Hershey Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2024 Financial Results; Provides 2025 Outlook

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Hershey (HSY) reported Q4 2024 results with consolidated net sales of $2,887.5 million, up 8.7% year-over-year. The company's organic constant currency net sales increased 9.0%. Q4 reported net income was $796.6 million, or $3.92 per share-diluted, up 130.6%.

For full-year 2024, consolidated net sales reached $11,202.3 million, a 0.3% increase, with reported net income of $2,221.2 million, or $10.92 per share-diluted, up 20.5%. Adjusted EPS declined 2.3% to $9.37.

Looking ahead to 2025, Hershey expects net sales growth of at least 2%, primarily driven by price realization. However, the company projects reported earnings per share to decline in the high-40% range and adjusted earnings per share to drop in the mid-30% range, mainly due to higher commodity costs, particularly cocoa prices, rebased incentive compensation, and a higher economic tax rate.

Hershey (HSY) ha riportato i risultati del Q4 2024 con vendite nette consolidate di 2.887,5 milioni di dollari, in aumento dell'8,7% rispetto all'anno precedente. Le vendite nette organiche in valuta costante dell'azienda sono aumentate del 9,0%. Il reddito netto riportato per il Q4 è stato di 796,6 milioni di dollari, ovvero 3,92 dollari per azione diluita, in aumento del 130,6%.

Per l'intero anno 2024, le vendite nette consolidate hanno raggiunto 11.202,3 milioni di dollari, con un aumento dello 0,3%, e il reddito netto riportato è stato di 2.221,2 milioni di dollari, ovvero 10,92 dollari per azione diluita, in aumento del 20,5%. L'EPS rettificato è diminuito del 2,3% a 9,37 dollari.

Guardando al 2025, Hershey prevede una crescita delle vendite nette di almeno il 2%, principalmente alimentata dalla realizzazione dei prezzi. Tuttavia, l'azienda prevede che gli utili per azione riportati caleranno nell'intervallo del 40% alto e che gli utili per azione rettificati diminuiranno nel range medio del 30%, principalmente a causa dell'aumento dei costi delle materie prime, in particolare i prezzi del cacao, del riassetto della compensazione incentivante e di un'aliquota fiscale economica più elevata.

Hershey (HSY) reportó resultados del cuarto trimestre de 2024 con ventas netas consolidadas de 2,887.5 millones de dólares, un aumento del 8.7% en comparación con el año anterior. Las ventas netas orgánicas en moneda constante de la compañía aumentaron un 9.0%. El ingreso neto reportado para el cuarto trimestre fue de 796.6 millones de dólares, o 3.92 dólares por acción diluida, un aumento del 130.6%.

Para el año completo 2024, las ventas netas consolidadas alcanzaron los 11,202.3 millones de dólares, un aumento del 0.3%, con un ingreso neto reportado de 2,221.2 millones de dólares, o 10.92 dólares por acción diluida, un aumento del 20.5%. El EPS ajustado disminuyó un 2.3% a 9.37 dólares.

De cara a 2025, Hershey espera un crecimiento de las ventas netas de al menos el 2%, impulsado principalmente por la realización de precios. Sin embargo, la compañía proyecta que las ganancias por acción reportadas disminuirán en un rango del 40% alto y que las ganancias por acción ajustadas bajarán en un rango medio del 30%, principalmente debido a mayores costos de los commodities, en particular los precios del cacao, la reestructuración de la compensación por incentivos y una tasa impositiva económica más alta.

허쉬(Hershey, HSY)는 2024년 4분기 결과로 28억 8,750만 달러의 매출을 보고했으며, 이는 전년 대비 8.7% 증가한 수치입니다. 회사의 유기적 상수통화 매출은 9.0% 증가했습니다. 4분기 보고된 순이익은 7억 9,660만 달러로, 희석 주당 3.92달러, 130.6% 증가했습니다.

2024년 전체 연도에 대해 총 매출은 112억 2,230만 달러에 이르렀으며, 이는 0.3% 증가한 수치로, 보고된 순이익은 22억 2,120만 달러로 희석 주당 10.92달러, 20.5% 증가했습니다. 조정된 EPS는 2.3% 감소하여 9.37달러로 줄었습니다.

2025년을 바라보며, 허시는 최소 2%의 매출 성장률을 예상하고 있으며, 주로 가격 실현에 의해 driven됩니다. 그러나 이 회사는 보고된 주당 수익이 40%대 중반으로 감소하고, 조정된 주당 수익이 중간 30%대 하락할 것으로 전망하고 있으며, 이는 주로 원자재 비용 증가, 특히 코코아 가격, 재설정된 인센티브 보상, 그리고 높은 경제 세율과 관련이 있습니다.

Hershey (HSY) a annoncé ses résultats pour le quatrième trimestre 2024 avec des ventes nettes consolidées de 2 887,5 millions de dollars, en hausse de 8,7 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Les ventes nettes organiques en monnaie constante de l'entreprise ont augmenté de 9,0 %. Le revenu net déclaré pour le quatrième trimestre était de 796,6 millions de dollars, soit 3,92 dollars par action diluée, en hausse de 130,6 %.

Pour l'année 2024, les ventes nettes consolidées ont atteint 11 202,3 millions de dollars, soit une augmentation de 0,3 %, avec un revenu net déclaré de 2 221,2 millions de dollars, soit 10,92 dollars par action diluée, en hausse de 20,5 %. Le BPA ajusté a diminué de 2,3 % pour s'établir à 9,37 dollars.

En regardant vers 2025, Hershey s'attend à une croissance des ventes nettes d'au moins 2 %, principalement soutenue par la réalisation des prix. Cependant, la société prévoit que les bénéfices par action déclarés diminueront dans une fourchette élevée de 40 % et que les bénéfices par action ajustés diminueront dans une fourchette moyenne de 30 %, principalement en raison de la hausse des coûts des matières premières, notamment des prix du cacao, des compensations incitatives réajustées et d'un taux d'imposition économique plus élevé.

Hershey (HSY) hat die Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2024 mit konsolidierten Nettoumsätzen von 2.887,5 Millionen Dollar veröffentlicht, was einem Anstieg von 8,7 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht. Die organischen Nettoumsätze des Unternehmens in konstanten Währungen stiegen um 9,0 %. Der gemeldete Nettogewinn für das vierte Quartal betrug 796,6 Millionen Dollar oder 3,92 Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie, was einem Anstieg von 130,6 % entspricht.

Für das gesamte Jahr 2024 erreichten die konsolidierten Nettoumsätze 11.202,3 Millionen Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 0,3 % entspricht, bei einem gemeldeten Nettogewinn von 2.221,2 Millionen Dollar oder 10,92 Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie, was einem Anstieg von 20,5 % entspricht. Der bereinigte Gewinn je Aktie ging um 2,3 % auf 9,37 Dollar zurück.

Für 2025 erwartet Hershey ein Umsatzwachstum von mindestens 2 %, das hauptsächlich durch Preisverwirklichung gestützt wird. Das Unternehmen prognostiziert jedoch, dass die gemeldeten Gewinne je Aktie um einen hohen 40-% Bereich zurückgehen werden und die bereinigten Gewinne je Aktie im mittleren 30-% Bereich sinken, was hauptsächlich auf steigende Rohstoffkosten, insbesondere Kakao-Preise, umgestellte Anreizvergütungen und einen höheren wirtschaftlichen Steuersatz zurückzuführen ist.

  • Q4 net sales increased 8.7% to $2,887.5 million
  • Q4 reported net income up 130.6% to $796.6 million
  • Q4 adjusted operating profit increased 28.0% to $696.8 million
  • North America Salty Snacks segment sales grew 35.9%
  • Dot's Homestyle Pretzels retail sales increased 20.9%
  • Full-year 2024 adjusted EPS decreased 2.3% to $9.37
  • Projected 2025 adjusted EPS decline in mid-30% range
  • Expected 2025 reported EPS decline in high-40% range
  • Higher commodity costs, particularly cocoa, pressuring 2025 earnings
  • North America Confectionery segment lost 18 basis points market share


Hershey's Q4 2024 results demonstrate strong execution but mask significant challenges ahead. The 8.7% revenue growth and 33.2% adjusted EPS increase show effective pricing and volume management. However, the projected high-40% earnings decline for 2025 represents one of the most significant profit contractions in the company's recent history.

Three critical factors warrant attention:

  • Commodity Cost Pressure: The unprecedented surge in cocoa prices poses an existential challenge to margins. The company's pricing power will be tested as it attempts to balance volume preservation with profitability.
  • Market Share Dynamics: The 18 basis point share decline in U.S. CMG indicates vulnerability in the core chocolate business, though gains in seasonal and refreshment categories provide some offset.
  • Operational Efficiency: The $125 million in projected savings from the Agility & Automation Initiative may prove insufficient to counter commodity headwinds, necessitating additional cost management measures.

    The transformation program and productivity initiatives, while promising, may struggle to offset the magnitude of cost pressures. Investors should monitor the company's ability to maintain volume as it implements necessary pricing actions, particularly given existing elasticity impacts in the confectionery segment.

HERSHEY, Pa., Feb. 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hershey Company (NYSE: HSY) today announced net sales and earnings for the fourth quarter and full-year ended December 31, 2024.

"I am pleased to see the consumer response to our agile innovation, marketing and in-store execution as we end the year with momentum across our segments," said Michele Buck, The Hershey Company President and Chief Executive Officer. "While we continue to expect the surge in cocoa prices to put significant pressure on 2025 earnings, we will focus on driving top-line and share momentum, executing our transformation and productivity programs, and positioning ourselves to deliver peer-leading performance over the long-term."

Fourth-Quarter 2024 Financial Results Summary1

  • Consolidated net sales of $2,887.5 million, an increase of 8.7%.
  • Organic, constant currency net sales increased 9.0%.
  • The impact of acquisitions on net sales was a 0.2 point benefit2 while currency exchange was a 0.5 point headwind.
  • Reported net income of $796.6 million, or $3.92 per share-diluted, an increase of 130.6%.
  • Adjusted earnings per share-diluted of $2.69, an increase of 33.2%.

1 All comparisons for the fourth quarter of 2024 are with respect to the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2023.

2 Reflects the impact from the 2024 acquisition of Sour Strips.

2024 Full-Year Financial Results Summary3

  • Consolidated net sales of $11,202.3 million, an increase of 0.3%.
  • Organic, constant currency net sales increased 0.4%.
  • Reported net income of $2,221.2 million, or $10.92 per share-diluted, an increase of 20.5%.
  • Adjusted earnings per share-diluted of $9.37, a decrease of 2.3%.

3 All comparisons for full-year 2024 are with respect to the full-year ended December 31, 2023.

2025 Full-Year Financial Outlook Summary
The company expects net sales growth of at least 2%, driven primarily by net price realization. Reported earnings per share is expected to be down in the high-40% range as higher commodity costs, rebased incentive compensation, and a higher economic tax rate are expected to more than offset price realization, productivity and cost savings programs.  The company projects adjusted earnings per share to be down in the mid-30% range when excluding one-time costs associated with cost savings initiatives and acquisition integration activities.  The gap between the reported and adjusted earnings per share growth outlooks primarily reflects a large derivative mark-to-market gain recorded in reported earnings per share in 2024.

2025 Full-Year Outlook

Total Company

Net sales growth4

At least 2%

Reported earnings per share growth

Down high-40% range

Adjusted earnings per share growth

Down mid-30% range

4 The impact of the Sour Strips acquisition is anticipated to be an approximate 30 basis point benefit to net sales growth for the full-year 2025. Additionally, the impact of foreign currency exchange rates is anticipated to be an approximate 30 basis point headwind to net sales growth for the full-year 2025.

The company also expects:

  • A reported and adjusted effective tax rate in the range of approximately 14% to 15%;
  • Other expense, which primarily reflects the write-down of equity investments that qualify for a tax credit, of approximately $170 million to $180 million;
  • Interest expense of approximately $190 million to $195 million, reflecting a higher interest rate environment;
  • Capital expenditures of approximately $425 million to $450 million, as capital spending as a percentage of sales returns to historical levels; and
  • Advancing Agility & Automation Initiative savings of approximately $125 million.

Below is a reconciliation of projected 2025 and full-year 2024 and 2023 earnings per share-diluted calculated in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to non-GAAP adjusted earnings per share-diluted:

2025 (Projected)



Reported EPS – Diluted

$5.54 - $5.86



Derivative Mark-to-Market (Gains) Losses



Business Realignment Activities

0.40 - 0.50



Acquisition and Integration-Related Activities

0.03 - 0.07



Other Miscellaneous (Benefits) Losses


Tax Effect of All Adjustments Reflected Above




Adjusted EPS – Diluted

$6.00 - $6.18




2025 projected earnings per share-diluted, as presented above, does not include the impact of mark-to-market gains and losses on our commodity derivative contracts that are reflected within corporate unallocated expense in segment results until the related inventory is sold since we are not able to forecast the impact of the market changes.

Fourth Quarter 2024 Components of Net Sales Growth
A reconciliation between reported net sales growth rates and organic constant currency net sales growth rates, along with the contribution from net price realization and volume, is provided below:

Three Months Ended December 31, 2024

Change as

Impact of

Change on

Impact of

Change on







North America Confectionery

6.0 %

(0.1) %

6.1 %

0.2 %

5.9 %

4 %

2 %

North America Salty Snacks

35.9 %

— %

35.9 %

— %

35.9 %

(5) %

41 %


9.8 %

(5.2) %

15.0 %

— %

15.0 %

— %

15 %

Total Company

8.7 %

(0.5) %

9.2 %

0.2 %

9.0 %

3 %

6 %

*Percentage changes may not compute directly as shown due to rounding of amounts presented above.


Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2024

Change as

Impact of

Change on

Impact of

Change on






North America Confectionery

— %

— %

— %

0.1 %

(0.1) %

4 %

(4) %

North America Salty Snacks

3.9 %

— %

3.9 %

— %

3.9 %

(1) %

5 %


(0.1) %

(1.0) %

0.9 %

— %

0.9 %

2 %

(1) %

Total Company

0.3 %

(0.1) %

0.4 %

— %

0.4 %

3 %

(2) %

*Percentage changes may not compute directly as shown due to rounding of amounts presented above.

The company presents certain percentage changes in net sales on a constant currency basis, which excludes the impact of foreign currency exchange.  To present this information for historical periods, current period net sales for entities reporting in currencies other than the U.S. dollar are translated into U.S. dollars at the average monthly exchange rates in effect during the corresponding period of the prior fiscal year, rather than at the actual average monthly exchange rates in effect during the current period of the current fiscal year.  As a result, the foreign currency impact is equal to the current year results in local currencies multiplied by the change in the average foreign currency exchange rate between the current fiscal period and the corresponding period of the prior fiscal year.

Fourth-Quarter 2024 Results
Consolidated net sales increased 8.7% to $2,887.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2024. Organic, constant currency net sales increased 9.0%, driven by the lap of the planned inventory declines within North America Salty Snacks related to the Q4 2023 ERP implementation, favorable net price realization of approximately 3 points, two additional shipping days, and inventory timing benefits.

Reported gross margin increased 1170 basis points to 54.0% in the fourth quarter of 2024, driven by derivative mark-to-market gains, net price realization, higher sales volume, supply chain productivity, and a timing benefit related to the inventory valuation method, more than offsetting higher commodity costs and negative sales mix.  Adjusted gross margin increased 60 basis points to 44.8% in the fourth quarter of 2024.  Net price realization, higher sales volume, supply chain productivity, and a timing benefit related to the inventory valuation method more than offset higher commodity costs and negative sales mix.

Selling, marketing and administrative expenses decreased 5.5% in the fourth quarter of 2024 versus the prior-year period, primarily driven by lower compensation and benefit costs and reduced capability and technology investments, partially offset by increased investments in advertising and related consumer marketing expenses.  Advertising and related consumer marketing expenses increased by 2.4% in the fourth quarter of 2024 versus the same period last year, driven by increased investments in North America Confectionery and North America Salty Snacks.  Selling, marketing and administrative expenses, excluding advertising and related consumer marketing, decreased 8.8% versus the fourth quarter of 2023, driven by lower compensation and benefit costs, reduced technology investments related to the upgrade of the Company's ERP system, and transformation program net savings.

Fourth-quarter 2024 reported operating profit was $939.1 million, an increase of 102.3% versus the fourth quarter of 2023, resulting in an operating profit margin of 32.5%, an increase of 1500 basis points versus the prior year period.  This increase was primarily driven by derivative mark-to-market gains.  Adjusted operating profit of $696.8 million increased 28.0% versus the fourth quarter of 2023, resulting in adjusted operating profit margin of 24.1%, an increase of 360 basis points, driven by net price realization, higher sales volume, transformation program net savings, supply chain productivity, and reduced incentive compensation, which more than offset higher commodity costs and negative sales mix.

The reported effective tax rate in the fourth quarter of 2024 was (10.2)% compared to (9.2)% in the fourth quarter of 2023, a decrease of 100 basis points.  The adjusted effective tax rate in the fourth quarter of 2024 was (13.7)% compared to (3.8)% in the fourth quarter of 2023, a decrease of 990 basis points.  The adjusted effective tax rate decrease was driven by higher renewable energy tax credits versus the prior year period.

The company's fourth-quarter 2024 results, as prepared in accordance with GAAP, included items negatively impacting comparability of $242.4 million, or $1.23 per share-diluted.  For the fourth quarter of 2023, items positively impacting comparability totaled $79.9 million, or $0.32 per share-diluted.

The following table presents a summary of items impacting comparability in each period (see Appendix I for additional information):

Pre-Tax (millions)

Earnings Per Share-Diluted

Three Months Ended

Three Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Derivative Mark-to-Market (Gains) Losses

$              (264.7)

$                  53.7

$                (1.30)

$                  0.26

Business Realignment Activities



Acquisition and Integration-Related Activities





Other Miscellaneous Benefits



Tax Effect of All Adjustments Reflected Above



$              (242.4)

$                  79.9

$                (1.23)

$                  0.32


Pre-Tax (millions)

Earnings Per Share-Diluted

Twelve Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Derivative Mark-to-Market (Gains) Losses

$              (460.4)

$                  58.9

$                (2.26)

$                  0.29

Business Realignment Activities





Acquisition and Integration-Related Activities





Other Miscellaneous Benefits



Tax Effect of All Adjustments Reflected Above



$              (303.0)

$                138.2

$                (1.55)

$                  0.53

The following are comments about segment performance for the fourth quarter of 2024 versus the prior year period. See the schedule of supplementary information within this press release for additional information on segment net sales and profit.

North America Confectionery
Hershey's North America Confectionery segment net sales were $2,354.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2024, an increase of 6.0% versus the same period last year.  Organic, constant currency net sales increased 5.9%, driven by approximately 4-points of net price realization.  Volume increased approximately 2 points, driven by the anticipated benefits from shipment timing and two additional shipping days which more than offset declines related to price elasticity.

Hershey's U.S. candy, mint and gum (CMG) retail takeaway for the twelve-week period ended December 29, 2024 in the multi-outlet plus convenience store channels (MULO+ w/ Convenience5) increased 2.2% versus the prior year period.  Hershey's CMG share declined by 18 basis points as seasonal, sweets, and refreshment share gains were more than offset by declines in everyday chocolate share.  Organic net sales growth outpaced retail takeaway due to the anticipated benefits from shipment timing and two additional shipping days.

 5 MULO+ w/Convenience expanded in the second quarter of 2024 to include club, drug, and e-commerce customers previously classified as unmeasured

North America Confectionery segment income was $808.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2024, reflecting an increase of 11.5% versus the prior year period.  This resulted in segment margin of 34.3%, an increase of 170 basis points.  Gains were driven by net sales growth, transformation program savings, supply chain productivity, and a timing benefit related to the inventory valuation method, which more than offset higher commodity costs, negative sales mix and brand investment.

North America Salty Snacks
Hershey's North America Salty Snacks segment net sales were $278.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2024, an increase of 35.9% versus the same period last year.  Volume increased approximately 41 points, of which approximately 21 points related to lapping planned inventory declines related to the ERP system implementation in the fourth quarter of 2023.  Two additional shipping days and shipment timing shifts from the third quarter into the fourth quarter amounted to an incremental high-single-digit tailwind. Excluding these inventory and timing impacts, base business volume increased low-double-digits.  Net price realization was an approximate 5-point headwind due to stronger than planned contribution from a large promotional event in the fourth quarter.

Hershey's U.S. salty snack retail takeaway in MULO+ w/ Convenience5 increased 7.1% in the 12-week period ended December 29, 2024.  SkinnyPop ready-to-eat popcorn retail sales increased 4.7%, driven by velocity, the planned shift of a key promotional event from the third quarter to the fourth quarter, and innovation. SkinnyPop ready-to-eat popcorn share increased 156-basis points in the fourth quarter.  Dot's Homestyle Pretzels retail sales increased 20.9%, resulting in a 325-basis point pretzel category share gain.    

 5 MULO+ w/Convenience expanded in the second quarter of 2024 to include club, drug, and e-commerce customers previously classified as unmeasured

North America Salty Snacks segment income was $54.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2024, reflecting an increase of 424.1% versus the prior-year period.  This resulted in a segment margin of 19.5%, an increase of 1,440 basis points versus the prior-year period.  Segment income gains and margin expansion were driven by higher sales and increased productivity, which more than offset increased brand investment.

Fourth-quarter 2024 net sales for Hershey's International segment increased 9.8% versus the same period last year to $254.5 million.  Organic, constant currency net sales increased 15.0% driven by double-digit volume growth across Mexico and Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), and high-single digit growth in India.

International segment income was $29.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2024, a 44.7% increase versus the prior year period driven by sales growth, supply chain productivity, and reduced selling and administrative expenses, which more than offset higher commodity costs.  This resulted in a segment margin of 11.6%, an increase of 280 basis points versus the prior year period.

Unallocated Corporate Expense
Hershey's unallocated corporate expense in the fourth quarter of 2024 was $195.4 million, a decrease of $15.8 million, or 7.5% versus the same period of 2023.  This decrease was driven by lower compensation and benefit costs and reduced technology investments related to the upgrade of the Company's ERP system.

Live Webcast
At approximately 7:00 a.m. (Eastern time) today, Hershey will post a pre-recorded management discussion of its fourth-quarter and full-year 2024 results and business update to its website at  In addition, at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern time) today, the company will host a live question and answer session with investors and financial analysts.  Details to access this call are available on the company's website.

Note:  In this release, for the fourth-quarter of and full-year 2024, Hershey references income measures that are not in accordance with GAAP because they exclude certain items impacting comparability, including gains and losses associated with mark-to-market commodity derivatives, business realignment activities, acquisition and integration-related activities, other miscellaneous losses and benefits and a tax reserve adjustment.  The company refers to these income measures as "adjusted" or "non-GAAP" financial measures throughout this release.  These non-GAAP financial measures are used in evaluating results of operations for internal purposes and are not intended to replace the presentation of financial results in accordance with GAAP.  Rather, the company believes exclusion of such items provides additional information to investors to facilitate the comparison of past and present operations.  A reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measures referenced in this release to their nearest comparable GAAP financial measures as presented in the Consolidated Statements of Income is provided below.

Reconciliation of Certain Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Consolidated results

Three Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

In thousands except per share data

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Reported gross profit

$             1,558,343

$             1,123,142

$             5,300,888

$             4,997,816

Derivative mark-to-market (gains) losses





Business realignment activities



Acquisition and integration-related activities





Non-GAAP gross profit

$             1,294,309

$             1,174,609

$             4,855,016

$             5,055,578

Reported operating profit

$                939,147

$                464,329

$             2,898,232

$             2,560,867

Derivative mark-to-market (gains) losses





Business realignment activities




Acquisition and integration-related activities





Other miscellaneous benefits



Non-GAAP operating profit

$                696,820

$                544,215

$             2,595,253

$             2,699,097

Reported (benefit) provision for income taxes

$                (73,534)

$                (29,367)

$                252,697

$                310,077

Derivative mark-to-market (gains) losses*





Business realignment activities*




Acquisition and integration-related activities*





Other miscellaneous benefits*



Tax Reserve Adjustment



Non-GAAP (benefit) provision for income taxes

$                (65,627)

$                (15,108)

$                263,939

$                339,300

Reported net income

$                796,591

$                349,042

$             2,221,239

$             1,861,787

Derivative mark-to-market (gains) losses





Business realignment activities




Acquisition and integration-related activities





Other miscellaneous benefits



Tax Reserve Adjustment



Non-GAAP net income

$                546,357

$                414,667

$             1,907,018

$             1,970,794


Reconciliation of Certain Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Consolidated results

Three Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Reported EPS - Diluted

$                       3.92

$                       1.70

$                    10.92

$                       9.06

Derivative mark-to-market (gains) losses





Business realignment activities




Acquisition and integration-related activities





Other miscellaneous benefits



Tax effect of all adjustments reflected above**





Non-GAAP EPS - Diluted

$                       2.69

$                       2.02

$                       9.37

$                       9.59

* The tax effect for each adjustment is determined by calculating the tax impact of the adjustment on the company's quarterly effective tax rate, unless the nature of the item and/or the tax jurisdiction in which the item has been recorded requires application of a specific tax rate or tax treatment, in which case the tax effect of such item is estimated by applying such specific tax rate or tax treatment.

** Adjustments reported above are reported on a pre-tax basis before the tax effect described in the reconciliation above for Non-GAAP provision for income taxes.


In the assessment of our results, we review and discuss the following financial metrics that are derived from the reported and non-GAAP financial measures presented above:

Three Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

As reported gross margin

54.0 %

42.3 %

47.3 %

44.8 %

Non-GAAP gross margin (1)

44.8 %

44.2 %

43.3 %

45.3 %

As reported operating profit margin

32.5 %

17.5 %

25.9 %

22.9 %

Non-GAAP operating profit margin (2)

24.1 %

20.5 %

23.2 %

24.2 %

As reported effective tax rate

(10.2) %

(9.2) %

10.2 %

14.3 %

Non-GAAP effective tax rate (3)

(13.7) %

(3.8) %

12.2 %

14.7 %


Calculated as non-GAAP gross profit as a percentage of net sales for each period presented.


Calculated as non-GAAP operating profit as a percentage of net sales for each period presented.


Calculated as non-GAAP provision for income taxes as a percentage of non-GAAP income before taxes (calculated as non-GAAP operating profit minus non-GAAP interest expense, net plus or minus non-GAAP other (income) expense, net).


Appendix I
Details of the charges included in GAAP results, as summarized in the press release (above), are as follows:

Derivative Mark-to-Market Losses (Gains):  The mark-to-market losses (gains) on commodity derivatives are recorded as unallocated and excluded from adjusted results until such time as the related inventory is sold, at which time the corresponding losses (gains) are reclassified from unallocated to segment income.  Since we often purchase commodity contracts to price inventory requirements in future years, we make this adjustment to facilitate the year-over-year comparison of cost of sales on a basis that matches the derivative gains and losses with the underlying economic exposure being hedged for the period.

Business Realignment Activities:  We periodically undertake restructuring and cost reduction activities as part of ongoing efforts to enhance long-term profitability.  During the first quarter of 2024, we commenced the Advancing Agility & Automation Initiative to improve supply chain and manufacturing-related spend, optimize selling, general and administrative expenses, leverage new technology and business models to further simplify and automate processes, and generate long-term savings.  During the three- and 12-months ended December 2024, business realignment charges related primarily to third-party costs supporting the design and implementation of the new organizational structure, as well as severance and employee benefit costs.  During the fourth quarter of 2020, we commenced the International Optimization Program to streamline resources and investments in select international markets, including the optimization of our China operating model to improve efficiencies and provide a more sustainable and simplified base going forward.  During the three- and 12-months ended December 2023, business realignment charges related primarily to other third-party costs related to this program, as well as severance and employee benefit costs.  This program was completed in 2023.

Acquisition and Integration-Related Activities:  During the three- and 12-months ended December 2024, we incurred integration-related costs for the acquisition of the Sour Strips brand from Actual Candy, LLC into our North America Confectionery segment, the acquisitions of two manufacturing plants from Weaver Popcorn Manufacturing, Inc. ("Weaver") and the integration of the 2021 acquisitions of Dot's Pretzels, LLC ("Dot's") and Pretzels Inc. ("Pretzels") into our North America Salty Snacks segment.  During the three- and 12-months ended December 2023, we incurred costs related to the acquisition of two manufacturing plants from Weaver, the integration of the 2021 acquisitions of Dot's and Pretzels into our North America Salty Snacks segment and costs related to building and upgrading our new ERP system for implementation across our North America Salty Snacks segment in the fourth quarter of 2023. 

Other Miscellaneous Benefits:  In 2024, we recorded a gain on the sale of non-operating assets located in the International segment.

Tax Reserve Adjustment:  In 2024, we recognized a $43 million positive adjustment due to the release of a prior year tax reserve associated with U.S. tax reform.

Tax Effect of All Adjustments:  This line item reflects the aggregate tax effect of all pre-tax adjustments reflected in the preceding line items of the applicable table.  The tax effect for each adjustment is determined by calculating the tax impact of the adjustment on the company's quarterly effective tax rate, unless the nature of the item and/or the tax jurisdiction in which the item has been recorded requires application of a specific tax rate or tax treatment, in which case the tax effect of such item is estimated by applying such specific tax rate or tax treatment.

Safe Harbor Statement
This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including but not limited to our 2024 Full-year Financial Outlook and other statements regarding our business outlook and financial performance. Many of these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "assume," "believe," "continue," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "future," "intend," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "strategy," "target" and similar terms, and future or conditional tense verbs like "could," "may," "might," "should," "will" and "would," among others. These statements are made based upon current expectations that are subject to risk and uncertainty. Because actual results may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, you should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements when deciding whether to buy, sell or hold the Company's securities. Factors that could cause results to differ materially include, but are not limited to: disruptions or inefficiencies in our supply chain due to the loss or disruption of essential manufacturing or supply elements or other factors; issues or concerns related to the quality and safety of our products, ingredients or packaging, human and workplace rights, and other environmental, social or governance matters; changes in raw material and other costs, along with the availability of adequate supplies of raw materials and the Company's ability to successfully hedge against volatility in raw material pricing; the Company's ability to successfully execute business continuity plans to address changes in consumer preferences and the broader economic and operating environment; selling price increases, including volume declines associated with pricing elasticity; market demand for our new and existing products; increased marketplace competition; failure to successfully execute and integrate acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures; changes in governmental laws, regulations and policies, including taxes and tariffs; political, economic, and/or financial market conditions, including with respect to inflation, rising interest rates, slower growth or recession, changes in the U.S. administration, and other events beyond our control such as the impacts on the business arising from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine; risks and uncertainties related to our international operations; disruptions, failures or security breaches of our information technology infrastructure and that of our customers and partners (including our suppliers); our ability to hire, engage and retain a talented global workforce, our ability to realize expected cost savings and operating efficiencies associated with strategic initiatives or restructuring programs; complications with the design, implementation or usage of our new enterprise resource planning system, including the ability to support post-implementation efforts and maintain enhancements, new features or modifications; and such other matters as discussed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and from time to time in our other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  The company undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statement to actual results or changes in the company's expectations.


The Hershey Company

Consolidated Statements of Income

for the periods ended December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023

(unaudited) (in thousands except percentages and per share amounts)

Three Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Net sales

$     2,887,540

$     2,657,111

$   11,202,263

$   11,164,992

Cost of sales





Gross profit





Selling, marketing and administrative expense





Business realignment (benefits) costs




Operating profit





Interest expense, net





Other (income) expense, net





Income before income taxes





(Benefit) provision for income taxes





Net income attributable to The Hershey Company

$        796,591

$        349,042

$     2,221,239

$     1,861,787

Net income per share

- Basic

- Common

$              4.03

$              1.75

$            11.22

$              9.31

- Diluted

- Common

$              3.92

$              1.70

$            10.92

$              9.06

- Basic

- Class B

$              3.66

$              1.59

$            10.20

$              8.52

Shares outstanding

- Basic

- Common





- Diluted

- Common





- Basic

- Class B





Key margins:

Gross margin

54.0 %

42.3 %

47.3 %

44.8 %

Operating profit margin

32.5 %

17.5 %

25.9 %

22.9 %

Net margin

27.6 %

13.1 %

19.8 %

16.7 %


The Hershey Company

Supplementary Information – Segment Results

for the periods ended December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023

(unaudited) (in thousands except percentages)

Three Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

% Change

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

% Change

Net sales:

    North America Confectionery

$        2,354,151

$        2,220,248

6.0 %

$        9,118,590

$        9,123,139

— %

    North America Salty Snacks



35.9 %



3.9 %




9.8 %



(0.1) %


$        2,887,540

$        2,657,111

8.7 %

$      11,202,263

$      11,164,992

0.3 %

Segment income:

    North America Confectionery

$           808,174

$           724,647

11.5 %

$        2,945,688

$        3,117,044

(5.5) %

    North America Salty Snacks



424.1 %



25.9 %




44.7 %



(24.8) %

Total segment income



18.1 %



(4.9) %

Unallocated corporate expense (1)



(7.5) %



(8.7) %

Mark-to-market adjustment for commodity derivatives (2)







Costs associated with business realignment initiatives






Acquisition and integration-related activities



(43.0) %



(40.4) %

Other miscellaneous benefits





Operating profit



102.3 %



13.2 %

Interest expense, net



6.5 %



9.1 %

Other (income) expense, net



64.5 %



9.0 %

Income before income taxes

$           723,057

$           319,675

126.2 %

$        2,473,936

$        2,171,864

13.9 %

(1)   Includes centrally-managed (a) corporate functional costs relating to legal, treasury, finance, and human resources, (b) expenses associated with the oversight and administration of our global operations, including warehousing, distribution and manufacturing, information systems and global shared services, (c) non-cash stock-based compensation expense, and (d) other gains or losses that are not integral to segment performance.

(2)   Net (gains) losses on mark-to-market valuation of commodity derivative positions recognized in unallocated derivative losses (gains).

NM - not meaningful


Three Months Ended

Twelve Months Ended

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Segment income (loss) as a percent of net sales:

North America Confectionery

34.3 %

32.6 %

32.3 %

34.2 %

North America Salty Snacks

19.5 %

5.1 %

17.6 %

14.5 %


11.6 %

8.8 %

11.8 %

15.6 %


The Hershey Company

Consolidated Balance Sheets

as of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023

(in thousands of dollars)


December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023


Cash and cash equivalents

$                          730,746

$                          401,902

Accounts receivable - trade, net






Prepaid expenses and other



Total current assets



Property, plant and equipment, net






Other intangibles



Other non-current assets



Deferred income taxes



Total assets

$                    12,946,861

$                    11,902,941

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Accounts payable

$                      1,159,177

$                      1,086,183

Accrued liabilities



Accrued income taxes



Short-term debt



Current portion of long-term debt



Total current liabilities



Long-term debt



Other long-term liabilities



Deferred income taxes



Total liabilities



Total stockholders' equity



Total liabilities and stockholders' equity

$                    12,946,861

$                    11,902,941


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SOURCE The Hershey Company


What is Hershey's (HSY) revenue guidance for 2025?

Hershey expects net sales growth of at least 2% in 2025, primarily driven by net price realization.

How much did Hershey's (HSY) Q4 2024 sales increase?

Hershey's Q4 2024 consolidated net sales increased 8.7% to $2,887.5 million, with organic constant currency net sales up 9.0%.

What is causing Hershey's (HSY) projected earnings decline in 2025?

The projected earnings decline is primarily due to higher commodity costs (especially cocoa), rebased incentive compensation, and a higher economic tax rate.

How did Hershey's (HSY) North America Salty Snacks segment perform in Q4 2024?

The North America Salty Snacks segment sales increased 35.9%, with volume up approximately 41 points and segment income increasing 424.1%.

What was Hershey's (HSY) full-year 2024 adjusted EPS performance?

Hershey's full-year 2024 adjusted earnings per share-diluted was $9.37, representing a decrease of 2.3% compared to 2023.

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Sugar & Confectionery Products
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