding the construction of primary schools in farming communities.

The Hershey Company


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