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Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) has been chosen by United Airlines to supply a comprehensive range of avionics for their new 737 MAX aircraft. This selection includes advanced technologies such as the industry's only 3D weather radar, new 25-hour flight data recorders, and sophisticated safety systems. The agreement expands on a previous 2018 deal, highlighting Honeywell's reliability in delivering top-tier aerospace technology.

Key technologies selected include the IntuVue RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar System, Honeywell Connected Recorder – 25, TPA100B Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System, Integrated Multi-Mode Receiver, and the ALA-52B radar altimeter. These systems aim to reduce pilot workload, enhance situational awareness, and support dispatch reliability for United's growing 737 MAX fleet.

Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) è stato scelto da United Airlines per fornire una gamma completa di avionica per il loro nuovo 737 MAX. Questa selezione include tecnologie avanzate come l'unico radar meteorologico 3D del settore, nuovi registratori di volo da 25 ore e sofisticati sistemi di sicurezza. L'accordo amplia un precedente contratto del 2018, sottolineando l'affidabilità di Honeywell nella fornitura di tecnologie aerospaziali di alto livello.

Le principali tecnologie selezionate includono il Sistema di Radar Meteorologico 3D IntuVue RDR-4000, Registratore Connesso Honeywell – 25, TPA100B Sistema di Allerta Traffico e Prevenzione Collisioni, Ricevitore Multi-Modalità Integrato e il Radar Altimetro ALA-52B. Questi sistemi mirano a ridurre il carico di lavoro dei piloti, migliorare la consapevolezza situazionale e supportare l'affidabilità degli interventi per la crescente flotta di 737 MAX di United.

Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) ha sido elegido por United Airlines para suministrar una gama completa de aviónica para su nuevo 737 MAX. Esta selección incluye tecnologías avanzadas como el único radar meteorológico 3D de la industria, nuevos grabadores de datos de vuelo de 25 horas y sofisticados sistemas de seguridad. El acuerdo amplía un contrato anterior de 2018, destacando la fiabilidad de Honeywell en la entrega de tecnología aeroespacial de primer nivel.

Las principales tecnologías seleccionadas incluyen el Sistema de Radar Meteorológico 3D IntuVue RDR-4000, Grabador Conectado Honeywell – 25, TPA100B Sistema de Alerta de Tráfico y Prevención de Colisiones, Receptor Multi-Modalidad Integrado y el Altímetro Radar ALA-52B. Estos sistemas buscan reducir la carga de trabajo de los pilotos, mejorar la conciencia situacional y apoyar la fiabilidad del despacho para la creciente flota de 737 MAX de United.

하니웰 (NASDAQ: HON)은 유나이티드 항공에 새로운 737 MAX 항공기를 위한 포괄적인 항공 전자 기기를 공급하기 위해 선택되었습니다. 이번 선정에는 업계 유일의 3D 기상 레이더, 새로운 25시간 비행 데이터 기록기, 그리고 정교한 안전 시스템과 같은 첨단 기술이 포함됩니다. 이 계약은 2018년의 이전 거래를 확대하며, 하니웰의 최고 수준의 항공 우주 기술 제공에 대한 신뢰성을 강조합니다.

선택된 주요 기술에는 인트루뷰 RDR-4000 3D 기상 레이더 시스템, 하니웰 연결 기록기 – 25, TPA100B 교통 경고 및 충돌 회피 시스템, 통합 다중 모드 수신기, ALA-52B 레이더 고도계가 포함됩니다. 이러한 시스템은 파일럿의 업무 부담을 줄이고, 상황 인식을 향상시키며, 유나이티드의 확장 중인 737 MAX 플릿의 배차 신뢰성을 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) a été choisie par United Airlines pour fournir une gamme complète d'avionique pour leur nouvel avion 737 MAX. Cette sélection inclut des technologies avancées telles que le seul radar météo 3D de l'industrie, de nouveaux enregistreurs de données de vol de 25 heures et des systèmes de sécurité sophistiqués. L'accord s'inscrit dans le prolongement d'un contrat précédent de 2018, soulignant la fiabilité de Honeywell dans la fourniture de technologies aérospatiales de premier plan.

Les principales technologies sélectionnées incluent le Système de Radar Météo 3D IntuVue RDR-4000, Enregistreur Connecté Honeywell – 25, TPA100B Système d'Alerte Trafic et d'Évitement de Collision, Récepteur Multi-Mode Intégré, et l'Altimètre Radar ALA-52B. Ces systèmes visent à réduire la charge de travail des pilotes, améliorer la conscience situationnelle et soutenir la fiabilité des opérations pour la flotte croissante de 737 MAX de United.

Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) wurde von United Airlines ausgewählt, um eine umfassende Palette von Avionik für ihre neuen 737 MAX Flugzeuge bereitzustellen. Diese Auswahl umfasst fortschrittliche Technologien wie den einzigen 3D-Wetterradar der Branche, neue 25-Stunden-Flight-Datenrekorder und ausgeklügelte Sicherheitssysteme. Die Vereinbarung baut auf einer vorherigen Vereinbarung aus dem Jahr 2018 auf und hebt die Zuverlässigkeit von Honeywell bei der Bereitstellung von Spitzen-Technologie im Luft- und Raumfahrtbereich hervor.

Zu den ausgewählten Schlüsseltechnologien gehören das IntuVue RDR-4000 3D-Wetterradarsystem, Honeywell Connect Recorder – 25, TPA100B Verkehrswarn- und Kollisionsvermeidungssystem, Integrierter Mehrmoduss-Empfänger und der ALA-52B Radarkompass. Diese Systeme sollen die Arbeitslast der Piloten reduzieren, das Situationsbewusstsein verbessern und die Zuverlässigkeit der Einsätze für die wachsende 737 MAX-Flotte von United unterstützen.

  • Secured a major contract with United Airlines for 737 MAX avionics
  • Expanded on previous 2018 agreement, demonstrating customer satisfaction
  • Providing industry-leading technologies like 3D weather radar and 25-hour flight data recorders
  • Offering systems that reduce pilot workload and improve situational awareness
  • None.

This agreement with United Airlines to equip new 737 MAX aircraft with advanced Honeywell avionics marks a significant milestone. Honeywell's IntuVue RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar System, for instance, represents cutting-edge technology that enhances flight safety and efficiency by providing detailed weather data. This technology can improve pilot situational awareness, reducing the likelihood of weather-related incidents. Additionally, the integration of the Honeywell Connected Recorder – 25 and the TPA100B Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System enhances aircraft safety and operational reliability. This selection reinforces Honeywell's position as a leader in aerospace technology and may drive further business opportunities as other airlines look to upgrade their fleets with similar advancements.

From a market perspective, Honeywell’s continued partnership with United Airlines is a strong indicator of its market dominance and reliability in the aviation sector. This contract is likely to bolster Honeywell's revenue streams and solidify its reputation for delivering dependable, state-of-the-art avionics. Investors should note the strategic significance of this deal in reinforcing Honeywell's market share in aerospace technology. Given the long-term nature of this agreement, it suggests sustained revenue visibility and potential for upward revisions in future financial projections. However, it is important to monitor the delivery schedule and integration success to ensure these benefits materialize.

This contract with United Airlines is poised to positively impact Honeywell’s financial performance, particularly in its aerospace segment. The adoption of Honeywell's advanced avionics technology will likely drive revenue growth over the next decade. The advanced safety and efficiency features of these systems may also lead to higher-margin sales, reflecting positively on Honeywell's profitability. Furthermore, sustained partnerships with major clients like United Airlines can enhance investor confidence in Honeywell's revenue stability and growth potential. It is essential for investors to keep an eye on the implementation progress and any subsequent orders from other airlines as indicators of broader market adoption.

Suite of advanced avionics includes 3D weather radar, flight recorders and advanced safety systems

FARNBOROUGH, England, July 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Honeywell (NASDAQ: HON) has been selected by United Airlines to provide a wide range of avionics for new 737 MAX aircraft that will enter service over the next decade, including technologies such as the industry's only 3D weather radar, new 25-hour flight data recorders and advanced traffic avoidance systems.

United Airlines first selected a similar suite of Honeywell avionics in 2018 to equip 161 737 MAX aircraft, and this latest agreement builds on Honeywell's reliability in delivering world-class aerospace technology.

"We are proud to continue our long-standing relationship with United Airlines to provide advanced avionics for its growing 737 MAX fleet," said Heath Patrick, President, Americas Aftermarket, Honeywell Aerospace Technologies. "Our technology reduces pilot workload, improves situational awareness and supports dispatch reliability."

United Airlines selected the following Honeywell cockpit technologies for its 737 MAX fleet:

  • IntuVue RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar System is the first automatic commercial radar to accurately depict weather in the flight path of an airplane. IntuVue automatically scans the sky at 17 tilt angles — the most in the industry — and delivers a 3D view of the weather through an intuitive display that pilots can quickly and easily reference.
  • Honeywell Connected Recorder – 25 is made for commercial air transport aircraft to accommodate mandatory flight data and cockpit voice recording. It may result in the potential for better maintenance predictability and operational insight through data analytics.
  • Honeywell's TPA100B Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System and TRA 100B Transponders identify the aircraft to other surrounding aircraft via an airborne collision avoidance system.
  • Integrated Multi-Mode Receiver is the industry's leader in radio navigation and combines satellite- and ground-based navigation systems into one receiver. It helps pinpoint precise airplane locations for efficient landings, especially during difficult and new runway approaches.
  • The ALA-52B radar altimeter assists instrument landings at hundreds of U.S. airports and filters out 5G broadband interference.

About Honeywell

Products and services from Honeywell Aerospace Technologies are found on virtually every commercial, defense and space aircraft. The Aerospace Technologies business unit builds aircraft engines, cockpit and cabin electronics, wireless connectivity systems, mechanical components and more. Its hardware and software solutions create more fuel-efficient aircraft, more direct and on-time flights and safer skies and airports. For more information, visit or follow us at @Honeywell_Aero.

Honeywell is an integrated operating company serving a broad range of industries and geographies around the world. Our business is aligned with three powerful megatrends – automation, the future of aviation and energy transition – underpinned by our Honeywell Accelerator operating system and Honeywell Forge IoT platform. As a trusted partner, we help organizations solve the world's toughest, most complex challenges, providing actionable solutions and innovations through our Aerospace Technologies, Industrial Automation, Building Automation and Energy and Sustainability Solutions business segments that help make the world smarter, safer and more sustainable. For more news and information on Honeywell, please visit


Adam Kress

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SOURCE Honeywell Aerospace


What avionics has Honeywell (HON) been selected to provide for United Airlines' 737 MAX aircraft?

Honeywell will provide a wide range of avionics including the IntuVue RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar System, Honeywell Connected Recorder – 25, TPA100B Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System, Integrated Multi-Mode Receiver, and the ALA-52B radar altimeter.

When did United Airlines first select Honeywell (HON) avionics for their 737 MAX fleet?

United Airlines first selected a similar suite of Honeywell avionics in 2018 to equip 161 737 MAX aircraft.

What is unique about Honeywell's (HON) IntuVue RDR-4000 3D Weather Radar System?

The IntuVue RDR-4000 is the first automatic commercial radar to accurately depict weather in the flight path of an airplane, scanning the sky at 17 tilt angles and delivering a 3D view of the weather.

How does Honeywell's (HON) ALA-52B radar altimeter benefit United Airlines' 737 MAX aircraft?

The ALA-52B radar altimeter assists instrument landings at hundreds of U.S. airports and filters out 5G broadband interference, enhancing safety and reliability.

Honeywell International, Inc.


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