Klein to Advance Customer Service and Sales with HPE Private Cloud AI
Klein Computer Systems AG is implementing HPE Private Cloud AI to enhance its customer service and sales operations. The solution, co-developed with NVIDIA, enables quick deployment of private AI applications focusing on inferencing, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and fine-tuning.
The Swiss IT services company will initially use AI assistants to improve IT helpdesk resolution times by providing instant recommendations based on customer environments, support ticket history, and vendor documentation. The system will also boost sales by accelerating proposal preparation, pricing, and quoting processes.
Klein plans to leverage its experience to establish an AI practice, aiming to become Switzerland's leading AI solution provider based on HPE Private Cloud AI. The solution includes preconfigured AI hardware and software from HPE and NVIDIA, featuring HPE AI Essentials and NVIDIA AI Enterprise with NVIDIA NIM™ and NVIDIA NeMo™.
Klein Computer Systems AG sta implementando HPE Private Cloud AI per migliorare il servizio clienti e le operazioni di vendita. La soluzione, co-sviluppata con NVIDIA, consente un rapido deployment di applicazioni AI private focalizzate sull'inferenza, sulla generazione aumentata da recupero (RAG) e sul fine-tuning.
La società svizzera di servizi IT utilizzerà inizialmente assistenti AI per migliorare i tempi di risoluzione del helpdesk IT, fornendo raccomandazioni istantanee basate sugli ambienti dei clienti, sulla storia dei ticket di supporto e sulla documentazione dei fornitori. Il sistema contribuirà anche ad accelerare le vendite, velocizzando la preparazione delle proposte, la definizione dei prezzi e i processi di quotazione.
Klein prevede di sfruttare la propria esperienza per stabilire una pratica AI, puntando a diventare il principale fornitore di soluzioni AI in Svizzera basato su HPE Private Cloud AI. La soluzione include hardware e software AI preconfigurati da HPE e NVIDIA, con HPE AI Essentials e NVIDIA AI Enterprise, insieme a NVIDIA NIM™ e NVIDIA NeMo™.
Klein Computer Systems AG está implementando HPE Private Cloud AI para mejorar su servicio al cliente y las operaciones de ventas. La solución, co-desarrollada con NVIDIA, permite un despliegue rápido de aplicaciones de IA privadas centradas en inferencia, generación aumentada por recuperación (RAG) y ajuste fino.
La empresa suiza de servicios de TI utilizará inicialmente asistentes de IA para mejorar los tiempos de resolución del helpdesk de TI, proporcionando recomendaciones instantáneas basadas en los entornos de los clientes, el historial de tickets de soporte y la documentación de los proveedores. El sistema también impulsará las ventas al acelerar la preparación de propuestas, la fijación de precios y los procesos de cotización.
Klein planea aprovechar su experiencia para establecer una práctica de IA, con el objetivo de convertirse en el principal proveedor de soluciones de IA en Suiza basado en HPE Private Cloud AI. La solución incluye hardware y software de IA preconfigurados de HPE y NVIDIA, con HPE AI Essentials y NVIDIA AI Enterprise, junto con NVIDIA NIM™ y NVIDIA NeMo™.
Klein Computer Systems AG는 고객 서비스 및 판매 운영을 향상시키기 위해 HPE Private Cloud AI를 구현하고 있습니다. 이 솔루션은 NVIDIA와 공동 개발되어 인퍼런스, 검색 증강 생성(RAG) 및 파인 튜닝에 중점을 둔 개인 AI 애플리케이션의 빠른 배포를 가능하게 합니다.
스위스 IT 서비스 회사는 초기에는 고객 환경, 지원 티켓 기록 및 공급업체 문서를 기반으로 즉각적인 추천을 제공하여 IT 헬프데스크 해결 시간을 개선하기 위해 AI 어시스턴트를 사용할 것입니다. 이 시스템은 제안서 준비, 가격 책정 및 견적 프로세스를 가속화하여 판매를 촉진할 것입니다.
Klein은 자신의 경험을 활용하여 AI 관행을 수립할 계획이며, HPE Private Cloud AI를 기반으로 스위스의 주요 AI 솔루션 제공업체가 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 솔루션에는 HPE와 NVIDIA의 사전 구성된 AI 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어가 포함되어 있으며, HPE AI Essentials와 NVIDIA AI Enterprise, NVIDIA NIM™ 및 NVIDIA NeMo™가 특징입니다.
Klein Computer Systems AG met en œuvre HPE Private Cloud AI pour améliorer son service client et ses opérations de vente. La solution, co-développée avec NVIDIA, permet un déploiement rapide d'applications IA privées axées sur l'inférence, la génération augmentée par récupération (RAG) et le fine-tuning.
La société suisse de services informatiques utilisera initialement des assistants IA pour améliorer les temps de résolution du helpdesk informatique en fournissant des recommandations instantanées basées sur les environnements clients, l'historique des tickets de support et la documentation des fournisseurs. Le système stimulera également les ventes en accélérant la préparation des propositions, la tarification et les processus de devis.
Klein prévoit de tirer parti de son expérience pour établir une pratique IA, visant à devenir le principal fournisseur de solutions IA en Suisse basé sur HPE Private Cloud AI. La solution inclut du matériel et des logiciels IA préconfigurés de HPE et NVIDIA, avec HPE AI Essentials et NVIDIA AI Enterprise, ainsi que NVIDIA NIM™ et NVIDIA NeMo™.
Klein Computer Systems AG implementiert HPE Private Cloud AI, um den Kundenservice und die Vertriebsoperationen zu verbessern. Die Lösung, die gemeinsam mit NVIDIA entwickelt wurde, ermöglicht eine schnelle Bereitstellung privater KI-Anwendungen mit Schwerpunkt auf Inferenz, retrieval-unterstützter Generierung (RAG) und Feineinstellung.
Das Schweizer IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmen wird zunächst KI-Assistenten einsetzen, um die Lösungszeiten des IT-Helpdesks zu verbessern, indem es sofortige Empfehlungen basierend auf den Kundenumgebungen, der Historie von Support-Tickets und der Dokumentation der Anbieter bereitstellt. Das System wird auch den Verkauf ankurbeln, indem es die Vorbereitung von Angeboten, die Preisgestaltung und die Angebotsprozesse beschleunigt.
Klein plant, seine Erfahrungen zu nutzen, um eine KI-Praxis aufzubauen, mit dem Ziel, der führende Anbieter von KI-Lösungen in der Schweiz auf Basis von HPE Private Cloud AI zu werden. Die Lösung umfasst vorkonfigurierte KI-Hardware und -Software von HPE und NVIDIA, einschließlich HPE AI Essentials und NVIDIA AI Enterprise mit NVIDIA NIM™ und NVIDIA NeMo™.
- Implementation of AI to improve operational efficiency in helpdesk and sales
- Strategic expansion into AI consulting services
- Partnership with major tech providers (HPE and NVIDIA)
- Quick deployment capability without programming requirements
- None.
HPE's announcement of Klein Computer Systems AG deploying HPE Private Cloud AI represents a strategic win for the company's AI portfolio. This implementation showcases real-world application of HPE's NVIDIA-partnered AI solution in three critical areas: IT helpdesk automation, sales acceleration, and consulting services.
The partnership carries multiplier potential as Klein plans to leverage its experience to establish an AI practice, effectively becoming a channel partner for HPE's AI solutions in Switzerland. CEO Wolfgang Klein's emphasis on time-to-value—"We don't have to program anything, we just start deploying our use cases"—highlights a key competitive advantage in HPE's turnkey approach to enterprise AI deployment.
While a single customer implementation in Switzerland won't significantly move financial needles for a
This announcement reinforces HPE's positioning in the private cloud AI infrastructure market, particularly in security-conscious European markets where data sovereignty concerns often preclude public cloud AI solutions. Klein's planned expansion to become "the leading AI solution provider based on HPE Private Cloud AI in Switzerland" suggests confidence in the platform's market viability and potential for further customer adoption.
Swiss IT services company will leverage HPE’s turnkey AI solution, co-developed with NVIDIA, to deploy AI assistants and agents across its customer-facing activities
- Klein Computer Systems AG will use HPE Private Cloud AI for its IT helpdesk, consulting and sales to improve customer experience and accelerate new business
Building on its internal experience with HPE Private Cloud AI, Klein will establish an AI practice for customers to become a leading AI provider in
Founded in 1983, Klein covers the entire IT lifecycle for its customers, from consulting and implementation to operation, managed services and repair. With enterprise IT becoming increasingly complex, and with rising security, compliance and sustainability requirements, Klein’s charter is to help its customers simplify the management of their IT environments so they can achieve their business goals. Klein will now leverage AI to promote this mission, and selected HPE Private Cloud AI as the key means to do so.
“When I saw the first demo of HPE Private Cloud AI, I immediately realized this is an awesome solution which can help us fundamentally advance our business,” said Wolfgang Klein, founder and CEO of Klein Computer System AG. “The point is: buying this solution means buying time. We don’t have to program anything, we just start deploying our use cases. And it allows us to protect our competitive advantage because we can build our own private AI with our own private data.”
HPE Private Cloud AI accelerates Klein’s productivity, sales and new business
HPE Private Cloud AI features a deep integration of preconfigured AI hardware and software from HPE and NVIDIA, such as HPE AI Essentials and NVIDIA AI Enterprise, including NVIDIA NIM™ and NVIDIA NeMo™, delivered as a private cloud experience for instant AI productivity. Customers can deploy and operationalize virtual assistants in seconds, simplifying the process from end to end.
One of the first use cases will be the acceleration of resolution times in Klein’s IT helpdesk. To that end, helpdesk staff will initially be equipped with an AI assistant which gives instant recommendations based on sources such as a customer’s existing IT environment, its support ticket history, and IT vendors’ documentation. In the future, AI agents – which autonomously interact with customers – might be added to the process.
Klein will also use AI assistants and agents to boost sales, for instance by accelerating proposal preparation, pricing and quoting. Later, the company will leverage its own experiences to establish an AI practice which provides consulting and solutions for customers. The goal is to become the leading AI solution provider based on HPE Private Cloud AI in
“Many companies treat AI as a means to increase productivity – but in reality it’s much more, it’s a transformational force which can bring their business to the next level,” said René Zierler, Managing Director Switzerland, Hewlett Packard Enterprise. “Wolfgang Klein is a true entrepreneur and visionary who recognized that HPE Private Cloud AI is a key to unlocking this potential quicker than others to achieve competitive edge. We are very happy to support Klein Computer System AG on this journey.”
About Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE: HPE) is a global technology leader focused on developing intelligent solutions that allow customers to capture, analyze, and act upon data seamlessly. The company innovates across networking, hybrid cloud, and AI to help customers develop new business models, engage in new ways, and increase operational performance. For more information, visit: www.hpe.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250312277953/en/
Media Contact:
Patrik Edlund
Source: Hewlett Packard Enterprise