Hershey Empowers the Next Generation With Youth Development Initiatives and Creative Collaborations

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Hershey has strengthened its youth development initiatives through two social impact campaigns, collaborating with nonprofit partners to empower young people. The company supported Girls on the Run and Girl Up, sponsoring 5K races and providing mentors for an alumnae program. Hershey also expanded its partnership with Memphis Music Initiative for KIT KAT's Black Music Month campaign, involving five additional creative youth development nonprofits across the U.S.

The campaign celebrated young Black creatives, connected organizations, and formed a national youth advisory council. Participating organizations included We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project, and Trombone Shorty Foundation. These initiatives aim to provide young people with skills for success and create meaningful collaborations that showcase their talents.

Hershey ha rafforzato le sue iniziative di sviluppo giovanile attraverso due campagne di impatto sociale, collaborando con partner senza scopo di lucro per dare potere ai giovani. L'azienda ha supportato Girls on the Run e Girl Up, sponsorizzando corse di 5 km e fornendo mentori per un programma di alunni. Hershey ha anche ampliato la sua partnership con Memphis Music Initiative per la campagna del Black Music Month di KIT KAT, coinvolgendo cinque ulteriori organizzazioni di sviluppo giovanile creativo negli Stati Uniti.

La campagna ha celebrato i giovani creativi neri, connesso organizzazioni e formato un consiglio consultivo nazionale per i giovani. Le organizzazioni partecipanti includevano We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project e Trombone Shorty Foundation. Queste iniziative mirano a fornire ai giovani le competenze per avere successo e a creare collaborazioni significative che mettano in mostra i loro talenti.

Hershey ha fortalecido sus iniciativas de desarrollo juvenil a través de dos campañas de impacto social, colaborando con socios sin fines de lucro para empoderar a los jóvenes. La empresa apoyó a Girls on the Run y Girl Up, patrocinando carreras de 5K y proporcionando mentores para un programa de exalumnos. Hershey también amplió su asociación con Memphis Music Initiative para la campaña del Mes de la Música Negra de KIT KAT, involucrando a cinco organizaciones adicionales de desarrollo juvenil creativo en los EE. UU.

La campaña celebró a jóvenes creativos afroamericanos, conectó organizaciones y formó un consejo consultivo nacional juvenil. Las organizaciones participantes incluyeron We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project y Trombone Shorty Foundation. Estas iniciativas tienen como objetivo proporcionar a los jóvenes habilidades para el éxito y crear colaboraciones significativas que muestren sus talentos.

허쉬는 비영리 파트너와 협력하여 청소년을 지원하는 두 개의 사회적 영향 캠페인을 통해 청소년 개발 이니셔티브를 강화했습니다. 회사는 Girls on the RunGirl Up을 지원하며 5K 경주를 후원하고 동문 프로그램을 위한 멘토를 제공했습니다. 또한 허쉬는 KIT KAT의 흑인 음악의 달 캠페인을 위해 Memphis Music Initiative와의 파트너십을 확장하고, 미국 전역의 다섯 개의 추가 창의적인 청소년 개발 비영리 단체를 포함시켰습니다.

이 캠페인은 젊은 흑인 창작자들을 축하하고, 조직들을 연결하며, 국가 청소년 자문 위원회를 구성했습니다. 참여한 조직으로는 We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project, Trombone Shorty Foundation 등이 있습니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 젊은이들에게 성공을 위한 기술을 제공하고 그들의 재능을 보여주는 의미 있는 협업을 창출하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Hershey a renforcé ses initiatives de développement des jeunes à travers deux campagnes d'impact social, en collaborant avec des partenaires à but non lucratif pour autonomiser les jeunes. L'entreprise a soutenu Girls on the Run et Girl Up, en sponsorisant des courses de 5 km et en fournissant des mentors pour un programme d'anciens élèves. Hershey a également élargi son partenariat avec Memphis Music Initiative pour la campagne du Mois de la Musique Noire de KIT KAT, impliquant cinq organisations supplémentaires de développement créatif des jeunes aux États-Unis.

La campagne a célébré les jeunes créateurs noirs, connecté des organisations et formé un conseil consultatif national des jeunes. Les organisations participantes comprenaient We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project et Trombone Shorty Foundation. Ces initiatives visent à fournir aux jeunes des compétences pour réussir et à créer des collaborations significatives qui mettent en valeur leurs talents.

Hershey hat seine Initiativen zur Jugendförderung durch zwei soziale Impact-Kampagnen gestärkt, in denen das Unternehmen mit gemeinnützigen Partnern zusammenarbeitet, um junge Menschen zu ermächtigen. Das Unternehmen unterstützte Girls on the Run und Girl Up, indem es 5-Kilometer-Rennen sponsorte und Mentoren für ein Alumni-Programm bereitstellte. Hershey erweiterte auch die Partnerschaft mit Memphis Music Initiative für die Black Music Month-Kampagne von KIT KAT und bezog fünf weitere kreative gemeinnützige Organisationen zur Jugendförderung in die USA ein.

Die Kampagne feierte junge schwarze Kreative, verband Organisationen und bildete einen nationalen Jugendbeirat. Zu den teilnehmenden Organisationen gehörten We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project und die Trombone Shorty Foundation. Diese Initiativen zielen darauf ab, den jungen Menschen Fähigkeiten für den Erfolg zu vermitteln und bedeutungsvolle Kooperationen zu schaffen, die ihre Talente zur Geltung bringen.

  • Expanded youth development initiatives through partnerships with nonprofit organizations
  • Increased support for empowering young women through Girls on the Run and Girl Up collaborations
  • Extended KIT KAT's Black Music Month campaign to include five additional creative youth development nonprofits
  • None.

Originally published in Hershey's 2023 ESG Report

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2024 / The Hershey Company

Hershey believes passionately in supporting youth development to ensure that young people have the skills they need to succeed in all aspects of life.

We were proud to deepen our support for youth development programs through two social impact campaigns. Together with our nonprofit partners, we found new ways to create authentic and meaningful collaborations that allowed the talent and unique contributions of young people to shine through.

Empowering Young Women

Beyond our collaboration with Girl Up and Girls on the Run for the Future CEO program launch on International Women's Day, we supported them by:

  • Sponsoring and showing up for Girls on the Run 5K races in five communities across the U.S.

  • Providing 11 Hershey employees to serve as mentors for Girl Up's first-ever alumnae mentorship program, an intensive three-month initiative

Celebrating Creativity

Hershey continued its partnership with Memphis Music Initiative (MMI), as part of KIT KAT®'s Black Music Month campaign. The campaign expanded its geographic focus to include partnerships with five additional creative youth development nonprofits in cities across the U.S.

The campaign:

  • Celebrated the next generation of Black creatives 105

  • Connected participating organizations, staff and young people to build relationships and learn from one another

  • Convened young people from each organization to join a national youth advisory council that met regularly with Hershey employees to advise on the campaign, packaging design and amplification strategy

  • Shared insights from Hershey employees on careers and how to plan and execute creative marketing campaigns

The participating organizations were:

"The young people were deeply impacted… It's hard to capture the singular experience of a young person seeing something they contributed to making in the public eye. For them to go into a store and find a product that was informed by their feedback and feature young people that look like them - is a powerful moment of representation."

Kathy Lindenmayer, Director of Development,

Memphis Music Initiative

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SOURCE: The Hershey Company

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What youth development initiatives has Hershey (HSY) recently undertaken?

Hershey (HSY) has recently strengthened its youth development initiatives through collaborations with Girls on the Run, Girl Up, and Memphis Music Initiative. The company also expanded KIT KAT's Black Music Month campaign to include partnerships with five additional creative youth development nonprofits across the U.S.

How is Hershey (HSY) supporting young women through its partnerships?

Hershey (HSY) is supporting young women by sponsoring Girls on the Run 5K races in five U.S. communities and providing 11 Hershey employees as mentors for Girl Up's first-ever alumnae mentorship program, which is an intensive three-month initiative.

What organizations are involved in Hershey's (HSY) expanded KIT KAT Black Music Month campaign?

The organizations involved in Hershey's (HSY) expanded KIT KAT Black Music Month campaign include Memphis Music Initiative, We Are Culture Creators, DC Strings, Urban Word, The Harmony Project, and Trombone Shorty Foundation, representing various cities across the United States.

How does Hershey's (HSY) youth advisory council for the KIT KAT campaign function?

Hershey's (HSY) youth advisory council for the KIT KAT campaign consists of young people from each participating organization who meet regularly with Hershey employees. The council advises on the campaign, packaging design, and amplification strategies, providing youth perspective and input.

The Hershey Company


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