Hoth Therapeutics Announces Promising Preclinical Results for Alzheimer's Drug HT-ALZ

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Hoth Therapeutics (NASDAQ: HOTH) has announced promising preclinical results for its Alzheimer's drug candidate, HT-ALZ. The study, conducted on Alzheimer's model mice, showed significant reductions in astrocyte activity in key brain areas after treatment with HT-ALZ. Notably, the hippocampus showed decreased astrocyte coverage at both 20 mg and 40 mg dose levels compared to the control group, with similar trends observed in the cortex.

These reductions in reactive astrocytes corresponded with improved cognitive performance, suggesting a potential link between HT-ALZ's effect on astrocytic activity and therapeutic benefits. The company is conducting further analysis to determine if the treatment is affecting the size or total number of astrocytes. CEO Robb Knie expressed confidence in these results as Hoth Therapeutics advances HT-ALZ through further studies and clinical trials.

Hoth Therapeutics (NASDAQ: HOTH) ha annunciato risultati preclinici promettenti per il suo candidato farmaco contro l'Alzheimer, HT-ALZ. Lo studio, condotto su topi modello di Alzheimer, ha mostrato riduzioni significative nell'attività degli astrociti in aree chiave del cervello dopo il trattamento con HT-ALZ. In particolare, l'ippocampo ha mostrato una diminuzione della copertura degli astrociti a dosi di 20 mg e 40 mg rispetto al gruppo di controllo, con tendenze simili osservate nella corteccia.

Queste riduzioni negli astrociti reattivi corrispondevano a un miglioramento delle performance cognitive, suggerendo un potenziale legame tra l'effetto di HT-ALZ sull'attività degli astrociti e i benefici terapeutici. L'azienda sta conducendo ulteriori analisi per determinare se il trattamento stia influenzando le dimensioni o il numero totale degli astrociti. Il CEO Robb Knie ha espresso fiducia in questi risultati mentre Hoth Therapeutics avanza con HT-ALZ attraverso ulteriori studi e trial clinici.

Hoth Therapeutics (NASDAQ: HOTH) ha anunciado prometedores resultados preclínicos para su candidato a fármaco contra el Alzheimer, HT-ALZ. El estudio, realizado en ratones modelo de Alzheimer, mostró reducciones significativas en la actividad de los astrocitos en áreas clave del cerebro después del tratamiento con HT-ALZ. Notablemente, el hipocampo mostró una disminución en la cobertura de astrocitos tanto a niveles de dosis de 20 mg como de 40 mg en comparación con el grupo de control, con tendencias similares observadas en la corteza.

Estas reducciones en los astrocitos reactivos correspondieron con una mejora en el rendimiento cognitivo, sugiriendo un posible vínculo entre el efecto de HT-ALZ en la actividad astrocitaria y los beneficios terapéuticos. La empresa está realizando más análisis para determinar si el tratamiento está afectando el tamaño o el número total de astrocitos. El CEO Robb Knie expresó confianza en estos resultados mientras Hoth Therapeutics avanza con HT-ALZ a través de más estudios y ensayos clínicos.

Hoth Therapeutics (NASDAQ: HOTH)는 알츠하이머 약물 후보인 HT-ALZ의 유망한 전임상 결과를 발표했습니다. 알츠하이머 모델 생쥐를 대상으로 한 연구에서는 HT-ALZ로 치료한 후 주요 뇌 영역에서 별아교세포 활동이 크게 감소한 것으로 나타났습니다. 특히, 해마는 대조군과 비교했을 때 20mg 및 40mg 용량 모두에서 별아교세포의 범위가 감소했으며, 피질에서도 유사한 경향이 관찰되었습니다.

이러한 반응성 별아교세포의 감소는 인지 성능 향상과 관련이 있으며, 이는 HT-ALZ의 별아교세포 활동에 대한 영향을 통해 치료적 이점과 연결될 가능성을 시사합니다. 이 회사는 치료가 별아교세포의 크기나 총 수에 영향을 미치는지 여부를 확인하기 위해 추가 분석을 진행하고 있습니다. CEO인 Robb Knie는 Hoth Therapeutics가 HT-ALZ를 추가 연구 및 임상 시험을 통해 발전시키는 만큼 이러한 결과에 대한 확신을 표명했습니다.

Hoth Therapeutics (NASDAQ: HOTH) a annoncé des résultats précliniques prometteurs pour son candidat médicament contre Alzheimer, HT-ALZ. L'étude, réalisée sur des souris modèles d'Alzheimer, a montré des réductions significatives de l'activité des astrocytes dans des zones clés du cerveau après un traitement avec HT-ALZ. Notamment, l'hippocampe a montré une diminution de la couverture des astrocytes tant aux doses de 20 mg que de 40 mg par rapport au groupe de contrôle, avec des tendances similaires observées dans le cortex.

Ces réductions des astrocytes réactifs correspondaient à une amélioration des performances cognitives, suggérant un lien potentiel entre l'effet de HT-ALZ sur l'activité astrocytaire et les bénéfices thérapeutiques. L'entreprise procède à des analyses supplémentaires pour déterminer si le traitement affecte la taille ou le nombre total d'astrocytes. Le PDG Robb Knie a exprimé sa confiance dans ces résultats alors que Hoth Therapeutics poursuit HT-ALZ à travers d'autres études et essais cliniques.

Hoth Therapeutics (NASDAQ: HOTH) hat vielversprechende präklinische Ergebnisse für seinen Alzheimer-Wirkstoffkandidaten HT-ALZ bekannt gegeben. Die Studie, die an Alzheimer-Modellmäusen durchgeführt wurde, zeigte signifikante Reduzierungen der Aktivität von Astrozyten in wichtigen Gehirnregionen nach der Behandlung mit HT-ALZ. Bemerkenswert ist, dass der Hippocampus sowohl bei 20 mg als auch bei 40 mg Dosen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe eine verringerte Abdeckung von Astrozyten zeigte, wobei ähnliche Trends auch im Kortex beobachtet wurden.

Diese Reduktionen der reaktiven Astrozyten korrelierten mit einer verbesserten kognitiven Leistung, was auf eine potenzielle Verbindung zwischen der Wirkung von HT-ALZ auf die Astrozytenaktivität und den therapeutischen Vorteilen hinweist. Das Unternehmen führt weitere Analysen durch, um zu bestimmen, ob die Behandlung die Größe oder die Gesamtzahl der Astrozyten beeinflusst. CEO Robb Knie äußerte Vertrauen in diese Ergebnisse, während Hoth Therapeutics HT-ALZ durch weitere Studien und klinische Prüfungen vorantreibt.

  • Significant reduction in astrocyte activity observed in key brain areas after HT-ALZ treatment
  • Decreased astrocyte coverage in hippocampus at 20 mg and 40 mg dose levels
  • Improved cognitive performance corresponding with reduced reactive astrocytes
  • Potential breakthrough in Alzheimer's treatment indicated by fewer reactive astrocytes in treated groups
  • None.

The preclinical results for HT-ALZ are intriguing, showing promise in targeting a key mechanism in Alzheimer's disease. The reduction in reactive astrocytes in the hippocampus and cortex at 20 mg and 40 mg dose levels is particularly noteworthy. This correlates with improved cognitive performance, suggesting a potential causal link.

However, it's important to note that these are early-stage results in mouse models. The transition from animal studies to human trials often reveals unforeseen challenges. The next steps should include dose-optimization studies and safety assessments before moving to human trials. If these results hold in humans, HT-ALZ could represent a significant advance in Alzheimer's treatment, addressing a novel target in disease progression.

While these preclinical results are promising for Hoth Therapeutics, investors should temper their expectations. The Alzheimer's drug market is notoriously challenging, with many candidates failing in late-stage trials. However, if HT-ALZ continues to show promise, it could significantly impact Hoth's valuation.

Currently, Hoth's market cap is relatively small, typical for early-stage biotech companies. Positive progression through clinical trials could lead to substantial stock price increases. However, the company will likely need additional funding for later-stage trials, which could lead to dilution. Investors should closely monitor cash burn rate and upcoming milestones. Partnerships or licensing deals could provide validation and financial support, potentially boosting investor confidence.

Early observations suggest that the vehicle-treated Alzheimer's mice exhibit a larger population of reactive astrocytes, while the HT-ALZ treated groups show fewer reactive astrocytes, pointing to a potential breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's.

NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hoth Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOTH), a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative treatments for unmet medical needs, today announced encouraging preclinical results for its investigational Alzheimer's drug, HT-ALZ. In a recent study using Alzheimer's model mice treated with varying doses of HT-ALZ, significant reductions in astrocyte activity were observed in key areas of the brain, suggesting a potential link between reduced reactive astrocytes, and improved cognitive function.

In the study, astrocyte staining was used to evaluate the impact of different doses of aprepitant on the hippocampus and cortex. The data showed a notable decrease in the percentage of area covered by astrocytes in the hippocampus at both 20 mg and 40 mg dose levels, compared to the vehicle- treated group. A similar trend was observed in the cortex. These reductions in reactive astrocytes corresponded with enhanced cognitive performance in the same dose groups, further indicating that aprepitant's therapeutic benefit may be tied to its impact on astrocytic activity.

Reactive astrocytes, which are typically larger than normal astrocytes, play a role in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Hoth Therapeutics is currently conducting a secondary analysis to determine whether the size or total number of astrocytes is changing as a result of treatment. Early observations suggest that the vehicle-treated Alzheimer's mice exhibit a larger population of reactive astrocytes, while the HT-ALZ treated groups show fewer reactive astrocytes, pointing to a potential breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's.

Robb Knie, CEO of Hoth Therapeutics, stated "These preclinical results are a promising step forward in our mission to develop effective therapies for Alzheimer's disease. The reductions in astrocyte activity and the corresponding improvements in cognitive function observed with HT- ALZ give us confidence as we move forward in our development process."

Hoth Therapeutics plans to continue advancing HT-ALZ through further studies and clinical trials, aiming to provide a novel therapeutic option for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. For more information on HT-ALZ and Hoth's innovative pipeline, please visit our website.

About Hoth Therapeutics, Inc.

Hoth Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing innovative, impactful, and ground-breaking treatments with a goal to improve patient quality of life. We are a catalyst in early-stage pharmaceutical research and development, elevating drugs from the bench to pre-clinical and clinical testing. Utilizing a patient-centric approach, we collaborate and partner with a team of scientists, clinicians, and key opinion leaders to seek out and investigate therapeutics that hold immense potential to create breakthroughs and diversify treatment options. To learn more, please visit

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release includes forward-looking statements based upon Hoth's current expectations, which may constitute forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws, and are subject to substantial risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. These statements concern Hoth's business strategies; the timing of regulatory submissions; the ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval of existing product candidates and any other product candidates we may develop, and the labeling under any approval we may obtain; the timing and costs of clinical trials, and the timing and costs of other expenses; market acceptance of our products; the ultimate impact of the current coronavirus pandemic, or any other health epidemic, on our business, our clinical trials, our research programs, healthcare systems, or the global economy as a whole; our intellectual property; our reliance on third-party organizations; our competitive position; our industry environment; our anticipated financial and operating results, including anticipated sources of revenues; our assumptions regarding the size of the available market, benefits of our products, product pricing, and timing of product launches; management's expectation with respect to future acquisitions; statements regarding our goals, intentions, plans, and expectations, including the introduction of new products and markets; and our cash needs and financing plans. There are a number of factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. You should not place reliance on these forward-looking statements, which include words such as "could," "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "estimate," "expect," "may," "continue," "predict," "potential," "project" or similar terms, variations of such terms, or the negative of those terms. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot guarantee such outcomes. Hoth may not realize its expectations, and its beliefs may not prove correct. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including, without limitation, market conditions and the factors described in the section titled "Risk Factors" in Hoth's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Hoth's other filings made with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All such statements speak only as of the date made. Consequently, forward-looking statements should be regarded solely as Hoth's current plans, estimates, and beliefs. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Hoth cannot guarantee future results, events, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. Hoth does not undertake and specifically declines any obligation to update, republish, or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect new information, future events, or circumstances or to reflect the occurrences of unanticipated events, except as may be required by applicable law.

Investor Contact:
LR Advisors LLC
Phone: (678) 570-6791

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SOURCE Hoth Therapeutics, Inc.


What are the key findings of Hoth Therapeutics' preclinical study for HT-ALZ (HOTH)?

The preclinical study showed significant reductions in astrocyte activity in key brain areas of Alzheimer's model mice treated with HT-ALZ. This reduction corresponded with improved cognitive performance, suggesting a potential therapeutic benefit for Alzheimer's disease.

How does HT-ALZ (HOTH) affect astrocytes in Alzheimer's model mice?

HT-ALZ treatment resulted in a notable decrease in the percentage of area covered by astrocytes in the hippocampus at both 20 mg and 40 mg dose levels, compared to the control group. A similar trend was observed in the cortex.

What is the next step for Hoth Therapeutics (HOTH) in developing HT-ALZ?

Hoth Therapeutics plans to continue advancing HT-ALZ through further studies and clinical trials, aiming to provide a novel therapeutic option for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

What is the significance of reduced reactive astrocytes in Alzheimer's treatment?

Reactive astrocytes play a role in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. The reduction in reactive astrocytes observed with HT-ALZ treatment suggests a potential breakthrough in Alzheimer's treatment, as it corresponded with improved cognitive function.

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