Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. Announces Reimbursement Payment Determination Updates from CMS for its Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS®) Controller and Mouthpiece

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Helius Medical Technologies (Nasdaq:HSDT) announced updates on CMS reimbursement determinations for its Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS®) device. The PoNS Mouthpiece (HCPCS code A4594) reimbursement was set at $2,963.30 as a lump sum payment, effective January 1, 2025. Helius plans to challenge this determination, arguing it's based on discontinued temporary pricing and doesn't reflect current market rates.

CMS deferred the national reimbursement payment determination for the PoNS Controller (HCPCS Code A4593) to the next cycle. A preliminary rate of $519.80 was published, comparing it to TENS devices. Helius disagrees with this comparison and will present its case at the November 8, 2024 HCPCS public meeting.

CEO Dane Andreeff expressed strong disagreement with CMS' methods and pricing, emphasizing the company's significant R&D investment and the FDA's Breakthrough Device designation for PoNS. Helius aims to establish fair reimbursement to improve access for MS patients with gait deficits.

Helius Medical Technologies (Nasdaq:HSDT) ha annunciato aggiornamenti sulle decisioni di rimborso CMS per il suo dispositivo Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS®). Il rimborso dell'apparecchio PoNS Mouthpiece (codice HCPCS A4594) è stato fissato a 2.963,30 dollari come pagamento forfettario, a partire dal 1 gennaio 2025. Helius prevede di contestare questa decisione, sostenendo che si basa su una tariffazione temporanea disattivata e non riflette i tassi di mercato attuali.

Il CMS ha rinviato la decisione sul pagamento di rimborso nazionale per il PoNS Controller (Codice HCPCS A4593) al prossimo ciclo. È stata pubblicata una tariffa preliminare di 519,80 dollari, paragonandola ai dispositivi TENS. Helius non concorda con questo confronto e presenterà il proprio caso nella riunione pubblica HCPCS dell'8 novembre 2024.

Il CEO Dane Andreeff ha espresso forte disaccordo con i metodi e le tariffe del CMS, sottolineando il significativo investimento in R&S dell'azienda e la designazione di Dispositivo Innovativo da parte della FDA per il PoNS. Helius mira a stabilire un rimborso equo per migliorare l'accesso dei pazienti affetti da SM con deficit di deambulazione.

Helius Medical Technologies (Nasdaq:HSDT) anunció actualizaciones sobre las decisiones de reembolso de CMS para su dispositivo Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS®). El reembolso del aparato PoNS Mouthpiece (código HCPCS A4594) se estableció en 2,963.30 dólares como un pago único, efectivo a partir del 1 de enero de 2025. Helius planea impugnar esta decisión, argumentando que se basa en precios temporales descontinuados y no refleja las tarifas actuales del mercado.

El CMS diferió la decisión de pago de reembolso nacional para el PoNS Controller (Código HCPCS A4593) al próximo ciclo. Se publicó una tarifa preliminar de 519.80 dólares, comparándola con los dispositivos TENS. Helius no está de acuerdo con esta comparación y presentará su caso en la reunión pública de HCPCS el 8 de noviembre de 2024.

El CEO Dane Andreeff expresó un fuerte desacuerdo con los métodos y precios del CMS, enfatizando la significativa inversión de la compañía en I+D y la designación de Dispositivo Innovador por la FDA para el PoNS. Helius tiene como objetivo establecer un reembolso justo para mejorar el acceso para los pacientes con EM que tienen déficits de marcha.

헬리우스 메디컬 테크놀로지스(나스닥:HSDT)는 휴대용 신경조절 기기(포NS®)에 대한 CMS 환급 결정에 대한 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 포NS 마우스피스(HCPCS 코드 A4594)의 환급 금액은 2,963.30달러로 책정되었습니다 이는 2025년 1월 1일부터 적용됩니다. 헬리우스는 이 결정을 도전할 계획이며, 이는 일시적으로 중단된 가격에 기반하고 있으며 현재 시장 요금을 반영하지 않는다고 주장합니다.

CMS는 포NS 컨트롤러에 대한 국가 환급 지급 결정(HCPCS 코드 A4593)를 다음 주기로 연기했습니다. TENS 장치와 비교하여 519.80달러의 초기 요금이 발표되었습니다. 헬리우스는 이 비교에 동의하지 않으며 2024년 11월 8일 HCPCS 공개 회의에서 자신의 주장을 제기할 것입니다.

CEO 다네 안드리프는 CMS의 방법 및 가격 책정에 대해 강한 반대 입장을 표명하며, 회사의 상당한 연구 개발 투자와 FDA의 혁신 장치 지정에 대해 강조했습니다. 헬리우스는 보행 결함이 있는 다발성 경화증 환자에 대한 접근성을 개선하기 위해 공정한 환급을 확립하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Helius Medical Technologies (Nasdaq:HSDT) a annoncé des mises à jour concernant les décisions de remboursement de la CMS pour son dispositif Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS®). Le remboursement du système PoNS Mouthpiece (code HCPCS A4594) a été fixé à 2 963,30 dollars en tant que paiement forfaitaire, à compter du 1er janvier 2025. Helius prévoit de contester cette décision, affirmant qu'elle est basée sur des prix temporaires obsolètes et ne reflète pas les tarifs actuels du marché.

La CMS a reporté la décision de remboursement national pour le PoNS Controller (code HCPCS A4593) au prochain cycle. Un tarif préliminaire de 519,80 dollars a été publié, le comparant aux dispositifs TENS. Helius n'est pas d'accord avec cette comparaison et présentera son cas lors de la réunion publique du HCPCS le 8 novembre 2024.

Le PDG Dane Andreeff a exprimé son fort désaccord avec les méthodes et les prix de la CMS, soulignant l'investissement significatif de l'entreprise en R&D et la désignation de Dispositif Innovant par la FDA pour le PoNS. Helius vise à établir un remboursement équitable pour améliorer l'accès des patients atteints de SEP ayant des déficits de marche.

Helius Medical Technologies (Nasdaq:HSDT) gab Aktualisierungen zu den CMS-Rückerstimmungsentscheidungen für das Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS®) Gerät bekannt. Die Rückerstattung für das PoNS Mundstück (HCPCS-Code A4594) wurde auf 2.963,30 Dollar festgesetzt und tritt ab dem 1. Januar 2025 in Kraft. Helius plant, diese Entscheidung anzufechten, da sie auf eingestellten vorübergehenden Preisen basiert und die aktuellen Marktpreise nicht widerspiegelt.

Der CMS hat die nationale Rückerstattungsentscheidungsfindung für den PoNS Controller (HCPCS-Code A4593) in den nächsten Zyklus verschoben. Ein vorläufiger Tarif von 519,80 Dollar wurde veröffentlicht, der mit TENS-Geräten verglichen wird. Helius widerspricht diesem Vergleich und wird seinen Fall auf der öffentlichen Sitzung des HCPCS am 8. November 2024 präsentieren.

CEO Dane Andreeff äußerte starken Widerspruch gegen die Methoden und Preise des CMS und betonte das erhebliche F&E-Investment des Unternehmens sowie die Auszeichnung des PoNS als Durchbruchgerät durch die FDA. Helius hat das Ziel, eine faire Rückerstattung zu gewährleisten, um den Zugang für MS-Patienten mit Gangstörungen zu verbessern.

  • PoNS Mouthpiece reimbursement set at $2,963.30 as a lump sum payment
  • CMS corrected classification of PoNS Mouthpiece as an essential accessory
  • Opportunity to challenge and potentially increase reimbursement rates
  • FDA Breakthrough Device designation for PoNS technology
  • CMS deferred national reimbursement payment determination for PoNS Controller
  • Preliminary reimbursement rate for PoNS Controller set at only $519.80
  • Disagreement with CMS on pricing methodology and device comparisons
  • Potential delay in market access and revenue growth due to reimbursement issues


The CMS reimbursement determinations for Helius Medical's PoNS device are significant but disappointing for the company. The $2,963.30 lump sum payment for the PoNS Mouthpiece is lower than expected, based on inappropriate use of temporary introductory pricing. This could limit patient access and impact revenue potential.

The deferral of the PoNS Controller reimbursement decision and its preliminary classification as comparable to a TENS device ($519.80 capped payment) is concerning. This drastically undervalues the PoNS technology, which is FDA-designated as a Breakthrough Device for balance and gait deficits.

Helius plans to challenge both determinations, citing:

  • Contracted prices with VA, DoD, GSA and a major insurer are substantially higher
  • Significant R&D investment and clinical evidence support higher pricing
  • PoNS Controller is fundamentally different from TENS devices

The outcome of these challenges will be important for Helius's market access and financial outlook. Positive revisions could significantly boost revenue potential, while negative outcomes may hinder growth and delay the path to positive cash flow.

These CMS reimbursement determinations pose significant financial challenges for Helius Medical Technologies. The lower-than-expected pricing for the PoNS Mouthpiece and the potential undervaluation of the PoNS Controller could substantially impact the company's revenue projections and path to profitability.

Key financial implications:

  • Potential revenue constraints due to market access if pricing remains low
  • Increased costs associated with challenging CMS determinations
  • Delayed timeline for achieving positive cash flow
  • Possible need for additional capital if revenue growth is hindered

The stock may face downward pressure in the short term due to these uncertainties. However, successful appeals to CMS could lead to significant upside potential. Investors should closely monitor the outcomes of the November 8 public meeting and subsequent CMS decisions, as these will be critical in reassessing Helius's financial outlook and market opportunity.

-- Reimbursement Determination for the PoNS Mouthpiece (HCPCS code A4594) set at $2,963.30 on Lump Sum Payment to be challenged by Helius --

-- National Reimbursement Payment Determination from CMS for its PoNS Controller Deferred to the Next Cycle --

NEWTOWN, Pa., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Helius Medical Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:HSDT) (“Helius” or the “Company”), a neurotech company focused on delivering a novel therapeutic neuromodulation approach for balance and gait deficits, today announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) posted final Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies fee schedule payment rates for the PoNS Mouthpiece (HCPCS code A4594) at $2,963.30 to be implemented January 1, 2025 and deferred final national determination of the payment rate for the PoNS Controller (HCPCS Code A4593) to the next payment cycle.

“We strongly disagree with CMS’ methods, rationale, pricing and deferral for determining the payment rates for both the PoNS Mouthpiece and the PoNS Controller. Helius has spent millions of dollars in R&D to develop technology that the FDA designated a Breakthrough Device and cleared nearly four years ago. Further, the clinical and recent claims data supports fair pricing levels that would provide value for all stakeholders. This evidence will again soon be presented to CMS in efforts to establish appropriate pricing that would facilitate market access for the millions of MS patients who continue to suffer from gait deficit without the potential benefit of PoNS. We are hopeful that we will be able to finalize fair reimbursement for the PoNS Mouthpiece and Controller with CMS in the near future,” commented Helius’ President and Chief Executive Officer, Dane Andreeff. “We believe that increased patient access to our PoNS technology will support revenue growth and as we scale, we intend to establish a pathway to positive cash flow generation as we continue pursuing authorization for stroke in the U.S.”

CMS has corrected the reimbursement for the PoNS Mouthpiece as an essential accessory for which payment is made on a lump sum basis, as opposed to the preliminary determination of making monthly rental payments. The methodology used for setting the price remained the gap filling approach.

“We are pleased with the progress in correctly classifying the mouthpiece as an accessory and with using the gap filling approach, but we disagree with the use of prior temporary introductory pricing, discontinued early this year, in determination of the starting point. The temporary introductory pricing was offered in an attempt to make PoNS accessible to patients on a cash pay basis while we pursued reimbursement. However, it does not reflect current market pricing as it is substantially below the contracted prices with the VA, DoD and GSA and paid by a major insurance carrier,” continued Andreeff. “We will be approaching CMS prior to the CMS pricing taking effect on January 1, 2025 to request that they revisit the starting point for the gap filling process to more appropriately use the market pricing established through negotiation with the VA and an insurance carrier.”

As also published on October 7, 2024, CMS elected to defer final determination of reimbursement for the PoNS Controller until the next payment cycle due to “more time needed to evaluate this complex issue.” Subsequently, on October 8, 2024, CMS published the preliminary rate of reimbursement for the PoNS Controller at the capped total payment of $519.80, based on its view that the product is comparable to devices reported with HCPCS code E0730 (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device, four or more leads, for multiple nerve stimulation). This preliminary decision will be discussed at the HCPCS public meeting on November 8, 2024.

CMS previously made a preliminary determination that the PoNS Controller rate of reimbursement should be determined by reference to a different code, HCPCS code E0745, (Neuromuscular stimulator, electronic shock unit) in May 2024. Helius successfully rebutted this determination in the May 2024 public meeting and subsequent communications with CMS, resulting in CMS agreeing with the Company by not finalizing a payment rate based on HCPCS code E0745. Andreeff added “Now, under the new preliminary decision, CMS has pivoted to improperly find the PoNS Controller to be comparable to a TENS device.”

“We will again present the differences between the PoNS Controller from other devices, this time the TENS devices, in the upcoming public meeting and communications with CMS. We remain hopeful that CMS will properly set pricing for the PoNS Controller using the gap filling methodology that works off the government contract and insurance pricing,” concluded Andreeff.

About Helius Medical Technologies, Inc.

Helius Medical Technologies is a leading neurotech company in the medical device field focused on neurologic deficits using orally applied technology platform that amplifies the brain’s ability to engage physiologic compensatory mechanisms and promote neuroplasticity, improving the lives of people dealing with neurologic diseases. The Company’s first commercial product is the Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator. For more information about the PoNS® or Helius Medical Technologies, visit

About the PoNS Device and PoNS Therapy

The Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (“PoNS”) is an innovative, non-implantable, orally applied therapy that delivers neurostimulation through a mouthpiece connected to a controller and it’s used, primarily at home, with physical rehabilitation exercise, to improve balance and gait. The PoNS device, which delivers mild electrical impulses to the tongue, is indicated for use in the United States as a short-term treatment of gait deficit due to mild-to-moderate symptoms from multiple sclerosis (“MS”) and is to be used as an adjunct to a supervised therapeutic exercise program in patients 22 years of age and over by prescription only.

PoNS has shown effectiveness in treating gait or balance and a significant reduction in the risk of falling in stroke patients in Canada, where it received authorization for sale in three indications: (i) for use as a short-term treatment (14 weeks) of gait deficit due to mild and moderate symptoms from stroke and is to be used in conjunction with physical therapy; (ii) for use as a short-term treatment (14 weeks) of chronic balance deficit due to mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury (“mmTBI”) and is to be used in conjunction with physical therapy; and (iii) for use as a short-term treatment (14 weeks) of gait deficit due to mild and moderate symptoms from MS and is to be used in conjunction with physical therapy. PoNS is also authorized for sale in Australia for short term use by healthcare professionals as an adjunct to a therapeutic exercise program to improve balance and gait. For more information visit

Cautionary Disclaimer Statement

Certain statements in this news release are not based on historical facts and constitute forward-looking statements or forward-looking information within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “continue,” “will,” “goal,” “aim” and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements include, among others, statements regarding future CMS determinations, the Company’s future communications with CMS and the results of such communications, the development, commercialization and success of the Company’s PoNS and PoNS Treatment and the uses and effectiveness of PoNS and PoNS Therapy.

There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company’s expectations include uncertainties associated with the Company’s capital requirements to achieve its business objectives, availability of funds, the Company’s ability to find additional sources of funding, manufacturing, labor shortage and supply chain risks, including risks related to manufacturing delays, the Company’s ability to obtain national Medicare insurance coverage and to obtain a reimbursement code, the Company’s ability to continue to build internal commercial infrastructure, secure state distribution licenses, market awareness of the PoNS device, future clinical trials and the clinical development process, the product development process and the FDA regulatory submission review and approval process, other development activities, ongoing government regulation, and other risks detailed from time to time in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and its other filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the Canadian securities regulators, which can be obtained from either at or

The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from such statements except to the extent required by law.

Investor Relations Contact 

Philip Trip Taylor
Gilmartin Group


What is the CMS reimbursement rate for the PoNS Mouthpiece (HSDT)?

The CMS reimbursement rate for the PoNS Mouthpiece (HCPCS code A4594) is set at $2,963.30 as a lump sum payment, effective January 1, 2025.

Has CMS determined the reimbursement rate for the PoNS Controller (HSDT)?

CMS has deferred the national reimbursement payment determination for the PoNS Controller (HCPCS Code A4593) to the next cycle. A preliminary rate of $519.80 has been published, which Helius plans to challenge.

When will the HCPCS public meeting to discuss PoNS Controller reimbursement take place?

The HCPCS public meeting to discuss the PoNS Controller reimbursement is scheduled for November 8, 2024.

What is Helius Medical Technologies' (HSDT) stance on the CMS reimbursement determinations?

Helius strongly disagrees with CMS' methods, rationale, pricing, and deferral for determining the payment rates for both the PoNS Mouthpiece and Controller. The company plans to challenge these determinations.

Helius Medical Technologies, Inc.


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Medical Devices
Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
United States of America