Hormel Foods Showcases Meaningful Progress in its 18th Annual Global Impact Report

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Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL) has released its 18th Global Impact Report, showcasing progress towards environmental, social, and governance goals in fiscal 2023. Key achievements include:

  • Validating science-based targets for emissions reduction
  • Reducing product packaging by 1.7 million pounds
  • Achieving the lowest recordable incident rate in company history
  • Providing free two-year college education to over 200 dependents of U.S. team members
  • Contributing $12.5 million in cash and products for community upliftment

The report follows GRI Standards and SASB guidance, aligning with select UN Sustainable Development Goals. Hormel Foods continues to be recognized as a leading corporate citizen, named one of Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies and Newsweek's America's Most Responsible Companies.

Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL) ha pubblicato il suo 18° Rapporto Globale sull'Impatto, mostrando i progressi verso obiettivi ambientali, sociali e di governance per l'anno fiscale 2023. I risultati chiave includono:

  • Convalida degli obiettivi scientifici per la riduzione delle emissioni
  • Riduzione del packaging dei prodotti di 1,7 milioni di libbre
  • Raggiungimento del tasso di incidenti registrabili più basso nella storia dell'azienda
  • Offerta di un'istruzione universitaria gratuita per due anni a oltre 200 familiari dei membri del team statunitensi
  • Contributo di 12,5 milioni di dollari in denaro e prodotti per il miglioramento delle comunità

Il rapporto segue gli standard GRI e le linee guida SASB, allineandosi a determinati Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite. Hormel Foods continua ad essere riconosciuta come un leader nella responsabilità sociale aziendale, classificandosi tra le Aziende più Ammirate del Mondo secondo Fortune e le Aziende più Responsabili d'America secondo Newsweek.

Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL) ha publicado su 18º Informe Global de Impacto, que muestra los avances hacia los objetivos ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza para el año fiscal 2023. Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Validación de objetivos basados en la ciencia para la reducción de emisiones
  • Reducción del empaque de productos en 1.7 millones de libras
  • Alcanzar la tasa de incidentes registrables más baja en la historia de la empresa
  • Proporcionar educación universitaria gratuita durante dos años a más de 200 dependientes de miembros del equipo en EE.UU.
  • Contribuir con 12.5 millones de dólares en efectivo y productos para el desarrollo comunitario

El informe sigue los Estándares GRI y la guía SASB, alineándose con ciertos Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU. Hormel Foods continúa siendo reconocida como un ciudadano corporativo líder, siendo nombrada una de las Empresas Más Admiradas del Mundo por Fortune y una de las Empresas Más Responsables de América por Newsweek.

Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL)가 2023 회계연도 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스 목표에 대한 진행 상황을 보여주는 18번째 글로벌 임팩트 보고서를 발표했습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 배출량 감소를 위한 과학 기반 목표의 검증
  • 제품 포장 170만 파운드 감소
  • 회사 역사상 가장 낮은 기록 가능 사고 발생률 달성
  • 미국 팀원 200명 이상의 의존자를 위한 2년간 무료 대학 교육 제공
  • 지역 사회 발전을 위해 1250만 달러의 현금 및 제품 기부

보고서는 GRI 표준 및 SASB 지침을 따르며 특정 유엔 지속 가능한 개발 목표와 일치합니다. Hormel Foods는 여전히 Fortune의 '가장 존경받는 세계 기업' 및 Newsweek의 '가장 책임감 있는 미국 기업' 중 하나로 인정받고 있습니다.

Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL) a publié son 18ème Rapport Mondial sur l'Impact, mettant en avant les progrès réalisés vers des objectifs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance pour l'exercice fiscal 2023. Les réalisations clés comprennent:

  • Validation des objectifs basés sur la science pour la réduction des émissions
  • Réduction de l'emballage des produits de 1,7 million de livres
  • Atteinte du taux d'incidents enregistrables le plus bas de l'histoire de l'entreprise
  • Offrir une éducation universitaire gratuite de deux ans à plus de 200 personnes à charge des membres de l'équipe aux États-Unis
  • Contribution de 12,5 millions de dollars en espèces et en produits pour l'amélioration des communautés

Le rapport suit les normes GRI et les directives SASB, en s'alignant sur certains Objectifs de Développement Durable de l'ONU. Hormel Foods continue d'être reconnu comme un citoyen d'entreprise de premier plan, nommé parmi les entreprises les plus admirées au monde par Fortune et les entreprises les plus responsables d'Amérique par Newsweek.

Hormel Foods (NYSE: HRL) hat seinen 18. Globalen Impact-Bericht veröffentlicht, der die Fortschritte in Bezug auf Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Ziele im Geschäftsjahr 2023 zeigt. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

  • Validierung wissenschaftlich fundierter Ziele zur Reduzierung von Emissionen
  • Reduzierung der Produktverpackung um 1,7 Millionen Pfund
  • Erreichen der niedrigsten dokumentierbaren Unfallrate in der Unternehmensgeschichte
  • Bereitstellung von zwei Jahren kostenloser Hochschulausbildung für über 200 Angehörige von US-Teammitgliedern
  • Beitrag von 12,5 Millionen Dollar in bar und Produkten zur Verbesserung der Gemeinschaft

Der Bericht folgt den GRI-Standards und den SASB-Richtlinien und steht im Einklang mit bestimmten UN-Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Hormel Foods wird weiterhin als führender Unternehmensbürger anerkannt und gehört zu den von Fortune als 'Weltweit am meisten bewunderten Unternehmen' und von Newsweek als 'Amerikas verantwortungsbewussteste Unternehmen' ausgezeichneten Unternehmen.

  • Validated science-based targets for emissions reduction, aligning with 1.5°C scenario
  • Reduced product packaging by 1.7 million pounds through design optimization
  • Achieved lowest recordable incident rate in company history, 18% improvement from prior year
  • Contributed $12.5 million in cash and products for community upliftment
  • Recognized as one of Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies and Newsweek's America's Most Responsible Companies
  • None.

Hormel Foods' 18th Annual Global Impact Report showcases incremental progress in sustainability efforts, but lacks substantial financial implications. Key achievements include validating science-based targets for emissions reduction and reducing packaging by 1.7 million pounds. While these are positive steps, they're expected actions in today's corporate landscape rather than groundbreaking initiatives.

The company's focus on community engagement and employee benefits, such as the Inspired Pathways program, may enhance brand reputation and employee retention. However, the $12.5 million in community contributions, while commendable, is relatively modest for a Fortune 500 company. The report primarily serves as a public relations tool rather than indicating significant operational or financial shifts that would materially impact investor decisions.

From an ESG perspective, Hormel's report demonstrates steady progress but lacks transformative initiatives. The validation of science-based targets aligns with industry trends rather than setting new benchmarks. The 18% improvement in recordable incident rate is noteworthy for risk mitigation and potential cost savings.

However, the report is light on quantitative metrics for environmental impact beyond packaging reduction. Investors should note the absence of specific financial allocations for sustainability initiatives or their ROI. While the company's recognition by Fortune and Newsweek is positive for brand value, it doesn't necessarily translate to financial outperformance. Overall, this report suggests Hormel is maintaining pace with ESG expectations rather than leading the industry, which may be sufficient to avoid ESG-related risks but unlikely to drive significant value creation.

The company continues to advance its environmental and social impact goals and commitments

AUSTIN, Minn., Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL), a Fortune 500 global-branded food company, today announced the release of its 18th Global Impact Report. The report, available online, demonstrates the company's ongoing commitment to corporate responsibility and progress toward its environmental, social and governance goals in fiscal 2023.

"Responsible business practices have — and will always be — fundamental to our company," said Jim Snee, chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer of Hormel Foods. "Since our founding more than 130 years ago, we've been passionate about making the world a better place. We recognize our role in shaping a better future for generations to come and that our reach and scale enable us to make a significant impact and be a positive influence. Our Global Impact Report reflects where we are today and is a road map for where we aspire to be in the future."

Highlights of the company's 2023 progress include:

  • Validating science-based targets by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), formalizing the company's 1.5 degree Celsius-aligned 2030 emissions reduction targets for Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

  • Reducing product packaging by nearly 1.7 million pounds by optimizing packaging design and improving shipping efficiencies.

  • Achieving the lowest recordable incident rate in our company's history and an 18% improvement from the prior year.

  • Providing more than 200 dependents of U.S. team members with the opportunity of a free two-year college education at an eligible school of their choice through the company's groundbreaking tuition program Inspired Pathways.

  • Contributing more than $12.5 million in cash and products to uplift communities, including $10 million dedicated to hunger relief efforts.

  • Continuing to invest in the Hometown Food Security Project, a cross-sector coalition working to alleviate food insecurity in Mower County, Minnesota, home of our worldwide headquarters and largest production facility.

As a leader in the global food industry, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards in every aspect of our operations, and we continue to be recognized as a leading corporate citizen. We are proud of the many awards we received in 2023, including being named one of the World's Most Admired Companies by Fortune and one of America's Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek magazine.

The 2023 Hormel Foods Global Impact Report follows Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and follows the reporting guidance and principles of Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Processed Foods and Meat, Poultry & Dairy Standards. Projects and initiatives featured in the report include information about the efforts of Hormel Foods that support the select United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Content within this report has been reviewed and approved by the company's Board of Directors, Global Impact Executive Council, company leaders and internal experts who oversee relevant sustainability topics across the business.

To view the entire report, please visit

About Hormel Foods — Inspired People. Inspired Food.™
Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL), based in Austin, Minnesota, is a global branded food company with over $12 billion in annual revenue across more than 80 countries worldwide. Its brands include Planters®, Skippy®, SPAM®, Hormel® Natural Choice®, Applegate®, Justin's®, Wholly®, Hormel® Black Label®, Columbus®Jennie-O® and more than 30 other beloved brands. The company is a member of the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats, was named one of the best companies to work for by U.S. News & World Report, one of America's most responsible companies by Newsweek, recognized on Fast Company's list of the 100 Best Workplaces for Innovators, received a perfect score of 100 on the 2023–24 Corporate Equality Index and has received numerous other awards and accolades for its corporate responsibility and community service efforts. The company lives by its purpose statement — Inspired People. Inspired Food.™ — to bring some of the world's most trusted and iconic brands to tables across the globe. For more information, visit


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What are Hormel Foods' (HRL) key achievements in its 2023 Global Impact Report?

Hormel Foods' key achievements include validating science-based emissions reduction targets, reducing product packaging by 1.7 million pounds, achieving the lowest recordable incident rate in company history, providing free college education to over 200 dependents of U.S. team members, and contributing $12.5 million to community upliftment.

How much did Hormel Foods (HRL) contribute to community upliftment in 2023?

Hormel Foods contributed more than $12.5 million in cash and products to uplift communities in 2023, including $10 million dedicated to hunger relief efforts.

What environmental progress did Hormel Foods (HRL) make in 2023?

Hormel Foods validated science-based targets for emissions reduction aligned with the 1.5°C scenario and reduced product packaging by nearly 1.7 million pounds through packaging design optimization and improved shipping efficiencies.

What educational initiative did Hormel Foods (HRL) implement for employees' dependents in 2023?

Hormel Foods provided more than 200 dependents of U.S. team members with the opportunity for a free two-year college education at an eligible school of their choice through the company's Inspired Pathways program.

Hormel Foods Corporation


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Packaged Foods
Meat Packing Plants
United States of America