The First in the Global Lidar Industry: Hesai Obtained ISO 21448 Intended Functional Safety Process Certification

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Hesai Technology, a global lidar industry leader, has become the first in the industry to obtain ISO 21448 Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) certification. This achievement, based on ISO 26262 functional safety and a QMS framework, underscores Hesai's advanced safety process system and integration of best practices in R&D. Since 2021, Hesai has developed a '3-in-1' safety system combining functional safety, SOTIF, and cybersecurity in lidar product design.

Hesai's innovations include a scenario library dimension table for testing perception features, proprietary active interference rejection technology, and the world's first Intelligent Point Cloud Engine (IPE). These advancements enhance lidar safety and stability in various conditions, effectively filtering out environmental noise and reducing misidentifications. The SOTIF certification significantly expands the operational design domain for intelligent driving systems, improving both user safety and driving experience.

Hesai Technology, leader globale nel settore dei lidar, è diventata la prima azienda del settore a ottenere la certificazione ISO 21448 sulla Sicurezza della Funzionalità Intesa (SOTIF). Questo traguardo, basato sulla sicurezza funzionale ISO 26262 e su un quadro di gestione della qualità (QMS), sottolinea il sistema avanzato di processi di sicurezza di Hesai e l'integrazione delle migliori pratiche nella ricerca e sviluppo. Dal 2021, Hesai ha sviluppato un sistema di sicurezza '3-in-1' che combina sicurezza funzionale, SOTIF e cybersecurity nel design dei prodotti lidar.

Le innovazioni di Hesai includono una tabella delle dimensioni della libreria di scenari per testare le funzionalità di percezione, una tecnologia proprietaria di rifiuto attivo delle interferenze, e il primo motore di nuvola di punti intelligente (IPE) al mondo. Questi progressi migliorano la sicurezza e la stabilità dei lidar in varie condizioni, filtrando efficacemente il rumore ambientale e riducendo le identificazioni errate. La certificazione SOTIF espande significativamente il dominio di progettazione operativa per i sistemi di guida intelligente, migliorando sia la sicurezza degli utenti che l'esperienza di guida.

Hesai Technology, líder global en la industria de lidar, se ha convertido en la primera en la industria en obtener la certificación ISO 21448 sobre la Seguridad de la Funcionalidad Intencionada (SOTIF). Este logro, basado en la seguridad funcional ISO 26262 y un marco de gestión de calidad (QMS), resalta el avanzado sistema de procesos de seguridad de Hesai y la integración de mejores prácticas en I+D. Desde 2021, Hesai ha desarrollado un sistema de seguridad '3-en-1' que combina seguridad funcional, SOTIF y ciberseguridad en el diseño de productos lidar.

Las innovaciones de Hesai incluyen una tabla de dimensiones de la biblioteca de escenarios para probar características de percepción, tecnología propietaria de rechazo activo de interferencias, y el primer motor de nube de puntos inteligente (IPE) del mundo. Estos avances mejoran la seguridad y estabilidad de lidar en diversas condiciones, filtrando efectivamente el ruido ambiental y reduciendo las identificaciones erróneas. La certificación SOTIF expande significativamente el dominio de diseño operativo para sistemas de conducción inteligente, mejorando tanto la seguridad del usuario como la experiencia de conducción.

헤사이 테크놀로지는 글로벌 라이더 산업의 선두주자로, 업계 최초로 ISO 21448 의도된 기능의 안전성(SOTIF) 인증을 획득했습니다. 이 성과는 ISO 26262 기능 안전성과 품질 관리 시스템(QMS) 프레임워크를 기반으로 하며, 헤사이의 고도화된 안전 프로세스 시스템과 R&D에서의 우수 사례 통합을 강조합니다. 2021년부터 헤사이는 라이더 제품 설계에서 기능 안전성, SOTIF 및 사이버 보안을 결합한 '3-in-1' 안전 시스템을 개발했습니다.

헤사이의 혁신에는 지각 기능 테스트를 위한 시나리오 라이브러리 차원 표, 독자적인 능동 간섭 거부 기술, 세계 최초의 지능형 포인트 클라우드 엔진(IPE)이 포함되어 있습니다. 이러한 발전은 다양한 조건에서 라이더의 안전성과 안정성을 향상시키며, 환경 소음을 효과적으로 필터링하고 잘못된 식별을 줄입니다. SOTIF 인증은 지능형 주행 시스템의 운영 설계 영역을 크게 확장하여 사용자 안전과 주행 경험을 모두 개선합니다.

Hesai Technology, leader mondial dans l'industrie des lidars, est devenue la première de l'industrie à obtenir la certification ISO 21448 sur la sécurité de la fonctionnalité prévue (SOTIF). Cet accomplissement, basé sur la sécurité fonctionnelle ISO 26262 et un cadre de gestion de la qualité (QMS), met en avant le système de processus de sécurité avancé de Hesai et l'intégration des meilleures pratiques en R&D. Depuis 2021, Hesai a développé un système de sécurité '3-en-1' combinant sécurité fonctionnelle, SOTIF et cybersécurité dans la conception de produits lidar.

Les innovations de Hesai comprennent une tableau de dimensions de la bibliothèque de scénarios pour tester les fonctions de perception, une technologie propriétaire de rejet actif des interférences, et le premier moteur de nuage de points intelligent (IPE) au monde. Ces avancées améliorent la sécurité et la stabilité des lidars dans diverses conditions, filtrant efficacement le bruit environnemental et réduisant les erreurs d'identification. La certification SOTIF élargit considérablement le domaine de conception opérationnelle pour les systèmes de conduite intelligente, améliorant à la fois la sécurité des utilisateurs et l'expérience de conduite.

Hesai Technology, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der LiDAR-Industrie, ist die erste im Sektor, die die ISO 21448-Zertifizierung für die Sicherheit der beabsichtigten Funktion (SOTIF) erhalten hat. Diese Errungenschaft, die auf der funktionalen Sicherheit gemäß ISO 26262 und einem QMS-Rahmen basiert, unterstreicht das fortschrittliche Sicherheitsprozess-System von Hesai und die Integration bewährter Verfahren in der Forschung und Entwicklung. Seit 2021 hat Hesai ein '3-in-1'-Sicherheitssystem entwickelt, das funktionale Sicherheit, SOTIF und Cyber-Sicherheit im Design von LiDAR-Produkten kombiniert.

Zu den Innovationen von Hesai gehören eine Szenariobibliothek-Dimensionstabelle zum Testen der Wahrnehmungsfunktionen, eine proprietäre aktive Störunterdrückungstechnologie sowie der weltweit erste Intelligent Point Cloud Engine (IPE). Diese Fortschritte erhöhen die Sicherheit und Stabilität von LiDAR unter verschiedenen Bedingungen, indem sie Umgebungsgeräusche effektiv herausfiltern und Fehlidentifikationen reduzieren. Die SOTIF-Zertifizierung erweitert den operativen Entwurfsbereich für intelligente Fahrzeugsysteme erheblich und verbessert sowohl die Sicherheit der Nutzer als auch das Fahrerlebnis.

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PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hesai Technology, a global leader in the lidar industry, has successfully passed a rigorous audit by TÜV SÜD and obtained the ISO 21448 Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) certification based on ISO 26262 functional safety and a QMS framework. This makes Hesai the first in the global lidar industry to receive this certification. It highlights Hesai's advanced process system for safety and its integration of best practices into research and development.

Since 2021, Hesai has focused on creating a "3-in-1" safety system that combines functional safety, SOTIF, and cybersecurity within its lidar product design. As the first company in the industry to achieve certifications in ISO 26262, ISO/SAE 21434, and ISO 21448, Hesai's "safety triangle" guarantees precise and reliable data input for intelligent driving.

Safety is the foundation of intelligent driving, and as autonomous driving technology advances, perception hardware like lidar faces increasingly stringent safety requirements. Lidar's role as a key sensor makes it vital to overall vehicle safety. SOTIF for lidar includes analyzing functional limitations, particularly under conditions like bad weather, vibrations, and electromagnetic interference. Hesai continuously optimizes lidar design to mitigate these factors, ensuring safety in complex environments.

ISO 21448:2022, "Road vehicles - Safety of the Intended Functionality," is the first SOTIF standard established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standard ensures that various operational scenarios are considered during design and operation, mitigating potential safety risks from system performance limitations or human error.

By studying relevant standards, regulations, and best practices, Hesai has built a scenario library dimension table for testing perception features driven by lidar data. This table comprehensively covers seven core categories, including vehicle operating scenarios, environmental conditions, and sensor states, subdivided into hundreds of specific scenarios, evaluating lidar performance from all angles and reducing the likelihood of unknown hazardous states. This enables the system to remain safe in a broader range of scenarios.

For instance, Hesai's proprietary active interference rejection technology independently encodes each laser pulse, effectively isolating interference from external lidar signals. Additionally, Hesai's dirt diagnosis feature identifies and reports dirt on the lidar's window, converting dirt into actionable data for intelligent driving systems, which enhances lidar safety and stability in practical applications.

Another breakthrough from Hesai is the world's first Intelligent Point Cloud Engine (IPE), which marks and filters out more than 99.9% of environmental noise, such as rain, fog, vehicle exhaust, and dust, in real-time. This technology significantly reduces misidentifications and false triggers, making lidar more stable in adverse conditions.

Hesai's SOTIF certification, based on ISO 26262 functional safety and a QMS framework, enhances intelligent driving by clarifying system limitations caused by interference. This approach enhances the safety of the intelligent driving system, significantly expands the operational design domain, reduces the need for takeovers, and improves both user safety and driving experience.

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SOURCE Hesai Technology


What certification did Hesai Technology (HSAI) receive in September 2024?

Hesai Technology (HSAI) received the ISO 21448 Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) certification in September 2024, becoming the first in the global lidar industry to obtain this certification.

How does Hesai's '3-in-1' safety system for lidar work?

Hesai's '3-in-1' safety system combines functional safety, SOTIF (Safety of the Intended Functionality), and cybersecurity within its lidar product design, ensuring comprehensive safety measures for intelligent driving applications.

What is Hesai's Intelligent Point Cloud Engine (IPE) and how does it improve lidar performance?

Hesai's Intelligent Point Cloud Engine (IPE) is the world's first of its kind, capable of marking and filtering out over 99.9% of environmental noise in real-time. This technology significantly reduces misidentifications and false triggers, making lidar more stable in adverse conditions.

How does Hesai's SOTIF certification impact intelligent driving systems?

Hesai's SOTIF certification enhances intelligent driving by clarifying system limitations caused by interference. This approach expands the operational design domain, reduces the need for takeovers, and improves both user safety and driving experience.

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