Heritage Announces Estimated Catastrophe Losses and Third Quarter 2024 Earnings Dates

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Heritage Insurance Holdings (NYSE: HRTG) announced estimated losses for Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton. The company expects to incur $48 million in net catastrophe losses for Q3 2024 from Hurricanes Debbie and Helene, and $57 million for Q4 2024 from Hurricane Milton. Despite these impacts, Heritage anticipates positive net income for Q3 2024.

CEO Ernie Garateix highlighted the company's strong financial position, backed by a $1.30 billion reinsurance tower. Gross losses from Hurricane Milton may reach the third layer of their reinsurance, which starts at $450 million and goes to $914 million. Heritage will announce Q3 2024 financial results on November 6, 2024, followed by a conference call on November 7, 2024.

Heritage Insurance Holdings (NYSE: HRTG) ha annunciato stime di perdite per gli uragani Debby, Helene e Milton. L'azienda prevede di affrontare $48 milioni in perdite nette per catastrofi nel terzo trimestre del 2024 a causa degli uragani Debbie e Helene, e $57 milioni per il quarto trimestre del 2024 a causa dell'uragano Milton. Nonostante questi impatti, Heritage si aspetta un reddito netto positivo per il terzo trimestre del 2024.

Il CEO Ernie Garateix ha sottolineato la solida posizione finanziaria dell'azienda, supportata da una torre di riassicurazione da $1,30 miliardi. Le perdite lorde dall'uragano Milton potrebbero raggiungere il terzo strato della loro riassicurazione, che inizia a $450 milioni e arriva a $914 milioni. Heritage annuncerà i risultati finanziari del terzo trimestre del 2024 il 6 novembre 2024, seguito da una conference call il 7 novembre 2024.

Heritage Insurance Holdings (NYSE: HRTG) anunció pérdidas estimadas por los huracanes Debby, Helene y Milton. La compañía espera incurrir en $48 millones en pérdidas netas de catástrofes para el tercer trimestre de 2024 debido a los huracanes Debbie y Helene, y $57 millones para el cuarto trimestre de 2024 por el huracán Milton. A pesar de estos impactos, Heritage anticipa un ingreso neto positivo para el tercer trimestre de 2024.

El CEO Ernie Garateix destacó la sólida posición financiera de la empresa, respaldada por una torre de reaseguro de $1.30 mil millones. Las pérdidas brutas por el huracán Milton podrían alcanzar la tercera capa de su reaseguro, que comienza en $450 millones y llega hasta $914 millones. Heritage anunciará los resultados financieros del tercer trimestre de 2024 el 6 de noviembre de 2024, seguido de una llamada de conferencia el 7 de noviembre de 2024.

헤리티지 인슈어런스 홀딩스(뉴욕증권거래소: HRTG)는 우르간 데비, 헬렌, 밀턴으로 인한 추정 손실을 발표했습니다. 회사는 2024년 3분기에 우르간 데비와 헬렌으로 인해 $48 백만의 순재해 손실이 발생할 것으로 예상하고 있으며, 2024년 4분기에는 우르간 밀턴으로 인해 $57 백만의 손실이 발생할 것으로 보입니다. 이러한 영향에도 불구하고 헤리티지는 2024년 3분기에 긍정적인 순이익을 예상하고 있습니다.

CEO 에르니 가라테익스는 $13억에 달하는 재보험 타워에 의해 지원되는 회사의 강력한 재무 상태를 강조했습니다. 우르간 밀턴으로 인한 총 손실은 $4억 5천만에서 $9억 1천4백만 달러에 이르는 재보험의 세 번째 층에 도달할 수 있습니다. 헤리티지는 2024년 11월 6일에 2024년 3분기 재무 결과를 발표할 예정이며, 2024년 11월 7일에 컨퍼런스 콜이 이어질 것입니다.

Heritage Insurance Holdings (NYSE: HRTG) a annoncé des pertes estimées pour les ouragans Debby, Helene et Milton. La société s'attend à des $48 millions de pertes nettes dues à des catastrophes pour le troisième trimestre de 2024 provoquées par les ouragans Debbie et Helene, et $57 millions pour le quatrième trimestre de 2024 à cause de l'ouragan Milton. Malgré ces impacts, Heritage prévoit un revenu net positif pour le troisième trimestre de 2024.

Le PDG Ernie Garateix a souligné la solide position financière de l'entreprise, soutenue par une tour de réassurance de 1,30 milliard de dollars. Les pertes brutes dues à l'ouragan Milton pourraient atteindre la troisième couche de leur réassurance, qui commence à 450 millions de dollars et va jusqu'à 914 millions de dollars. Heritage annoncera les résultats financiers du troisième trimestre 2024 le 6 novembre 2024, suivi d'une conférence téléphonique le 7 novembre 2024.

Heritage Insurance Holdings (NYSE: HRTG) gab geschätzte Verluste durch die Hurrikane Debby, Helene und Milton bekannt. Das Unternehmen erwartet netto 48 Millionen Dollar an Katastrophenschäden für das dritte Quartal 2024 durch die Hurrikane Debbie und Helene sowie 57 Millionen Dollar für das vierte Quartal 2024 durch Hurrikan Milton. Trotz dieser Auswirkungen geht Heritage von einem positiven Nettogewinn für Q3 2024 aus.

CEO Ernie Garateix hob die starke finanzielle Position des Unternehmens hervor, unterstützt durch einen 1,30 Milliarden Dollar umfassenden Rückversicherungsturm. Die Bruttocalamitätsverluste durch Hurrikan Milton könnten die dritte Schicht ihrer Rückversicherung erreichen, die bei 450 Millionen Dollar beginnt und bis zu 914 Millionen Dollar reicht. Heritage wird die finanziellen Ergebnisse des dritten Quartals 2024 am 6. November 2024 bekannt geben, gefolgt von einer Telefonkonferenz am 7. November 2024.

  • Anticipates positive net income for Q3 2024 despite hurricane impacts
  • Strong financial position with $1.30 billion reinsurance tower
  • Strategic actions over the last three years have helped mitigate losses
  • Robust reinsurance coverage maintained through year-end 2024
  • Received fewer claims for Hurricane Milton compared to Hurricane Ian
  • Expected to incur $48 million in net catastrophe losses for Q3 2024
  • Anticipated $57 million in net catastrophe losses for Q4 2024
  • Gross losses from Hurricane Milton may reach the third layer of reinsurance


The announcement of estimated catastrophe losses for Q3 and Q4 2024 is significant for Heritage Insurance Holdings. The company expects $48 million in net catastrophe losses for Q3 and $57 million for Q4, primarily due to Hurricanes Debby, Helene and Milton. Despite these losses, Heritage anticipates positive net income for Q3 2024, which is a positive sign of financial resilience.

The company's $1.30 billion reinsurance tower provides a strong financial buffer. With gross losses from Hurricane Milton potentially reaching the third layer of reinsurance ($450 million to $914 million), Heritage demonstrates adequate risk management. The strategic actions taken over the past three years, including rate adequacy and underwriting discipline, have helped mitigate losses from significant events.

For investors, this news indicates that Heritage is managing catastrophic events effectively while maintaining profitability. The company's ability to handle over 5,435 claims with minimal wait times showcases operational efficiency. Long-term, Heritage's strategic positioning and robust reinsurance coverage suggest potential for business expansion and continued support for customers, which could translate to future growth opportunities.

Heritage's response to the recent hurricanes demonstrates strong operational capabilities in the face of multiple catastrophic events. The rapid deployment of over 2,000 adjusters and 200 emergency service vendors after Hurricane Milton shows excellent preparedness and customer service focus. The average wait time of under one minute for policyholders reporting claims is particularly impressive during a major catastrophe.

The comparison to Hurricane Ian, with Milton's claim count at just under 50% of Ian's at the same timeframe, provides useful context for the scale of the event. This lower claim count could potentially indicate either less severe damage or more effective mitigation strategies by policyholders.

Heritage's emphasis on rate adequacy, exposure management and underwriting discipline over the past three years appears to be paying off. These strategies are important for maintaining profitability in the volatile property insurance market, especially in hurricane-prone regions. The company's ability to potentially expand business while supporting existing customers after major events suggests a well-balanced approach to growth and risk management in the challenging Southeast U.S. insurance market.

TAMPA, Fla., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Heritage Insurance Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HRTG) ("Heritage" or the "Company"), a super-regional property and casualty insurance holding company, today announced estimated losses for Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton. 

Ernie Garateix, CEO at Heritage, commented, "Our thoughts are with those impacted by the devastating hurricanes that have ravaged so many communities across the southeast. This has been a difficult storm season leaving millions with significant damage and loss. At Heritage, we are working tirelessly to support our claimants and communities to ensure they have the necessary resources to quickly rebuild. I am especially proud of our employees from across our company who have been providing a rapid response to our claimants as well as the thousands of adjustors that we have in the field who are supporting our customers daily."

Third Quarter 2024 Estimated Catastrophe Losses
The Company expects to incur approximately $48 million of net current accident quarter catastrophe losses stemming from Hurricanes Debbie and Helene in the third quarter 2024. Despite the impact of the hurricanes, the Company expects to deliver positive net income for the third quarter of 2024. 

Fourth Quarter 2024 Estimated Catastrophe Losses
The Company expects to incur approximately $57 million of net current accident quarter catastrophe losses stemming from Hurricane Milton in the fourth quarter of 2024. On the day after Hurricane Milton struck Florida, the Company had assembled claims handing resources in several locations including over 2,000 adjusters and more than 200 emergency service vendors ready to assist our policy holders. Twelve days following the storm the Company has received 5,435 claims with the average wait time for policy holders calling in their claims of under one minute. The reported claim count for Hurricane Milton is just under 50% of that experienced during Hurricane Ian during the same time frame.

Mr. Garateix continued, "Overall, we are in a strong financial position and backed by a $1.30 billion reinsurance tower. We expect gross losses from hurricane Milton to possibly reach the third layer of our reinsurance tower which starts at $450 million and goes to $914 million. We continue to maintain a robust level of reinsurance coverage through year end 2024. Importantly, the strategic actions that we have taken over the last three years have helped to mitigate our losses from significant events like the three recent hurricanes. These actions which include rate adequacy, exposure management and underwriting discipline will enable Heritage to continue to support our customers as well as, we believe, further expand our business for years to come." 

Third Quarter 2024 Earnings Dates
The Company will announce third quarter 2024 financial results after the market closes on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, followed by a 12:00pm ET conference call on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

Conference Call Details:
Participant Dial-in: 1-888-346-3095
International Dial-in: 1-412-902-4258

A live audio webcast of the earnings call will be available in the investors section of the company's website. The call will be archived and available for replay.

Financial information, including material announcements about Heritage, is routinely posted on

About Heritage

Heritage Insurance Holdings, Inc. is a super-regional property and casualty insurance holding company. Through its insurance subsidiaries and a large network of experienced agents, the Company writes approximately $1.4 billion of gross personal and commercial residential premium across its multi-state footprint covering the northeast, southeast, Hawaii and California excess and surplus lines.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those discussed herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "could," "would," "estimate," "or "continue" or the other negative variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. This release includes forward-looking statements relating to the impact of recent hurricanes including the expected net current accident quarter catastrophe losses stemming from Hurricanes Debbie, Helene and Milton; the availability of our reinsurance tower and our ability to expand our business in the future. The risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ from those expressed or implied herein include, without limitation: more extensive losses from Hurricanes Debbie, Helene and Milton, the success of the Company's underwriting and profitability initiatives; inflation and other changes in economic conditions (including changes in interest rates and financial and real estate markets), including changes that may impact demand for our products and our operations; lack of effectiveness of exclusions and loss limitation methods in the insurance policies we assume or write; inherent uncertainty of our models and our reliance on such models as a tool to evaluate risk; the impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions, including the impact of supply chain constraints, inflationary pressures, labor availability and conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and in the Middle East; the impact of new federal and state regulations that affect the property and casualty insurance market and our failure to meet increased regulatory requirements, including minimum capital and surplus requirements; continued and increased impact of abusive and unwarranted claims; the cost of reinsurance, the collectability of reinsurance and our ability to obtain reinsurance coverage on terms and at a cost acceptable to us; assessments charged by various governmental agencies; pricing competition and other initiatives by competitors; our ability to obtain regulatory approval for requested rate changes, and the timing thereof; legislative and regulatory developments; the outcome of litigation pending against us, including the terms of any settlements; risks related to the nature of our business; dependence on investment income and the composition of our investment portfolio; the adequacy of our liability for losses and loss adjustment expense; our ability to build and maintain relationships with insurance agents; claims experience; ratings by industry services; catastrophe losses; reliance on key personnel; weather conditions (including the severity and frequency of storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and hail); changes in loss trends; acts of war and terrorist activities; court decisions and trends in litigation; and other matters described from time to time by us in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 13, 2024, and subsequent filings. The Company undertakes no obligations to update, change or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, additional or subsequent developments or otherwise.

Investor Contact:

Kirk Lusk
Chief Financial Officer 

Cision View original content to download multimedia:

SOURCE Heritage Insurance Holdings, Inc.


What are Heritage Insurance's estimated catastrophe losses for Q3 2024?

Heritage Insurance (HRTG) estimates $48 million in net catastrophe losses for Q3 2024, stemming from Hurricanes Debbie and Helene.

How much does Heritage expect to lose from Hurricane Milton in Q4 2024?

Heritage Insurance (HRTG) expects to incur approximately $57 million in net catastrophe losses from Hurricane Milton in Q4 2024.

When will Heritage Insurance announce its Q3 2024 financial results?

Heritage Insurance (HRTG) will announce its Q3 2024 financial results after the market closes on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.

What is the value of Heritage Insurance's reinsurance tower?

Heritage Insurance (HRTG) has a $1.30 billion reinsurance tower to back its financial position.



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Insurance - Property & Casualty
Fire, Marine & Casualty Insurance
United States of America