Robinhood Markets, Inc. Reports August 2024 Operating Data

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Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD) reported its August 2024 operating data, showing mixed results. Funded Customers grew to 24.3 million, up 60,000 from July and over 1 million year-over-year. Assets Under Custody (AUC) decreased 1% month-over-month to $143.6 billion but increased 60% year-over-year. Net Deposits were $3.3 billion, with a 27% annualized growth rate. Trading volumes showed mixed performance: Equity volumes decreased 8% from July, Options contracts traded fell 8%, while Crypto volumes increased 2%. Margin balances and Cash Sweep balances both grew, up 2% and 5% respectively from July. However, Securities Lending Revenue declined 14% to $18 million compared to July.

Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD) ha riportato i dati operativi di agosto 2024, mostrando risultati contrastanti. I Clienti Finanziati sono aumentati a 24,3 milioni, con un incremento di 60.000 rispetto a luglio e oltre 1 milione rispetto all'anno precedente. Gli Attivi in Custodia (AUC) sono diminuiti dell'1% mese su mese, raggiungendo i 143,6 miliardi di dollari, ma sono aumentati del 60% su base annua. I Depositi Netti ammontano a 3,3 miliardi di dollari, con un tasso di crescita annualizzato del 27%. I volumi di trading hanno mostrato performance miste: i volumi azionari sono diminuiti dell'8% rispetto a luglio, i contratti di opzione scambiati sono calati dell'8%, mentre i volumi di criptovalute sono aumentati del 2%. I saldi di margine e i saldi di Cash Sweep sono entrambi aumentati, rispettivamente del 2% e del 5% rispetto a luglio. Tuttavia, il Ricavo da Prestito Titoli è diminuito del 14%, arrivando a 18 milioni di dollari rispetto a luglio.

Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD) informó sus datos operativos de agosto de 2024, mostrando resultados mixtos. Los Clientes Financiados crecieron a 24.3 millones, un aumento de 60,000 desde julio y más de 1 millón en comparación con el año anterior. Los Activos bajo Custodia (AUC) disminuyeron un 1% mes a mes, alcanzando los 143.6 mil millones de dólares, pero aumentaron un 60% interanual. Los Depósitos Neto fueron de 3.3 mil millones de dólares, con una tasa de crecimiento anualizada del 27%. Los volúmenes de comercio mostraron un desempeño mixto: los volúmenes de acciones disminuyeron un 8% desde julio, los contratos de opciones negociadas cayeron un 8%, mientras que los volúmenes de criptomonedas aumentaron un 2%. Los salarios de margen y los salarios de Cash Sweep crecieron, aumentando un 2% y un 5% respectivamente desde julio. Sin embargo, los Ingresos por Préstamos de Valores disminuyeron un 14% a 18 millones de dólares en comparación con julio.

로빈후드 마켓, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD)는 2024년 8월 운영 데이터를 보고하며 혼합된 결과를 보여주었습니다. 자금이 지원된 고객 수는 2430만 명으로 증가했으며, 이는 7월 대비 6만 명 증가한 수치이고 연간 100만 명 이상 성장했습니다. 수탁 자산(AUC)는 전월 대비 1% 감소하여 1,436억 달러에 도달했지만, 전년 대비 60% 증가했습니다. 순예치금은 33억 달러로 연환산 성장률은 27%였습니다. 거래량은 혼합된 성과를 보였습니다: 주식 거래량은 7월 대비 8% 감소하였고, 옵션 계약은 8% 하락했으며, 암호화폐 거래량은 2% 증가했습니다. 마진 잔액캐시 스위프 잔액은 각각 7월 대비 2%와 5% 증가했습니다. 그러나 증권 대출 수익은 7월 대비 14% 감소하여 1800만 달러에 불과했습니다.

Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD) a publié ses données opérationnelles d'août 2024, montrant des résultats mitigés. Le nombre de Clients Financiés a atteint 24,3 millions, soit une augmentation de 60 000 par rapport à juillet et plus d'1 million par rapport à l'année précédente. Les Actifs Sous Custodie (AUC) ont diminué de 1 % par rapport au mois précédent pour atteindre 143,6 milliards de dollars, mais ont augmenté de 60 % d'une année sur l'autre. Les Dépôts Nets s'élevaient à 3,3 milliards de dollars, avec un taux de croissance annualisé de 27 %. Les volumes de trading ont montré des performances mixtes : les volumes d'actions ont diminué de 8 % par rapport à juillet, les contrats d'options échangés ont chuté de 8 %, tandis que les volumes de crypto ont augmenté de 2 %. Les soldes de marge et les soldes de Cash Sweep ont tous deux augmenté, de 2 % et 5 % respectivement par rapport à juillet. Cependant, les revenus de prêt de titres ont diminué de 14 %, atteignant 18 millions de dollars par rapport à juillet.

Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD) hat die Betriebsdaten für August 2024 veröffentlicht, die gemischte Ergebnisse zeigen. Die Finanzierten Kunden wuchsen auf 24,3 Millionen, ein Anstieg von 60.000 gegenüber Juli und über 1 Million im Jahresvergleich. Vermögenswerte unter Verwahrung (AUC) sanken im Monatsvergleich um 1% auf 143,6 Milliarden Dollar, stiegen jedoch im Jahresvergleich um 60%. Die Nettoeinlagen betrugen 3,3 Milliarden Dollar, mit einer annualisierten Wachstumsrate von 27%. Die Handelsvolumina zeigten eine gemischte Leistung: Die Aktienvolumina sanken um 8% im Vergleich zu Juli, die gehandelten Optionskontrakte fielen ebenfalls um 8%, während die Krypto-Volumina um 2% zunahmen. Die Margin Salden und Cash Sweep Salden sind beide gestiegen, um 2% bzw. 5% im Vergleich zu Juli. Allerdings fiel der Ertrag aus Wertpapierverleih um 14% auf 18 Millionen Dollar im Vergleich zu Juli.

  • Funded Customers increased by 60,000 to 24.3 million, showing continued user growth
  • Assets Under Custody (AUC) grew 60% year-over-year to $143.6 billion
  • Net Deposits were $3.3 billion, with a 27% annualized growth rate
  • Crypto Notional Trading Volumes increased 2% month-over-month and 145% year-over-year
  • Margin balances grew 2% month-over-month and 57% year-over-year to $5.5 billion
  • Total Cash Sweep balances increased 5% month-over-month and 71% year-over-year to $22.8 billion
  • Assets Under Custody (AUC) decreased 1% month-over-month
  • Equity Notional Trading Volumes declined 8% from July 2024
  • Options Contracts Traded decreased 8% month-over-month
  • Total Securities Lending Revenue fell 14% month-over-month to $18 million

Robinhood's August 2024 operating data reveals a mixed performance. While the company shows strong year-over-year growth across most metrics, there are some concerning month-over-month trends. The 1% decrease in Assets Under Custody (AUC) and 8% decline in both Equity and Options trading volumes from July suggest potential headwinds.

However, the 27% annualized growth rate in Net Deposits and 5% increase in Total Cash Sweep balances indicate continued user engagement and trust. The 60% year-over-year AUC growth and 145% increase in Crypto trading volumes highlight Robinhood's expanding market presence. The company's ability to grow its customer base by over 1 million year-over-year is commendable, but the slowing monthly growth rate warrants attention.

Robinhood's August data reflects broader market trends and changing investor behavior. The decline in equity and options trading volumes aligns with typical summer market slowdowns. However, the slight uptick in crypto trading suggests a shift in investor focus, possibly due to renewed interest in digital assets.

The substantial year-over-year growth in AUC and Net Deposits indicates Robinhood's expanding market share in the retail investing space. The 71% year-over-year increase in Cash Sweep balances is particularly noteworthy, suggesting users are keeping more funds readily available for trading opportunities. This could be a double-edged sword, potentially leading to increased trading activity but also reflecting cautious sentiment in uncertain market conditions.

MENLO PARK, Calif., Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robinhood Markets, Inc. (“Robinhood”) (NASDAQ: HOOD) today reported select monthly operating data for August 2024:

  • Funded Customers at the end of August were 24.3 million (up approximately 60 thousand from July 2024, up over one million year-over-year).

  • Assets Under Custody (AUC) at the end of August were $143.6 billion (down 1% from July 2024, up 60% year-over-year). Net Deposits were $3.3 billion in August, translating to a 27% annualized growth rate relative to July 2024 AUC. Over the last twelve months, Net Deposits were $37.5 billion, translating to an annual growth rate of 42% relative to August 2023 AUC.

  • Equity Notional Trading Volumes were $96.2 billion (down 8% from July 2024, up 61% year-over-year). Options Contracts Traded were 146.9 million (down 8% from July 2024, up 37% year-over-year). Crypto Notional Trading Volumes were $5.4 billion (up 2% from July 2024, up 145% year-over-year).

  • Margin balances at the end of August were $5.5 billion (up 2% from the end of July 2024, up 57% year-over-year).

  • Total Cash Sweep balances at the end of August were $22.8 billion (up 5% from the end of July 2024, up 71% year-over-year).

  • Total Securities Lending Revenue in August was $18 million (down 14% from July 2024, up 6% year-over-year).

(M - in millions, B - in billions)     
Funded Customer Growth (M)     
Funded Customers 24.3 24.2-  23.25% 
Assets Under Custody (AUC) ($B)     
Total AUC$143.6$144.5(1%) $89.760% 
Net Deposits$3.3$4.2NM$1.6NM
Trading Days (Equities and Options) 22 22-  23(4%) 
Total Trading Volumes     
Equity ($B)$96.2$104.4(8%) $59.861% 
Options Contracts (M) 146.9 160.5(8%)  107.337% 
Crypto ($B)$5.4$5.32% $2.2145% 
Daily Average Revenue Trades (DARTs) (M)    
Equity 1.9 2.1(10%)  1.527% 
Options 0.9 0.9-  0.650% 
Crypto 0.3 0.3-  0.250% 
Customer Margin and Cash Sweep ($B)    
Margin Book$5.5$5.42% $3.557% 
Total Cash Sweep$22.8$21.85% $13.371% 
Gold Cash Sweep$22.2$21.25% $12.676% 
Non-Gold Cash Sweep$0.6$0.6- $0.7(14%) 
Total Securities Lending Revenue ($M)$18$21(14%) $176% 

For definitions and additional information regarding these metrics, please refer to Robinhood’s full monthly metrics release, which is available on

The information in this release is unaudited and the information for the months in the most recent fiscal quarter is preliminary, based on Robinhood’s estimates, and subject to completion of financial closing procedures. Final results for the most recent fiscal quarter, as reported in Robinhood’s quarterly and annual filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), might vary from the information in this release.

About Robinhood

Robinhood Markets, Inc. is on a mission to democratize finance for all. In the U.S., people can invest with no account minimums through Robinhood Financial LLC, a registered broker dealer (member SIPC), buy and sell crypto through Robinhood Crypto, LLC, and spend and earn rewards through debit cards with Robinhood Money, LLC and credit cards with Robinhood Credit, Inc. People can also trade U.S. stocks without commission or FX fees in the UK through Robinhood U.K. Ltd., trade crypto in select jurisdictions in the European Union through Robinhood Europe, UAB, and access easy-to-understand educational content through Robinhood Learn.

Robinhood uses the “Overview” tab of its Investor Relations website (accessible at and its Newsroom (accessible at, as means of disclosing information to the public in a broad, non-exclusionary manner for purposes of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (“SEC”) Regulation Fair Disclosure (Reg. FD). Investors should routinely monitor those web pages, in addition to Robinhood’s press releases, SEC filings, and public conference calls and webcasts, as information posted on them could be deemed to be material information.

“Robinhood” and the Robinhood feather logo are registered trademarks of Robinhood Markets, Inc. All other names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Investor Relations



What was Robinhood's (HOOD) customer growth in August 2024?

Robinhood (HOOD) reported an increase of approximately 60,000 funded customers in August 2024, bringing the total to 24.3 million. This represents a growth of over one million customers year-over-year.

How did Robinhood's (HOOD) Assets Under Custody (AUC) change in August 2024?

Robinhood's (HOOD) Assets Under Custody (AUC) at the end of August 2024 were $143.6 billion, down 1% from July 2024 but up 60% year-over-year.

What were Robinhood's (HOOD) Net Deposits in August 2024?

Robinhood (HOOD) reported Net Deposits of $3.3 billion in August 2024, translating to a 27% annualized growth rate relative to July 2024 AUC.

How did Robinhood's (HOOD) trading volumes perform in August 2024?

In August 2024, Robinhood (HOOD) saw Equity Notional Trading Volumes of $96.2 billion (down 8% from July), Options Contracts Traded at 146.9 million (down 8% from July), and Crypto Notional Trading Volumes at $5.4 billion (up 2% from July).

Robinhood Markets, Inc.


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