From 'She-Elites' to Gen X: Coldwell Banker Global Luxury details the emerging forces fueling optimism in the 2025 luxury real estate sector

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Coldwell Banker Real Estate has released 'The Trend Report' highlighting key trends in the 2025 luxury real estate market. The report reveals strong market optimism, with 85.5% of Global Luxury Property Specialists rating 2025 buyer market conditions as 'fair' or 'good'. Three major trends are shaping the market:

1. Rise in multigenerational living, with 45% of specialists noting demand for flexible layouts
2. Gen X emergence as market leaders, showing a 10% increase in luxury homeownership over five years
3. Growing influence of 'She-Elites', with women ($5M+ net worth) owning 15.2% of U.S. luxury real estate

The report also identifies shifting preferences in luxury locations, with buyers increasingly attracted to cities like Dubai, Singapore, Austin, and Houston, driven by factors including lower taxes, climate, and economic opportunities.

Coldwell Banker Real Estate ha pubblicato 'The Trend Report' evidenziando le principali tendenze nel mercato immobiliare di lusso del 2025. Il rapporto rivela un forte ottimismo di mercato, con l'85,5% degli esperti globali di proprietà di lusso che valutano le condizioni del mercato per i compratori nel 2025 come 'equa' o 'buona'. Tre tendenze principali stanno plasmando il mercato:

1. Aumento della vita multigenerazionale, con il 45% degli specialisti che notano la domanda di layout flessibili
2. L'emergere della Gen X come leader di mercato, con un incremento del 10% nella proprietà di case di lusso negli ultimi cinque anni
3. Crescente influenza delle 'She-Elites', con donne (patrimonio netto di oltre 5 milioni di dollari) che possiedono il 15,2% del mercato immobiliare di lusso negli Stati Uniti

Il rapporto identifica anche il cambiamento delle preferenze per le location di lusso, con i compratori sempre più attratti da città come Dubai, Singapore, Austin e Houston, attratti da fattori quali tasse più basse, clima e opportunità economiche.

Coldwell Banker Real Estate ha publicado 'The Trend Report' destacando las principales tendencias en el mercado inmobiliario de lujo de 2025. El informe revela un fuerte optimismo del mercado, con el 85,5% de los especialistas en propiedades de lujo a nivel global calificando las condiciones del mercado para compradores en 2025 como 'justas' o 'buenas'. Tres tendencias principales están moldeando el mercado:

1. Aumento de la vida multigeneracional, con el 45% de los especialistas señalando la demanda de diseños flexibles
2. Emergencia de la Generación X como líderes del mercado, mostrando un incremento del 10% en la propiedad de viviendas de lujo en los últimos cinco años
3. Creciente influencia de las 'She-Elites', con mujeres (patrimonio neto de más de 5 millones de dólares) que poseen el 15,2% del sector inmobiliario de lujo en EE. UU.

El informe también identifica la transformación de las preferencias en las ubicaciones de lujo, con los compradores cada vez más atraídos por ciudades como Dubái, Singapur, Austin y Houston, impulsados por factores como impuestos más bajos, clima y oportunidades económicas.

콜드웰 뱅커 부동산이 2025년 고급 부동산 시장의 주요 트렌드를 강조하는 '트렌드 리포트'를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 2025년 구매자 시장 조건을 '공정하다' 또는 '좋다'고 평가한 글로벌 고급 부동산 전문가의 85.5%가 시장에 대해 강한 낙관론을 보인다고 밝혔습니다. 세 가지 주요 트렌드가 시장을 형성하고 있습니다:

1. 다세대 주거의 증가, 45%의 전문가가 유연한 구조에 대한 수요를 언급
2. 시장 리더로 부상한 X세대, 지난 5년간 고급 주택 소유율에서 10% 증가
3. '여성 엘리트'의 증가하는 영향력, 500만 달러 이상의 순자산을 가진 여성들이 미국 고급 부동산의 15.2%를 소유

이 보고서는 또한 고급 지역의 선호도 변화도 식별하며, 구매자들이 두바이, 싱가포르, 오스틴, 휴스턴과 같은 도시에 점점 더 끌리고 있으며, 이는 세금이 낮고 기후, 경제적 기회 등 다양한 요인에 의해 촉진되고 있습니다.

Coldwell Banker Real Estate a publié 'The Trend Report', mettant en lumière les principales tendances du marché immobilier de luxe en 2025. Le rapport révèle un fort optimisme sur le marché, avec 85,5 % des spécialistes des propriétés de luxe à l'échelle mondiale évaluant les conditions du marché pour les acheteurs en 2025 comme 'équitable' ou 'bonne'. Trois grandes tendances façonnent le marché :

1. Augmentation de la vie multigénérationnelle, 45 % des spécialistes notant une demande pour des agencements flexibles
2. Émergence de la génération X comme leaders du marché, affichant une hausse de 10 % de la propriété de maisons de luxe au cours des cinq dernières années
3. Influence croissante des 'She-Elites', avec des femmes (valorisées à plus de 5 millions de dollars) possédant 15,2 % de l'immobilier de luxe aux États-Unis

Le rapport identifie également des préférences changeantes pour les emplacements de luxe, avec des acheteurs de plus en plus attirés par des villes comme Dubaï, Singapour, Austin et Houston, influencés par des facteurs tels que des impôts plus bas, le climat et des opportunités économiques.

Coldwell Banker Real Estate hat 'The Trend Report' veröffentlicht, das die wichtigsten Trends im Luxusimmobilienmarkt 2025 hervorhebt. Der Bericht zeigt eine starke Marktentwicklung, wobei 85,5% der globalen Luxusimmobilien-Spezialisten die Marktbedingungen für Käufer im Jahr 2025 als 'fair' oder 'gut' bewerten. Drei bedeutende Trends prägen den Markt:

1. Anstieg des multigenerationalen Wohnens, wobei 45% der Spezialisten die Nachfrage nach flexiblen Grundrissen feststellen
2. Das Aufkommen der Generation X als Marktführer, mit einem Anstieg von 10% beim Besitz von Luxusimmobilien in den letzten fünf Jahren
3. Wachsende Einflussnahme der 'She-Elites', wobei Frauen (Vermögen von über 5 Millionen Dollar) 15,2% des US-Luxusimmobilienmarktes besitzen

Der Bericht identifiziert auch sich ändernde Präferenzen bei Luxusstandorten, wobei Käufer zunehmend Städte wie Dubai, Singapur, Austin und Houston bevorzugen, was durch Faktoren wie niedrige Steuern, Klima und wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten begünstigt wird.

  • 85.5% of luxury property specialists predict favorable market conditions for 2025
  • 47.9% report increase in first-time luxury homebuyers
  • Gen X luxury homeownership increased by 10% over five years
  • Women with $5M+ net worth own 15.2% of U.S. luxury real estate
  • None.


The luxury real estate market data reveals compelling shifts in buyer demographics and preferences. Gen X's 10% increase in luxury homeownership over five years, combined with women now controlling 15.2% of U.S. luxury real estate, signals a fundamental transformation in market dynamics. The 85.5% positive outlook from Luxury Property Specialists and 47.9% reporting increase in first-time luxury buyers indicates strong market resilience.

The emergence of alternative luxury markets like Dubai, Singapore and Austin presents strategic opportunities. These locations offer better value propositions through favorable tax structures and lifestyle amenities, potentially leading to price appreciation as wealthy buyers redirect capital from traditional luxury hubs.

The multigenerational living trend, supported by 45% of specialists noting demand for flexible layouts, suggests a shift toward more practical, value-oriented luxury investments. This could drive sustained demand for larger, more adaptable properties, particularly benefiting markets with available land for such developments.

For Anywhere (NYSE: HOUS), this market intelligence is strategically valuable. The company's Coldwell Banker luxury segment, handling $200 million in daily luxury sales with an average price of $1.9 million, is well-positioned to capitalize on these emerging trends. The shift in buyer demographics presents opportunities to refine marketing strategies and expand market share.

The focus on multigenerational homes and new luxury markets could help offset potential softness in traditional luxury segments. With Baby Boomers still controlling over 50% of market share but Gen X gaining ground, this transition period could drive increased transaction velocity. The rise of "She-Elites" as decision-makers in 95% of purchases necessitates adapting sales approaches to target this influential demographic.

Insights from Luxury Property Specialists highlight rising market confidence and key trends shaping the global luxury real estate landscape in the year ahead

MADISON, N.J., Jan. 6, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC, an Anywhere® (NYSE: HOUS) brand, and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program today unveiled "The Trend Report," an in-depth look of the 2025 luxury real estate market that showcases three transformative trends: the rise of multigenerational living; the emergence of Gen X and "She-Elites" as market leaders; and drivers for up-and-coming luxury hotspots.

With more luxury buyers poised to re-enter the market, the report also reveals a positive outlook driven by renewed confidence, a greater selection of desirable properties and more purchasing power.

According to a recent survey of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists, 85.5% of them noted they would rate the buyer market conditions in 2025 either "fair" or "good." Nearly half of Global Luxury Property Specialists (47.9%) surveyed reported an increase in first-time luxury homebuyers entering their respective markets, indicating continued enthusiasm for luxury real estate as affluent consumers pursue their dream home.

The Rise of Multigenerational Living

Luxury buyers are increasingly seeking homes designed to accommodate multigenerational living and evolving family needs. Forty-five percent of Luxury Property Specialists surveyed noted that flexible layouts were a top design feature among their clients.

With attributes such as first-floor in-law suites, lofts or alcoves, open floor plans and extended family spaces, these designs allow for seamless life transitions such as raising children, caring for elderly parents and creating functional work-from-home spaces. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) – while not always attached to the main residence – are also increasingly sought-after among buyers who want the flexibility to host guests while maintaining privacy. This versatility ensures that luxury homes remain not only beautiful, but also sanctuaries that have emotional resonance, authentic spirit and serve as a practical investment over the long term.

Gen X: The Luxury Latchkey Generation

Gen X luxury homeownership in 2024 jumped by 10% in the span of five years — more than any other age group, according to data from Wealth-X, a data company that provides comprehensive analysis of individuals with a net worth of $5 million plus. While Baby Boomers still hold over 50% of market share of luxury homeownership, Gen X is rapidly gaining ground. Luxury Property Specialists concur, noting that Gen X is the most prevalent age group among their luxury buyers. Luxury homes are defined as the top 10% in any given market.

Driven by lifestyle choices, Gen Xers prioritize location and turn-key properties. Rather than seeking only luxury "things," these buyers are drawn to properties offering access to experiences, such as walkability to cultural hubs and scenic views. Many Gen Xers are also investing in second homes, underscoring their focus on diversifying investments while enhancing their lifestyles.

The Growing Power of "She-Elites"

Women with a net worth of $5 million or more now own 15.2% of luxury real estate in the U.S. and 13.1% worldwide, per data from Wealth-X. "She-elites" or married women are a growing force in both buying and selling properties in luxury real estate. While men may still initiate some decisions, 95% of affluent buyers report that women either share the decision-making or take the lead.

New Drivers for the Wealthy

A new list of needs is driving high-net-worth individuals to seek primary and secondary residences beyond traditional destinations like New York and London, in favor of cities like Dubai and Singapore, or locales rich in cultural richness and tranquility such as Melbourne and Lisbon. These drivers – based on insight from Luxury Property Specialists and Barton Consulting – include lower taxes, climate, economic opportunities and lifestyle preferences. Buyers are drawn to locations where they can make the best use of their wealth in more dynamic ways. Additionally, U.S. cities like Austin and Houston are becoming more popular for offering luxury living at a more attractive value.

The Trend Report was developed in collaboration with the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, Wealth-X and Barton Consulting. To explore the Trend Report's full findings, visit


"The luxury real estate market has proven its resilience, even amidst broader market fluctuations, and we are confident that 2025 will see continued consumer optimism. For high-net-worth individuals, real estate remains a constant necessity and their desire for exceptional properties with unique designs and premium amenities is stronger than ever. With increased optimism and a shift in priorities, we anticipate a more dynamic year ahead. Our Global Luxury Property Specialists are ready to help clients navigate this evolving landscape with expertise and insight."

  • Michael Altneu, vice president, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury

"We are seeing an extraordinary evolution in home design that reflects the changing dynamic of luxury real estate. Women, especially, are powerful decision-makers that are making critical choices about where and how they live. The clients I work with are seeking more than just square footage—they want intelligent, adaptable spaces that can seamlessly accommodate multiple generations. A luxury home is now about creating a sanctuary that allows the flexibility needed to support a family's lifestyle and future needs."  

  • Jade Mills, president, Jade Mills Estates and International Ambassador of
    Coldwell Banker Global Luxury
    ® program

The Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program collaborated with their Luxury Property Specialists (through the means of a survey), Wealth-X, an Altrata Company, the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing and Barton Consulting LLC to provide insights into wealth, real estate, property investment, luxury spending preferences and emerging trends. For the Trend Report 2025, the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing analyzed the data for the top 10% of 120 U.S. markets. Data contained is from November 1, 2022 to October 30, 2024 and has been computed by the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing's data research partner and shared with Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® and based on information attained both privately and publicly. For more information on how data was collected and defined, please refer to the full methodology on page 4 of the Trend Report.

About Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® 
The Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program legacy traces its roots to 1933 and has been a world leader in luxury real estate since. Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists are an exclusive group within the Coldwell Banker® system, making up under ten percent of independent sales associates affiliated with the brand worldwide. Coldwell Banker affiliated agents conducted 39,339 transaction sides of homes priced at $1 million or more in 2023. This equates to $200 million in daily luxury sales with an average sales price of $1.9 million in this category.* Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury logo are registered marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. 

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What are the main trends shaping the luxury real estate market in 2025 according to Coldwell Banker (HOUS)?

The three main trends are: multigenerational living with flexible layouts, Gen X emergence as market leaders, and the growing influence of 'She-Elites' in luxury real estate decisions.

How much of U.S. luxury real estate is owned by high-net-worth women in 2025?

Women with a net worth of $5 million or more own 15.2% of luxury real estate in the U.S. and 13.1% worldwide.

What percentage of Coldwell Banker specialists predict positive market conditions for 2025?

85.5% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists rate the 2025 buyer market conditions as either 'fair' or 'good'.

Which emerging cities are becoming new luxury real estate hotspots in 2025?

Cities like Dubai, Singapore, Melbourne, Lisbon, Austin, and Houston are emerging as new luxury hotspots, driven by factors such as lower taxes, climate, and economic opportunities.

How much has Gen X luxury homeownership increased according to the 2025 HOUS report?

Gen X luxury homeownership increased by 10% over a five-year period, showing the highest growth among all age groups.
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