Consumer Optimism Fuels Desire for 'Unicorn' Properties, 'Forever' Dream Homes, Says New Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Mid-Year Report

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Coldwell Banker Real Estate 's 2024 Mid-Year Report reveals growing optimism among high net-worth individuals and an influx of new, sought-after inventory in the luxury real estate market. Key findings include:

1. Continued demand for 'have-it-all' properties, with 44% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists reporting high demand for well-priced, impeccably presented high-end properties.

2. A shift towards 'forever' dream homes, with buyers seeking adaptable residences for long-term living.

3. Sustained consumer optimism, with 70% of Luxury Property Specialists affirming belief in the market's robustness for 2024.

The report indicates a modestly stronger luxury single-family home market compared to the same period in 2023, with close alignment between final sale prices and initial listing prices.

Il Rapporto di metà anno 2024 di Coldwell Banker Real Estate rivela una crescente ottimistica tra gli individui ad alto patrimonio netto e un afflusso di nuovi immobili ricercati nel mercato immobiliare di lusso. I punti chiave includono:

1. Continua domanda per proprietà 'tutto in uno', con il 44% degli Specialisti di Coldwell Banker Global Luxury che segnalano un'alta domanda per proprietà di alta gamma ben prezzo e presentate in modo impeccabile.

2. Un cambiamento verso case dei sogni 'per sempre', con acquirenti in cerca di residenze adattabili per una vita a lungo termine.

3. Ottimismo sostenuto dei consumatori, con il 70% degli Specialisti di proprietà di lusso che affermano di credere nella robustezza del mercato per il 2024.

Il rapporto indica un mercato delle case unifamiliari di lusso modestamente più forte rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2023, con una stretta corrispondenza tra i prezzi di vendita finali e i prezzi di listino iniziali.

El Informe de mitad de año 2024 de Coldwell Banker Real Estate revela un creciente optimismo entre individuos de alto patrimonio neto y una afluencia de nuevos inmuebles muy deseados en el mercado inmobiliario de lujo. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Demanda continua por propiedades 'todo en uno', con el 44% de los Especialistas en Propiedades de Lujo de Coldwell Banker Global informando alta demanda por propiedades de alta gama bien valoradas y presentadas impecablemente.

2. Un cambio hacia casas de ensueño 'para siempre', con compradores buscando residencias adaptables para vivir a largo plazo.

3. Optimismo sostenido de los consumidores, con el 70% de los Especialistas en Propiedades de Lujo afirmando creer en la solidez del mercado para 2024.

El informe indica un mercado de casas unifamiliares de lujo modestamente más fuerte en comparación con el mismo período de 2023, con una estrecha alineación entre los precios de venta finales y los precios de lista iniciales.

콜드웰 뱅커 부동산의 2024년 중간 보고서는 고액 자산가들 사이에서 증가하는 낙관적 전망과 고급 부동산 시장에 대한 새로운 인기 있는 재고의 유입을 보여줍니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. '모두 갖추어진' 부동산에 대한 지속적인 수요, 콜드웰 뱅커 글로벌 럭셔리 부동산 전문가의 44%가 가격이 적정하고 완벽하게 제시된 고급 부동산에 대한 높은 수요를 보고합니다.

2. '영원한' 꿈의 집으로의 변화, 장기 거주를 위한 적응 가능한 주거지를 찾는 구매자들.

3. 소비자 낙관주의의 지속, 럭셔리 부동산 전문가의 70%가 2024년 시장의 견고함에 대한 믿음을 확인합니다.

이 보고서는 2023년 같은 기간에 비해 모드스틸리 강한 고급 단독 주택 시장이 있으며, 최종 판매 가격과 초기 목록 가격 간의 밀접한 일치를 나타냅니다.

Le Rapport de mi-année 2024 de Coldwell Banker Real Estate révèle un optimisme croissant parmi les individus fortunés et un afflux de nouveaux biens recherchés sur le marché immobilier de luxe. Les principales conclusions incluent :

1. Une demande continue pour des propriétés 'tout-en-un', avec 44 % des Spécialistes des Propriétés de Luxe de Coldwell Banker signalant une forte demande pour des biens haut de gamme bien tarifés et impeccablement présentés.

2. Un changement vers des maisons de rêve 'pour toujours', les acheteurs recherchant des résidences adaptables pour un mode de vie à long terme.

3. Un optimisme soutenu des consommateurs, avec 70 % des Spécialistes des Propriétés de Luxe affirmant croire en la robustesse du marché pour 2024.

Le rapport indique un marché des maisons individuelles de luxe légèrement plus fort par rapport à la même période en 2023, avec une étroite correspondance entre les prix de vente finaux et les prix de mise en vente initiaux.

Der Halbjahresbericht 2024 von Coldwell Banker Real Estate offenbart wachsenden Optimismus unter wohlhabenden Privatpersonen und einen Zufluss neuer, gefragter Immobilien im Luxusimmobilienmarkt. Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

1. Anhaltende Nachfrage nach 'Alles-in-einem'-Immobilien, wobei 44% der Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists von einer hohen Nachfrage nach gut bepreisten, makellos präsentierten Spitzenimmobilien berichten.

2. Ein Wandel hin zu 'für immer'-Traumhäusern, wobei Käufer anpassbare Residenzen für das langfristige Wohnen suchen.

3. Nachhaltiger Verbrauchermut, wobei 70% der Luxusimmobilienexperten an die Robustheit des Marktes für 2024 glauben.

Der Bericht zeigt einen moderat stärkeren Markt für Luxus-Einfamilienhäuser im Vergleich zum gleichen Zeitraum 2023, mit einer engen Übereinstimmung zwischen den endgültigen Verkaufspreisen und den ursprünglichen Listenpreisen.

  • Growing optimism among high net-worth individuals in the luxury real estate market
  • Influx of new, sought-after inventory bolstering a solid spring market
  • 44% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists report high demand for well-priced, high-end properties
  • 70% of Luxury Property Specialists affirm belief in the market's robustness for 2024
  • Modestly stronger luxury single-family home market compared to the same period in 2023
  • Close alignment between final sale prices and initial listing prices, indicating strong demand
  • 23% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists report constrained inventory as a significant challenge to sales
  • Some high net-worth individuals are adopting a cautious stance, waiting for a more favorable market and political climate

The mid-year report from Coldwell Banker Global Luxury reveals intriguing shifts in the high-end property market. The emergence of "unicorn" properties - move-in ready, new construction, or highly amenitized homes - as top picks for affluent buyers signals a growing demand for turnkey luxury. This trend could drive premium pricing for such properties, potentially widening the gap between standard and "unicorn" listings.

The pivot towards "forever" homes indicates a longer-term investment mindset among wealthy buyers. This could lead to decreased turnover in prime locations, potentially driving up values in these areas. However, it may also result in increased renovation and expansion activities as homeowners adapt their properties to changing needs over time.

With 70% of luxury specialists bullish on the market, we might see continued price resilience in the luxury segment, even amid broader economic uncertainties. This optimism, coupled with inventory constraints, could create a seller's market in specific luxury submarkets, particularly for those rare "unicorn" properties.

The report unveils a fascinating paradox in luxury consumer behavior. Despite economic headwinds, there's a notable surge in optimism among high-net-worth individuals, driving demand for premium properties. This resilience in the face of uncertainty suggests a decoupling of luxury real estate from broader market sentiment.

The shift towards "forever" homes reflects a deeper psychological change in how the affluent view their residences. No longer just assets, homes are increasingly seen as long-term lifestyle investments. This mindset could lead to increased spending on home improvements and smart home technologies as buyers seek to future-proof their investments.

Interestingly, the report hints at a segment of cautious wealthy buyers waiting for more favorable conditions. This pent-up demand could potentially fuel a surge in luxury transactions if political and economic climates stabilize, creating a dynamic market environment in the coming months.

Report provides a mid-year market update on the global luxury real estate landscape while identifying burgeoning trends that will gain year-end momentum  

MADISON, N.J., Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC, an Anywhere® (NYSE: HOUS) brand, and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program today introduced its 2024 Mid-Year Report, complementing the highly coveted Trend Report. Key trends within the report include growing optimism among high net-worth individuals and an influx of new, sought-after inventory bolstering a solid spring market. A survey of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists further supports these findings, as they reported affluent buyers continuing to seek out "have-it-all" properties and shifting their preferences toward finding their "forever" dream homes.

Backed by additional insights from Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists and data from the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, an analysis of the first six months of 2024 reveals a modestly stronger luxury single-family home market compared to the same period in 2023. The market's robust demand is evidenced by the close alignment between final sale prices and initial listing prices, underscoring the continued appeal of well-positioned properties.

In addition to the luxury market conditions, key findings in the 2024 Mid-Year Report include:

Continued Demand for "Have-It-All" Properties
A critical factor driving the luxury real estate market is desirable inventory, where "have-it-all" properties offering tailored lifestyle experiences continue to be in the highest demand among discerning buyers. In fact, over 44% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists said that demand persists for well-priced, impeccably presented high-end properties, particularly those that are "unicorns" such as move-in ready, new construction or highly amenitized.

According to 23% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists, constrained inventory continues to pose a significant challenge to sales. The confluence of discerning buyers and a scarce availability of exceptional "unicorn properties" is expected to shape the luxury housing market for the remainder of 2024.

The "Forever" Dream Home
Approximately 22% of luxury real estate agents have observed a waning interest in trends that emerged during the pandemic, signaling a transition towards the concept of a "forever" home. During the peak of the pandemic, the affluent demographic sought residences, however, evolving market dynamics and shifts in remote work policies have led many to search for homes that align with their long-term aspirations. Today's buyers are in pursuit of homes that offer the adaptability to grow and change alongside their evolving lifestyles. Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists have noticed that transitions in life stages are increasingly becoming a primary motivator for property sales, leading to a preference for homes that can accommodate a family's needs through various life phases.

Sustained Consumer Optimism
Heading into the latter half of 2024, the confidence of affluent consumers remains a pivotal element bolstering the steadfastness of the luxury real estate market. This sentiment is echoed by Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists, with approximately 70% affirming their belief in the market's robustness for the current year.

A segment of high net-worth individuals is adopting a cautious stance, preferring to await a more favorable market and political climate prior to engaging in property transactions. Notwithstanding the prevailing uncertainties for the remainder of the year, about 33% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists are optimistic about a surge in real estate activity as the year progresses.

The dynamic observed during the first half of the year underscores the long-term strength of luxury real estate. Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Specialists—armed with data-driven insights—are adeptly prepared to navigate their affluent clientele through the complexities of this dynamic market environment, steering them towards successful outcomes. To explore the Mid-Year Report, visit


"It's gratifying to see many of the trends that we identified in January holding true and new ones taking shape halfway through the year. A strong spring season combined with high confidence in the market from consumers makes me optimistic about what's to come for luxury real estate in 2024. It's encouraging to see the rise in demand for 'forever' homes and move-in ready residences. Despite challenges in the market, luxury agents can leverage these insights to finish the year strong. The Mid-Year Report serves as a checkpoint to ensure our agents are on the right track to guiding their clients toward success this year."

-      Michael Altneu, vice president, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury 

"There is a fundamental shift happening in the luxury real estate market as of late. Properties that are priced correctly are achieving offers above asking price, often multiple offers, indicating a more balanced market. This report underlines the importance of effective pricing and marketing strategies amidst challenging conditions while creating favorite opportunities for both luxury buyers and sellers now and in the months ahead."

-      Jade Mills, president, Jade Mills Estates and International Ambassador of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program

The Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program collaborated with their Luxury Property Specialists (through the means of a survey), Wealth-X, an Altrata Company and the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing to provide insights into wealth, real estate, property investment,
luxury spending preferences, and emerging trends. For The Mid-Year Report 2024, the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing analyzed the data for the top 10% of 126 U.S. markets. Data contained is from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024 and has been computed by the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing's data research partner and shared with Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® and based on information attained both privately and publicly. For more information on how data is was collected and defined, please refer to the full methodology on page 32 of The Mid-Year Report.

About Coldwell Banker Global Luxury®
The Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program legacy traces its roots to 1933 and has been a world leader in luxury real estate since. Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists are an exclusive group within the Coldwell Banker® system, making up under ten percent of independent sales associates affiliated with the brand worldwide. Coldwell Banker affiliated agents conducted 39,339 transaction sides of homes priced at $1 million or more in 2023. This equates to $200 million in daily luxury sales with an average sales price of $1.9 million in this category.* Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury logo are registered marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Each franchise is independently owned and operated. 

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SOURCE Coldwell Banker Global Luxury


What are the key trends in the luxury real estate market according to Coldwell Banker's 2024 Mid-Year Report?

The key trends include growing optimism among high net-worth individuals, continued demand for 'have-it-all' properties, a shift towards 'forever' dream homes, and sustained consumer optimism in the luxury real estate market.

How does the 2024 luxury single-family home market compare to 2023, according to the report?

The report indicates a modestly stronger luxury single-family home market in the first six months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, with close alignment between final sale prices and initial listing prices.

What percentage of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists believe in the market's robustness for 2024?

Approximately 70% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists affirm their belief in the market's robustness for 2024.

What is the main challenge in the luxury real estate market according to the 2024 Mid-Year Report?

According to 23% of Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialists, constrained inventory continues to pose a significant challenge to sales in the luxury real estate market.

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